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八年级上学期12月学科竞赛英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ will the conversation begin?_ six oclock.AHow long; Not untilBHow long; UntilCHow soon; Not untilDHow soon; Until2 . -I cant remember the words all the time .-_?AWhy not writing them downBWhy not write down themCWhy not write them downDWhy not writing down them3 . The river runs quickly and Frank is _ to walk it on the ropewayAafraidBfreeCeasyDinteresting4 . _he is busy, _he helps us often.AThough, /BThough, butCBut, thoughD/ , /5 . There _rain in the south of China every year.Ais manyBhas manyCis muchDhas much6 . Do you know_there is a restaurant around here?AthatBifCwhereDwhat7 . Please walk as _as possible because students are having a test right now.AquietlyBmore quietlyCmost quietlyDthe most quietly8 . It _ directors from CCTV more than a year to shoot (拍摄) the documentary The Third Polar.AcostBspentCtookDpaid9 . I got a 70 in the English exam. What about you?I did _ than you. I only got a 59.AbestBbetterCworstDworse10 . Tom and I_ members of the Music Club.AamBisCareD/11 . The boy rushed _ the classroom _ his ball.Ato;to getBinto; to getCto;getDinto; get12 . Hes had the toy since he was a little boy, and he likes it better than_in his room.Athe other toyBany other toyCanother toyDany toy13 . There _ a great number of visitors to Disneyland in Shanghai in the coming holiday.AisBareCwill beDwere14 . Do you like playing basketball or volleyball? . I enjoy playing soccer.AEitherBBothCNoneDNeither15 . Among these children,Jim has_life and he lives_.AThe most happy;most happilyBthe happiest;most happilyCthe happiest;happiest16 . They are talkingmy parentsmy study.Awith, toBto , withCwith, aboutDabout , with17 . “exercise every day, my son. Its good for your health. ”Dad often said to him.ATakesBTakingCTakeDTo take18 . Youd better _ Amy about itIts a secretAnot to tellBnot tellCtellDto tell19 . I was _ tired _ I fell asleep as soon as I lay down.Oh, you need to have a good rest.Atoo, toBso, thatCenough, toDsuch, that20 . - Everybody is playing outside. Can I join them, Mom?- _ Not until you have finished practicing the piano.AWhy not?BWill you?CI hope soDIm afraid not.二、完型填空One day Daddy and I went out_did we see? There_驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get_Then a policeman came. _donkey is this? he asked. It s_, said a farmer, but I_move it. The policeman and the farmer did_best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We laughed, but the_of the cars and the buses were_. We cant move the donkey, the farmer and the policeman said. What shall we do?Give him a carrot, my father said._.Soon he found a_and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw a carrot, it jumped up and walked after the farmer._the cars and buses could get past at last.21 . AforBfromCatDon22 . AsawBlookedClooked forDwatched23 . AenjoyedBhadCplayedDgave24 . AWhenBWhereCWhatDWhich25 . AisBwasChasDhad26 . ApastBtoConDup27 . AWhoBWhosCWhichsDWhose28 . AmineBmeCyouDmy29 . AcanBcantCcouldDcouldnt30 . AhisBherCtheirDits31 . AdriversBworkersCridersDteachers32 . AworriedBhappyCgladDpleased33 . AHesBShesCWhich isDThats34 . AcarrotBcatCdogDcamel35 . ASome ofBLittle ofCAllDFew of三、阅读单选The advice tolet goof negative (消极的) feelings is repeated in yoga classes and self-help books. Now a new study suggests it really brings lasting health advantages. Those who had a hard time getting over daily troubles had more physical health problems ten years later.If you are likely to think over daily troubles-running through every what if and if only- it makes you feel thats a big deal. Maddux said, “You probably find you feel even worse after a night of thinking. If that cycle is repeated over time, it will wear you down.The study results are based on 1,155 people who took in a national health study. Each day, the people described their feeling changes over the past 24 hours. During the 10-year mark, only 17 percent of the people have no physical health problems, and only 20 percent are satisfied with their physical strength. But those who always say they have negative feelings because of daily troubles are more likely to have the physical problems, the finding showed.People can be likely to have bad feelings for a longer time for many reasons. For some people, worries or anger could drive it. Many others naturally have a more nervous feeling or are likely to think over and over again. But even if you are born to be negative, that can be changed.Yes, its hard to let go, Leger said. But people can develop