高中英语 单元小测6(含解析)外研版选修61

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单元小测. 阅读理解2014江苏无锡高三检测It cant be true that when in Rome do as the Romans do. So heres some necessary information for you on what you can talk with the local people in France, Australia and Switzerland, and different customsW1 of these countries.In FranceYoull find that conversations often turn into heated debates. Give opinions on subjects that you are knowledgeable about. There is rarely a moment of silence, except when the topic under discussion has been exhausting, and nothing new has been introducedW2.Food, art, music and current events or history are welcome topics. The French believe inP1 freedom. You can criticize anyone, but not Napoleon, who is a symbol of French spirit, and never use the standardW3 US. opening remark “What do you do?”In AustraliaAustralians tend to be enthusiasticW4 debaters. A wide range of topics may be open toP2 discussion, includingW5 religion and politics. The best policy, however, is to wait for Australian companions to bring upP3 subjects: be prepared to hear their arguments.Sport is a common topic of conversation in Australian and Australians tend to use sporting comparison. Australian like to criticize themselves, but they cant stand criticism from others.Dont talk bigP4. Australians prefer toP5 judge your competence and abilities through your actions. People who show offP6 their education in conversation may be subject toP7 tease.In SwitzerlandThe Swiss may seem cold. Once you get close to them, however, youll find that they are honest and responsible people, who will be loyal toP8 your interests.S They are good listeners and will remember practically everything you say to them. Sometimes they will even go so far as to take notesP9 while you speak. The Swiss are very private people, so you should avoid asking personal questions. They can be rather serious, so it is advisable to avoid making jokes on them.1. According to the passage, when talking you are advised _.A. to discuss the heated issue with the FrenchB. not to use sporting comparison with AustraliansC. to have the Australians start a subjectD. not to ask people of the three countries personal questions2. We can learn from the passage that _.A. Australians may not show off their education before othersB. Australians like to criticize other peopleC. you can express your ideas for everything you know little about to the FrenchD. you can criticize anyone in France because you have freedom3. What is the theme of the passage?A. How to adapt to the life abroad.B. What to argue about with foreigners.C. How to find better topics.D. What to talk about with foreigners.4. Following the passage, the author would most probably tell us _.A. effective communication with foreignersB. customs of the three countriesC. his or her own experiencesD. how to be a good listener文章分别讲了在法国、澳大利亚的瑞士,适合与当地人交谈的话题以及注意事项。1. C根据“The best policy,however,is to wait for Australian companions to bring up subjects:”可知,最好的做法就是,让澳大利亚人先提出话题。故选C。2. A根据“Dont talk big. Australians prefer to judge your competence and abilities through your actions. People who show off their education in conversation may be subject to tease.”可知,澳大利亚人通过行动来判断一个人的能力,谈话中炫耀自己的教育的人会被取笑。澳大利亚人不会炫耀他们的教育。故选A。3. D根据第一段“It cant be true that when in Rome do as the Romans do. So heres some necessary information for you on what you can talk with the local people in France, Australia and Switzerland, and different customs of these countries.”可知,文章主要是告诉读者,在不同国家,你能谈论的东西。文章主题是,和外国人交谈的内容,故选D。4. B文章分别讲了在法国、澳大利亚和瑞士,适合与当地的人交谈的话题以及注意事项。根据第一段“.and different customs of these countries”可知,文章还会提到这三国的风俗,接下来可能会讲三个国家的风俗。故选B。W重点单词1. custom n. 风俗,习惯 2. introduce v. 介绍,引进 3. standard n&adj.标准,标准的4. enthusiastic adj. 热情的 5. including prep. 包括 P重点短语1. believe in 相信,信任 2. be open to 对开放的,愿接受的 3. bring up 抚养,养大,呕吐 4. talk big 说大话,吹牛 5. prefer to 更喜欢,宁愿 6. show off 炫耀,卖弄 7. be subject to 易受的,常遭的 8. be loyal to 对忠诚 9. take notes 记笔记 S长难句译文:一旦你接近他们,你就会发现他们很诚实,负责任,且忠诚于你的兴趣。剖析:本句为主从复合句,once引导条件状语从句,主句中包含who引导的定语从句。. 