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人教版2020年九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I want _ a drum player and Im going to take drum lessons.AbeBto beCdoDgoing to be2 . I dont do well in English.Could you please give me some _.AnewsBsuggestionCadviceDneed3 . _ went camping last weekend because of the rainy weather.ASomeoneBNo oneCEveryoneDAnyone4 . _ I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt worry me as it used to be.ABecauseBIfCAlthoughDWhile5 . Why does Steve look so worried? He cant find his coat _ he bought last week.AwhichBwhoCwhoseDwhen6 . When he saw a wallet, he _ at once.Apicked it upBgave it upCpicked up it7 . Can your brother play chess?Yes, he _ . But he cant play _.Acan; goodBcant; niceCcan; wellDcant; fine8 . This question sounds _ than that one.Amany more politeBmuch more politeCmany more politelyDmuch more politely9 . Shell go shopping as soon as she _ the clothes.Awill finish washingBfinishes washingCfinish washingDfinish to wash10 . Although you may meet some difficulties in learning English ,you should never_Aput upBget upCgive upDgrow up二、完型填空A man was sitting in the doctors office. He was telling the doctor about his_I like football.doctor, he said. Please help me. My life has_been a good one since I became_in football and it is getting worse and worse. I cant even_well at night. When I close my_,Im out there in the football field_after a flying ball. When I wake up,Im more_than I was when I went to bed. What should I do? Can you give me some_?The doctor sat back and said, First of all,you have to do your best not to dream about football. Before you fall_,try to think about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars. Are you crazy? the man shouted. Ill_the ball!11 . AtripBfamilyCsportDproblem12 . AeverBneverCalreadyDoften13 . AangryBexcitedCinterestedDsad14 . AsleepBplayCseeDWork15 . AroomsBwindowsCbooksDeyes16 . AlookingBrunningCplayingDWaiting17 . AsurprisedBworriedCtiredDpleased18 . AadviceBhopeCmoneyDMedicine19 . AdownBoverCoffDasleep20 . AmissBplayCcatchDpass三、阅读单选Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly? Or when your best friend doesnt wait for you after school?If you do, you need to control your feelings and stop getting angry so easily. Getting angry easily can make you lose friends.Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, wrote My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teenagers how to stay cool when bad things happen to them. The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can not make them better. “Getting angry is not a natural way to act”, the book says. It is not good for your health, like smoking. The book says you can control your anger easily,and all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.When a baby falls over, it cries only when people are watching it. Like a baby, you can only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do.The book gives many suggestions to help you if you get angry easily. Here are the top three.Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.Do something different.When you get angry,walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh!根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。21 . The underlined word“control means _in Chinese.A发作B控制C消除D抵制22 . My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals mainly tells us_.Awhat the nature isBsmoking is a bad habitChow to stay coolDhow to learn English well23 . What can you do when you get angry?AQuarrel (争吵) with others.BDont walk away from the problem.CAsk your friends to talk to you.DWrite down the reason why youre angry.24 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AHere are four suggestions to help you if you get angry easily.BMy Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals is a film.CThe writer thinks it is hard to control anger.DThe writer thinks that if you get angry easily, you can lose your friends.25 . Which is the best title(题目) for this passage?ADont Get Angry EasilyBLets Make FriendsCLaughing HelpsDA Baby Gets Angry EasilyRead the passage and choose the best answer(根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案)What is inside Mars(火星)? Perhaps I may give you the answer in the near future. I am InSight(洞察号).I am a spacecraft. On Nov 27,I arrived on Mara. In fact, I am the eighth spacecraft in my family to successfully land on Mars. But Im the first to study the things inside it.What do I look like? I have an arm, It is 1.8 metres long. At work, if I need to move the things from my body to the ground, the arm helps me. On my arm, I have my single eye. You are right-its a camera. I can use it to take pictures of Mars. As for navigation(导航),I will be led to the right place because scientists on the Earth keep telling me about directions. With three legs, I can stand well. And look at my two big “wings. Actually the get lots of power from the sun to make me work.For the next 24 months-about one Martian year, I will stay on this red planet. Unlike brothers or sisters, I dont move a lot when Im working on Mars. I will Just stay at one place use my heat probe(探热仪)to explore nearly 5 meters deep inside Mars. This way, I can get a lot of information about the inside without damaging the planet. Then I will send the information back to Earth. This may help scientists find out how Mars started.26 . Before InSight,_ spacecrafts landed on Mars successfully.AsixBsevenCeightDnine27 . InSight can _with the help of the single eye,Amove the things it needs t workBuse its camera to find the wayCstand well on MarsDtake pictures of Mars28 . InSight will stay on Mars for_.Aabout one yearBtwelve monthsCabout one Martian yearDtwenty-four years29 . From this article, we know_.AInSight gets its power for work from MarsBseveral spacecrafts are studying the inside of MarsCInSight wont damage Mars because it wont move a lot on the planetDthe scientists ambition is to find out how Mars started30 . The best title for this article is_.ANew Lander on MarsBThe Inside of MarsCA Red Planet-MarsDExploring Mars1. Know the fire exit (消防通道) and plan two ways out.2.If you hear the smoke alarm or smell smoke, Shout Fire! Everyone out! to awaken anyonestill asleep and to let others know there is a fire. 3. Feel the door with the back of your hand if theres a fire. If its hot, use the window if possible. A warm door may mean there is a fire outside. If the door is cool, open it slowly, then crawl out of the building. If heat and smoke come in when you open the door, close it tightly, and find another way out. 4. Dont hide! Go outside! Never hide under beds when there is a fire. 5. Stay low and crawl below the smoke to safety. Smoke goes up with the warm air and the air below is fresher. 