高二英语寒假作业 第八天

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第八天一美文晨读 One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly on the bank. There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream, and listen to the chirps of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees. I would also watch the bamboo trees bend under pressure from the wind and watch them return gracefully to their upright or original position after the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo trees ability to bounce back or return to its original position, the word resilience comes to mind. When used in reference to a person, this word means the ability to readily recover from shock, depression or any other situation that stretches the limits of a persons emotions. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap? Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived the experience to live to talk about it. During the experience you probably felt a mix of emotions that threatened your health. You felt emotionally drained, mentally exhausted and you most likely endured unpleasant physical symptoms. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you close to your breaking point, bend but dont break. Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you. A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant ordeal. With hope for a better tomorrow or a better situation, things may not be as bad as they seem to be. The unpleasant ordeal may be easier to deal with if the end result is worth having. If the going gets tough and you are at your breaking point, show resilience. Like the bamboo tree, bend, but dont break. 二词汇训练1. His mother works in the school library. She is a l_.2. I really appreciate your kindness. That is to say, Im g_ to you for your kindness. 3. The two brothers are very much a_. I cant tell them apart. 4. In spite of all my friends s_, I still like him.5. His spoken English is poor. He may fail the o_ examination. 6. He picked up a _ (纽扣) that had come off his shirt.7. The evidence has _(证实) the first witness story.8. She _ (叹息) as she lay back on the bed. 9. He was found _(有罪的).10. When heated, water can turn into _(水蒸气).三七选五 How can we all get more laughter into our lives? Here is what the experts suggest: 1. Nancy Alguire, a teacher in Clifton Park, N. Y., was once painfully shy and had a hard time laughing. Then she married a circus clown. “I became interested in the clowns,” she recalls “One day I put on a costume and paint my face. That afternoon my whole life changed. I learned to laugh and enjoy life in a way I had never done before.”2To this day, she still makes it a rule to be with people who enjoy life and laughing. 3It doesnt take you too much time and can be easy. Collect favorite cartoons and jokes. Also, keep a paper for writing down humor you find in everyday life. “Good ideas come and go fast, you have to capture them quickly or they are gone,” says Virginia Tooper. Laugh when you need it most. “4” says comedian Bill Cosby. “And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might by, you can survive it,” he insists. Gray Alan, a sociology professor at the University of Minnesota, claims that laughter is a skill we can all gain because it comes naturally.5. Just remember: we are just here for a period, so get a few laughs.AYou can soften the worst blows through humor.BMix with people who laugh.CPractise the art of laughing.DKeep a laughter file.EHe who laughs last laughs best.FBut its also something that has to be developed.GPeoples joy can affect those around them.四阅读理解AAccording to the dictionary definition of “create”, ordinary people are creative every day. To create means “to bring into being, to cause, to exist something each of us does daily”We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First, this includes an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our senses to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture(质地), as well as taste, when we plan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. If we believe the expression,“There is nothing new under the sun”, the creativity is remaking or recombining(重组) the old in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to ask for them to achieve some new results. To think up a new idea is one thing;to put the idea to work is another.These three parts of creativity are included in all the great works of geniuses, but they are also included in many of our daytoday activities.1Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to the passage?ATo prepare for a meal.BTo arrange the furniture in a special way.CTo buy some books from a bookstore.DTo “write” a letter with the computer.2“There is nothing new under the sun” really implies that _.Aa new thing can only be created at the basis of earliest thingsBa new thing is only a taleCwe can seldom create new thingsDwe can hardly see really new things in the world3What does the author think about the relationship between a new thought and its being put into practice?AIts more difficult to create a new thought than to use it in practice.B. To find a new thought will clearly lead to the production of a new thing.CA man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.D. One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.4The best title for this passage is _ .AHow to Develop Ones CreativityBWhat Is CreativityCThe Importance of CreativityDCreativity,a Not Faraway ThingBRelations between Frenchspeaking Qubcois and the Englishspeaking majority in Canada have been the main ethnic issue of the past 40 years. Support for separatist parties increased mainly because of the failure of Canadas other provinces to deal with Qubecs demand to be recognized as a “distinct society(特殊社会)”, with powers to preserve its culture and language from further Anglicization(英语化). Qubecs still controversial (有争议的)1977 language law made French the provinces official language.Twothirds of Canadas population live in the 5% of its land area taking up the Great LakesSt. Lawrence lowlands. However, Canadas ethnic mix has changed a lot since the 1970s, due to a move from a restrictive immigration policy to one which welcomes those with money or skills. Significant numbers of Asians have moved to Canada. The government promotes a policy which encourages each group to maintain its own culture, creating a “mosaic” or a “community of communities”The largest element of the indigenous population is the one million people of native Amerindian descent, known in Canada as First Nations. There are also 300,000 Mtis (FrenchAmerindians) and an Inuit population of some 56,000 in the north. In 1992 the Inuit successfully settled their longstanding land claim, and in 1999 the Nunavut area, with only 27,000 mainly Inuit inhabitants, gained the status of a territory, the first part of Canada to be governed by native Canadians in modern history. A Supreme Court land rights ruling in 1997, establishing the principle of “aboriginal title”, opened the way for the return of ancestral lands claimed by native Amerindian nations, and in 1998 the federal government formally apologized for their past mistreatment.5. This passage is mainly about _ .ACanadas original populationBCanadas policy on ethnic affairsCCanadas main peoples and ethnic issuesDCanadas immigration policy6. The underlined word “indigenous” in the third paragraph probably means _ . Aoriginal Bspecial Cgreat Dforeign7. We can infer from the passage that _ .Athe federal governments language law made French the provinces official language Bthere was not any ethnic issue in Canada in the past 40 years Cother provinces succeeded in dealing with Qubecs demand to be recognized as a “distinct society” Dover half of Canadas population live in the Great LakesSt. Lawrence lowlands8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?AAmerindians are the only native population of Canada.BQubec want to keep their culture and language.CThe federal government didnt apologize for their past mistreatment.DThe native Amerindians established the principle of “aboriginal title”9. What do you think has promoted greatly Canadas ethnic mix?A. Most of its population live in the Great LakesSt. Lawrence lowlands. BSome provinces want to be recognized as “distinct societies”CIts policy that welcomes immigrants with money or skills.DIts strict restrictive immigration policy.五书面表达出身于贫困家庭、带着妹妹上大学的洪战辉的确把中国感动了。12年来,他靠打零工,辛辛苦苦供养生病的父亲和自己毫无血缘关系的妹妹,从而成为人们心中的“道德英雄”。总有一种力量,震撼着我们的心灵。洪战辉自强不息、勇敢面对挫折的精神给你的启示是什么?请用英文写一篇120词左右的短文,向中学生英文报投稿。_第八天二词汇训练1. librarian 2.grateful 3.alike 4.shortcomings 5.oral 6.button 7.confirmed 8.sighed 9.guilty 10.steam三 七选五 B G D A F四阅读理解1-4. CADB 5-9.CADBC五书面表达 The story of Hong Zhanhui, an ordinary college student, has moved China to tears. Over the past 12 years, Hong has managed to support his sick father and his sister, who has no blood relationship with him, by doing various part-time jobs. Now he lives with his 12-year-old sister on campus, taking care of her like a father.Poverty and suffering should not serve as an excuse for begging for sympathy and help from society. When meeting with difficulties, everyone should face them bravely. Many of us dream of becoming successful people, but no matter what you want to be, start from being an ordinary person, be responsible and struggle hard for what you want.


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