人教版2019-2020学年九年级上册英语Unit 3单元测试题

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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上册英语Unit 3单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mary would like _some reading before she goes to bed.AdoingBdoCdidDto do2 . Its raining heavily outside. You had better _ at home.Ato stayBstayingCstayDto staying3 . We have worked so long. Shall we stop _ a rest?AhaveBto havingChavingDto have4 . -Do you know theseover there? Theyre so handsome.-Yes, they are my friends.ApolicemansBCanadasCpostmansDheroes5 . We screamed and laughedthe whole ride of Space Mountain.AatBofCthroughDfor6 . -Is Lucy _ her homework?- No , she _ .Ado; doesntBdoes; isntCdoing; isDdoing; isnt7 . Her doctor said:“work so hard”AStopBDontCCant8 . Comics Vater & Sohn are very interesting books. We believe children can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.Aget overBget inCget alongDget through9 . Excuse me. Can you tell me how many books I can borrow _ from the library?Ain timeBon timeCat a timeDfrom time to time10 . Dont _ about his English .He is studying hard at it.Abe worriedBbe worryCbe worryingDto worry11 . (题文)He is ready _ have a meeting.AtoBforCatDin12 . Mary is _ than I.Aa head shorterBtaller a headCshorter a headDhead a taller13 . I _ my teacher since last year. I miss him very much.Adidnt seeBsawChavent seen14 . What do you _ the transportation in your city?Athink aboutBthink ofCthink overDthink15 . Dont play games on the computer all day, Its _ to your eyes.AharmfulBusefulChelpfulDthankful16 . Hi,Andy.I havent seenyou for a long time Where_?Ahave you gone toBhave you been toChave you been17 . You can master this skill by yourself _ you try to learn it.AbecauseBhowCifDwhy18 . Susans parents often make her _ the piano for three hours on weekends .Apractice to play.Bpracticing to playCto practice playing .Dpractice playing19 . Have you heard of the saying“_speak louder than words.”?AExerciseBActionsCFactsDPractice20 . My parents will be away for a week, I must look after _ well.AmyselfBmeCmyDmine二、完型填空完形填空A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.People _ many books about “the art of giving”. How about the art of receiving? Sometimes, it can be hard to receive a gift, _ when you get a gift you dont want.“I remember at the age of about twelve years old, my parents _a purple purse for me,” laughs Guo Xiaojing. “It really _me, to tell the truth, the purse was really ugly in my opinion! However, I pretended _ it as I knew it would make my parents happy.”Han Ling, the twenty-year-old girl agrees. “That _ me of my grandparents. _ years ago, my grandparents gave me an orange sweater _my birthday. _ I visited them, I used to wear it. But I would _ as soon as I left their house. Of course, this made me feel guilty. It was a very nice thought, but my taste is totally different from _ . I think its difficult to buy clothes or other personal things for people._ make things more difficult, some people _ give money. However, in some cultures, people may feel uncomfortable _ money. “When I get money from someone as a gift, I just feel they are being lazy,” says John Wilson from England. “We also have a saying: Its the thought that counts. When someone gives me money, I dont think they thought at all. I really like to receive a gift that has some thought behind it. I dont mind if the gift is what I dont need. Im always happy that someone has thought about a gift for me.”There are many very different thoughts on this subject from different people. So the art of receiving may be _ difficult than the art of giving! Whats your opinion?21 . Aare writtenBhave written Chave been writtenDbeen written22 . AspeciallyBespeciallyCspecificallyDparticular23 . AgetBbroughtCboughtDgotten24 . AembarrassedBwas embarrassingCmade embarrassedDwas embarrassed25 . Ato like Bliking Cthat I likeDto liking26 . Areminds Bsounds likeCcomesDthinks27 . AFewBTwenty CA little DSeveral28 . AinBfor CatDduring29 . AEach timeBEverydayCAfterDBy the time30 . Atake it off Btake off itCput it downDput down it31 . AthemBtheirCtheirsDtheirs taste32 . ATo BSo as toCSo thatDIn order not to33 . Afeel likeBpreferClikeDprefer to34 . Awhen receivingBwhen givingCwhen they receivingDwhen they giving35 . AmuchBmuch moreCvery more Da little more三、阅读单选One day, our teacher said that he had an exercise for us to try. We were asked to stand, facing away from our classmates, and fall backward, relying on(依赖)another student to catch us. Most of us were uncomfortable with this. We couldnt fall back for more than a few inches before stopping ourselves.Finally, Judy stood up. She is a thin, quiet, dark-haired girl who always wears big, white fisherman sweaters. Judy crossed her arms over her chest, closed her eyes, leaned back, and did not flinch(退缩). She looked like one of those Lipton tea commercials (广告)where the model jumps into the pool.For a moment, I was sure she was going to thump(重重砸) on the floor. At the last moment, her partner caught her head and shoulders and pulled her up immediately. Wow! several