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人教版2019-2020学年九年级12月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Have you ever been to Janpan?- No, but I know it is Asian country.AaBanCtheD/2 . Lingling _ her bedroom _ the beautiful pictures now.Adecorate; forBdecorate; withCis decorating; forDis decorating; with3 . When _ the PRC _? On October 1st.Awas, foundBwas, foundedCis, foundDwere, founded4 . You look so tired. Why not turn off your phone, _ the outside world for a little while and completely relax yourself?Acut offBshut offCput offDgo off5 . The painting is the most expensive one _ he bought.AwhoBwhichCthatDWhom6 . It is really difficult to _ my excitement in words.AraiseBdescribeCcompleteDpass7 . Lets play soccer._.AThank youBThats all rightCThat sounds interesting8 . Tom is good atthe violin and he is goodold people.Aplay; forBto play; atCplaying; with9 . My sister at home by herself. So I have to stay with her today.Adare not stayBdoesnt dare stayCdare not to stayDdoesnt dare staying10 . (题文)It is not wise _ teenagers to be crazy about Korean singers or actors. They say it is more important _ them to learn more about Chinese culture.Afor; forBof; forCof; ofDfor; of11 . Dont you think it _ of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars? Well, I dont think so. We all used to be young and like something very much.AcreativeBsillyCwiseDcurious12 . - So far, Su Binglan is the only Chinese who finished the 100-meter race in less than 10 seconds.- _ he runs!AHow slowBHow fastCWhat a slowDWhat a fast13 . A quarter of these apples_ too much for me. But three quarters of the waternot too much.Ais, isBare, isCis, areDare, are14 . Mr. Green has gone abroad. You _ see him here.AmustBcanCcantDmustnt15 . everyone is here, lets start our meeting.ABecauseBSinceCBecause ofDAs二、完型填空In Australia, different people have different ways to enjoy themselves. They also have their own ideas about_to pass time._children, about 80%, work hard in school because they have to take lots of exams. After school, they dont want to stay at home reading books any more._, they put aside their school bags and go out to play.Some old people_early in the morning. Then they go to park to_It helps them know what is happening around the world. In the evening, they would prefer to stay at home_rather than do anything else.Young people enjoy having_trip on weekends. They go to mountains to have a picnic or go to the_to camp. They usually start on Friday and spend one or two days outside. Then on_evening, they start their way back home._seems to be in a hurry, although a busy week is waiting for them again.16 . AwhatBhowCwhenDwhy17 . ASomeBMostCAllDNo18 . AHoweverBThoughCInsteadDOr19 . Aget upBcome upCstay upDset up20 . Aread newspapersBdo sportsCenjoy themselvesDhave breakfast21 . Aclimbing hillsBwatching TVCgo shoppingDgoing hiking22 . AboringBbusyCtiringDrelaxing23 . AforestBfloorCflatDfactory24 . AFridayBSundayCTuesdayDWednesday25 . AAnybodyBSomebodyCEverybodyDNobody三、阅读单选Do you know why different animals or pests have their special colours? Colours in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.Some birds like eating locusts,but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colours together with the change of the coloursof crops. When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown colour as crops have. Some other pests with different colours from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.If you study the animal life, youll find the main use of colours is protecting themselves. bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be seen by hunters. This is because they have the colours much like the tree.Have you ever noticed an even more strange act? A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid when it faces danger. While the liquid spread over, the enemies cannot find it. And it immediately swims away. So it has lived up to now though it isnt strong at all.26 . From the passage we can learn that locusts.Aare small animalsBare easily found by birdsCare dangerous to their enemiesDchange their colours to protect themselves27 . How can pests with different colours from plants keep out of danger?AThey run away quickly.BTheir colours are much like their enemies.CThey hide themselves in the day and appear at night.DThey have to move quietly.28 . Bears and lions can keep safe because they.Ahave the colours much like the treesBmove quicklyClike brown and grey coloursDlive in forests29 . The kind of fish can live up to now because.Ait is very big and strongBthe liquid it sends out can help it escape from its enemiesCthe liquid it sends out can kill its enemiesDit swims faster than any other fish30 . Which is the best title for this passage?AThe Change of Colours for Animals and PestsBColours of Different Animals and PestsCThe Main Use of Colours for Animals and PestsDSome