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13.请向你妈妈致谢Please say thanks to your mother四语法:系表结构Unit5 topic2重点单词与短语,句子一 单词:1.害羞 shy 2.发送、邮递 send 3.感觉、感情 feeling 4.经验、经历experience5.紧张 nervous 6.外地人 stranger 7.接受 accept 8.拍手 clap 9.年长的elder10.理解understand 11.忧伤sadness 12.不公平unfair 二短语1.对。严格 be strict with 2.别紧张take it easy/dont be nervous 3.没能成功做。 fail to do 4.。失败fail( in )sth5.讲笑话 tell jokes 6.给。一些建议 give sb some suggestions 7.做。很正常Its normal to do8.听轻音乐 listen to soft music 9.像。一样。 as as 10.像平常 as usual 11.习惯做be/get used to doing12.处理 deal with 13.拒绝做 refuse to do 14.尽管 even though 15.不再no longer/not any longer16.和。交谈 have a talk with/talk with 17担心 worry /be worried about 18.感谢。做。Thank you for doing 19.做的不好do badly in 20.在。的年龄at ones age 21.做。有困难 have difficult doing 22。在。的帮助下 with the help of =with ones help三 。句子1.有事吗?anything wrong? 2.似乎是什么问题What seems to be the problem?3.时光飞逝 How time flies 4.一切变了Everything has changed5. 她正在洗手间哭因为她英语考试没考好She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam6.他感到很孤独因为他没有朋友来交谈。He feels lonely because he has no friends to talk with.7.我生活的和以前一样快乐I live as happily as before 8.莉莉和我一样可爱Lily is as lovely as I 9.我不如莉莉勇敢I am not as brave as Lily 10.我不习惯这的一切I am not/dont get used to everything here/四语法:1.asas /not as as /not soas2.原因状语从句。because Unit5 topic3重点单词与短语,句子一单词:1.影响affect 2.老板 boss 3.护照 passport 4.特别 especially 5.悬挂hang 6.眼泪 tear 7.想法thought 8.地震 earthquake 8.话题topic 9.噪音 noise 10.杂志 magazine 11.丈夫husband 12.妻子wife二短语1.冷静:calm down 2.吃苦药 take bitter medicine 3.感到厌倦 feel bored 4.进行考试have a test5.做演讲give the /a speech 6.选。做班长 make sb monitor 7.与。相处(融洽)get along/on (well)with8.好心情in a good mood 9.入睡 fall asleep 10.保持好情绪stay in good spirits11.仔细考虑think over12.做决定make a decision 13.决定做。decide to do 14决定。事情decide on sth 15.一种。感.a sense of16.将要死了be dying 17.对。感到难过 be sorry about+N/to+v/18.害怕做。be afraid to do/of dong19.勇敢点be brave 20.遵医嘱 follow doctors advice 21.康复 get /be well 22.使。瞌睡 make sb sleepy 23.让。振作cheerup24.无了许多功课miss a lot of lessons 25.在月末at the end of the month 26.轮流做。take turns to do 27.自学learn by oneself/teach oneself28.照顾好 take goof care of 29.为。感到高兴 be pleased with 30.笑对生活smile at life 31表演 put on32.给。一个惊喜 give sb a surprise 33.就像 just as 34.在回家的路上 on the way home/to shcool 35卧病在床be ill in bed36.和。在一起be with 37.和。团聚 get together with 38.从。得到帮助get help from39.回到get back to。三句子1.像这样多久了。How long have you been/felt like this 2.它使我感到紧张It makes me nervous3.让我们给。一个惊喜 Lets give a surprise 4.让我们为它做准备吧Lets prepare for it5.穿红衣服使我积极Wearing red makes me active 6.我讨厌去医院I hate to go to school 7.我妈妈和同事相处融洽 My mother gets along well with 太吵了,我睡不着Its too noisy for me to fall asleep9.在做决定之前要仔细考虑Think it over before making a decision.四语法:make/let 用法 Make sb+n/adj/v Let sb+vUnit6 Topic1一 单词1交通工具vehicle 2.任务task 3 .商量、讨论discuss4.卧铺sleeper5.电影院cinema6.旅馆hotel7.冰箱refrigerator8,。条件、状况condition9.舒服的comfortable10.人person11.普通的共有的common12.美元dollar13.卖sell 14.安全的safely15.寺庙temple16.当地的local二短语1.去春游go on a spring field trip2.查明find out 3.总计in total 4.筹钱raise money 5.看日出see the sunrise 6.定。的票book a ticket to/for 7.预定房间make a room reservation 8.标间standard room9.算出10.想出办法、找出答案come up with 11.在中午at noon 12.在。的顶部at the top of13.