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人教版八年级英语下册单元检测卷:Unit5姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Amy finished her homeworkthan John, but John mademistakes than Amy.Afaster; moreBmuch quicker; moreCmore quickly; lessDfaster; fewer2 . (题文)Its very cold in Harbin. Snowing in October is nothing _ there.AstrangeBusefulCtraditionalDnatural3 . Lingling _ her bedroom _ the beautiful pictures now.Adecorate; forBdecorate; withCis decorating; forDis decorating; with4 . Please remember_your notebook here tomorrow.AbringsBbroughtCbringingDto bring5 . What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday?I _ rubbish with my classmates by Zijiang RiverApicked upBam picking upCwas picking upDpick up6 . When the bell rang, Nancy _ dinner with her mother in the kitchen.Ais preparingBhas preparedCwas preparingDwill prepare7 . Zhao Liying, who played the lead role in Legend of Chu Qiao, says As an actress, younever be too hard-working.AmustBcanCmayDshould8 . Peter thinks pets are interesting but he isntkeeping pets.Ainteresting withBinterested inCinterested withDinteresting in9 . _mothers cant go to the meeting, because they have gone to New York on business.AAlice and LilysBAlices and LilysCAlices and Lily10 . Thank you for _ me about it.AtellBtellingCtellsDtold11 . Is Jack back? No, but I think he _ in half an hour.Acome backBcame backCcomes backDis coming back12 . His father is talking _ Mr Li _his sons ChineseAwith; aboutBwith; withCabout; withDabout ;about13 . The football match will start in a few minutes.Oh, yes, let me_ the TV.Aturn onBtake upClook atDcare about14 . -I still remember the school trip to Jingang mountain in Jiangxi Province. We had great fun there.-So we did. _ unforgettable experience it is!AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow15 . _, he is more successful than I_ some ways.AIn fact; onBOn fact; onCIn fact; inDIn fact; for二、完型填空完型填空(共15小题;My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was _1_ in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldnt know he has a problem when you saw him _2_. Children in our neighborhood always ran around _3_ their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, _4_. We never told him that he probably wouldnt be _5_ to run like the other children. So he didnt know. In _6_ grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, _7_ only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the _8_. We didnt tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didnt know. He ran four to five mile every dayeven when he had a fever. I was _9_, so I went to _10_ him after school. I found him running _11_. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He has two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept _12_. Two weeks later, the names of the team _13_ were out. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had _14_ the team. He was in seventh grade the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldnt do it so he didnt know. He just _15_ it.16 . AspentBtakenCcostDpaid17 . AtalkBsitCstudyDwalk18 . AafterBbeforeCduringDtill19 . AeitherBtooCthoughDyet20 . AableBsorryCgladDafraid21 . AsixthBseventhCsixDseven22 . AsoBifCthenDbecause23 . AneighborhoodBfamilyCschoolDgrade24 . AexcitedBtiredCpleasedDworried25 . Athink aboutBhear fromCagree withDlook for26 . AaloneBawayCalmostDalready27 . AridingBwalkingCplayingDrunning28 . AjumpersBrunnersCdoctorsDteachers29 . AgotBkeptCmadeDfound30 . AmadeBplayedChadDtook三、阅读单选Katherine Com male is an 11-year-old girl from Pennsylvania. At the age of five she began raising money to buy nets for children in Africa to help stop the spread of malaria(疟疾).When she was five, Katherine learnt about malaria in Africa. She learnt that every 30 seconds a child died from this disease. She, also learnt that people wouldnt get that disease if they had enough bed nets. “I was really sad to learn that a child died every half a minute because of malaria.” Says Katherine, “I wanted to send nets right away, so thats what I did.”Five-year-old Katherine made presentations at churches and schools. She told students and others how important bed nets were for Africans. After people heard the presentations, many of them donated money. Katherine sent the money to NBN. NBN is an organization that sends bed nets to Africa.Besides,every holiday Katherine makes something called “ net gift certificate” with the help of her friends and brothers. On each l0-dollar certificate there is a message. It explains that a bed net would be sent to Africa. When more certificate orders come, Katherine gets help from students in her school.Katherine has helped to raise $200,000 for NBN. “It makes me proud to help African children. I wont stop working until everyone in Africa has a bed net.” says Katherine.31 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AWhen Katherine was six, she began helping children in Africa.BKatherine learnt that two children died from malaria one minute.CKatherine did a lot and helped to raise $ 20,000 for NBN.DKatherines parents helped her make “bed net gift certificate”.32 . In Paragraph 4, “It” refers to “”.Aa 10-dollar noteBa gift certificateCan organizationDa message33 . From the passage we know Katherine did the following EXCEPT _.Araisinga great deal of money for NBNBgivingpresentations at churches and schoolsCexplainingthe importance of nets for AfricansDordering people to learn to use the nets well34 . It can be inferred from the passage that.AKatherines work is very helpful and meaningfulBthespread of malaria