6. Dont stop to put on your clothes or look for valuables (财物).7. Dont go back into a burning house for any reason.8.Wait for your family at a meeting place outside,such as a big tree or the entrance( 入口) of the housing estate(小区), to know everyone is safe.9. If you cant escape from a room because of a fire outside, put wet clothing, towels, or blankets at the bottom of the door to keep the smoke out.10.Open your window and ask for help if you cant escape through the door.11. Stop, Drop and Roll if your hair or clothes are on fire. Shout for help, but dont run. Running makes fire burn faster.Stop where you are.Drop to the ground while covering your face with your hands to protect it. Roll over and over until the fire is out.31 . Why do you shout Fire! Everyone out!”?ATo ask people to put on their clothesBTo ask people to look for valuables.CTo awaken anyone still asleep and to let others know there is a fire.32 . If the door is hot,_Aopen it slowly, then crawl out of the building.Buse the window if possibleCopen it and walk out of the buliding33 . From the passage, we know we should_ if there is a fire.Aplan two ways outBlook for valuables firstChide under beds34 . If your hair or clothes are on fire,_.Arun quicklyBstop, drop and rollCjump downstairs35 . The title of the passage is :_.AStop, drop and rollBFire safety rulesCFire is dangerousIn most languages, a greeting is usually followed by “small talk”. Small talk means the little things we talk about at the start of a conversation. In English-speaking countries people often make small talk about the weather: “Nice day, isnt it?” “Terrible weather, isnt it?” But there is something special about small talk. It must be about something which both people have the same opinion about. The purpose of small talk is to let both people agree on something. This makes meeting people easier and more comfortable. People usually agree about the weather, so it is a safe topic for small talk. But people often disagree about religion or politics so these are not suitable topics for small talk in English. The topics for small talk also depend on where the conversation is taking place. At football matches, people make small talk about the game they are watching: “Great game, isnt it?” At bus stops, people may comment about the transport system: “The bus service is terrible, isnt it?” Greetings and small talk are an important part of conversation in any language. The way people great each and the things they talk about, however, may be different from one language to another. This shows that there is much more to learn when we learn a language than just the vocabulary and the grammar of the language. We also have to learn the social behavior of the people who speak it.36 . Small talk _.Ais a kind of conversation with short wordsBis a greeting when people meet each otherCis to let people disagree about somethingDis something we talk about to start a conversation37 . The best topic of small talk is about _.Athe weatherBpoliticsCGamesDlanguages38 . The passage suggests that when we learn a language _.Awe should learn about the transport system of the countryBwe should only master the grammar and vocabularyCwe should know the culture about the countryDwe should grasp the importance of the language39 . When we say “Great game, isnt it?” we in fact_.Aask a questionBhave a conversationCgreet each otherDbegin a small talk40 . What we learn from the passage is that _.Adifferent language has different grammarBsmall talk is an important part in a languageCsmall talk depends on the purpose of the conversationDin English-speaking countries we should talk about the weather.四、语法填空根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中空白处填写一个正确单词。The Best of Sherlock Holmes(福尔摩斯探案集)is a 41 . (collect)of famous stories about the great detective Sherlock Holmes. Reading the 42 . (fantastically)stories, r43 . can have great fun and feel excited and interested, 44 . the book has been p45 . with teenagers all over the world.In a story, a man was murdered(谋杀). Who did it 46 . why? The ending is always far from what you 47 . (expect). The criminal turns out to 48 . (be)that nice MrA49 . (compare)with X,Y and Z, Mr C is the most50 . (possible), who would never hurt an ant!五、多任务混合问题Peter lost his friends book. He felt very sad. Kate broke her moms favorite cup. _. She was so sorry for her mistake.We all make mistakes because were human. And its not always easy to get on well with everyone all the time. Sometimes we hurt peoples feelings although we dont do it on purpose. Sometimes we hurt peoples feelings on purpose, _. So we apologize (道歉)An apology tells someone that were sorry for our mistakes. Its a way to show that well try to do better in future.Apologies are one of the tools to build good friendships and relationships. When you say “Im sorry”, you probably feel bad because what you did or said hurt another person. _, youre also saying that you respect the other person, and care about his or her feelings. Apologizing shows you have empathy(同感)After apologizing, you might feel a little better. _. When you apologize in a caring way, you may feel good because you are trying to make things right again.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。AThen she criedBbut we feel bad laterCWhen you say “Im sorry”Dand you want to return his bookEThe other person will probably feel better,too_Which is the best title of the passage?AMistakes. BApologies.CSorry. DRespect.51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句56 . Tibet, been, ever, you, have, to_?57 . at, John, a, last, had, the, time, zoo, great, Sunday_.58 . beautiful, they, somewhere, going, vacation, are, on_.59 . people, do, Singapore, what, in, speak, languages_?60 . show, to, how, a, the, tea, make, of, tea, cup, art, perfect, performances_.七、材料作文61 . 根据下面表格内容,写一篇80字左右的文章,介绍一下你的同学李华。姓名李华年龄15外貌高而强壮爱好打篮球,篮球打的很棒聪明1.擅长英语,数学,历史,对世界上奇妙的事物知道得很多;2.去野营时会搭建帐篷乐于助人1.经常帮助同学学习英语;2.3.勇敢一个星期天早上,像往常一样坐在河边看书,突然听到一个男孩大声呼救,他快速地跳进河里,把小男孩从水里救了上来要求:1.条理清楚,语意连贯。2.紧扣主题,适当发挥。3.书写规范,注意使用正确的人称、时态。_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、


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