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Module 1 Unit 1课题U1 What are the those farmers doing?(1)课型新授课教 材分 析本课以“农场”情景展开话题,情景性强,单词主要以动词和名词为主,涉及动物类的单词容易上手,动词短语形象生动,语法以现在进行时为主,要应用形容词于实际中。目 标表 达(知识、技能和情感目标)1、“四会”掌握单词和词组:field,pick,grass,feed,give,cow,sheep,other,few,goat,goose,river.2、掌握句型:You can .if you.3、能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。4、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。5、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。学 情分 析学生已掌握了什么1、动物类单词的发音,记忆。2、现在进行时态;3、个别形容词的音形义和应用。学生还未掌握什么1、针对情景性的实际语言运用:形容词的实际应用和现在进行时态的表达;2、本课句型You can .if you.重 点1、本课单词和课文的朗读难点本课的句子较长,因此课文的朗读成为了难点,对中下生来讲,更需要帮助。方 法手 段金太阳 PPT 图片 教学过程(主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、教学亮点/精彩片段) 教学过程(教师教什么、怎么教?)一、热身、复习Revision1、歌曲:课本P6 Old Macdonald had a farm2、明确学习目标二、呈现Presentation1、PPT示一个大农场情景,围绕:what,where,who,How,等特殊疑问词进行提问,复习动物类单词,遇到新单词就板书黑板;TP PPQ:1.Whats on the farm ?2.Whats on my farm ?Can you guess ? Do you have any on your farm ?3.Oh yes. I have many chickensOh yes. I have a few horses训练句型I have a few .4.So I have many , some, a few and on the farm.5.There are also many plants on my farm. We grow peppers and potatoes in this field. And in that field we grow onions and broccoli. 5、Look & say. 复习植物类单词We grow in this field. And in that field. we grow .6.由上引出长句There are some apple trees in this field. You can pick some apples from the trees if you want. Theyre delicious.着重朗读操练,小组长帮教,自由找朋友朗读形式。7.Look & SayThere are some trees in this field. You can pick some from the trees if you want. Theyre . 8.整体学习课文T:Children, there are so many things on my farm. OK, so much for that. Now lets go to visit Uncle Chen. He also has a farm.Ben is also visiting Uncle Chen. Theyre talking about the things on the farm. 9.听录音,完成任务;Listen and tick the things on the farm. 10. 重新听一次,对答案,小组交流。三、归纳巩固Summing-up 1.Lets talk.让学生做Uncle Chen ,根据文字及图片提示回答。提示:学生已经分别学过cut和grass,教师可以利用图片及动作引导学生说出cutting grass; give可以通过动作的演示让学生明白词义。2.Lets read.(1)让学生打开课本,把刚才的对话与原文对照,划出不同处。(2)课文录音,留意停顿及连读并用符号标示出来。(3)模仿录音熟读课文,特别是划线及标示部分要多读。3、学习与归纳新单词归类学习,小组比赛记忆四、发展 Development1.Lets recite.Ben: What grow on , Uncle Chen ?Uncle Chen: So . There are . You can if.They are . And in that field .Ben: What are doing ?Uncle Chen: They are to. We give to.Ben: Do you have ?Uncle Chen: Oh yes. We a few . And we also .Ben: I see them . They look .Lets practise.2.根据问题的提示完整介绍 Uncle Chens farmWhat does he grow on the farm ?What animals does he have ?What are the farmers doing ?五、小结1、提问方式以学生讲自己这节课的得和失。2、把自己喜欢的单词或者句子读给大家听。六、作业1、朗读课文,读单词。2、抄写活动手册P71 U1学生学习过程(学生学什么、怎么学?)学生课前读书,并跟唱歌曲,以各种形式演唱歌曲。听清本课的学习目标,以导学习活动。学生围绕PPT进行谈话,操练句子,小组内交际。学生做Uncle Chen ,根据文字及图片提示回答。认真朗读课文学生在提示词下重复课文内容,整体回顾课文。学生自己反思和小组内交流自己的得失。课题U1 What are those farmers doing?(2)课型巩固课教 材分 析本课以“农场”情景展开话题,情景性强,单词主要以动词和名词为主,涉及动物类的单词容易上手,动词短语形象生动,语法以现在进行时为主,要应用形容词于实际中,本课时主要操练课文,特别是长句子。另外,动词短语要熟练应用于what .doing?中。目 标表 达(知识、技能和情感目标)1、“四会”掌握单词和词组:field,pick,grass,feed,give,cow,sheep,other,few,goat,goose,river.2、掌握句型:You can .if you.what .doing?3、能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。中上生要求能背诵课文,中下生要提示词下背诵或重现课文。4、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。5、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。学 情分 析学生已掌握了什么1、动物类单词的发音,记忆。2、现在进行时态。3、个别形容词的音形义和应用。4、课文的整体认知和朗读,新单词音形义。学生还未掌握什么1、针对情景性的实际语言运用:形容词的实际应用和现在进行时态的表达;2、本课句型You can .if you.3、新单词的记忆和课文的朗读;4、P3动词短语的应用。重 点1、本课单词和课文的朗读2、本课句型You can .if you.3.P3动词短语的应用。难点本课的句子较长,因此课文的朗读成为了难点,对中下生来讲,更需要帮助。另外,动词短语的记忆也是中下生的困难。方 法手 段金太阳 PPT 图片 教学过程(主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、教学亮点/精彩片段) 教学过程(教师教什么、怎么教?)一、热身、复习Revision1、歌曲:课本P6 Old Macdonald had a farm2、明确学习目标二、呈现Presentation1、打开活动手册P71 U1检查抄写作业,并朗读单词。2. 听录音,打开课本跟读。课文录音,留意停顿及连读并用符号标示出来。模仿录音熟读课文,特别是划线及标示部分要多读。3.朗读课文,自由 朗读。个别单词和句子不会读的就请教同桌。4.完成任务:读比赛5分钟小组操练朗读,以各种形式进行读课文。