人教版新目标八年级英语下册 unit 4 why don't you talk to your parents 单元提优测试题

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人教版新目标八年级英语下册 unit 4 why don't you talk to your parents 单元提优测试题_第1页
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人教版新目标八年级英语下册 unit 4 why dont you talk to your parents 单元提优测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We dont know_next. Let us ask Mr.Lee _ help.Ahow to do, forBWhat should we do;ofCwhat to do,forDHow we should do,of2 . He _a farmer on a farm, but he_ a worker two years ago .Aused to be; has becomeBwas used to be; becameCused to be; becameDwas used to being; has become3 . Her little cats death made her sad._.ASorry to hear thatBSomething seriousCThats greatDYou are very kind4 . There _ a meeting this evening.Awill haveBwill beCare going to beDis going to have5 . I hope _ fun at the birthday party. Ato you haveByou to haveCyou havingDyou can have6 . How long does it take you to finish your homework every day?I usuallytwo hours on it.AspendBpayCtake7 . I have _ in touch_ my pen friend for many years _writing letters.Agot; on; withBgot; with; byCkept; on; withDkept; with; by8 . Could you please _ some tea _ me?Aprovide;toBprovide;withCgive;forDprovide;for9 . My parents and I arent in, so my brother _ go there alone(独自).Awant toBcome toCwants toDgoes to10 . Jacks mother told Jack not to _ in the bedroom because his father was sleeping.Akeep his wordBmake noisesCcome across11 . Parents often ask their kidstheir Internet friends because the kids may be in dangerAto meetBnot to meetCmeetingDnot meeting12 . Millie is kind _ her friends. Shed like _ things with them.Awith; to shareBwith; sharingCto; to shareDwith; sharing13 . Youve given me so much help. I really_ it.AreceiveBappreciateCregardDsuppose14 . Jenny asked me to come to the party, but she herself didnt _.Awake upBstay upCshow upDput up15 . Do you want to make _ with me?AfriendBfriendsCa friendDthe friends二、补全对话7选5选择适当的句子补全下列对话,有两项多余John:Whats the matter, Brown?Do you have a problem?Brown:Yes16 . And I dont know what to do.John:If its a better job than you have now, take it.17 . Brown:It isnt as easy as that, John. I like the job I have now. The people in my office are very nice and my work is interesting.John:18 . Would you get more money?Brown:Yes, the salary is better. If I take the job,19 . What should I do?I have to let them know my decision today.John:Youll have to decide for yourself.20 . If you dont take the job, I might try for it.AWhat about the salary (工资)?BThats Ok.CI have a chance to get another job.DPlease let me know what youll decideEAre you interested in your own job?FThats my advice.GIll get more money right away.三、完型填空Friendship is always the center in our life. Friends often influence(影响)our health and life. More and more people are turning towards their friends for_and sharing. We may have a very unclear understanding of what makes a friend, _we all want to have many good friends around us. There are certain steps that can_you friends or help you get close to those whom you want to make friends with.The first step to make friends with someone is to make him_you. If they dont like you in the beginning, it isnt_for them to become your friends. To let someone know that youre _him, a little smile and calling him by his name can_.To make the other person feel_,you need to be a good_and encourage(鼓励)the other person to talk. Give your honest and real opinions(意见)but do not make fun of him or her.The second step is to fully understand each other. You need to_his or her opinions. So you also need to have a habit(习惯)of seeing things from the other persons point of view(观点)The third and final step is to show your support and encouragement towards your friend.21 . ApardonBfunCsupportDinformation22 . AsoBbutCandDthen23 . AwinBcallCshowDgive24 . AknowBlikeCtrustDremember25 . AstrangeBrightCamazingDpossible26 . Acrazy aboutBinterested inCcareful withDready for27 . AmatchBreplyChelpDdecide28 . AluckyBpatientCactiveDimportant29 . AspeakerBwriterClistenerDreporter30 . AshareBaddCfollowDhold四、阅读单选Many young people use computers, but few of them know how to look after them. Remember the following when you use your computer.Keep your computer in a cool room. Too much or too little heat is bad for computers. Most computers work best at a temperature of 5 C30 C.Dont let people smoke cigarette(香烟)near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer and can cause many problems.Dont eat or drink when you are near your computer. Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.Make sure the screen is the correct distance from your eyes. If you wear glasses, make sure these glasses are correct for using with the computer. Some people use a different pair of glasses when they use a computer.Keep your screen clean and dont have it too bright. A dirty screen can hurt your eyes. A very bright screen can also be bad for your eyes.31 . According to the passage you should use your computer.Ain a small roomBin a big roomCin a cool roomDbelow 5C32 . When you work on the computer, you can.Awear glassesBsmoke cigaretteCeat some hamburgersDclean the keyboard with water33 . If you want to look after your eyes, you shouldwhen you use computers.Abuy a pair of sunglassesBkeep your screen cleanChave your screen very brightDkeep your screen near your eyesWhen we say someone feels blue it means he or she is unhappy or sad.Are you feeling a little blue? Here are some fast and easy ways to cheer you up.Exercise1.It is good for you to exercise.2.When you excise,the chemical 化学物质) you brain gives out makes you feel happy.That is why exercise is good for you.Have a talk1.Dont fight with others to relax yourself.2.Having a heart-lo-heart talk can make you feel better.Develop some hobbies1.Doing your favourite things will make you smile.2.Go outside to do your favourite things like playing games,watching films or reading books.Laugh more1.Is happier and healthier for us to laugh more every day.2.Compared with adults( 成年人),children laugh twenty times a day.ThinkPositively1.Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful world,2.Being more active makes you feel more excited and less nervous.34 . W hat should you do if your good friend feels sad?ALaugh at him.BFight with him.CTalk with him.DLeave him alone.35 . If you feel a little blue,you can do the following things exceptAplaying basketball or footballBbeing activeCdoing much homeworkDwatching films36 . W hat does the underlined word positively mean in Chinese?A消极地B积极地C健康地D忧郁地37 . W hat does the passage mainly tell us?AHow to make people laugh.BHow to make people feel nervous.CHow to make people cheer up.DHow to make people feel blue.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写-单句38 . _(大多数) students can get to school early39 . They didnt buy_(特殊的东西) there yesterday40 . Tell us_(有趣的事情) about your vacation,Jenny41 . This is an interesting book,you wont feel b_42 . They caught_(相当)a few insects in the forest43 . There is n_ to eat,I have to buy something to eat44 . I had a very good summer v_ in Shanghai with my parents45 . His sister s_ to be a teacher,we can ask her for help六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。46 . I see the two boys _ (pass) my house every day.47 . Do you know what _ (happen) to them at last?48 . The young boy is too young _ (go) to school.49 . He couldnt get into the room because all the doors were_ (lock).50 . I called you, but nobody answered. Where _(be) you?51 . I want to go _ (camp).52 . I like _ (be) outside, near beautiful lakes and hills.53 . Alice saw a white rabbit _ (pass) by.54 . The girl is old enough to look after _ (her).55 . He _ (chat) with his friend for a long time last night.56 . Just now, he got a call and _ (hurry) home.57 . Miss Li _ (teach) English three years ago.58 . I _ (go) swimming last Sunday, and I _(not go) shopping.59 . They _ (leave) at 8clock and now its 12 oclock.60 . What about _ (climb) up the mountain tomorrow.七、完成句子61 . The international kite festival is held in Weifang every _.62 . The competitors at the festival is from_.63 . There are _ for the best kites.64 . Some of the kites were made of different things like _.65 . Some were painted with _ drawings.八、话题作文66 . 发明创造改变了世界。作为一名中学生,假如你梦想当一名发明家,应该怎样做才能实现梦想呢?请根据下面的要点提示,以“How to Become an Inventor”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。短语提示:1.Get more knowledge.2Have an interest.3Be creative.4Never give up._第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、话题作文1、


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