in Africa will be more seriousCeverychild in Africa gets a net with Katherines helpDKatherinehas received much money from NBNOUR children grew up on peanut butter (花生酱) and jelly (果酱) sandwiches. The right jelly makes them very happy, and homemade is the only choice.I wasnt the jelly maker in this family. My mother-in-law was. She didnt provide a wide range of flavors (味道), either. It was either grape or blackberry. And since we liked both flavors, we usually picked whatever jar was at the front of the pantry (食物储藏室).It was always there. Jelly making was just a way of life for her. She always did it, following the same habits -from picking the fruit to setting the finished jelly on the homemade shelves.This past December, my mother-in-law passed away. Among the things in the house to be divided up were the remaining canned (罐装的) goods. Each of us chose from the many jars of tomato juice, green beans and jelly.The other day I reached in there to get jelly for a quick sandwich, and there it was. Sitting all alone on the far side of the shelf was a small jar of grape jelly. Written on the lid with a black marker was “GR” for grape and the year the jelly had been made.As I picked up the jar, I suddenly realized something that I had failed to see earlier. This was the last jar we would ever have from my mother-in-laws patient, loving hands. Our children had never known a day without their grandmothers jelly. It seems like such a small thing, but it was a great treasure.Holding that last jar in my hand, my heart traveled back to meeting my mother-in-law for the first time. I saw her crying on our wedding (婚礼) day, and later, kissing and loving our children. I saw her walking in the woods or riding the wagon (马车). I saw her surrounded by loving children at her funeral.(葬礼)I put the jelly back on the shelf. No longer was it just a jar of jelly. I guess I believed that as long as it was there, my mother-in-law would always live on.35 . According to the passage, the jelly maker is the _.Aauthors motherBAuthors fatherCauthors mother-in-lawDauthors father-in-law36 . We can learn from the first three paragraphs that_.AThe author preferred grape jelly to blackberry jellyBThe author used to be her mother-in-laws helper when she made jellyCThe authors mother-in-law loved to make many different flavors of jellyDThe authors mother-in-law always made jelly for the family37 . When the author found the last jar of jelly, _.Ashe decided to share it with her childrenBshe realized she had to learn to make jelly herselfCshe was filled with memories of her mother-in-lawDshe cried because of her great love for her mother-in-law38 . With the story, the author want to tell us that _.ALove from your family often hides in small thingsBHomemade food is always simple but deliciousCWe should always give the best things to our kidsDIts never too late to show love for our families(题文)Grandmothers Favourite Doll (玩具娃娃)A little girl had a doll. She loved it so much that she would treat it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful.As time passed, the girl grew up, moved houses, became an adult, married, had children, and finally became a lovely little old woman with many grandchildren.One day, she returned to her hometown, found heroriginalhouse, and went in. Among hundreds of old things, the now-old little girl found her doll. It was as well looked after as before. She took it home with her and gave it to her granddaughter. Her granddaughter loved it.Each time the old woman saw her granddaughter playing with the doll, tears (眼泪) of joy would roll down her cheeks (脸颊). She was so glad to see now it was in the hands of her granddaughter.39 . (小题1)The little girl had a _and she loved it so much.AdogBdollCtoy carDball40 . (小题2)The little girls friends laughed at her because she _.Alooked so thin and uglyBdidnt get on well with her friendsCtreated her doll so carefullyDdidnt like to play games with them41 . (小题3)What does the underlined word “original” mean in the third paragraph?A豪华的B原来的C新建的D木质的42 . (小题4)When the old woman found her doll, _.Ait looked old and terribleBshe threw it awayCit was as well looked after as beforeDshe took it home and kept it herself43 . (小题5)Whenever she saw her granddaughter playing with the doll, she would _.Afeel very excited and joyfulBthink of her old friendsCwant to buy her granddaughter a new dollDwish to go back to her hometown again四、句型转换44 . He supposes you have had dinner.(改为否定句) He_ you_ dinner.45 . He is supposed to be an expert in this field.(改为否定句)He_supposed to be an expert in this field.46 . I dont suppose they can win us, _?(完成反意疑问句?47 . We should bow in Japan.(改为同义句)We _bow in Japan.48 . He is supposed to take part in the party.(向画线部分提问)_ he _?五、完成句子49 . 这座新建的沪通大桥是钢铁建造的。The newly built Hutong Bridge _ steel.50 . 我们给Sandy准备了一个生日会,但是得保密到明天。We have prepared a birthday party for Sandy, but have to _ until tomorrow.51 . 当我看到达芬奇的画作蒙娜丽莎时,我不敢相信自己的眼睛。When I saw the painting Mona Lisa by Da Vinci, I _.52 . 长江比中国其它的河流都要长。The Yangtze River is the longer than _ in China.53 . 下寸时你最好不要让窗户开着。You _ the window open when it is raining.六、材料作文54 . Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic “My favourite day of a week”. (周当中哪一天的生活是给你印象最深的?以“一周中我最喜欢的一天”为题写一篇短文,字数不少于50字)1. Which day is your favourite day of a week?2. What do you think of the life on that day?3. What things do you usually do on that day?4. How do you feel on your favourite day?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、完成句子1、六、材料作文1、


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