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兰州市2019-2020学年中考二模英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文6选5短文还原阅读短文,从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文通顺完整,衔接自然。“Homestay is a form of studyabroad program. It allows the visitor to stay with a local family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitors language ability. If you wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience, you should join this kind of holiday.1 . ”. Said a teacher during a school meeting last term.After this meeting,2 . . At last, I had such a chance to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates last month. We went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family (寄宿家庭)was a white couple who had a daughter about my age.3 . . They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from then on.4 . . After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sightseeing trip to different places of interest like Big Ben. London Bridge, and Beckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it.5 . . Three weeks later, we had to leave “home” for Hong Kong.AYes, time really flew fastBI am sure you wont be disappointedCI always thought about this kind of holidayDIt took me 8 hours to fly to LondonEThey treated me as a daughter of their familyFThe holiday was filled with activities every day二、完型填空When Harold got up one morning, he looked from the window, He saw that the ground _ with snow. On the side of the house ,the snow was _ than Harold.“We must have a path through this snow,”said his father. “I would make one _ I had time. But I must be at the office early this morning. Do you think you _ make the path, my son?” he asked little Harold. “I? why? The snow is higher than me! How could I ever cut _ path through that snow?” “How ? You can do it little by little . I hope you will try. ” said the father. Then his father left _ his office.Later, Harold set to work. He threw up first one shovelful(一铲), and then another, _ it was slow work. “ I dont think I can do it ,mother,” he said _. “A shovelful is so little ,and there is so much snow.” “Little by little, Harold.” said his mother .”That snow fell little by little ,but you see how much it _.” Yes, mother, I see,” said Harold .“If I throw it away little by little, it will soon be gone.”So he worked on .When his father came home to dinner, he was pleased _the fine path. The next day was Harolds birthday,and the father gave little Harold a pen,with yellow letters “Little by Little ”on it.6 . AcoversBcoveredCis coveredDwas covered7 . AhighBhigherChighestDthe highest8 . AafterBbeforeCifDwhether9 . AcouldBshouldCmightDwould10 . AaBanCtheD/11 . AtoBatCforDas12 . AandBbutCsoDor13 . AdisappointedBdisappointedlyCconfidentDconfidently14 . AmakesBwill makeChas madeDmade15 . AhearingBto hearCseeingDto see三、阅读单选Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals(哺乳动物). They live in groups and speak to each other in their own language. But they are quite different from almost all land animals. Their brain is as big as mens and they live a long life-at least 20 or 30 years.Like some animals, dolphins use sounds to help them find their way around. They also use these sounds to talk to each other and help them find food. They do not use their ears to receive sounds, but use the jaw the lower part of the mouth.It is strange that dolphins are friendly to men, and for thousands of years, there are many stories about dolphins and men. In the 19th century, in a dangerous part of the sea near New Zealand, there was a dolphin. The seamen liked him very much and gave him a very good name, Jack. From 1871 to 1903, Jack met all the ships and boats in the area and showed them the way. In 1903 a passenger on a boat with the name of The Penguin shot(拍照) a long time in the area. Jack guided the boat The Penguin until the passenger finished.Today, some people still kill dolphins, but many countries in the world now protect them. Dolphins are humans friends. Lets all be nice to them.16 . How do dolphins find their way?AThey use their noses to smell the way.BThey use their ears to hear the the way.CThey use their eyes to see the way.DThey use sounds to find the way.17 . The underlined word “jaw” means _ in Chinese.A下颚B嘴巴C嘴唇D鼻子18 . Who was Jack?AThe writer.BA dolphin.CA seaman.DThe passenger.19 . The dolphin guided the ships for about _.A32 yearsB9 yearsC41 yearsD23 years20 . According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?ADolphins are not fish.BDolphins are kind and friendly to people.CDolphins dont live in groups.DDolphins can live a long life.Hey, Jina!Im so glad youre coming to stay with me the day after tomorrow! Let me give you some directions from the airport. You can also download a Tube map from the London Undergrounds website(www.tfl.gov.uk). Anyway, I hope you understand my instructions! From Heathrow Airport, get on the Tube - theres only the Piccadilly Line there. Youll pass a lot of stations, but you need to get off and change at Piccadilly Circus. From there, you should take the Bakerloo Line to Oxford Circus. Its only one stop, so dont miss it! At Oxford Circus, you have to change again. You need the red Central Line. Its a bit complicated, so you make sure you will get the right platform(站台). Head to Marble Arch. Its just two stops away - the one after Bond Street. My house is really near Marble Arch Station - its really convenient. Just give me a call when you arrive and Ill come and get you!Its not the shortest route here, but I think its the simplest. If you have any problems, just ask the other passengers. The Tube staff(职员)will always help you, too. If you have difficulty understanding what they say or none of them can give you any help, call me at once!Looking forward to seeing you soon.Love,Sally21 . Jina is coming to stay with Sally on _.AAugust 3rdBAugust 4thCAugust 5thDAugust 6th22 . Jina can find _ Tube line(s)(地铁线)from Heathrow Airport.