济南市2020版英语六年级下册Module 6 单元测试卷C卷

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济南市2020版英语六年级下册Module 6 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出与所给单词同类的一项:ride( )AflyBsunnyChot选出不同类别的一项。2 . AsixBsevenCbox3 . AwindowByellowCdoor4 . AzooBtaxiCschool5 . AtigerBzebraCapple6 . AyellowBblueCsix7 . You can see my on the wall.( )ApictureBtableCbed8 . Find the different words.(找出不同类的单词)?(_)?1.?A.?teacher?B.?farm?C.?doctor?(_)?2.?A.?library?B.?playground?C.?computer?(_)?3.?A.?bread?B.?art?C.?music?(_)?4.?A.?first?B.?two?C.?second(_)?5.?A.?next?B.?in?C.?an9 . 找出不同类的单词。【小题1】AhappyBfeelCsadDscared【小题2】AbaseballBfootballCsportsDvolleyball【小题3】AbringBbroughtCsaidDcried【小题4】AcapBdogCcoatDT-shirt【小题5】AwhiteBwhyCwhichDwhose10 . _did he _to Beijing last week? ( )By plane.AHow; goBHow; wentCWhat; goDWhat; went11 . The cake which was left in the oven was _. ( )AashesBburntCblackDsooty12 . My clothes are . Its rainy outside ( )AwetBdryCdirty13 . Suzy likes . She an interesting book last week. ( )Areading; readsBread; readsCread; readDreading; read14 . Where did you have your lunch? ( ) We _ it at the park.AhaveBhasChad二、阅读选择15 . 阅读短文,选择正确答案I had a dream last night. I was a taikonaut. Peter was in my dream. He was a taikonaut too. We were in a spaceship. We saw many stars in space. We went to Mars(火星). Mars was very cold. There was no water and no air. And there were no trees. But there were Martians(火星人). The Martians were very friendly. We became friends and played games. We had a lovely time!( ) 1. Last night I had _.A. a spaceship B. a good dream C. a present( ) 2. It was very _ on Mars.A. hot B. cool C. cold( ) 3. There were(was)_ on Mars.A. Martians B. trees C. water( ) 4. The Martians were _.A. tall B. proud C. friendly( ) 5. We _ with the Martians.A.played baseball B. played games C. played chess三、填空题16 . We didnt _ (make) a model of a paper plane.用所给词的适当形式填空。17 . My father is a _. He can _(drive) very well.18 . We must _(keep) the classroom clean.19 . I can also _(cross) the road with other people.20 . Yang Ling usually _(wait) on the pavement.21 . Follow the rules, and stay _(safe) on the road!22 . There _(be) so much juice in the fridge.23 . Can you _ (see) the red man? Yes, I can.24 . What must Liu Tao _(do) now? He must brush his teeth.25 . Look and write: I am reading _ from my friend.看动词写出过去式形式26 . lose_27 . take_28 . find_29 . see_30 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. When are you_(go)?2. Do you finish_(read)?3. Dont forget_(take) your medicine on time.4. Oh. I_(forget) to bring your umbrella back.5.I hope you can visit_(I) someday.用所给词的适当形式填空。31 . The children _(run) _(slow) in the playground now.32 . There is an _ football match this afternoon. All the students are very _(excite).33 . My sister Mary _(wake) me up early yesterday morning.34 . A dog _(bite) me and I had to see a doctor.35 . Can you _(swim) or _(skate)?36 . My mother _(pour) the water just now.37 . Helen likes _(cook) nice food.38 . _ Liu Tao _(finish) his homework yesterday? No.用所给词的适当形式填空。39 . Many people love _ (Australia) football.40 . My parents and I _ (go) to my grandparents home next month.41 . Liu Tao _ (not brush) his teeth last night.42 . Our classroom is on the _ (one) floor.43 . How about _ (go) for a picnic tomorrow afternoon?44 . It is _ (rain) today. But it _ (be) sunny yesterday.45 . Ben likes _ (eat) nice food.46 . We can find some _ (photo) on the wall.根据提示补全句子。47 . These _are _ (Sarah).48 . I like this _.49 . Are those _ (your)?50 . Is this _ (Amy)?51 . 看图,补全句子:Sam is going to play _.四、单词拼写52 . 根据句意、括号中的中文提示或图片提示,在每个空格处填写一个适当的单词1.I like meat. It l_(看起来) good.2.Its very cold in_. Christmas is in it. 3.My mum never gets me colourful j_.(果冻) She says it isnt good for health.五、排序题53 . Read and order.按照课文内容,将句子排序。(10 %)(_)Robin is in the park. He is stuck in the mud.(_)It is a sunny morning.( 2 ) Robin is going to sit on the grass. An ant stops him.(_) The next day, it is raining.(_) Robin is worried.( 7 ) Robin and the ants are happy at last.(_)The ants are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud.六、判断题54 . Read and write “T” or “F”: pencil(_)55 . 判断单词是(T)否(F)同类:Maths Science Chinese _56 . Read and write (T)or (F):Its sun and hot today. (_)判断图片与单词是(T)否(F)相符。57 . pencil(_)58 . book(_)59 . schoolbag(_)60 . ruler(_)61 . teacher(_)62 . 判断题。(T or F)1. We are go to have a Sports Day. ( )2. Who will run 100 meter? ( )3. Who will do long jump? ( )4. I will try. ( )5. I will taking photos. ( )七、选内容补全对话63 . 用所给单词的适当形式补全短文。every, pick, sweets, too, autumn, mooncakes, like, also, for, inside Halloween is an _ holiday. It means “holy (神圣的) evening”, and it comes _ October 31st. Its a holiday _ children. Every autumn children _ orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put lights _. It looks _ a head. Children _ put on the masks and ask for _.The MidAutumn Festival is an autumn holiday _.The family usually sit together, watch the moon and eat the _.第 8 页 共 8 页


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