高三英语二轮复习 第1部分 专题3 完形填空 训练3 夹叙夹议文(Ⅰ)

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高三英语二轮复习 第1部分 专题3 完形填空 训练3 夹叙夹议文(Ⅰ)_第3页
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训练3夹叙夹议文()A(2016合肥模拟)When you are five years old,your mother is your everything.She is your 1 , friend,and nurse; the only person you rely on 2 with your hopes,dreams,and wishes.But for me,this was not the case.My mother suffered from 3 problems that would keep her in bed for days,leaving me to care for her and look after myself.This situation 4 me to grow up much faster.While I knew my mother was sick,I felt deep down that we could 5 it and everything would be okay. 6 , in 1997 everything went terribly wrong,and my life changed forever.Adoption is a 7 word to a fiveyearold,but when I realized that my own mother had signed me over to 8 , I felt it was the worst betrayal (背叛)I suffered from shock,anger,and confusion as I attempted to adjust to my new family.No longer could I 9 anyone since the person I had loved more than all else had abandoned me.Hearing people tell me that she did it in my best interest,I felt even more 10 I could not forgive her and always 11 how she could reject me like an old sofa.However,the more I got older,the more I began to understand how 12 our situation had been.We had been 13 on boxes of noodles,and at one point we 14 lived in our car.I was once passed from drugaddicted cousins to mentally unstable neighbors as my mother 15 to try and save me from what our lives were becoming 16 each day passed.Only recently have I begun to understand 17 my mother gave me to strangers. 18 she really did save me.She loved me more than anything,so she wanted me to have a 19 in life,one she could no longer offer me.I now know my life has been a special 20 only because she was selfless enough to give me up.本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述了作者对母亲的情感变化他恨他母亲将他送给别人,后来经过种种考虑和经历才理解了母亲,并一如既往地爱他的母亲。1A.hostessBcompetitorCproviderDcandidateC考查名词辨析。根据上文“When you are five years old, your mother is your everything.”可知,母亲在你的生命中扮演着各种角色来照顾你,故选C。hostess女主人; competitor对手;provider提供者;candidate候选人。2A.mainlyBcompletelyCgraduallyDoccasionallyB考查副词辨析。她是唯一一个你可以带着希望、梦想和期望去完全依赖的人。mainly主要地,大体上;completely完全地,彻底地;gradually逐步地,渐渐地; occasionally偶尔,间或。3A.moralBphysicalCsocialDlegalB考查形容词辨析。根据空后的“.that would keep her in bed for days,leaving me to care for her and look after myself.”可知我的母亲生病了,需要照顾。4A.forcedBinspiredCallowedDconvincedA考查动词辨析。在这种情况下,我被迫成长得很快。force强迫;inspire鼓舞,激励;allow允许;convince使信服。5A.stick toBescape fromCdecide onDget throughD考查动词短语。当我的母亲生病的时候我在心底觉得我们会熬过这些艰难的时光,一切都会变得好起来。stick to坚持,粘住;escape from逃脱;decide on决定,选定;get through通过,熬过。6A.OtherwiseBMeanwhileCHoweverDThereforeC考查副词辨析。上文讲到我觉得一切经过我们的努力都会好起来,下文讲到“in 1997 everything went terribly wrong,and my life changed forever”由此可知事情不但没有好起来,还向坏的方向发展了,两个句子之间在意义上是转折关系,因此选C。