that skill through practice, in which you train the mind to pay attention to the present, rather than worries about the past.Paying attention to the present, especially on things you are grateful for, has been shown to have several advantages, Leger said.36 . What does the study result show us?A1, 155 people say they have physical health problems.BDuring 24 hours, people never change their feelingsCOnly 17% of the people have no physical health problems.DOnly 20% dont feel quite good about their physical strength.37 . The underlined expression that skill in Paragraph 5 refers to _.Aasking what if”Bletting it goCcaring about the pastDthinking over and over38 . The purpose of the passage is to _.Aintroduce different kinds of negative feelings.Bhelp people know about the national health studyCteach readers the ways to let the negative feelings goDask people not to think over too much about the daily troubles39 . Which part of the magazine is the passage most probably from ?ATechnology PartBAdvertisement Part.CHealth Study PartDChemical Research Part.阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。ASo, lets imagine you are walking down the street drinking a box of tea. You finish drinking the tea. Now, what do you do with the box? Do you drop it on the ground? Or, do you do the right thing and drop it in a trash can? Hopefully, you drop it in the trash can because, besides harming the environment, littering is also very impolite.Recently, a magazine published a list of the most polite cities in the world. They looked three things: did people litter, did shop clerks say thank you and did people hold the door open for the person behind them? The top three politest cities were New York, USA, Zurich, Switzerland, and Toronto, Canada. Hong Kong, China was number 35. Shanghai wasnt even on the list.Does that mean that Shanghai is not a polite city? Well, maybe. There are different ways to judge(判断) politeness but the survey was looking at how a visitor to a city would feel when walking around its public places. Visitors dont like to step over empty tea boxes as they walk down the street. They dont like it when they buy something and the shop clerk doesnt say thank you or even give them a smile. They also dont like it when someone lets a door slam(砰然关上) into them instead of holding it open.Shanghai is a nice city but it is not always the most polite city. I dont think this is intentional(有意的). I think its just a lack of awareness(缺乏意识). China is becoming a popular place for tourists to visit. When they come to Shanghai they will find a friendly city: it would be nice if they also found a polite one. And, remember, being polite makes you feel good, too. Its nice to be nice.40 . The following cities EXCEPT _ are on the list of the most polite cities in the world.AShanghaiBTorontoCNew YorkDZurich41 . How many cities are mentioned in this passage?AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.42 . Why is Shanghai not always the most polite city in the survey?ABecause people there dont realize the importance of politeness.BBecause people there are not friendly enoughCBecause the food there is not delicious.DBecause the city is too old.43 . In the survey, it is looked to be impolite _.Ato give visitors a smileBto drop tea boxes into the trash canCto say thank you to visitorsDto hold the door closed for visitors44 . The writer mainly wants to tell us _.Anot to drink tea in the streetBto hold the door open for anybodyCto remember to be polite in public placesDto travel to the most polite cities more oftenSometimes we feel good, such as when we get good grades or when something good happens. Sometimes we feel bad, such as when we argue with our classmates or when the teachers criticize us. Both kinds of feelings are common. Of course, we all enjoy good feelings, but when we feel unhappy, sometimes we dont know what to do about it. Here is a plan that will help you when your feelings are bothering you.I. ACCEPT your feelings. Say to yourself, “I am sad.” “I am seared.” “I am angry.” “I am embarrassed.” Its all right to have these feelings.2. RELAX and have a rest before you act. Take slow deep breaths (呼吸)and relax your body. Imagine that you are in a safe place. You can listen to some music or sing a beautiful song!3. THINK about ways to help yourself. Thinking helps you do something smart instead of hurting yourself or making things worse.4. DO something to help yourself. Maybe you can talk to someone, or do something you enjoy. If it doesnt work, go back to Step3.45 . We feel unhappy when .Awe get good