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济南市2020版六年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Is he _ an apple? ( )AeattingBeatCeating2 . I like milk, _ I dont like juice. ( )AandBbutCto3 . Li Li is clever than _ in his class. ( )AanybodyBanyone elseCelse anyoneDsomebody else4 . It is windy outdoors. We can _ in the park. ( )Aflying kitesBfly kiteCfly kites5 . Su Hai and Su Yang _ some stickers. ( )AhaveBhasCdont have二、阅读选择6 . 阅读,判断用“”“”表示。Its Sunday afternoon. Mrs Li and her students are going out on a picnic(野餐). Theyre now in the park. Look, the boys are running around the lake(湖). Lily is reading a storybook under the big tree. The girls in the black and white skirts are Jane and Rose. They are playing on the grass. Then a park keeper comes up to them. He points to a sign on the grass. He says: “ Cant you see the sign? You shouldnt walk on the grass.” Jane and Rose say sorry and leave(离开) quickly.1. Its Sunday mornig.2. Mrs Li and her students are having a picnic in the zoo.3. The boys are swimming in the lake.4. Jane is rading a storybook.5. The girl in the black and white skirt is Rose.6. The sign on the grass means “Keep off the grass.”三、任务型阅读7 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。There are four seasons in a year. There are spring, summer, autumn and winter. My favourite season is summer. Because I can swim with my mother and wear my beautiful dresses. I like eating ice cream in summer.In summer ,the weather is hot. I often go shopping with my friends. We often buy some beautiful dresses to wear. I like eating fruit very much. My grandma plants lots of fruit in front of the house. Such as apples, pears and grapes. I like grapes best.( )1.My favourite season is winter.( )2.In summer , I can swim with my mother.( )3.My grandma plants lots of vegetables.( )4. I can buy some beautiful dresses to wear.( )5.I often go shopping with my friends.四、选内容补全对话8 . 选择恰当的词或短语填写在相应的横线上。please; lots of; buy; ask; cantGogo talks to Jenny and Tonys parents.Gogo: 1. _ this for me.Tony: No, Gogo. You should 2. _nicely. You should say please.Gogo: Ah. 3. _ buy this for me. Dad: Im sorry, Gogo. We 4. _. Its too expensive, and you have 5._ toys at home.五、匹配题9 . 从II栏中选出I栏各句的正确答语。I II(_)1.Have some lunch.AYes, it is.(_)2.Is it cloudy?BI have a cold.(_)3.Whats the weather like in Xian?CYes, you can.(_)4.Can I have some soup?DOK.(_)5.Are you OK?EIts rainy.六、连词成句10 . 连词成句1. This, Thames, River, is, the_2. I, on Sunday, Hyde Park, go, to_3. many, river, there, are, boats, the, on_4. book, this, London, a, about, is_5. very, the, old, is, desk_七、书面表达11 . 书面表达。请你用简单的英语来介绍一下你自己!(姓名,年龄,身高,体重,兴趣,爱好等)40个单词左右。_第 4 页 共 4 页


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