7A.familiarBnegativeCsimpleDforeignD考查形容词辨析。对于一个五岁的孩子来说,收养也许对他来说是“不相关的,陌生的”,故选D。8A.strangersBcousinsCfriendsDneighborsA考查名词辨析。根据下文“I felt it was the worst betrayal (背叛)”可知,作者的母亲要把他送给陌生人,相当于收养他,故选A。9A.understandBsupportCtrustDpraiseC考查动词辨析。上文提到因为我的母亲想把我送到陌生人家去让别人收养我,所以我感到被背叛了,我不再信任任何人,故选C。10A.worriedBinnocentCscaredDbitterD考查形容词辨析。从人们那里听说她为我争取了最大的利益,我甚至感觉更痛苦。表明作者依旧很恨他母亲,尽管母亲是在为他好,故选D。11A.imaginedBwonderedCrememberedDquestionedB考查动词辨析。我不能原谅她,我经常想她怎么能够随意丢弃我,就像我是一张旧沙发一样。故选B。12A.ridiculousBurgentCdesperateDcomplexC考查形容词辨析。根据下文的“boxes of noodles”, “lived in our car”等可知,作者和他母亲的生活在当时是多么地令人绝望,故选C。ridiculous可笑的,荒谬的;urgent紧急的,紧迫的;desperate令人绝望的;complex复杂的,合成的。13A.focusingBworkingCactingDsurvivingD考查动词短语。我们过去仅靠几盒面条活下来。survive on靠活下来;focus on集中于; work on从事于,对起作用;act on对起作用,按照行事。14A.alsoBevenCstillDyetB考查副词辨析。曾经一度我们没有房子,甚至是在车里度过的。故选B。15A.foughtBlearntChesitatedDtendedA考查动词辨析。由上文的“drugaddicted cousins”和“mentally unstable neighbors”可知我的母亲为了保护我不受环境的伤害而时刻战斗着,故选A。16A.tillBbeforeCasDonceC考查连词。母亲每天都在为让我过上幸福的生活而奋斗着。故选C。17A.howBwhyCthatDwhatB考查疑问词。直到现在我才开始理解为什么我的母亲要将我送给陌生人。故选B。18A.In the long runBTime and againCFor quite a whileDAll at onceA考查固定用法。从长远来看,母亲的确让我过上了好生活,不再受苦。in the long run从长远来看;time and again屡次,常常;for quite a while有一阵子;all at once突然,同时。19A.challengeBgoalCrewardDchanceD考查名词辨析。我的母亲为我长远打算,将我送给别人是希望“我”跟着别人有机会生活得更好,故选D。20A.giftBfactCtestDdealA考查名词辨析。现在我知道我的生活是一份特殊的礼物仅仅是因为我的母亲无私地将我放弃。根据句意,故选A。【导学号:90892067】B(2016广东六校教学联合体统考)Id got a chance to work for two weeks at BBC Radio Leeds.I was shocked for 21 a long time.I couldnt believe it.It was months since Id 22 my application letter.Id 23 that I was one of the 24 applicants applying for work experience.A few days later,I walked around the building for the first time,totally with 25 It wasnt the beautiful studios but the news team that 26 me most.Before my BBC placement (实习工作),Id worked 27 at a local commercial radio.Things there were always in a mess.This was absolutely not the 28 here.The highlight of my two weeks there is that feeling of 29 that the whole team unites and devotes their 30 All that hard work was worth it: you had 31 listeners,insightful (有见解的) interviewees,and all this added to the 32 of the show.Sure,there were tough moments but if you 33 then itll all work out in the end.I 34 plenty of actual work.Researching topics,booking guests,and meeting guests were all things I spent a lot of time doing,but that 35 is not definitely complete and I also 36 a lead story for the breakfast show,too.Im going back to study the final year of my broadcast journalism degree at the University of Leeds soon,but in my mind therell be that 37 of unemployment.Obviously my 38 career is dependent on what opportunities will be in store for me,but 39 theres one thing Ive learnt,its this: I want to work somewhere with a team of people as friendly and fantastic as the 40 at BBC Radio Leeds.