长春市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册Unit 3 Holiday fun-Story time练习卷C卷

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长春市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册Unit 3 Holiday fun-Story time练习卷C卷_第1页
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长春市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册Unit 3 Holiday fun-Story time练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _many houses on that street five years ago. ( )AareBwereCbeDwas2 . Nancy_early every day. But she_late this morning. ( )Agets up; wasBget up; isCgot up; was3 . _ is the first month of the year. ( )AFebruaryBJanuaryCMarchAofBatCthan5 . -_ do the children come from?( )-They come from Russia.AWhichBWhatCWhere6 . Lingling wants to _ them. ( )AwearBwearsCwearing7 . _are the horses running? ( )They are running in the field.AWhatBWhoCWhere8 . Im sorry I cant do it. ( )_.ANot at allBYoure welcomeCIt doesnt matterDWell done9 . _ you go to the museum with your father yesterday? ( )Yes.We _ there in the afternoon.ADid; goBDo; goCDid; went10 . We _ go cycling last week. ( )AdontBdidntCwerent11 . _ the party interesting? ( )Yes, it was.AIsBWasCWere二、填空题12 . Fill the blanks.用所给词的适当形式填空1. -Is this _(you) blue T-shirt? No, _(I) T-shirt is red.2. - What is this? Its _(a) exercise book. 3. This is my _(class). We are in the same class. 4. The children have some books in _(they) bags. 5. Look! Our father _(have) a new pink shirt. 6. Please give _ (I) that book.三、汉译英完成下列词组13 . _进展顺利14 . _起初;在开始的时候15 . _大雨16 . _轿车博物馆17 . _拜访他的表兄18 . _举行一个生日聚会19 . _为我抓一条鱼20 . _两张纸21 . _五瓶牛奶四、英汉混合根据所给内容,写出相应的中英文。22 . They_(有一些黄色的芒果) in the basket.23 . We all_(喜欢这些玩具熊猫) very much.24 . I can_(篮球打得很好).25 . _(多少葡萄) can you see over there?26 . Please_(看那些猫和狗). They are cute.27 . They can see_(许多大足球) there.28 . Mum gives me a wonderful robot. _29 . The two boys in the car look so funny. _五、句型转换30 . 根据要求进行句型转换1. They are in Class Four . (变为一般疑问句)_2. My father is making a car. (变为否定句) _3. Sandy and Sue fly their kites . (变为现在进行时)_4. Are there any tomatoes in the refrigerator? (做否定回答)_5. We are playing hopscotch. (对划线部分提问)_六、填内容补全对话根据课文内容补全对话Mike: Where31 . you go32 . the33 . ?Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and34 . my aunt. We35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . and visited the Shanghai Museum. How was your holiday, Mike?Mike: 39 . 40 . 41 . fun. Our family went to a farm near42 . 43 . . We44 . 45 . 46 . and47 . 48 . .Liu Tao: Why49 . you call me?Mike: Because I50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . the fish.第 4 页 共 4 页


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