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辽宁省2019年六年级上册期中模拟测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_ you often play sports? ( )- No, I _.ADo; dontBAre; am notCDo; do2 . -Howmuch _? ( )-Theyare20yuan.AisitBtheyareCarethey3 . Thereflowers ten years ago. ( )AwereBwasCare4 . Scientists_ the computer a new feature . ( )AgivesBgaveCgiving5 . Amy _ a cold yesterday, and she _ got a headache today.Ahad;hasBhas;hasChas;had6 . Tony_ablueshirt.( )AThereisBhasChave7 . How can I No.2 Hospital? ( )AgoBget toCget to the8 . It was sunny. We _ go out. ( )AcanBcouldCcouldnt9 . Our teacher taught usmore from real life.( )AlearnBhow to learnChow learning10 . I often _ at 5: 30 p. m. ( )Awalk to homeBwalk at homeCwalk home二、阅读选择阅读理解。MyChinesenameisSunHua.Iaml1yearsold,Iamfunnyandshy.Iam helpful, too. I like milk. Its my favourite food, because its sweet and healthy. MyfavouriteteacherisMr.Chen.HeisourEnglishteacher. He is young and strict. My favourite class is English. English is interesting. My favourite day is Sunday. I often do my homework on the weekend. Sometimes. I read books and watch TV. I love weekends! 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。11 . SunHuaisa(an)_. ( )AChineseteacherBstudentCEnglishteacher12 . MrChenis_. ( )Aoldandstrong.ByoungandstrictCkindandold13 . SunHua is _. ( )AfunnyandshyBshyandyoungCfunnyandyoung14 . OntheweekendSunHuaoften_.( )AgoesshoppingBdoesherhomeworkCwashesclothes15 . SunHualikes _ verymuch. ( )AmathsBChineseCEnglish三、填空题16 . 写出能替换划线部分的单词。(答案不唯一)1. I have shoes . _2. This is my pillow._3. Does she have blankets ?_4. You have a notebook ._5. The shirt is on the bed ._四、单词拼写17 . 根据首字母及句意提示,写出单词。1. Please f_ the classroom rules and be a good student. 2. Would you please wait for me? I can f_ the work before lunchtime.3. Everyone should form good learning h_. 4. You should walk q_ in the library.5. Mr. White is a sport-lover and he looks h_.五、任务型阅读阅读理解,阅读邀请函,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Birthday PartyWHEN: October 9th, 8 p.m.WHY: My birthdayWHERE: My homeWHAT: We will dance. We will make a wish. We will sing the birthday song. We will eat a birthday cake.RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at lilyhelpsu.cn by October 1st.18 . The birthday party is on October 1st. (_)19 . The party will start at 8 p.m. (_)20 . Youll read riddles at the party. (_)21 . Youll sing the birthday song at the party. (_)22 . Youll eat noodles at the party.(_)六、汉译英根据汉语提示完成句子。23 . 我们应该保持教室的干净整洁。We _ our classrooms clean and _.24 . 王兵在学校听他的老师的话。Wang Bing _ his teachers _.25 . 我们应该在早上和睡觉前都刷牙。We should _ in the morning and before bedtime.26 . 迈克有时在早上感到困。Mike _ in the morning.27 . 她每天在吃晚饭前完成家庭作业。She _ before dinner every dinner.七、英汉混合英汉互译。28 . taxi driver _29 . 足球运动员_30 . a head teacher_31 . 警察_32 . factory worker_33 . 一位商人_八、句型转换34 . 句型转换1. Sam brings some water quickly.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定的回答)_Sam _water quickly?No,_ .2. He has many good habits. ( 改为一般疑问句 )_ 3. she never goes bed late.(对划线部分提问 )_4. Wang Bing always puts his things in order.( 改为否定形式 )_ 5. He didnt finish his homework.( 改为肯定形式 )_九、匹配题读句子,选答语。A. Wow! Its so fat.B. Shes my mother.C. Welcome!D. Im from China.E. Hes my friend.35 . Hi! Im Amy. Im from the USA(_)36 . Where are you from? (_)37 . Whos that woman? (_)38 . Look at my cat. (_)39 . Whos that boy? (_)第 6 页 共 6 页


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