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成都市2019版九年级上学期9月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . That boy shouldnt eat _ meat because he is _ fat.Amuch too; too muchBmuch too; much tooCtoo much; much tooDtoo much; too much2 . He didnt know _danger the man had to face at the sea.Ahow muchBhow manyChow oftenDhow heavy3 . Please take_the rubbish when you go_.Aout, inBout, outCin, out4 . Must I sing the song Live It Up at the party next weekend? No, you _. You _ sing others like You Raise Me Up.Acant; mustBmustnt; canCmay not; mustDneednt; may5 . Linda studies hard every day. She _ play outside if she_homework.Awill; doesnt finishBwon t; doesnt finishCwont; finishes6 . About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the _.Atwo fifths; 1980Btwo fifths; 1980sCsecond five; 1980sDtwo-fifth; 1980s7 . I at ten oclock in the evening.Ahave breakfastBget upCgo to bedDhave lunch8 . Donald Trump visited China in November, 2017. It was his first timeChina.AvisitBvisitedCvisitingDto visit9 . She was _ excited _ she couldnt fall asleep. Then she feels like _ some letters.Atoo, to; writingBso, that; to writeCtoo, to; to writeDso, that; writing10 . The TV in your room is still on. Oh, I forgot _.Aturning it onBturning it offCto turn it off11 . Nancy _ eat a lot of snacks between meals, but now she _ green food.Aused to, is used toBused to , used toCis used to, used toDis used to, is used to12 . - Would you like me _ you?- Yes, thanks.AhelpBto helpChelps13 . (题文)_ is the pay phone?Its next to the post office.AWhenBWhoCWhereDWhy14 . I decide _ out quickly. Would you mind _ the door for me?Ato go; to openBgoing; openingCto go; openingDgoing; to open15 . Peter won first prize in the competition. His parents felt very.ApatientBsmoothCcommonDproud16 . I like art because its _.AdifficultBnot interestingCrelaxingDnot good17 . After discussing, the students _ some good ideas to work on the project.Aput upBcaught up withCcame up withDset up18 . A talk on Chinese history _ in the school next week.Abe givenBhas been givenCwill be givenDwill give19 . After finishing your paper, look it over to _ there are no mistakes.Athink aboutBtry outCfind outDmake sure20 . Remember _ to my daughters dance show next Friday.Of course I will. Ill never forgot _ her dance for the first time last year.Ato come; to seeBcoming; to seeCto come; seeingDcoming; seeing21 . (题文)Jenny likes to play_ piano, and she is one of_ most famous pianists in our school.Aa; anBa; theCthe; aDthe; the22 . Judy, do you know ? By speaking more and reading a lot.Awhere to learn EnglishBwho to ask for help with EnglishChow to improve EnglishDwhen to learn English23 . If you want to drive on Mars, you can buy a car which _.Afloats in the airBfloat on the airCfloating in the airDfloats on the air24 . She answer questions in class, because she is afraid ofmistakes.Adoesnt dare; to makeBdoesnt dare; makeCdare not; to makeDdare not; making25 . _warm and rainy weather it was last November in Shanghai!AWhatBHowCWhat aDWhat an26 . Do you think our city a lot since ten years ago?Yes, the road is wider and the buildings are more and higher.AchangedBhas changedCchangesDwill change27 . He practices swimming for two hours a day and now he can swim_me.Aso well asBas good asCas well asDso good as28 . -_.-Fine ,thanks.AHow are you?BHello!CHow do you do?DGood morning!29 . My cousin _ the English Club for almost three years. He speaks good English now.AjoinedBhas joinedCwasDhas been in30 . The children must _.Alook afterBbe taken good careClook the sameDbe taken good care of31 . She will leave her homework _the teachers desk after school today.AfromBtoCforDon32 . _her husband,she has now become a famous film star.AThanks toBThanks forCWith the help33 . _Tom _Alice are interested in this cartoon movieANot only;but alsoBNeither;norCBoth;andDEither;or34 . _ phone number is 894-6732.AIBHerCJack35 . Whats this _ Chinese?AinBatCon二、完型填空Professor Green, known to the world as a scientist, is not only absent-minded but short-sighted as well. His mind is always busy scientific problems and seldom notices what is going on him.One fine day recently, he wenta walk in the countryside, but as he has a book in his hand. When he went out , he began to read his book . He hadnt gone far he run into a big cow and fell down. In the fall, he had lost his glasses, without which he couldnt see anything. He thought he had hit his head a fat lady. “Im sorry, Madam.” He said politely searching for his glasses. As soon as he had , he realized his mistake.Soon he was fixing his mind on his bookand paid no attention to anything else. He had scarcely been walking for five minutes when he fell over again, both his book and his glasses. This time he got very angry, seizing his umbrella, he gave the “cow” a wild blow. Then, after finding his glasses, he realized with horror that he made a second mistake. A large fat woman was fleeing from him in a horror.36 . Ato thinkBthinkingCthinking aboutDto think of37 . AwithBaround Cfor Dat38 . AforBtoCtowards Dover39 . AalsoBoftenCeverDusual40 . AwhenBwhileCjust thenDat that time41 . AtoBagainstCaboutDonto42 . AafterBinCbeforeDduring43 . Aput it onBtaken them offCput them onDtaken them out44 . AalwaysBagainCusually Dvery much45 . AholdingBgettingCfindingDlosing三、阅读单选Roy Chapman Andrews was an American explorer born in 1884. He liked traveling to different places and studying animals. Andrews wanted to find fossils that would tell him more about early humans. Instead, he found something that changed what everyone thought about dinosaurs.Andrews and his team made many trips to Asia during the 1920s. There, they found dinosaur fossils, as well as fossils from different mammals (哺乳动物), including a type of early rhinos (犀牛). Andrews sent his discoveries to the American Museum of Natural History in New York. They liked what he found and encouraged him to keep searching.Andrews most interesting discovery was made in 1923 in the Gobi Desert. He and his team became the first, people to find dinosaur eggs. Until this discovery, scientists werent sure whether dinosaurs laid eggs or gave birth to live babies.In 1927, the Boy Scouts (童子军) of America made Andrews an honorary Scout. He was the first person to receive this award. Today, Andrews is regarded as a model explorer and adventurer.46 . Why did Andrews want to go to Asia in the 1920s?ATo learn more about early humans.BTo discover dinosaur eggs.CTo find new lands to live on.DTo become a Boy Scout.47 . Why did the museum in New York want Andrews to keep exploring?ABecause they liked his discoveries.BBecause he was earning a lot of money.CBecause he was not welcome at home.DBecause he hadnt found enough about early humans.48 . What happened after Andrews discovered the dinosaur eggs?AHe discovered an early type of rhinos.BHe was given an award by the Boy Scouts.CHe took a trip to Asia.DHe began working at the museum.49 . Which of the following shows the correct order of the events?a. Andrews and his team found dinosaur eggs. b. Andrews and his team found dinosaur fossils.c. Andrews was awarded a prize. d. Andrews sent his discoveries to the museum in New York.AbcdaBadcbCabcdDbdac50 . Which of the following is an opinion?AAndrews traveled to Asia during the 1920s.BAndrews discovered an early type of rhinos.CAndrews most interesting discovery was dinosaur eggs.DDinosaurs didnt give birth to live babies.51 . Which subject in an encyclopaedia does the entry probably go into?AEarth HistoryBAmerican ExplorersCOceans & Animals.DEarly HumansDo you like eating icecream? Do you know how icecream spread in the world? The earliest ice was eaten in China many years ago. People put fruit juice into ice. Later, this idea spread to Italy. Nero, the emperor of Rome between 54 AD and 68 AD, liked to eat ice between violin lessons. He ordered runners to run to the mountains, get snow and quickly run back to the palace. The snow was mixed with fruit juice and honey. Around 1660, coffee shops serving icecream were very popular in Paris. Most of the coffee shops were owned by Italians. The first successful one was opened by a man from Italy named Francesco Procopio. Icecream was brought to America in the early 1700s, and it quickly became the favorite of American presidents. George Washington had icecream machines in his kitchen. Dolly Madison, the wife of President Madison, was the first one to serve her guests icecream in the White House. Before icecream was sold in stores, it was made and frozen(冷冻) at home. It took lots of work to mix cream, eggs, fruit, ice and salt, and then to freeze it. Nancy Johnson, an American woman made the handturned icecream freezer in 1846. Five years later, Jacob Flusell opened the first icecream business in Baltimore, Maryland. His business quickly spread to other states.52 . People in China and Italy ate ice with _ many years ago.AcreamBcoffeeCfruit juiceDeggs and salt53 . We can learn from the passage that Dolly Madison _.Abrought icecream to AmericaBwas once the president of AmericaCopened the first icecream business in BaltimoreDwas the first one to serve the guests icecream in the White House54 . How did icecream spread in the world?AChinaItalyFranceAmerica.BChinaFranceAmericaItaly.CItalyChinaFranceAmerica.DAmericaFranceItalyChina.55 . The passage mainly talks about _.Ahow to make icecreamBthe history of icecreamCwhy people like eating icecreamDicecream shops around the worldA hare was very popular with the other animals who all said they were her friends. But one day she heard the hounds(猎犬) getting close and hoped to escape them with the help of her many friends. So, she went to the horse, and asked him to carry her away from the hounds on his back. But he refused, because he had important work to do for his master. He felt sure that all her other friends would come to help her.She then came to the bull, and hoped that he wouldrepelthe hounds with his horns(角).The bull replied,” I am very sorry, but I have an appointment with a lady; but I feel sure that our friend , the goat, will do what you want.” The goat, however, feared that his back might do her some harm if he took her upon