注意分层,表扬激励。5.背诵课文可用提示词帮助中下生Ben: What grow on , Uncle Chen ?Uncle Chen: So . There are . You can if.They are . And in that field .Ben: What are doing ?Uncle Chen: They are to. We give to.Ben: Do you have ?Uncle Chen: Oh yes. We a few . And we also .Ben: I see them . They look .三、归纳巩固Summing-up 1.Lets talk.P3动词短语为主利用图片及动作引导学生说出cutting grass; give等动词短语,并套入what .doing?进行操练。2. 操练There are some apple trees in this field. You can pick some apples from the trees if you want. Theyre delicious.着重朗读操练,小组长帮教,自由找朋友朗读形式。3.Look & SayThere are some trees in this field. You can pick some from the trees f you want. Theyre . 四、发展 Development1.T示二张农场图片,以小组形式根据问题的提示完整介绍 其中的一图片What does .grow on the farm ?What animals does . have ?What are the farmers doing ?How many.are there.?2.听写单词五、小结1、提问方式以学生讲自己这节课的得和失。2、把自己听写出现错误的单词改正后抄写一行。学生学习过程(学生学什么、怎么学?)学生课前读书,并跟唱歌曲,以各种形式演唱歌曲。听清本课的学习目标,以导学习活动。学生在小组内交流抄写,对比其他同学的写法,检查自己的书写,并记忆单词。学生认真操练朗读课文和背诵课文。学生围绕PPT进行谈话,操练句子,小组内交际。学生根据文字及图片提示回答。学生用课堂听写本听写单词并同桌交换批改,改正。学生自己反思和小组内交流自己的得失。六、作业1、背诵课文。2、听写活动手册P71 U1单词3、预习P4P5内容。Module2 Citie life 一、教学内容分析 本模块的话题涉及城市的生活。在第三单元里面,出现了一个新学生David,他给班上的同学介绍了他在纽约的生活。在第四单元里,是一张Li Wei 写给Lily的明信片。在这张明信片黎,Li WeI 描述了她在城市里假期生活。二、语法和交际用语1、询问比人来自哪里及回答: Where are you from? I am from(New York City in America)。2、谈论一个城市: A: Whats like? B: Do you like living in our city? 运用形容词来描述一个城市,如: Its a big and modern city.3、祈使句的使用: Dont take photots here.4、交际用语:I cant wait to (get back home) I eally miss. 三、教学目标1.词汇(1)“四会”掌握词汇:city, student, New York, America, quiet, cheap, modern, noisy, wide, crowded, hotel, comfortable, heavy, slow, postcard, dirty, afraid, be afraid, because, sell. Countryside, theatre, all day, miss (2)“三会”掌握词汇:was, be born, expensive, street, supermarket, traffic, holiday, different to , outside, 2.“四会”掌握句型:1、Where is /are from?2、hats like?3、Itvery different to4、be afraid to do something5、There is much more to do , than 6、 cant wait fo(二)语言技能目标1.能够按“四会”和“三会”的要求运用本模块的单词。2.能正确理解课文意思及用正确的语音语调流利地朗读课文,并能听、读与课文类似的对话和短文。3.能用英语谈论城市的特征。4.能用总结人称代词的用法。 5、学习如何正确书写明信片。(三)学习策略目标1.本单元要求学生能就“城市”的话题进行交流,能讨论城市的特征。2.学生能就假期度假展开话题。3.了解不同城市的特征和不同之处。(四)情感态度目标1.通过课文内容的学习,养成爱学习、不怕困难的良好品质。2.通过了解自己生活的城市,培养学生爱国、爱家的精神。3.通过课文内容的学习,学会关心别人,了解国内部分城市的名胜古迹,比如天安门广场,王府井大街,长城,故宫等。在参观时要注意文明礼仪,不能随意乱扔垃圾,扔垃圾时要注意把垃圾分类。四、教学策略1.本模块的生词可采取这样归纳式学习,有利于学生的记忆,也为课文的教学打下良好的基础。2.充分利用三、四、五年级打下的基础,采取以旧引新,滚雪球式地学习新知识,达到知识的综合运用。3.在教学中,教师要采取不同的教学方式多次反复呈现展示、创设多点操练机会,不断地渗透本模块的难点,比如使用图片或幻灯片等,帮助学生加深针对有关城市的著名建筑物的识记,帮助学生克服学习困难。五、教学重点、难点、1.在复习过去的部分国家名称,以及认知其国家的国旗等文化知识的同时,还要进一步学习和记忆国家的首都、城市以及当地著名标志性建筑物和特点等等。2.形容词比较级和最高级的进一步复习和巩固。3.本单元的生词、句型、课文的理解和记忆。六、教学媒体教学图片、国旗、投影仪、投影片、录音机、录音带、电脑等直观教具,同时,通过教师的动作、肢体语言、表情、语调等来促进和激发学生的学习积极性。七、家庭作业的设计作业要顾及“听、说、读、写”四个能力的操练,生词和课文都要听录音、朗读,并争取背诵部分重要段落。写,体现在完成课本的 “Fun with Language”,以及活动手册的内容。另外,考虑到学生的个别差异,可适量布置一些选做题,积极开发个别学习能力强的学生的学习潜力。比如,让学生们做小海报,写出自己最喜欢的城市,描述这个城市的特点,以及喜欢它的原因,还可设计评选优秀小导游的口语测试活动,创设条件促使学生对某一城市(如,广州等)做详细的了解,并作介绍。通过了解,更加热爱自己所居住的城市;通过介绍,介绍垃圾分类和爱护环境的知识。提高自己的口语表达水平。Period 1 Unit 3 Where are you from? Lets talk1、Warm up1)、播放本单元的英语歌曲: If you are happy2)、Free talk2、Presentation and Practice1) 呈现蝴蝶页在ppt上。介绍今天班上来了一个新同学David,呈现出他的国家的国旗T:Whats this? P1: Its a flag. T: Yes. Its a national flag. David is from New York. Its a big and modern city, but its quite noisy. What are cities look like? 2) Set a purpose for listening to the dialogue: In the last module , we learnt about life in the country. What is the city life like? David is from New York. Does David like city life? Let find out.3)Play the recording again, pausing after each line for pupils to repeat and for you to clarify meaning. If you use thee-Resource, click on each time. While doing this, highlight the target language items listed above. Use the picture and the context in the dialogue to convey the meaning, and provide further examples to illustrate each language