完形填空2014江西省九校联考You heard about the sign posted on a farmers fence? On the other side ofP1 the_1_resides the biggest, meanest looking _2_you can imagineW1. The sign is intended toP2 strikeW2_3_into the hearts of wouldbe trespassers. It reads, “Dont attempt to_4_this field unless you can do it in 9.9 seconds. The bull can do it in 10 flat!” Dont try to cross that field unless you are_5_! And isnt that the way it is in life? We have to be ready when the _6_arisesW3 or else we will have little chance of _7_.Sixthgrade school teacher Ms. Shelton believed in_8_. Students remember how she_9_in on the first day of class and began writing_10_of an eighthgrade caliber on the chalkboard. They_11_ protestedW4 that the words were not on their_12_and they couldnt learn them.Their teacher_13_ that the students could and would learn these words. She said that she would_14_ teach down to them. Ms. Shelton ended by saying that one of the students in that classroom could go onP3 to_15_, maybe even be president some day, and she wanted to prepare them forP4 that day.Ms. Shelton spoke those words many years ago._16_ did she know that someday one of her studentsJesse Jacksonwould take them_17_. She believed that if they were well preparedW5, they could achieve_18_ goals. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “People only see what they are prepared to see.”_19_thats true, then it is also true that they only become what they are prepared to become. And a lot of_20_ is just about getting ready.1. A. fence B. river C. village D. hill2. A. tiger B. farmer C. bull D. goat3. A. curiosity B. fear C. desire D. courage4. A. cut B. cover C. enter D. cross5. A. accompanied B. armed C. prepared D. guarded6. A. opportunity B. challenge C. hope D. problem7. A. luck B. victory C. wealth D. success8. A. determination B. readiness C. honesty D. diligence9. A. hurried B. moved C. walked D. broke10. A. words B. poems C. proverbs D. questions11. A. strangely B. quietly C. rudely D. quickly12. A. range B. level C. interest D. requirement13. A. admitted B. announced C. insisted D. complained14. A. never B. instead C. still D. always15. A. position B. career C. service D. greatness16. A. Little B. Seldom C. Much D. Once17. A. easy B. seriously C. completely D. back18. A. final B. proper C. high D. straight19. A. Although B. If C. Whether D. Unless20. A. fan B. fact C. truth D. life文章通过农民篱笆上的标志和Ms Shelton的故事说明我们做好了准备,才能成就目的。1. A考查名词辨析:A项,fence篱笆,B项,river河,C项,village村子,D项,hill山,从上文的:You heard about the sign posted on a farmers fence?可知下文说的是在篱笆的另一边,选A。2. C考查名词辨析:A项,tiger老虎,B项,farmer农民,C项,bull公牛,D项,goat山羊,从下文的:The bull can do it in 10 flat!”可知在篱笆的另一边,居住着你能想象的最大,最吝啬的公牛,选C。3. B考查名词辨析:A项,curiosity好奇心,B项,fear害怕,C项,desire愿望,D项,courage勇气,这个标志是想让过路人害怕。选B。4. D考查动词辨析:A项,cut切割,B项,cover覆盖,C项,enter进入,D项,cross穿过,从下文的:Dont try to cross that field unless you are _5_!可知不要试图穿过这块田,除非你能在9.9秒穿过它。选D。5. C考查动词辨析:A项,accompanied陪伴,B项,armed武装,C项,prepared准备,D项,guarded保卫,不要试图穿过这块田,除非你做好了充分准备,选C。6.A考查名词辨析:A项,opportunity机会,B项,challenge挑战,C项,hope希望, D项,problem问题,当机会来的时候,你要做好准备,选A。7.D考查名词辨析:A项,luck幸运,B项,victory胜利,C项,wealth财富,D项,success成功,否则你就没有机会成功。选D。8. B考查名词辨析:A项,determination决心,B项,readiness准备好,C项,honesty诚实,D项,diligence勤奋,六年级的老师非常相信准备就绪。选B。9.C考查动词辨析:A项,hurried匆忙,B项,moved移动,C项,walked走,D项,broke打破,学生们记得她第一天走进来,选C。10. A考查名词辨析:A项,words话语,单词,B项,poems诗歌,C项,proverbs谚语,D项,questions问题,从下文的:They _11_ protested that the words were not on their _12_ and they couldnt learn them.开始在黑板上写8年级能力的单词。选A。11.D考查副词辨析:A项,strangely奇怪地,B项,quietly安静地,C项,rudely粗鲁地,D项,quickly快地,学生们很快抗议这些单词不是他们的水平,选D。12.B考查名词辨析:A项,range范围,B项,level水平,C项,interest兴趣,D项,requirement要求,学生们很快抗议这些单词不是他们的水平,选B。13. C考查动词辨析:A项,admitted承认,B项,announced宣布,C项,insisted坚持,D项,complained抱怨,老师坚持学生可以学习这些单词,选C。14.A考查副词辨析:A项,never从不,B项,instead相反,代替,C项,still仍然,D项,always总是,她说她不会将这些单词教给他们。选A。15. D考查名词辨析:A项,position位置,B项,career职业,C项,service服务,D项,greatness伟大,从下文的内容:maybe even be president some day,and she wanted to prepare them for that day.可知老师认为这些学生中有人会很伟大,选D。16.A考查副词辨析:A项,Little毫不,B项,Seldom很少,C项,Much很多,D项,Once曾经,她不知道有一天她的学生Jesse Jackson会把它们当真,little用于句首,句子部分倒装,选A。17.B考查形容词辨析:A项,easy容易,B项,seriously严肃地,C项,completely完全地,D项,back后面,take sth. seriouly当真,选B。18. C考查形容词辨析:A项,final最后的,B项,proper适合的,C项,high高, D项,straight直的,她相信如果他们做好充分准备,有一天会成就很高的目标。选C。19.B考查副词辨析:A项,Although虽然,B项,If如果,C项,Whether是否,D项,Unless除非,如果这是真的,他们只能变成他们准备变成的人,选B。20.D考查名词辨析:A项,fan粉丝,B项,fact事实,C项,truth真相,D项,life生活,很多生活就是关于做好准备,选D。