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广西壮族自治区2019年六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(二)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I sent an email to my friends _ the earth. ( )AinBonCfor2 . Who is she? ( )She is my moth_r . AaBeCcDh3 . We _ on the Great Wall. ( )AwasBwere4 . Miss Zhao is _ teacher. ( )Amy a firstBmy firstCfirst myDmy the first5 . -_ do you go to see movies? ( )-Once a week.AHow oftenBWhereCWhenDHow6 . this? ( )Its a picturea pen.AWhat; ofBWhats; of7 . Happy New Year! ( )AHappy New Year!BThe same to you!CA and B.8 . I go to work _ bus. ( )AonBwithCby二、阅读选择阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Kate: What day is it today?Helen: Its Wednesday. What lessons do we have this afternoon?Kate: We have Social Science, English and Computer Studies.Helen: Oh, I like Art very much. But we dont have Art today.Kate: We will have an Art lesson tomorrow.Helen: Great! Do you like Art?Kate: No, I dont. I like English very much.Helen: Its time for class. Lets go.9 . This afternoon, Kate has _ lesson. ( )Aan EnglishBa MathsCan Art10 . Today is _. ( )ATuesdayBWednesdayCThursday11 . _ like(s) Art very much. ( )AKateBHelenCKate and Helen12 . Its time for _. ( )AsupperBrestCclass13 . Kate likes _ very much. ( )AEnglishBArtCComputer Studies三、情景交际14 . 当你想向好朋友介绍你的英语老师时,你应该说:( )AThis is my English teacher, Ms Smart.BHello, Im Ms Smart.15 . 想请对方打开盒子,应该说:( )AClose the door. BOpen the book. COpen the box.四、填空题将下列单词归类。young read salad above cook noodlesold between watch chicken clever beside16 . wash_17 . tomato_18 . tall_19 . on_20 . 根据图片,补全句子:My favourite sport is _ . 五、阅读回答问题21 . 阅读短文,回答问题。I am Sarah. I have three good friends. They are Amy, John and Tom. Amy likes winter, because her birthday is in February. She likes music. She is listening to music now. Johns birthday is on April 4th. Ha, its April Fools Day. He likes sports. Look! He is playing basketball. Toms birthday is in October. So he likes autumn, and he can pick apples in autumn. Is he picking apples? No, he is eating apples. I like spring because spring is very beautiful. What am I doing? I am reading a book.【小题1】How many friends does Sarah have?_ .【小题2】Why dose Amy like winter?_ .【小题3】Is Johns birthday on April Fools Day?_ .【小题4】Is Tom picking apples now?_ .【小题5】What is Sarah doing?_ .六、汉译英22 . 翻译下列句子1.我有一个新玩具。_2.这是什么?_3.这是一辆公交车。_4.我能看看你的新火车吗?_七、选内容补全对话23 . 看图,根据情景从所给的选项A-E中选出最佳的句子补全对话。AHow can I go there?BI think it costs about two dollars.CHow many stops are there?DWhere are you going now?ECan I help you?1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._八、音标题24 . 从句子中选出一个与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词。1. Do you want to go to the river? pig: _2. She wants to eat some chicken. lunch: _3. He likes the drum very much.drink: _4. Its time to write a story.wrong: _5. My mum likes her yellow shoes.ship: _九、书面表达25 . 作文。以“My Foal”为题写一篇作文,可适当发挥想象。要求:句子通顺,语法正确,不少于50个词。_第 6 页 共 6 页


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