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广西壮族自治区2019-2020学年三年级下册期中测试英语试卷(一)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ friend goes swimming at the weekend. ( )AIBMy2 . What time does the zoo close? ( )It _ at 6:00.AclosesBopensCstarts3 . _ did you do last Saturday? ( )I did my homework and washed my clothes.AWhereBWhatCWhen4 . They are making.( )AmasksBmaskCan mask5 . We dont have enough _. So we cant buy it. ( )AmoneyBmonkeyCfood6 . What does your father_? ( )Alook likeBlooks likeClook likes二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,将序号写在括号内。Maybe you like animals. But what do animals eat? Different animals like different food. Its very interesting. The mouse smells(闻) the meat on the table. He wants to eat it in his hole. The dog puts the bone in the yard. He often eats it later. The bird looks for the worms. She will feed it to her babies. The rabbit pulls the carrots from the ground. He will eat it with his friends. The squirrel puts the nuts in the tree trunk. She will eat in winter. The bear catches the fish in the river. She will take them to her children. The frog eats the fly in the air.7 . Where does the mouse want to eat food? ( )AIn the hole.BIn the yard.COn the table.8 . What does the bird eat? ( )AMeatBBones.CWorms.9 . The pulls the carrots from the ground. ( )AdogBrabbitCbird10 . Which of the following sentences is NOT right. ( )AThe bear catches the fish for her children.BThe frog eats the fly in the air.CThe squirrel puts the nuts in the yard.11 . The underlined(划线) word “different” means _.( )A不同的B有趣的C大量的三、选内容补全对话选择正确的选项补全对话。A. Can I try them on?B. Theyre too small.C. Can I help you?D. Theyre just right.E. Here you are.Assistant: 12 . Mary: Yes. The shoes are nice. 13 . Assistant: OK. 14 . Mary: Oh. 15 . Assistant: What about these?Mary: OK. 16 . 四、匹配题17 . 读一读,选出最佳的建议。(_)1.Tom is ill.(_)2.Tom wants to be strong.(_)3.Tom cant go to the zoo today.(_)4.Its cold today.(_)5.Tom is angry.A. He should take a deep breath and count to ten.B. Tom should wear warm clothes.C. He should do more exercise.D. Dont be sad. He can go next time.E. He should see a doctor.A. He should take a deep breath and count to ten.B. Tom should wear warm clothes.C. He should do more exercise.D. Dont be sad. He can go next time.E. He should see a doctor.选出正确的答语。A. No, he is watching TV.B. Theyre on the train.C. Im dancing.D.She is looking at a map.E.I can see two apples.18 . What is Sunny looking at? (_)19 . What can you see? (_)20 . Where are they? (_)21 . What are you doing? (_)22 . Is he reading a book? (_)五、连词成句23 . 连词成句【小题1】Mike, old, nine, is, years (.)_【小题2】is, Frans, tomorrow, birthday (.)_【小题3】birthday, in, is, whose, September (?)_第 4 页 共 4 页


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