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南京市2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(一)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Lets_ hide-and-seek. ( )AplayBplayingCplays2 . I wanted to watch TV _ the TV didnt work. ( )AandBorCbut3 . 选择不同类的单词:( )ALos AngelesBThe UKCWashington DC4 . 找出画线部分与其他三个发音不同的词: ( )AteacherBfarmerCserve Dworker5 . _ circles are there? ( )AHowBHow manyCHow much6 . The giraffe is tall and the small cat is _. ( )AtallBbigCshort7 . 字母a读音不同的是:( )AcakeBappleCgrapeDmake8 . 读一读,把画线部分发音相同的单词写在同一组荔枝上。AclockBdrink H.trouble I. walkingJ.quickCtrafficDduckEmorningFdriveGqueen9 . -Do you have a headache?( )-_AYes, I do.BYes, my throat is sore.10 . _ yellow birds? ( ) Four.AHowBWhereCHow many11 . 选出与所给单词画线部分发音不同的一项:forty ( )AshortsBdoctorCsports12 . Ioften_football.AdoBhaveCplay13 . _ your sister like drawing? ( )AIsBDoCDoes二、完形填空完形填空。There is a big old tree _ my house. A blue bird _ in the tree. Its name is Birdy. How old is it? I dont know. Every day I go and _ food to Birdy. The bird sees me and comes _. I put some food in a small box. Birdy comes to the _ and begins to _ the food. How happy it is! After_ it goes back into the _. I give_ food to Birdy every day. Birdy is very friendly to me. We are very good _.14 . AinBnearCon15 . AspeaksBreadsClives16 . AgiveBeatCcount17 . AonBfromCdown18 . AboxBtreeChouse19 . AseeBopenCeat20 . AitBthoseCthat21 . AhouseBtreeCroom22 . AsomeBanyCno23 . AboysBbirdsCfriends三、填空题24 . 在图片的下方选出与之对应名词,将序号按从左到右的顺序写在横线上。_ _ _ _ _四、排序题25 . 给下列句子排序。(_) Hello, Mike.(_) Thank you.(_) Why?(_) These clothes are very boring.(_) Hello, Sally. You look beautiful in your new skirt.(_) Girls are lucky.(_) Girls can wear dresses or skirts. Boys can only wear shorts, trousers and T-shirts.26 . 给下列句子排列正确的顺序。(_) It was great.(_)I danced with my friends.(_)What do you think of the New Years party?(_)What did you do at the party?(_) Sounds great.五、任务型阅读根据上下文内容,填入适当的单词。Liu Tao: I want to write a letter.Mum: Who do you want to write to?Liu Tao: Mike. I want to be his pen friend. I saw his name in the newspaper yesterday afternoon.Mum: Whos Mike?Liu Tao: Hes an English boy. He lives in London. Mike is from 27 . and lives in London. Liu Tao 28 . to write a letter 29 . him. He 30 . about Mike in the newspaper yesterday afternoon. Liu Tao wants to 31 . Mikes pen friend.32 . 根据表格内容完成短文。 Namebefore now Mikego swimming football Jackiceskate go cycling Allencant play badmintoncan play badmintonI have three good friends. Here are their changes:Mike liked summer best before. because he could 1. _. But now he doesnt like it. He likes 2. _very much.Jack liked winter very much before, because he could 3. _. But now he doesnt like it. He loves to 4._.Allen couldnt 5. _before, but now he can play it well. He often plays it with his friends.六、选内容补全对话阅读下列对话,从方框里选择适当的单词填空,把对话补充完整。did, how, went, stayed, Who, What, How longA: What 33 . you do during the summer holiday?B: I 34 . to Beijing.A: Wow. Thats wonderful. 35 . did you go with?B: I went there with my parents.A: And 36 . did you go there?B: We went there by plane.A: 37 . did you stay there?B: We 38 . there for three weeks.A: 39 . do you think of Beijing?B: I think its a beautiful city. And I like the Beijing Duck very much.A: I think I will go to Beijing next holiday.七、连词成句40 . 连词成句(注意标点符号、大小写)。1. are, these, good, friends, (.)_2. is, she, a, very, girl, clever, (.)_3. little, girl, do, cant, her, English, this, (.)_4. the, tall, is, a, bit, boy, quiet, (.)_5. Daming, helps, always, his, sister, (.)_连词成句。41 . What last did night he do(?)_42 . washed I my shoes mothers(.)_43 . you play after Did basketball school(?)_44 . wanted eat a to hamburger She(.)_45 . walking faster is than Flying(.)_46 . 连词成句,注意大小写。1. play, I, often, on, Sundays, football (.)_2. watch, sometimes, they, on, TV,Saturdays (.)_3. have, English, on, Mondays, we (.)_4. on, Wednesdays, do, have, what, you(?) _5. about, what, about (?)_6. day, what, it, today, is (?)_7. is, Tuesday, it (.)_8. often, sports, play, you, do (?)_9. homework, do, I, often, evening, the,in (.) _10.do, often, what, on, weekend, you,do, the (?) _47 . 连词成句。(1) was, before, very, Tony, quiet (.)(2) any, last, there, pet, year, shops, were (?)(3) us, your, tell, about, please, country (, .)(4) dream, a, last, I, good, night, had (.)(5) fast, his, could, friend, run, very (.)48 . 连词成句。注意大小写和标点符号。1. has long he hair ( . )2. lets classroom the clean ( . )3. where the, is picture ( ? )4. vegetables Id like some ( . )5. they are fridge on the ( ? )第 9 页 共 9 页


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