structure if necessary.4) Conduct reading aloud practice on the dialogue. Divide the class in to four groups; pupils will read the dialogue in the roles of Ms White, Jiamin, David, and Janet.5) If you use the e-Resource, you may use the Listen and repeat function first for pupils to repeat. Later use the Role play function for pupils to join the conversation in the roles of Ms White, Jiamin, David and Janet.3、Have pupils produce a dialogue similar to the one between Ms White , David, Jiamin,and Janet, substituting the following words and phrases with the further vocabulary items from page15, Remind pupils that the new dialogue should make sense. You may need to give pupils some time to prepare the substitution and some city names to work with.1. Homework1、 抄写UNIT3 的单词2. 预习UNIT 3的课文Period 2 Unit3 Where are you from? Fun with language1、 Warm up1)Free talk2)Dictation2、Presentation and Practice1) Have pupils look at task 1 on Page 16. If you use the e-Resource, show the task on the screen.2) Say to pupils: How can we describe these places in the city?3) Revise the 8 adjectives with pupils.4) Explain in task, using the first question as an example , if necessary.5) Go over the 8 pictures with pupils , inviting them to describe each picture using one of the adjectives. Alternatively, give pupils time to prepare the 8 sentences. When they have finished, have them say aloud their sentences.3、Listen and number1) Have pupils look at the pictures in Tasks 2 on page 16. If you use e-Resource ,show the page on the screen, Present the word sign.2) Say to pupils: In a city, there are many people. So there are things that we should not do. What are these things?3) Invite pupils to give you some example.4) Explain the listening task. Use the first picture to show that those signs often mean Dont do something. Go over the vocabulary involved with pupils, if necessary.5) Play the recording, pausing after every sentence for pupils to put down their answers.6) After the last sentence, play the recording all the way through once for pupils to check their answers.4、Extension: When you have checked the answers with pupils, have them practice making sentences with Dont Call out the number of a picture and pupils give you the corresponding prohibition sentence.Homework1. 听录音朗读与背诵UNIT 3课文。2. 抄写与翻译UNIT 3的课文Period 3 Unit3 Where are you from? Fun with language Sing along Word family 1、 Warm up1)Free talk2)Act out the dialogue2、Presentation and Practice1) 学习歌曲。老师带唱 讲解歌曲 齐唱歌曲2)Have pupils look at the Task3 on Page17.If you use the e-Resource, show the task on the screen. 3) Invite pupils to recall Davids feelings about living in the city, -Does David like living in the city? What does he like about living in the city?4) Set a purpose for reading:We have another girl , Lily who moved to a big city from the country. Does Lily like living in the city? Lets find out.5) Explain the reading task. Then give pupils time to read the passage and complete the task. Refrain from explaining the passage to pupils sentence by sentence before pupils have a chance to attempt the reading.6) When pupils have finished, you may check the answers with them. Alternatively, have them compare answers in pairs, and then present their answers to whole class.7) Go back to the passage and use the context to present or clarify the meaning of email and misses.3.Summary小结所学句型。Homework1完成活动手册UNIT 32预习UNIT 4的课文Period 4 Unit3 Where are you from? Word family 1、 Warm up1)Free talk 2)看图说出名词2. Presentation1) Use the song “If you are happy” to present you and your. Guide pupils to understand that they are the “same pronoun” but in different forms. Guide pupils to see the position of you and your in a sentence.2) You may invite pupils to give you other words like you that they have learnt. As well as other words like your that they have learnt. Build up a table on the board containing pupils answers.3) From the pronouns I and He, use an example sentence to revise me and him with pupils。