八年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Television基础练习

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八年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Television基础练习_第1页
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八年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Television基础练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If you read this book, youll learn _.Aanything newBsomething newCnew anythingDnew something2 . Id like _ books, but my brother enjoys _Sports News.Areading; watchingBto read; to watchCto read; watchingDreading ; to watch3 . What in the middle of the concert?AhappenedBdid happenedCdid happenDhappen4 . Whenthe accident?Awas; happenBdid; happenCis; happenDwas; happened5 . Our English teacher often tells us _ stories. We all like her.AfunnyBboringCtidyDsame6 . When he was twelve, he decided to be _ actor.AaBanCtheD/7 . (题文)“重要的事情说三遍。”can be translated into Important things must be _ again and again.”AspokenBrepeatedCdescribedDintroduced8 . Have you seen the movie MonsterHunt _? Yes, Ive _ seen it.Its wonderful.Aalready; yetByet; yetCyet; already9 . _under the desk?No, they arent.AWhatsBWhere areCIs the schoolbagDAre those keys10 . -Hurry up! The bus is coming.-Wait a minute. Dont cross the streetthe traffic lights are green.AuntilBafterCwhileDsince11 . strong the wind is! We could hardly walk in the wind.AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a12 . The cake smells so _ and the boy is looking _ at it.Anice; happilyBnicely; happyCnicely; happilyDnice; happy13 . We all like Miss Wang. I agree with you. She always makes her English classes _.AinterestedBinterestCinteresting二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号内所给的中文提示,正确拼写单词,并将答案填写在答题卡对应的横线上。14 . Dont be so _ (紧张不安的).15 . A good _ (计划) can help us do our work better.16 . Lets _ (欢呼) for our Chinese volleyball team.17 . The river is wide and _ (深的). Its dangerous to swim in it.18 . We bought the fruit and vegetables at the _ (市场) yesterday.填写单词,根据汉语或首字母提示,填写恰当的单词。19 . When my father called me from my hometown, I could feel the(温暖) over the telephone.20 . Most of the students thought John(偷) Davids money yesterday.21 . People in the UK dont use dollars or euros (欧元), and they use p.22 . Mary is a shy girl. Her face always turns red when she speaks to a s.23 . When I failed my exams, my parents usually encouraged me instead of pme.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、


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