gradesBeverything goes wellCsomeone is proud of usDwe have a fight with our classmates46 . If you want to relax yourself before you act, you can .Asay to yourself, “I am sad.”Blisten to some music or sing a beautiful songCthink about ways to help yourselfDwatch thrillers with your friends47 . The underlined part (划线部分) “If it doesnt work,” in the passage probably meansAIf it is brokenBIf it cant interest youCIf it is wrongDIf it cant help you48 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AWe felt good when we won the prize in the competition.BWe felt bad when we lost our expensive things.CWe can say to ourselves that we are pleased when we feel bad.DWe can tell someone about our bad feelings when we are sad.49 . The passage tells us .Awhat we can do when we feel unhappyBwe can do nothing when we feel badCwe all enjoy good feelings, but bad feelings are unusual to usDwhat we can do when we feel happy四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词50 . Linda is my _(同班同学).51 . These two notebooks are the _(相同的)color.52 . I _(爱)my parents very much.53 . My brother _(只;仅)plays basketball after school.54 . I play soccer _(和在一起)my friends.55 . I like watching TV because its r_.56 . I think ping-pong is easy,but tennis is d_.57 . Gina doesnt play sports. She only w_ them on TV.58 . 一Lets play basketball!一That sounds i_,Lets go!59 . I dont like baseball. Its b_.五、单词填空When I was growing up, I never heard the words “I love you” from my father. If your father never says them to you when you are a c60 . , it gets harder for him to say those words as you get older. In fact, I never said those words to him, e61 . .A few years ago, I decided to make the first move. After some thoughts, I called my father on the p62 . and said: “Dad, I love you!”There was a moment of silence at the other e63 . of the line. “Well, same back at you!” replied quietly.“Dad, I know you love me. When youre ready, you will say it, too,” I said with a s64 . .Fifteen minutes later, my mother called and asked if everything was “OK”. She seemed w65 . about me.A few weeks later, Dad ended our phone conversation w66 . the words: “Son, I love you.” I was at work during the conversation and tears came to my eyes as I finally h67 . the love. It was the touching moment that I would never f68 . .If I had not taken the f69 . step, I would have never heard the love from my father.从下面方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填在横线上,补全这封邮件。有一项是多余的。talk, come, going, staying, music, cold, get up, busy, askHi Daming,Im back in Australia now and it is hot here. I know its winter in Beijing and it is very70 . . Now its the school holiday so I dont71 . early. I stay in my bed all morning. My mum says Im lazy. I have got a new friend. His name is Paul. He is from France. He lives next to my house. Paul is very good at 72 . and he can play the piano very well. Pauls mum and dad are both73 . working, so he is74 . with us this week. Paul and I like75 . to the beach near our houses and listening to music together in my room. Do you want to 76 . to Sydney? Its a great place. My mum says you can visit us in the school holiday. 77 . your mum and dad about it. Andy六、多任务混合问题You must hear of the weekly talk show TheReader(朗读者).Its host is Dong Qing.(A)It_is_becoming_more_and_more_popular.Dong Qing often invites people to read aloud some famous articles.(B)their, own, life, also, share, the, readers stories, from.Some Internet users call it “a breath of fresh air” among all kinds of shows in China.Dong Qing gives readers different topics(主题) in each episode(期). The first episode was about 80 minutes long, and its topic was “Encounter(遇见)”. Some famous people appeared on the screen at that time.They were famous Chinese translator(翻译家)Xu Yuanchong, famous Chinese actor Pu Cunxin, Chinese tech-giant the founder of Lenovo(中国科技巨头联想创始人)Liu Chuanzhi and a Beijing doctor Jiang Li.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。78 . What do the readers do in the talk show?_79 . How long did the first episode last?_80 . What does Xu Yuanchong do?_81 . 将(A)处画线的句子译成汉语。_82 . 将(B)处画线单词连词成句。_七、将所给单词连成句子Make the sentences with the following words (连词成句)83 . are, there , the airport , plenty of, at , shops_.84 . a , take , bus , every , school , day , I , to_.85 . there , long , it , walk , how , take , does , to_?86 . indoor , your, is , activity , what, favourite_?87 . obey , should , the , rules , everyone , traffic _.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、2、六、多任务混合问题1、七、将所给单词连成句子1、


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