这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者讲述了自己在BBC实习的经历及感受。21A.justByetCevenDneverC根据空前的“shocked”和下文内容可知,作者甚至(even)很长一段时间都处在震惊之中。22A.submittedBsubscribedCmentionedDpolishedA根据语境可知,此处表示自作者提交申请信已经数月的时间了。submit“呈交,递交”符合语境。23A.assumedBrememberedCconfirmedDadmittedA依据上文的“I couldnt believe it”可知,此处指作者认为自己是未被录用的不幸的申请人之一。assume“假定,认为”符合语境。24A.excellentBfortunateCunluckyDavailableC参见上题解析。25A.confidenceBrespectCconcernDhesitationB根据语境可知,此处表示作者第一次环绕着(该公司的)大楼散步时心中充满了敬意。26A.satisfiedBtroubledCimpressedDmovedC根据前文中的“It wasnt the beautiful studios but the news team that”和后文的内容可知,此处表示最让作者印象深刻(impressed)的并不是美丽的演播室而是新闻团队。27A.faithfullyBsteadilyCformallyDtemporarilyD在此之前,作者曾经短暂地(temporarily)在一个当地的商业广播电台工作过。28A.standardBmethodCcaseDruleC依据前面的“Things there were always in a mess”和下文作者对BBC团队的肯定可知,在BBC,情况绝对不是这样的。not the case是一个固定表达,表示“情况不是这样的”。29A.prideBchallengeCadventureDfreedomA依据句中的“The highlight of my two weeks”可知,此处是作者对这里的员工的赞誉,故选pride。30A.effortsBvaluesCpersonalitiesDlivesA根据语境及前文的“unites and devotes their”可知,此处指整个团队团结努力。effort“努力”符合语境。31A.stableBenthusiasticCtalentedDhumorousB根据后文中的“insightful(有见解的)interviewees”可知,此处表示有热情的听众和有见解的受访者。32A.creativityBdiversityCpopularityDsecurityC所有这些使这个节目很受欢迎。popularity“流行,受欢迎”符合语境。33A.promiseBadaptCsucceedDpersistD上文的“tough moments”和下文的“itll all work out in the end”说明,此处表示只要坚持下去,最终困难都能够得到解决。persist“坚持”符合语境。34A.introducedBundertookCmonitoredDguidedB由后文的“plenty of actual work”可知此处应选undertook,表示作者承担了很多工作。35A.listBdescriptionCsituationDresponsibilityA根据上文的“Researching topics,booking guests,and meeting guests”可知,此处表示当然这个清单(list)并不是完整的,并不是作者所有的工作内容。36A.made upBworked onCtook inDpicked outB根据语境可知,此处表示作者也从事过头条新闻的工作。work on“从事于”,符合语境。37A.inspirationBeffectCcauseDthreatD依据后文中的“unemployment”可知,这里指作者很快就要重返学校了,但是作者心中依然受到失业的威胁。threat“威胁,恐吓”符合语境。38A.chiefBtypicalCfutureDidealC根据上文可知,作者现在还是一个在校学生,因此这里指作者未来的工作。故选future。39A.whenBsinceCthoughDifD如果有一件事是作者学习到的,那就是这件事。根据语境可知,此处要用if“如果”引导条件状语从句。40A.journalistsBvolunteersCgraduatesDactorsA根据语境可知,此处指作者想和像BBC的新闻工作者(journalists)一样友好和优秀的团队共事。C(2016河南六市联考)When I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back,I reacted like most who receive a cancer diagnosis and the first thing that came to mind was a “death sentence” 41 ,instead of complaining,I decided to look for the 42 side of it.I realized that I was about to 43 a new beginning.I knew that I had to develop and gain 44 from all my experiences.Even with the pain I had to 45 through each diagnosis,and all the 46 Ive dealt with all my life,I still felt truly lucky.I 47 myself that I still have my life,so why am I to 48 ?One day,I had an unusual experience.I turned that experience into a 49 and I called it “Peace”Writing had become therapy(治疗) for me.I took that poem,along with many others I had 50 during my breast cancer period and placed them in