it, The sheep, she felt sure, was the proper friend to ask for help.So she went to the sheep and told him the situation. The sheep replied, “Another time , my dear friend. I do not like to have anything to do with it , as hounds have been known for eating sheep as well as hares.”The hare then went, as a last hope, to the calf(小牛),who regretted that be was unable to help her , as did not like to take the responsibility(责任)upon himself. By this time the hounds were quite near, and the hare started to run and luckily escaped.56 . What do we know about the hare?AShe was strong enough to face all the dangers.BShe was friendly and all animals loved to help her.CShe was ready to help the other animals when necessary.DShe got along well with the other animals and had a lot of friends.57 . What happened to the hare one day?AThe horse carried her away on his back.BHer enemy came near and she was in danger.CShe had an argument with her friend,the bull.DThe goat hurt her when taking her upon his back.58 . What does the underlined word “repel”mean in Chinese?A击退B厌恶C排斥D拒绝59 . What do you think of the sheep?AHelpless.BBrave.CFriendly.DSmart.60 . What does the story want to tell us?ADont judge a book by its cover .BOnes mind works fast in time of danger.CSometimes enemies can become good friends.DHaving too many friends means no friends sometimes.四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词)61 . We had the dress with the white spots in your size yesterday.(改为否定句)We _ the dress with the white spots in your size yesterday.62 . Tom began to work as a postman several years ago.(保持句意基本不变)Tom _ worked as a postman _ several years.63 . My sister never gives up her English.(改为反意疑问句)My sister never gives up her English, _?64 . They can buy videos in Fun Videos on the third floor.(对划线部分提问)_ they buy in Fun Videos on the third floor?65 . pocket money, never, wastes it, a lot of, has, Although Simon, he, (,.)(连词成句)_.五、填写适当的单词补全句子在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。66 . If you go to visit London, dont forget your _ because it rains a lot.67 . There are _ new words in the book so it is easy for you to read.68 . In our school eighty _ of the students like playing computer games.69 . Annas father is a_. If theres something wrong with your teeth, you can ask him for help.70 . It was late. She opened the door _ because she didnt want to wake up her grandma.六、多任务混合问题While many young people were enjoying the summer vacation, Zach Bonner was working his hardest. Zach started walking from Valrico, Florida, his hometown, on Christmas, 2009. He reached Los Angeles nine months later in September, 2010. He covered a total of 2,478 miles and raised $120,000 for kids in need. Along the way, Zach attended school online. His mother, brother and sister took turns to walk or drive together with him.Although he is very young, Zach has a long history of helping others. When a terrible storm hit town in 2004, Zach, when six, pulled a wagon(小推车)through his community and collected food for people in need.He has raised $400,000 for his Little Red Wagon Foundation since then. It gives money to projects which help homeless children. In 2007, Zach began walking to support a childrens charity(慈善组织)in Tampa, Florida. He finished his journey 23 days later, 280 miles away in Tallahassee. Then in the summer of 2009, hetrekkedabout 670 miles from Atlanta to Washington, D.C., in just two months.“As long as there are homeless kids, I will never stop walking for them.”Zach says.71 . What did Zach do during the summer vacation in 2010?AHe stayed at home to look after his family.BHe travelled to his hometown with his family.CHe joined in a school activity with other kids.DHe walked to collect money for kids in need.72 . We can learn from Paragraph 2 that Zach.Abegan to help people at a very early ageBmade money to pay for his educationCenjoyed playing around in his communityDworked very hard for his family73 . At what age did Zach start walking to support a Tampa childrens charity?AAt six.BAt nine.CAt eleven.DAt twelve.74 . The underlined word “trekked” in Paragraph 3 probably means “”.A延伸B挖掘C跋涉D飞行75 . Which of the following best describes Zach?AFriendly and shy.BSilly but lovely.CKind and helpful.DClever but lazy.七、英汉互译:单词/短语76 . It seems that many people all over the world drink _.(中国茶)77 . Nowadays, Chinese government pays more attention to _. (食品安全)78 . Abing was a talented musician who could play many kinds of _(乐器).79 . Whenever I meet difficulty, my mothers simple but warm words always encourage me and make me feelconfident. (_)80 . More and more people buy things through shopping websites on computers. (_)八、话题作文81 . 近年来,中小学生的健康问题日益引起人们的关注。其中垃圾食品、电子游戏等是影响健康的重要因素,请以“Keep Healthy”为题谈谈你的看法。要求:1列举中小学生面临的健康问题。2谈谈如何才能保持健康。3词数不少于70,开头已给出,不计入总词数。4内容可适当发挥,要求语法运用正确、逻辑通顺、语言表达流畅。提示词:junk food, be bad for, computer games, suggestions, stay away fromKeep HealthyToday some students have more and more health problems.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、英汉互译:单词/短语1、八、话题作文1、


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