盼望做look forward to doing 14.收到。的来信hear from15.一。就。As soon as 16.在白天in the daytime 17.去。参观。天go on a .visit to. 18.在电话中over the phone 19.双人间standard room with two bedsfor two person 20向。要。Ask sb for sth 21.告诉.做.tell sb to do 22.在山脚at the foot of 23.户外in the open air 云海the sea of cloud 25三句子1我有一些令人兴奋的消息要告诉你们I have some exciting news to tell you2骑自行车将要用掉我们几天时间到达那里It will take us a few days to get there by bike3.你的任务是查明坐公交车的费用Your task is to find out the cost by bus4.我想预定房间I want/would like to make a room reservation 5。王老师告诉我们不要向父母要钱Mr Wang told us not to ask our parents for money 6.我们为什么不举行展示来筹钱呢 Why not put on a show to raise money? 7.让我们寻找一些费用的信息Lets find out some information about cost8.我们还有其他的交通工具来选择There are other vehicles for us to choose 9.到泰山坐火车需要多少钱/时间?How much /how long does it cost/take to reach Taishan by train 10我们有着每张145元的硬卧票。We have tickets at 145for hard sleeper.四语法:动词不定式(to+v)1.It is +adj+to do /It takes sb 时间+to do (形式主语结构)2. The best way /time/place +to do(.的,作定语)3.主语+be +to do(表语)4.want/would like/stop/hope/beg/ choose/ expect /hate/help/ need/wish/decide/fail/plan/forget/+to do(宾语)5.ask, allow, permit, advise,expect, invite, encourage,teach, tell, want,wait for, wish, would like / love)+sb+to do (做宾语补足语)。6what, which, who或疑问副词how, when, where, why+to do等。 Unit 6 topic 2一单词:1.对话dialogue2.完美perfect3.标记mark 4.骆驼camel 5 .东方(的)east(ern) 6.北方(的) 7.观光tour 8.空间space9.注意到/布告notice 10.跳动/打败beat 11.巨大huge 12.在旁边beside 13.卫兵guard 14.认识到/实现realize二.短语:1.收到明信片receive ones postcard 2.当然You bet 3.去野营go camping 4.的开始the beginning of 5.踩在上 step on 6.看不见out of sight7.忍不住做 cant help doing 8.忙于做be busy doing 9.为做准备 prepare for 10.在度假be on vacation 11.做计划 make a plan 12.和一块来 come along with13.骑自行车 ride a bike/by bike/on a(ones) bike14.占地面积 spread over an area of 15.在道路的两边on both sides of road16.在古(旧)时in old days 17.确信 make sure 18.面朝南face south 19.背靠山have mountains behind 20.顺便说一下by the way21.辨别是非tell good from bad 22.对惊讶be surprised at 23.四面八方in all directions 24.冲出来 rush out 25.抬起头raise ones head 26一就 as soon as 27对满意 28.上车get on 29下车get off 30.代表/象征stand for31.对叫喊 shout at 32.快乐地做have fun doing 33.向求助 三.句子 1.当你在享受你的旅行时,我在为考试做准备呢_you were enjoying you trip,I _ _ _ my 2.当他到达时,我想让你见见他I _ _ you _ _him _he _.3.在他到来之前,你能帮我做一个参观北京的计划吗?Would you help me_ _ _explore Beijing5.直到有人叫他,他才抬起头来He _ _ his head _someone called.6.三个男孩一见到对方,就高兴地跳起来_ _ _ three boys saw _ _,they all _.7.那将很有趣 It _ _great fun8.步行需要两个半小时 Its about _ _ _ _ _ _./_ _ _9.杭后位于临河的西部Hanghou _ _ the west of Linhe.10.我们忍不住鼓起掌来We _ _ _ .作文:旅游1. Last Sunday(Saturday,) ,it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,)2. I got up very early (late). After breakfast I went to with my friends by bike, bus,3. We enjoyed ourselves。4. We forgot the time. We didnt come back until 5 oclock。5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy。6. I thought I would never forget this trip。7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays。8. We visited a lot of places of interest。9. We had a good time there。10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and cheap。