W重点单词1. imagine v. 想象 2. strike v&n. 打,击;罢工 3. arise v. 出现 4. protest v. 抗议 5. prepared adj. 准备好的 P重点短语1. on the other side of 在对岸 2. be intended to do 目的是 3. go on 继续 4. prepare sb. for sth. 使某人为作好准备 . 语法填空2014宁夏银川第一次模拟Patient: Thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice, doctor.Doctor: Anything for my favorite patient! Now, what seems to be _1_matter?Patient: Its my vision. I cant see well at night, and _2_I wake up in the morning, it takes me a few minutes before I can see clearly.Doctor: OK. Im going to take a_3_(close) look. Just relax. How _4_ has this been going on?Patient: A couple of weeks. I guess.wow, thats right!Doctor: Does_5_ hurt when I do that?Patient: Not exactly, its just really bright.Doctor: OK. Please, go on.Patient: Well, I_6_ (walk) down to the basement in my house about three weeks ago when I slipped and bumped my head pretty hard on the steps.Doctor:Where exactly did you hit _7_ head?Patient: Right on the back. I heard a loud sound when I hit it, but there was no blood and everything seemed to be okay.Doctor: You didnt get it _8_(check) out then?Patient: My wife said I should, but nothing was wrong,so I thought, why bother? Well,a week passed and all of a sudden I started to have problems with my sight. I first noticed it when I was driving back home _9_work. Its gotten worse over the past week or so.Doctor: Im glad you came to see me. Im going to order some tests, and I want to make an appointment for you to see a specialist tomorrow morning. _10_ (hope), its nothing too serious. 1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._ 本文是一篇有关就医的对话。1. thewhat seems to be the matter?是固定用法,意思是怎么了。2. when句意:我晚上看不清楚东西,并且当我早上醒来时,几分钟以后才能看清楚。所以填when。3. closer句意:我将做进一步的检查。所以用比较级。4. long句意:发生了有多久了?所以填long。5. it句意:当我那样做时,它疼吗?所以填it。6. was walking 表示过去正在进行的动作,用过去进行时。7. your精确地来说,撞到了你的头的哪里?所以填your。8. checked“头”和“检查”之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。9. from我第一次注意是在我工作后,开车回到家。故用from。10. Hopefully修饰整个句子,故用副词形式。.短文改错2014山西四校联考Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class while the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were worry about her. One of the boys carried her on his back, under the help of other students, to the nearest hospital immediately. It turned out that his right leg was broken and she had to be in hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with flower and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapping in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hope that she would recover soon. This Thursday she returned back to the class in a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all deep moved and proud of such responsible teacher.答案:Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were about her. One of the boys carried her on his back, the help of other students, to the nearest hospital immediately. It turned out that right leg was broken and she had to be in hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with her leg in bandages, we felt sorry for her and that she would recover soon. This Thursday she returned to the class in a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all moved and proud of such responsible teacher.书面表达2014山东省荷泽市3月模拟假如你是红星中学学生会主席李明,根据学校安排,你给即将到你校任教的外籍教师Jack推荐一名学生助手(assistant)。请根据所给提示给Jack写封推荐信。1欢迎Jack的到来;2推荐刘佳做学生助手;3刘佳的基本情况(18岁,高三学生,学校十佳学生);4刘佳的特点与特长(活泼、乐观;电脑技能;沟通能力;英语水平等)。注意:词数:120150;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_One possible version:Dear Jack,Im Li Ming, Chairman of the Students Union of Hongxing Middle School. Its great to hear that you are going to teach in our school next semester/term. I was asked to write to you to recommend Liu Jia, a Senior 3 student of 18, to be your assistant. Liu Jia is a friendly, active and optimistic girl. She is also a smart girl who can use the computer skillfully and has a gift for communicating with others. Whats more, she is one of the top ten students in our school, and her spoken English is extremely excellent. Im sure she can be helpful in your work and life in China.If you have any questions about it, please contact me.Im looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Ming


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