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour23 . The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to(指)_.Athe red Central LineBBakerloo LineCthe platformDOxford Circus24 . If Jina has any problems, she can get help from some people except(除了)_.Athe other passengersBthe Tube staffCSallyDthe police25 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the-e-mail?AJina should take a plane to London first.BSallys house is near Bond Street.CThe route isnt the shortest one.DJina should call Sally when she arrives.26 . Which of the following best fits the subject(主题)of the e-mail in the blank?Athe friendly London Tube staffBan introduction to London TubeCthe way to my homeDinformation about travelling in LondonThere are about 6,000 languages that people are speaking around the world. But 43 percent of these languages are dying out, according to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 联合国教科文组织).This has many reasons. One is that some communities of native speakers of the languages are gone, HuffPost reported. These people sometimes leave their communities and move to cities or towns.Whats more, to get better education and jobs, young people have to focus their attention on learning dominant (占主导地位的) languages rather than their own languages. Dominant languages are like English, French and Mandarin (普通话).Once a language dies, it hardly comes back to life. Governments across the globe are taking action to prevent this.In New Zealand, the government has said it wants more than 20 percent of the countrys population to be able to speak Maori (毛利语) by 2040. The country plans to provide Maori lessons in all New Zealand schools by 2025.China is also trying to protect its languages. About 130 languages are spoken in China, more than the number of ethnic groups (民族) in the country. In 2015, the government started a project to record all the languages spoken in China, Xinhua reported. Universities like Minzu University of China have created minority language majors (专业) for their students.27 . How many languages worldwide are in danger of dying out?AAbout 2580 languagesBAbout 6000 languagesCAbout 3420 languages28 . According to this passage, why might a language die out?ABecause schools dont offer lessons for it.BBecause its too hard to learn.CBecause it is used less in daily life.29 . How does New Zealand make more people to be able to speak Maori?ABy providing Maori lessons in all schoolsBBy making people back to the countriesCBy creating minority language majors for students in the university.30 . What does the underlined word this mean in paragraph 4?AThe learning of dominant languages.BThe fact that some languages are dying out.CAction that is taken to save endangered languages.31 . According to the passage, which of the following is true?ALanguages are disappearing fast in New Zealand.B130 languages are endangered in China.CMaking recordings is a way to protect languages.I have a hobby. I like collecting (收集) postcards. Do you know about postcards?Postcards have about 170 years of history in the UK. By the 20th century, it had become a cheap and popular way to travel by train. More people went on holiday to the seaside. There were no cellphones, so they sent postcards to let others know they arrived safely. Those postcards were usually seaside pictures, such as beaches and delicious food like fish and chips.Today, most postcards picture local scenic (当地的风景) photos or drawings. Others may be funny, with jokes on the front.People usually write words to show they miss someone on their postcards. They usually end with “Thinking of you”. The most famous (有名的) postcard words are “Wish you were here”.Modern postcards also have English humor (幽默). They often make fun of the English weather. For example, some postcards show the rain pouring down on an empty beach. This kind of humor keeps postcards popular in England.32 . What can we NOT know from Paragraph 2?AHow long history postcards have.BWho invented postcards and made it popular.CWhy people liked to send postcards in the 20th century.DWhat kind of things you can see on postcards.33 . Today, usually there are _ on postcards according to the passage.funny jokeslocal animalsdrawings delicious foodlocal scenic photosABCD34 . Which of the following may most people write on postcards?ALove you forever.BThinking of you.CWish you were here.DBest wishes for you.35 . What can we know from the passage?AYou can show your good living habits by postcards.BIn the 20th century, people liked travelling by train.CNowadays people like drawing pictures on postcards.DEnglish trains keep postcards popular in England.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。36 . Too much homework and too many exams are the main _(原因)of the stress among teenagers.37 . Hey! Relax! No one will _ (make someone do something they do not want to do) you to do that if you are not willing to.38 . She has four free _(a performance given by musicians or singers ) tickets, will you come and join us?39 . The Spring Festival is a _ (传统的)festival in China.40 . Is everybody here today? No. Daniel is _ from school because of his illness.五、语法填空Avoid being a crime victim(受害人)Visiting a new city can be exciting, but every big city has crime. Nevertheless, that shouldnt stop you from 41 . (have) a great time. Here are some tips so that you dont become a victim.Lets start with the obvious. Day or night, dont hang out in areas 42 . dont seem safe. And remember: Its always better to be with other people than to be alone.We all want to look our best, but its not a good idea to wear an expensive watch or 43 . (value) jewelry in public. Carry those in a pocket or bag where no one can see44 . (it).Dont act like youre from out of town. Walk like you live there! Pay attention to your “personal space,” and know 45 . the people around you are doing. Headphones are cool, but lets face it, you cant pay attention to others while youre listening to music.Always bring your phone46 . you, but dont make it easy for the bad guys 47 . (steal) it from you. Wait to call or text until youre inside 48 . restaurant or some other safe place. Before you take any photos, be aware of whos nearby.Be especially49 . (care) if you use an ATM or cash machine at a bank or when youre buying souvenirs or tickets. Dont let other people see your money.There are millions of people who visit50 . (city) all over the world every day. Still somewhere will probably become the victim of a crime. But it doesnt have to be you!六、材料作文51 . Write a passage of at least 6 sentences on the topic “A Visit Plan to(以“一次去地方的旅行计划”为题写一篇不少于句话的短文,标点符号不占格.)Use the following points as a reference(以下内容仅供参考)Suggested questions: 1.Where are you going to visit?2.Who will go with you?3.How are you going there?4.How long are you going to stay there?5.What are you going to see/do there?6.Do you think you will have a good time?第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、补全短文6选51、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、语法填空1、六、材料作文1、


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