济南市2020年英语五年级下册Recycle 2 单元测试卷C卷

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济南市2020年英语五年级下册Recycle 2 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出与其它两个不同类的一项选出不同项。2 . AonBnoCin3 . AcarBbusCmap4 . AfruitBorangeCpear5 . AelevenBsixteenCmany6 . AchairBgrapeCdesk7 . I have two rubbers. _ is yellow and _ is black.AOne; the otherBOne; oneCOne; other8 . This is a picture _ Sam and Amy. ( )AofBoffCin9 . -Is he young?-_, he isnt. Hes old.ANoBYesCNow10 . Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange juice or a bottle of milk?_, thanks. Id like a cup of tea.AEitherBNeitherCBothDNone二、单词拼写根据汉语意思,补全下列单词。11 . _ee(树木)12 . b_d_e(桥)13 . fr_(正面)14 . h_s_(房子)15 . p_t(植物)16 . s_m(游泳)17 . c_too_(卡通)18 . cl_(时钟)19 . ph_(照片)20 . b_s_d_(在旁边)三、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成下列各题。My name is Tim. Today is Wednesday. My parents and me go to the zoo. I see many animals. Monkeys are climbing. Bears are sleeping. A dog is running. Its very happy. This dog is mine. I love him. Today Im happy, too. Because today is my birthday. Its on June 8th. My Aunt Judys birthday is coming, too. She will be 38 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house. She lives in Linyi. We are going to go there by bus. Her birthday party will be on Saturday. We are leaving on Friday afternoon. And we are coming back on Sunday evening. I am going to give my dear Aunt Judy a picture. I can draw a dog and many flowers. Because she likes dogs and flowers. I will have a busy weekend.21 . Read and number. (阅读短文,给图片排序。)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)22 . Read and choose.1. When is Tims birthday? (_)A. June 8th. B. June 18th.C. July 8th.2. Aunt Judys birthday party will be on_. (_)A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday.3. She lives in _, so we are going there by_. (_)A. Linyi; bus B. Guangzhou; plane C. Guangzhou; train4. When does Tim come back? (_)A. Saturday B. Friday afternoonC. Sunday evening四、英汉混合英汉互译。23 . 看电视_24 . 做作业_25 . 踢足球_26 . 画漫画_27 . play the pipa _28 . in front of_29 . on the weekend _30 . listen to music _31 . speak English _32 . baby brother _五、连线题33 . 将下列画线部分发音相同的单词连起来。六、书面表达34 . 一个晴朗的天气,学生们去郊游了,他们都正在干什么呢?想一想,写下来吧。Its a sunny day. The students are having a good time.Look! Sarah and Wu Yifan are_七、其他根据课文内容或实际情况回答下列问题,要求答句完整。35 . How did the men catch the lion?(U1 Storytime)_36 . When does Wang Bing brush his teeth? (U2 Storytime)_37 . Does Yang Ling eat any fruit every day?(U3 Storytime)_38 . What must you do to cross the road safely?_39 . What good habits do you have?_第 5 页 共 5 页


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