重庆市2020年英语五年级上册Module3 、Module4 单元测试卷D卷

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重庆市2020年英语五年级上册Module3 、Module4 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I _ at 11. I go home at 4. ( )Ahave the lunchBam lunchChave lunch2 . Whos that_?( )AmanBwomanCgirl3 . Whats your favourite food? ( )Its noodles.AB4 . He has _ American stamp. Its very nice. ( )AaBanCtheD选出每组中不同类的单词。5 . AgiftBsevenCfive6 . AheadBbodyCear7 . AcakeBbirthdayCbread8 . AyellowBredCcolour9 . ArulerBeyeCpencil10 . -How_she _now? ( )-She feels goodAis;feelBdoes;feelCdo;feel11 . -Your brother looks so sad.Whats wrong with_?( )-He has a _.He cant eat anything.He must go to see the dentist.Ahe; toothacheBhim; headacheChim; toothacheDhe; fever12 . Go to the _and play football. ( )AlibraryBteachers officeCplayground看图,选择正确的单词。13 . ( )AchickenBbeef14 . ( )AfridgeBphone15 . ( )AnotebookBstorybook16 . ( )AbathroomBclassroom17 . ( )AbowlBspoon18 . ( )AauntBcousin19 . I went to Yellow Mountain. Its in _ province. ( )AAnhuiBShandongCJiangsu二、阅读选择20 . 阅读理解。Kate Green is nine years old. She has a bad cold and coughs(咳嗽)day and night. Then she goes to see the doctor. The doctor gives her some cough medicine(药). Here is the instruction(服用说明).Cough MedicineShake(摇动)well before usingTake three times(次) a dayDose(剂量)for each time AgeOver 152 teaspoons(匙量)8141 teaspoon471/2 teaspoon1.Not right for the children under the age of 3.2.Be kept in a cold place.3.Use before 2017.1. How much medicine should Kate take each day?( )A. Half a teaspoon.B. One teaspoon. C. Two teaspoons.D. Three teaspoons.2. What should Kate do before taking the medicine? ( )A. Shake the bottle.B. Wash the bottle. C. Keep the bottle warm.D. Keep the bottle hot.3. Where should Kate put the medicine after she takes it? ( )A. In the bag.B. On the desk.C. In a cold place.D. In a warm place.三、填空题21 . We are going there by car. It will _ (takes/take) three hours.选词填空。A. doing B. is C. listening D. China E. am22 . I _ taking pictures.23 . What are they _?24 . I like _ to music.25 . What _ Lingling doing?26 . My little brother is reading a book about _.根据首字母或中文提示填空。27 . My a_ friend is rabbit.28 . The parrot has a big m_ and a long t_.29 . Rabbits can r_.30 . It has a four l_ and a short t_.31 . The fish have no a_. But they can s_.32 . The bird has two _(翅膀).33 . The dog can run and _(跳).34 . We all have two _(脚).根据句意,用给单词的正确形式填空。35 . It _(be) in March.36 . My mum will _(make) zongzi then.37 . She _(have) a few fun things in spring.38 . We have _(an/a) Easter party.39 . What about you and _ (you) partner?40 . 读句子,选择合适的单词将句子补充完整。1. _(How many, How old) are you?Im six.2. _(How many, How old) candles?3. _(Youre, Yous) ten.4. Count _(they, them).5. This is _(for, to) you.四、单词拼写41 . there(反义词)_42 . 补全单词。1.sn 2.brn 3.blk 4.gl 5.yllw6.hi7.vgtabe 8.pnd9.anma10.rer43 . 根据汉意把下列单词补充完整n _ _gh _ _(淘气的)l_ _ _ _ _ (小的)ab _ _ t(关于)m _ _ _ (很多的)p _ _ n _ _(野餐)b _ _ _ _ _ _ (因为)w _ _ _ _ er(天气)l _ _ _ _ n(学习)t _ _ _(比)s _ _ _ _ _(强壮的)44 . Look and fill in the blanks.(_)45 . 根据汉语提示写出下列单词。1. My dad _ (飞) to Beijing on business (出差) last Sunday. He will be back tomorrow.2. Amy was in China for a long time. She _ (度过) three years here.3. China sent many _ (太空人) into space. And Liu Yang is the first woman.五、匹配题46 . Read and match(读一读,应答配对,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)(_) 1. Do you live with your parents? AVery well. (_) 2. Who do you live with?BI live with my grandparents. (_) 3. How are your parents? CThey are sixty.(_) 4. How old are your parents?DTwice a week. (_) 5. How often do you visit them? ENo, I dont(_) 6. What do your parents do? FGo shopping.六、看图题47 . 看图回答问题:- A _for you.-Thank you.48 . 根据图片写句子:_49 . Answer the questions according to the pictures: Where do you want to go? _.50 . 看图片,写句子:_51 . 看图,写句子:_七、书面表达52 . 写作。我们想要做一个好学生,必须做到语言美、行为美、心灵美等等。请谈谈你是怎么做的。要求:语句通顺,书写清晰、规范。不少于5句。Being a good student_第 8 页 共 8 页


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