贵州省2020年英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 What's your father's job_练习卷C卷

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贵州省2020年英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 What's your father's job_练习卷C卷_第1页
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贵州省2020年英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 What's your father's job_练习卷C卷_第3页
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贵州省2020年英语四年级上册Module 6 Occupations Unit 12 Whats your fathers job_练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look at that man. Whats _ job? ( )AherBhisCyour2 . Whose schoolbag is it? ( )Its .AMikeBMikesCMikesDMikes3 . _ can grow food for people. ( )ABuildersBWorkersCFarmers4 . The writer can tell people _.( )AstoryBstorysCstories5 . Do you want to be a teacher _ your sister? ( )AlikeBlikesCliking6 . The reporter can get news _ people. ( )AtoBwithCfor7 . She is good _ English. ( )AatBaCof8 . 选出不同类的一项:( )ApandaBbabyCmonkey9 . Which month do you like best? ( )_. Christmas Day is in that month.AMayBDecemberCApril二、填空题看图选择合适的单词或短语完成句子。A. take a dancing classB. AprilC. go for a walkD. pick applesE. clean my room10 . I am really hard-working. I usually _ on the weekend. 11 . I like autumn best because I can _ with my parents. 12 . What do you often do on the weekend?I always _. 13 . Easter party will be in _. 14 . I often _ after dinner. 根据实际情况,回答下列问题,要求答句完整。15 . Whats your dream?_16 . Whens the Childrens Day?_17 . Will your father go to work tomorrow?_18 . How long do yo do your homework every day?_19 . What day was it yesterday?_20 . What must you not do on the road?_21 . Whens Teachers Day?_22 . What can we do to keep the Earth clean?_三、任务型阅读看家谱图,选择问题的正确答案,把所选答案的大写字母编号写在括号内。23 . How many people are there in Zhang Lins family? ( )A5.B6.C7.24 . What can Zhang Lins grandpa do? ( )AHelp sick people.BBuild houses.CGrow food.25 . Whats Zhang Lins mothers job? ( )AA teacher.BA purse.CA farmer.26 . What does Zhang Lins uncle do? ( )AA builder.BA policeman.CA teacher.27 . Who is a policeman? ( )AZhang Lins uncle.BZhang Lins father.CZhang Lins grandpa.四、填内容补全对话28 . 根据答句将问句补充完整,一空一词:_ any people in the library? No, there arent.第 4 页 共 4 页


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