Ask pipils to give you other words like me and him that they have learnt. Put these words from pupils in the table on the board.4) Have pupils look at Part one on Page19 and compare it with the table on the board.3)Practice1)In this task, pupils practise using various form of pronouns in Part1 in completing some sentences.2) Use the first question as an example.Guide pupils to understand that the boy is talking to the woman. Ask pupils to help the boy complete what he says.3) Check that pupils understand that the 3 words I ,me , and my are for filling in the blanks in the sentences.4) Give pupils time to complete the task on their own.5) When pupils have finished, check the answers with them. You may ask them to read aloud the complete sentences to you.Homework1、 朗读课本P19 Look and Write 2、 完成双基同步导学Period 5 Unit4 I like the city very much Lets talk1、 Warm up1Free talk2Act out the dialogue of unit 32、Presentation and Practice1) Have pupils look at the pictures on Pages20-21. If you use e-Resource, show the two pages on the screen.2) Draw pupils attention to the postcard. Introduce the word postcard.3)Draw pupils attention to the sender (Lei Wei)and the recipient (Lily) of the postcard.4) Invite pupils to study the pictures and predict the recipient the content of the postcard.5) Conclude by telling pupils that postcard is written by Li Wei to Lily in which he talks about his holiday in the city.6) Set a purpose for reading the passage: Li Wei is now having a holiday in the city , Lei Wei is from a farm. Does Li Wei like living in the city? Lets find out.7) Have pupils read the passage silently all the way through. You may invite pupils to have a first attempt at answering the comprehension question.8) When pupils have finished reading the passage silently (and attempted the comprehension questions), play the recording , or the e-Resource, for pupils to listen to the passage. Pause the recording at suitable points to clarify meaning of and highlight the target language items.9) Have pupils answer the comprehension question, or look at their answers again if they have had a first attempt already.10) Check the answer with pupils .11) If you use the e-Resource, have pupils record their reading aloud, using the Listen and repeat function.12) Discuss with pupils whether city life is better than country life. If necessary. Revise the related vocabulary with pupils first. Homework1、 抄写unit4 单词和重点句 2、 熟读unit4课文2. 预习UNIT 4Fun with LanguagePeriod 6 Unit4 I like city life very much Fun with Language1、Warm up Free talk2、Presentation and Practice1) Introduce the context to pupils: A child and his/her parents will have a long holiday. They will visit Beijing. They will visit the places in the 6 pictures.2) Go through the pictures with pupils. Invite them to tell you the names of the 6 pictures. 3) Draw pupils attention to Question2. Explain to pupils that the date show when the family will visit that place. Their task is to listen to the recording and write down the dates for the other place.4)If necessary, revise writing dates with pupils.5) Start the listening task. Play the recording. Pausing after each sentences for pupils to put down the date.6) After the last question, play the recording all the way through for pupils to check the answers.Extension: Use the answer for practice in saying the dates on which people will do different things. 