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沈阳市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:图片匹配B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . ( )AhatBcap2 . - What it is? ( )- _.AA fish.BA budgie二、填空题3 . 用给出单词的正确形式填空。1.Id like _ (buy) a T-shirt.2.How about _(this) blue ones?3.They _ (look) very beautiful. 4.He cant use chopsticks _ (good).5.She_ (have) blue eyes and long hair.三、判断题4 . 判断下列句子与所给图片是()否()相符。(_)1. -What does your father do? -He is a doctor.(_)2. -Where are you from? -Im from the USA.(_)3. We can draw pictures in art class. (_)4. I have noodles for lunch.(_)5. I often visit my grandparents on Saturdays.5 . 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)一致:My mother played the piano.(_)四、匹配题6 . 我是小雷锋,帮下面的小朋友找到他们的书吧(_)1Im not good at maths.A(_)2Im not good at Chinese.B(_)3.Im not good at English.C选出与图意一致的句子或对话,将其大写字母编号写在括号内。A. How many crayons do you have?Six.B. The books are on the table.C. I have four pencils.D. I have a red schoolbag. Its under the desk.E. The two boxes are for you.7 . (_)8 . (_)9 . (_)10 . (_)11 . (_)根据图片选择相应的单词A. B. C. D.E.F. G. H.I. J.12 . hand_13 . duck_14 . egg _15 . fish_16 . panda_17 . book_18 . eye_19 . tiger_20 . ear_21 . pen_根据问句,选择正确的答句。A. OK, Mr Jones.B. Yes, it is. Its time for music class.C. Shes in Beijing.D. Wow! Its time to go to school.E. Its beautiful.22 . Where is Chen Jie?(_)23 . Its 7:30 a.m. (_)24 . Please come on, Tom and John. (_)25 . Look at this clock. (_)26 . Is it 9 oclock? (_)五、连线题27 . 连线。1.sweaterA短裙2.skirtB鞋子3.shoesC裤子4.pantsD帽子5.capE短裤6.T-shirtFT恤7.shortsG毛衣28 . 连线。1.What are you going to do? a. 我准备去看电影。2.I am going to see a firm. b. 我们六月24号有英语考试。3.Is there anything else important this month? c.下星期一是几号?4.Whats the date next Monday? d. 这个月有什么其他重要的事情吗?5.We are going to have an English test on June 24th. e. 你准备去做什么?29 . 选择合适的答句并连线。1. What are these?AThree. 2. Is this your book?BNice to meet you, too. 3. How many pens do you have?CTheyre chairs. 4. Nice to meet you.DTheyre on the playground. 5. Where are they?ENo. My book is green.30 . Read and match.读一读,将前后句连线。(1) Have some fruit.ANo, I dont.(2) Can I have some bananas?BMe, too.(3) Do you like oranges?CThank you.(4) I dont like grapes.DSure! Here you are.(5) I like watermelons.EMe, neither.31 . 连线题。1. on footA地铁2. shipB出租车3. metroC步行4. taxiD自行车5. bike F. 轮船32 . 将左右两边的单词连线,使它们组成新的单词。1. school A book2.story B bag3.bed C board4.black D ball5.basket E room六、其他33 . 将单词和正确的图片连线,并在四线三格中规范书写与图片对应的单词。1. friends a.2. boys b. 3. girls c. 补全单词并选出相应的图片A. B. C. D. 34 . y_u_g (_)35 . _l_(_)36 . s_o_t (_)37 . t_l_(_)第 7 页 共 7 页


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