book form.I was 51 enough to have that book published.I later had another inspirational childrens book 52 ,with a third one 53 Im hoping that anyone who has the chance to read my first book of poems will benefit from it.My poems are from the heart,and I wish to have a positive 54 on someone whos ill.I 55 believe when you survive a serious 56 like cancer,its for a reason,and I want to live to 57 exactly what that is for me.Thats what Im all about now,inspiration.I would have 58 become a writer,producing inspirational poems and stories,if I had not gone through all that I did.Im a true example that you can 59 cancer,as long as you have faith and allow that faith to 60 your path.本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者患了癌症,但没有抱怨,而是通过写诗歌和小说来阐述人生,最终她战胜了病魔。41A.HoweverBBesidesCThereforeDOtherwiseA上文说,作者对于患上癌症首先想到的是“死亡判决”;下文说,作者并没有抱怨。据此可以判断,空处前后文之间是转折关系,故A项正确。42A.badBoppositeCrightDpositiveD根据该句中“instead of complaining”可知,作者没有选择抱怨而是决定寻找积极的一面;D项意为“积极的”,符合语境。43A.markBmissCfaceDfindC根据语境可知,作者将面对新的开始。C项意为“面对,面临”,符合语境。44A.advantageBstrengthCknowledgeDskillB根据该句中的“from all my experiences”可以判断,作者决定从自己的经历中获得战胜癌症的力量;B项意为“力量”,符合语境。45A.expressBhideCgoDbearD根据该句中的“with the pain”可知,作者要忍受癌症的痛苦;D项意为“忍受”,符合语境。46A.chancesBstrugglesCdecisionsDbusinessesB根据该句中的“Ive dealt with all my life”并结合前文作者对患癌症的叙述可以判断,B项“挣扎”,符合语境。47A.persuadedBshowedCremindedDtaughtC根据语境可知,作者提醒自己,自己仍然活着;C项意为“提醒”,故C项正确。A项意为“说服”;B项意为“展示”;D项意为“教”。48A.complainBencourageCdisappointDpleaseA根据第一段最后一句中的“complaining”并结合语境可知,A项正确。B项意为“鼓励”;C项意为“失望”;D项意为“取悦”。49A.poemBnovelCdiaryDplayA根据下文的“I took that poem”可知,作者将那次经历写成了一首诗;A项意为“诗歌”,符合语境。50A.readBlearnedCwrittenDcollectedC根据上句中的“Writing”可以判断,这些诗是作者在患癌症期间写的,故C项正确。51A.confidentBluckyCcarefulDshockedB根据该句中的“enough to have that book published”可以判断,作者足够幸运,出版了自己的诗集,故B项正确。A项意为“自信的”;C项意为“仔细的”;D项意为“震惊的”。52A.publishedBtranslatedCtypedDreviewedA根据上句中的“have that book published”及本句中的another可以判断,作者又出版了一本书,故A项正确。B项意为“翻译”;C项意为“打字”;D项意为“审查”。53A.in the darkBabove the averageCahead of timeDon the wayD根据该句中“another.with a third one.”可以判断,第三本书将要出版;on the way意为“即将发生”,符合语境。54A.impressionBinfluenceCresultDconclusionB作者的诗歌源于心灵,作者希望它们对病人有积极的影响。have an influence on为固定短语,意为“对有影响”,故B项正确。A项意为“印象”;C项意为“结果”;D项意为“结论”。55A.hardlyBhonestlyCtrulyDwidelyC作者真的相信,你能从像癌症这样的重疾中存活下来,这肯定是有原因的。C项意为“真正地”,符合语境,故C项正确。56A.accidentBdiagnosisCdisasterDdiseaseD根据该句中的“like cancer”可以判断,这里指像癌症那样的重疾,故D项正确。57A.look forBfind outCconcentrate onDpick outB根据该句中的“its for a reason”可知,作者要弄清楚对他来说那是什么。B项意为“弄清楚,弄明白”,符合语境。A项意为“寻找”;C项意为“全神贯注于”;D项意为“挑选”。58A.everBalreadyCjustDneverD根据语境可知,如果不是癌症,作者肯定不可能成为作家,写出鼓舞人心的诗歌和故事,故D项正确。 59. AcureBdevelopCsurviveDtreatC根据前文第三段最后一句中的“survive”可知,作者是从癌症中存活下来的真实例子,故C项正确。60A.directBcrossCfollowDwalkA根据该句中的“your path”可知,只要你有信念,并让信念指引你的方向,那么你就可能会战胜癌症。A项意为“指引”,符合语境。【导学号:90892068】


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