3、 While Task1) You may use Lei Weis postcard for a lead-in2) Says to pupils: Lets practise talking about places in the city. Do people like these places? Why/ Why not?3) Have pupils look at Task2 on Page 22. If you use the e-Resource, show the task on the screen.4) Explain the task. Revise the language structures and vocabulary for describing the city life, if necessary.5) Explain the task, Revise the language structures and vocabulary for describing city life, if necessary.6) Start the task. You may begin the task as a teacher-led activity. Later, have pupils do the practice in Pairs.4、Summary小结所学单词与句型Homework1、 完成miniunit 42. 家庭unit4 单词和重点句Period 7 unit4 I like the city life very much Compare and Write Do the project1、 Warm-up1.Read the Sound Families2.Free talk 2、Task11) In this task, pupils make use of all the language items they have learnt for describing places in comparing city life and country life.2) Explain the task. Guide pupils understand the meaning of “+”and “-”.3) If necessary, revise the related language items with pupils.4) Give pupils time to complete the task, either individually, or in pairs,. Allow them to refer back to the previous pages for the necessary language.5) When pupils have finished, invite them to share their answer with the whole class.3、Task21) In this task, pupils write an email to some pupils from another place to invite them to visit their hometown.2) Have pupils look at Task4 on Page 23. If you use the e-Resource, show the task on the screen.3) You may begin by asking pupils to read the example email to get an idea of the purpose of the email.4) Explain the task. Put pupils into groups. Give pupils example email to get an idea of the purpose of the email.5) Explain the task. Put pupils into groups. Give pupils time to discuss the content of the email and write out the email.6) When pupils have finished, invite them to read out their emails to the whole class.7) To arouse interest ,you may ask the class to listen and vote on the best email.4、Summary小结所学单词与句型Homework1) Do the exercise of unit 4 in Activity Book.2) Dictate the words of Module 2Period 8 unit4 I like the city life very much Story time Did you know?1、 Revision2、 Story time1) Have pupils look at the pictures on page24. If you use e-Resource, show the page on the screen.2) In this story, Ben and Jiamin have tickets to a football game featuring Manchester United. But when they set out for the stadium, they ran into heavy traffic. Then they seek help from Aki, who manages to get them to the stadium on time.3) Go through the first picture with pupils. Guide pupils to understand that Ben and Jiamin are going to the stadium to watch a football game. Introduce game, Manchester United, and stadium.4) Invite pupils to guess whether many people will go to the stadium, and what Ben and Jiamin will get into on their way to the stadium.5) Set a purpose for reading: Ben and Jiamin are going to the stadium. Will they get there on time? Lets find out.6) Play recording again, pausing after every picture to check understanding or clarify meaning.7) Play the recording all the way through again for pupils to listen to and read the whole story one more time.8) If you use the e-Resource, play the story video for pupils to view the story. You may use the listening and repeat functions for pupils ro pracitse reading the sentences correctly. You may also use the Role play function for pupils to join the dialogue in different roles.9) Have pupils act out the story in groups.3、 Did you know?1) You may provide a lead-in by citing some of the places and things that have been mentioned in this module.2) Say to pupils: Lets learn about other things and places in the city.3) Have pupils look at the pictures on page25. If you use e-Resource , show the pictures on the screen.4) Have pupils study the 6 pictures.5) Go through the 6 pictures with pupils and ask them to say each word after you.You may round off by asking how many


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