students yelled. Some clapped their hands. Our teacher finally smiled. “You see,” he said to the girl, “you closed your eyes. That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see. You have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them too-even when youre in the dark. Even when youre falling.”36 . Who would catch the students if they fell backward?ATeachers.BClassmates.CFriends.DParents.37 . Who did stand up at last?ASally.BCindy.CThe teacher.DJudy.38 . What can be inferred from the story about Judy?AShe trusts others and is trustful.BShe wouldnt like to give a hand to others.CShe was afraid leaning back at first.DShe is a good jumper.39 . What does the model do in the Lipton tea commercials?AShe sells tea.BShe falls backward on the floor.CShe jumps into a pool.DShe drinks tea.40 . What does the story mainly tell us about?AFalling backwardBGreat JudyCTrustDGood catchHolidaysThe Snowdonia CenterThe Snowdonia Center for young mountain climbers has a mountain climbing lesson. The beginners costs are 57 for a week, including food and rooms. Equipment is included except walking shoes, which can be hired (租用) at a low cost. You must be in good health.The Canary IslandsIts a good idea to go to the Canary Islands to enjoy the winter sunshine. An interesting activity of visitors to the Canary Islands is surfing. You can also see lots of wild animals, or enjoy swimming with the sea lions.The Alpha Resort TomamuThe ice hotel is in Japan. Its dining room, bedroom and bathroom are made out of ice. It provides dinner served on an ice plate. You can take your ice glass to the ice bar or the ice caf. The hotel experience costs $242 each person.41 . If youre interested in surfing and wild animals, you can go to _.Athe Snowdonia CenterBthe Canary IslandsCthe Young Climbers CenterDthe Alpha Resort Tomamu42 . At the Snowdonia Centre, the beginners costs include _.Aenjoying the winter sunshineBwalking shoesCfood and roomsDfood and walking shoes43 . Tony needs to pay _ if he wants to visit the Alpha Resort Tomamu with his friend Tom.A57B$242C$114D$484Hello everyone! My name is Lucy and this is my grandfather. His name is Tom and he is my best friend. My grandfather is sixty-four years old. He is very tall.My grandfather lives with my father, mother, my brother Kevin and me. We live in a big house in England.He is retired(退休的)now. Every day he drives me to school. He helps me with my English. He plays football with me. He sings with me.I think he is a magician. He knows what I like and what I want to do. I love him very much and I know he loves me too.44 . Whats the name of Lucys grandfather?ATom.BTim.CSam.DJim.45 . How many people are there in Lucys family?A3.B4.C5.D6.46 . What do Lucy and her grandfather do together? sing draw swim play footballABCD47 . What does the underlined word “magician” mean in Chinese?A理发师B魔法师C设计师D建造师48 . Whats the best title(最佳标题)for the passage?AMy FamilyBMy New FriendCMy GrandmotherDMy Grandfather四、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框内选择短语并用其适当形式填空the name of, thousands of, such as, look for, be careful with49 . There are _ cows on the big farm.50 . Look here. _ the city is New York.51 . Please _ your things when you go out.52 . Look at the police on the mountain. Whatre they _?53 . I have many hobbies, _ reading and singing.五、多任务混合问题George was head of an African country. He was going to pay a visit to the USA. He decided to learn some English words so that he might greet Bill Clinton, president of the USA then, in English. So he asked his wife for help because she knew a little English. His wife told, “When you meet Mr. President, just greet him with “How are you”, and he may answer I am fine. Then you need only to say Me, too, and leave the rest to your interpreter(口译).”When his plane landed at the airport, George said to the smiling Clinton, “Who are you?”. This was quite unexpected to the president and surprised him greatly. But he quickly calmed( ) down. Still with a smile on his face, he answered, “I am Hillarys husband.” To his reply, George answered back without a moment “Me, too”, and looked at the presidents wife, Hillary, smiling sweetly as well.根据短文内容判断正误,正确的在答题卡上涂A,错误的在答题卡涂B。54 . George was from Africa.55 . Georges wife knew a lot of English.56 . George wanted to learn some English words to greet Bill Clinton in English.57 . Bill Clinton was very surprised at first when George said “Who are you?” to him.58 . From the passage we know that George was Hillarys husband.六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句,注意大小写形式 (10分)59 . you, are, how(?)60 . an, is, it, egg (.)61 . in, what, is, English, this (?)62 . it, spell, please (.)63 . evening, good, Alice (!)七、讲稿64 . 书面表达为了使同学们与人交往时举止更加文雅,你校学生会正在举办以“How to behave well?”为题的英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文。要点如下:1.学生应该守时、守信、不撒谎、不说脏话;2.礼貌待人,热心助人;3.遵守交通规则,不在公共场所喧哗,不乱扔垃圾;4.请你就此话题再补充一至两点个人看法。要求:1.不要逐字翻译。在文中不要提及真实的校名和姓名。2.词数6080。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、讲稿1、


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