Paul got on the bus to go to the town. It was very _1_, and he had to _2_ for a few minutes. Then some of the people got _3_. Paul sat down _4_ to a fat woman. She _5_ several shopping bags, and Paul didnt have much _6_ in the seat. He wasnt comfortable(舒服). At last the bus got to the town. All the people started to get off. Paul was very _7_, so he stood up to _8_ the fat woman get off before him. She said, “Thank you.” Then she tried to _9_ out of the seat with all her bags. But she _10_ move. She was stuck(粘住)!( )1.A.empty B.busy C.crowded D.dirty( )2.A.sit B.stand C.sleep D.lie( )3.A.down B.off C.on D.up( )4.A.last B.beside C.nearby D.next( )5.A.sold B.bought C.had D.enjoyed( )6.A.place B.bought C.space D.time( )7.A.polite B.rude C.worried D.clever( )8.A.make B.ask C.tell D.let( )9.A.leave B.stay C.keep D.get( )10.A.didnt B.had to C.did D.couldntUnit6 topic3一单词1.乘客 2.疯狂 3.不可能的 4.死亡 5.奔跑 6.摩托车 7.困难8.勇气 9.带领 10.平坦的 11.成绩 12.挑战 13.确定的 14.阶段/舞台15.冠军 16.天空 17.包括 18.欧洲 19.毛衣 20.村庄 21.在里面二.短语1.减速 2.告诫做 3.继续做 4.再一次 5.受伤 6.习惯 7.绕城 8.节约能源 9.空气污染 10.随地吐痰11.(向右)急转弯 12.对面方向 13.撞在墙上 14.奔向15.得到罚单 16.(遵守)违反交通规则 17.拐错弯18.全世界 19.使用做 20.避免(防止)做 21.同向成功的道路22.一两天 23.穿越 24最终结果 25.几米之外三.句子1.如果人们遵守交通规则,事故就会更少._people _the traffic rules,_ _ _ _ accidents2.当我第一次到达时,任何地方我都害怕骑自行车_I first arrived,I was _ _ _my bike _3.停自行车是很容易的 _ easy _the bikes4.为了避免撞到卡车,年轻人撞到了墙上,._ _ _ the traffic,the young man _ _ the wall5.然而,他通向成功的道路并不平坦._,His _ _ _ wasnt _6.击败他的七次的记录似乎是不可能的._ _ _ _ beat his seven-time record.The telephone rang and Sue answered it. “_1_ I speak to Mrs Potts, please?” a man asked. “Im _2_ youve got the wrong number,” Sue said. “Im sorry.” The man said. A few minutes passed _3_ the telephone rang again, Sue answered it. It was the same man. He had made _4_ again. Three minutes _5_ the telephone rang once more. Mother heard the noise. “Why _6_ you answer the phone, Sure?” she called. “Oh, all right,” Sue said. “Im sure its _7_ man again,” But she was _8_. It was her father and he was very _9_. Sue had him _10_ long.( )1.A.Do B.Must C.May D.Need( )2.A.afraid B.afraid of C.afraid to D.be afraid( )3.A.but B.so C.or D.and( )4.A.mistake B.a mistake C.mistakes D.an mistake( )5.A.later B.latter C.ago D.before( )6.A.didnt B.dont C.not D.doesnt( )7.A.so B.that C.this D.as( )8.A.wrong B.right C.fool D.clever( )9.A.happy B.hungry C.angry D.tired( )10.A.waiting B.standing C.to wait D.to standThe telephone rang and Sue answered it. “_1_ I speak to Mrs Potts, please?” a man asked. “Im _2_ youve got the wrong number,” Sue said. “Im sorry.” The man said. A few minutes passed _3_ the telephone rang again, Sue answered it. It was the same man. He had made _4_ again. Three minutes _5_ the telephone rang once more. Mother heard the noise. “Why _6_ you answer the phone, Sure?” she called. “Oh, all right,” Sue said. “Im sure its _7_ man again,” But she was _8_. It was her father and he was very _9_. Sue let him _10_ long.( )1.A.Do B.Must C.May D.Need( )2.A.afraid B.afraid of C.afraid to D.be afraid( )3.A.but B.so C.or D.and( )4.A.mistake B.a mistake C.mistakes D.an mistake( )5.A.later B.latter C.ago D.before( )6.A.didnt B.dont C.not D.doesnt( )7.A.so B.that C.this D.as( )8.A.wrong B.right C.fool D.clever( )9.A.happy B.hungry C.angry D.tired( )10.A.wait B.stand C.to wait D.to stand26.


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