辽宁省2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 9单元测试卷B卷

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辽宁省2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 9单元测试卷B卷_第1页
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辽宁省2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 9单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . They said they table tennis yesterday. ( )AplayedBplaiedCplay2 . I _ to the theatre last night.AgoBgoingCwent3 . - Whats the matter? ( )- Ive got _ stomach ache.AtheB/Ca4 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AwatermelonBhungryCthirsty5 . Come_,please!( )AaboutBatCon6 . Nancy and Helenduty today. ( )Ais onBare onCare in7 . You need to take _ X-ray first.AaBanCthe8 . Riding a bike is a good wayto school. ( )AgoBto goCGoing9 . I _ it was too cold, and I _ go camping. ( ) Athink; cantBthought; couldntCthink couldnt10 . 选出画线部分读音不同的一项:( )AalsoBonlyCoff二、填空题11 . Fill in the blanks according to the example.bump watch cook fall cut例: cleaned the floor1. _ noodles 2. _ my finger 3. _ TV4. _ off my bike 5. _ my head12 . 看图,选词完成Lily的家谱。AauntBfatherCbrotherDcousin13 . 根据句意填空:Its a picture _the Great Wall.14 . 根据句意填空:What happened _ you?15 . 在横线上补充一个同类单词。1. A. thirty B. twenty C. two_2. A. pretty B. nice C. cheap_3. A. dress B. hat C. glove_4. A. long B. small C. big_5. A. shoes B. glasses C. pants_16 . Read and choose.根据提示,补全对话。beautiful get up with singing springbeautiful get up with singing springToday I have many things(事情) to do. Its Sunday and its a nice day.I _at five oclock and then I do morning exercises. I like _.Because in spring I can hear(听) the birds _and the flowers are _.In the afternoon I go to the park _my friends and have a picnic there. Its a pretty day!17 . 圈出正确的单词,完成句子。1. Are / Do you ok?2. I hurt my / me knee.3. Lets go and calling / call our teacher.4. They can hear a girl cry / crying.5. They run see / to see her.选词填空。happened cut hurt bumped fell18 . Thisboy_hisfinger.19 . Tom_offhisbike.20 . What_toyou,Lingling?21 . Thisgirl_herhead.22 . I_myknee.23 . 填空。1. Hes got a book about _ (中国历史).2. I have got two letters _ (用英语).3. I drew a bird on _ (两张) yellow paper.4. We went to a _ (儿童剧院).用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空A. What B. Where C. When24 . _ did you play?I played in the zoo.25 . _ did you come?I came last month.26 . _ did you see? I saw a tree.27 . _ did you go yesterday?I went to the park.28 . _ did you do last Monday? I went to school.29 . 根据句意选词填空:I hurt my _ ( finger,hair )选词填空。children take Tell to in30 . _ me about your picnic.31 . He lived _ Washington DA32 . I walked _ school yesterday.33 . We saw some _ in the park.34 . Will you _ your kite?35 . She _her finger yesterday. ( cut )三、改错36 . Choose the wrong one and correct:And then wewas hungry and thirsty._A B C37 . 选出句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正:Whatdid you saw yesterday?(_)_A B C38 . Choose the wrong one and correct:Webuy a watermelon yesterday._A B C改错。39 . Dontjumpin the bed. (_)_A B C40 . I goto the park yesterday. (_)_A B C41 . He bumpedhehead. (_)_A B C42 . Did you fall over? No, I did. (_)_A B C43 . Sam felluphis bike. (_)_A B C44 . 找出句子中的错误并改正:Where did you went? (_)四、连词成句45 . 连词成句1. to, go, our, see, friends, we (.)_2. we, some, presents, get (.)_3. do, TV, you, dinner, after, watch (?)_4. go, the, fair, to, we (.)_5. you, to, do, go, park, the (?)_46 . 连词成句。1. put, on, they, the, cups, more, laughed, and, their, heads(.)_2. got, bag, what, you, in, have, your(?)_3. I, lots, mistakes, Chinese, made, with, of(.)_4. I, to, baseball, the, you, bring, wanted, caps(.)_5. are, game, going, we, to, a, have, baseball(.)_连词成句。47 . is/ in/ the/ she/ bathroom (?) _48 . do/ not/ I/ know (.)_49 . their/ where/ is/ room (?)_50 . cat/ is/ in/ the/ the/ box (.)_51 . 连词成句:now, he, teaching, is, English (.) _五、连线题52 . 连线。1. Whats this?a. Its the desk. Its very old.2. Is that your house?b. Its Buckingham Palace.3. Whose house is it?c. No, it isnt.4. Its very old. What is it? d. Yes, very big!5. London is a big city. e. Its the Queens house.第 7 页 共 7 页


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