Animals and PestsIt was a cold winter night when two police officers Lee and Smith were walking back to the police station. They saw that a robber(抢劫犯) on the other side of the road was attacking(袭击) an old woman. Lee and Smith ran over to the robber immediately.The robber saw them and ran away as fast as he could. Lee and Smith followed him for a long way. The robber rushed into a subway station. Lee and Smith ran into the station and tried to find him. But they didnt see him clearly. They just remembered what his build was like.When they went in, they saw six men in the station. All of them had the similar build as the robber. Lee looked at them carefully, one by one.The first man was arguing with a subway station worker. He seemed to be very unhappy.The second one was watching the fight between the first man and the worker. It looked like he was quite interested in it.The third one was quietly reading a newspaper. His face was behind the newspaper.The fourth one was running around to warm himself up, as it was cold in the station.The fifth one was waiting for the subway.He seemed to be in a hurry.The sixth one was wearing a big coat, sitting on a bench and shaking.Lee finally found out which one might be the robber. Do you know which one?31 . A robber attacked an old woman_ .Aon his way homeBon a cold winter nightCwhen he saw Lee and SmithDwhen Lee and Smith were running32 . The robber finally rushed_ .Aonto the trainBonto the busCinto the police stationDinto a subway station33 . Which of the following can be put in the blank?AHe looked at his watch several times.BHe sat calmly on the chair.CHe watched the other five men carefully.DHe went into the subway station quickly.34 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AThe robber ran away by subway at last.BLee found out which man might be the robber.CSmith was running around to warm himself up.DAll of the six men did the same thing in the station.阅读理解In different countries around the world, most children must start schooling at early ages. And they become “adults” at different ages. Being an adult means having the right to do certain things, such as getting a parttime job, voting(投票), getting married, or getting a driving license.In many countries, sixteen or eighteen is the age when a person becomes an adult. Young men and women at this age can get a parttime job, and begin to receive an income of their own. They no longer have to depend on their parents for money all the time. In Canada and America, sixteen is the age when one can get a driving license; in England, it is seventeen.There are responsibilities that go along with both of these rights. Getting a parttime job means that you have to pay income tax. Driving a car demands that you follow certain rules like buying car insurance.Voting is another right that young people enjoy when they become adults. In the United States, Canada and Britain, young people have the right to vote at the age of eighteen. With this right also comes responsibility. For young people to use their right to vote wisely, they must have an understanding of the needs of society, and they must also learn how politics work.35 . The underlined word “right” in Paragraph One means “_” in Chinese.A正确B右边C权利D左边36 . In America and Canada, young people who are _ can get their driving licenses.Aat the age of 16Bat the age of 15Cat the age of 14Dat the age of 1337 . If you drive a car, you have to _Aget a parttime jobBfollow certain rulesCunderstand societyDpay income tax38 . Tom is a 17-year-old English boy and he has the rights to _Adrive and learnBvote and marryCdrive and voteDdrive and marry39 . From the passage, we can know that _Asixteenyearolds have all kinds of rightsBresponsibilities need to go along with rightsCthe rules are the same in the UK and the USADsixteenyearolds in the UK have the right to get a driving licenseJoe,75,lived very happily and had a beautiful familyHe had four grandchildren,and they all visited him in their holidays.But while he was working,he lost his favorite watchBefore they came to visit,Joe was getting ready for his home for the kids:cleaning the house, buying their favorite foods and cooking delicious food.The watch was a gift from his deceased(已故的)wife when their first child was bornJoe loved the watch very muchHe was very unhappyWhen his grandchildren came,they promised him they would find the watchOne granddaughter asked:“Grandpa,do you remember when you lost your watch?Joe answered:“I guess when l cleaned the barn!”The children looked for more than two hours but could not find itOne grandson went to search(搜寻) the barn again,and Joe asked why he was going thereThe little boy asked the others not to follow him and to keep silent(安静的)He was there for about 15 minutes and then ran to his grandfatherHe found the watch!Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find itThe little boy said:“I sat there without making a noise,and the barn was so silentAfter a few minutes,I heard the tick,tick sound and found the watch”Joe hugged him and thanked the little boyThis shows the power(力量)of silenceIf we stay calm(冷静的),we are better able to find a solution(解决方法)!40 . From Paragraph(段落)2,we learn that Joe_Adidnt know his grandchildrenBliked doing housework very muchCcouldnt stand his grandchildrenDwaited for his grandchildrens visits41 . Joe felt sad when he found the watch was lost because_Ait was beautifulBit was a gift from his wifeCit was very expensive Dit was a gift from his first child42 . One of the grandchildren found the watch by_Acleaning the barnBsearching the barn carefully for two hoursCmaking no noise and following the ticking soundDasking his brothers and sisters for help43 . From the passage we learn that“_”ALove keeps us busy all the timeBHelping those in need makes one feel goodCBelieve in yourself and you can succeedDKeeping silent sometimes is better than using your voice四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子中的单词44 . We_ at the airport at 3 oclock.45 . The shop _many school things last year.46 . A bird is singing at the_ of the tree.47 . It is Sunday today. Hes lying on the sofa and_ himself.48 . The kings lived in the _(宫殿) several hundred years ago.49 . I can speak a little English but I cant speak_(法语)50 . When did Thomas Edison invent the_(电灯)?51 . The Great Wall is_ (举世闻名的) and thousands of people come to visit it.五、单词填空七月一部叫战狼2的电影风靡全国。功夫明星吴京执导并主演了这部动作片。张航特别喜欢这部电影,他写下一篇影评,向计划看电影的同学推荐这部有教育意义的爱国影片。请帮助他完成影评。每空词数不限。A Chinese movie called Wolf Warrior II has won a lot of peoples hearts since 96. 52 . . Kungfu artist Wu Jing both starred in and directed the 97.53 . . The film describes how the Chinese government protects overseas Chinese citizens(中国政府如何保护海外华侨). All the actors 98. 54 . . The film can make you feel proud to be a Chinese. If you 99. 55 . watch a movie and you want to see 100. 56 . , choose Wolf Warrior II.六、填空任务型阅读What is the best-selling book in the world? Is it the Harry Potter series or Secret Garden? According to the Guinness World Records, Xinhua Dictiorary, published by the commercial Press in China,is the worlds most popular dictionary and the beat-selling book.In 1950,Chinese language experts and scholars,Wei Jiangong and Ye Shengtao, started to edit Xinhua Dictionary. There was a lot of discussion,research and paper work. Some hand scripts were checked again and again like compositions, Many peoples hard work and interesting stories went into making the dictionary.In 1953,the first Xinhua Dictionary was published. By 2015.about 567 million copies of the dictionary have been sold worldwide.However,revisions(修订) to the dictionary continue to be made.Editors usually summarize the meanings of words again while revising. If the example sentences are out of date,editors need to have experiences and make new examples. “To give a correct explanation of the Chinese焗油(hot oil treatment), one editor went to a barber shop to experience it himself, Yu.Guilin told the Beijing Times. So far, Xinhua Dictionary has been revised for 11 times. To keep up with the times, somepopular and widely-used Internet words are also added to the dictionary. For example, in the 1lth edition, the phrases“晒工资(show off salary) and 晒照片(show off pictures) were included.All these efforts create the National Dictionary” of ChinaXinhua Dictionary is not only a useful tool for generations of Chinese people. It also helps foreigners who are learning the Chinese language and culture.The 57 . Dictionary of ChinaName: Xinhua Dictionary Publisher:The Commercial Press58 . A good beginningEditors59 . a lot and did a lot of research and paper work. A long60 . In 1950,Chinese language experts and scholars started to edit itIn61 . , the first Xinhua Dictionary was published.A great62 . of sales By 2015,about 567 million copies of the dictionary have been sold.Eleven revisionsEditors usually summarize the meanings of words63 . more. Editors need to have experiences and make new examples64 . that the example sentences can keep up with the times.Editors also65 . some popular and widely-used Internet words to the dictionary.UsageIt is66 . for generations of Chinese people and foreigners who are learning the Chinese language and culture.七、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。67 . 一天一苹果,不用去诊所。_68 . 她最爱的科目是地理和历史。_69 . 周末她通常花多少时间练习打排球?_70 . 为了我们的健康,我们需要吃更健康的食物。_71 . 感谢你带领这些英雄参观这两座现代化的图书馆。_八、材料作文72 . 书面表达。假设王芳学校的英语广播站急需一名英语广播员,王芳擅长英语,她想加入英语广播站。请根据下面关于王芳的信息,帮她完成这份60词左右的申请。参考词汇:英语广播站English Broadcasting StationNameWang FangAge14English,music,sportssing English songs,dance,play the piano86743053Ivynicegirl163.comDear Sir,My name is Wang Fang._Yours,Wang Fang第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、


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