牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit1 Integrated skills同步测试卷

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit1 Integrated skills同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There are about seven _workers in that factory.AhundredsBhundreds ofCthousand ofDthousand2 . I like the _ written by J. K. Rowling very much.AhomeworkBnumbersCmoviesDbooks3 . I often listen to _ music and I like _ music of this TV play very much.Aa; theB/; theCthe; aD/; /4 . Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends, QQ_ WeChat?AorBandCsoDbut5 . -_ wouldnt you like to be a teacher?- Because I want to be a doctor.AHowBWhyCWhereDHow many6 . That is a boy._name is Peter.ASheBHeCHisDHer7 . (题文)Youre halfway _things with a good start.Ato doingBto doCdoingDdo8 . Each of the singers _ a _ swimming pool.Ahas; fifty-metres-longBhave; fifty-metres-longChave; fifty-metre-longDhas; fifty-metre-long二、补全对话6选5请从方框中选择适当的选项补全下面的对话Paul: Good morning. Paul is speaking. 9 . Mrs Lee: This is Mrs Lee, your mothers friend.10 . Paul: Sorry, Mrs Lee, my mother is out for a walk now.11 . Mrs Lee: Thanks. Could you please ask her to call me back when she is back?Paul: Sure.12 . Mrs Lee: 15034147776.Paul: OK. Ive got it.Mrs Lee: Many thanks, Paul.Paul: 13 . Bye!AYoure welcome.BMay I speak to your mother?CMay I have your telephone number?DI will get her to the phone.EWould you please call later?FWho is that calling?三、阅读单选An Internet game named Happy Farm is becoming more and more popular among young office workers and students. People can work on a farm. They can also grow, water, sell and steal vegetables, flowers, fruits and so on. They can earn some e-money from their working on the farm. Then they can use it to buy more seeds, pets and even houses. Of course, all these are not true, they are only on the Internet.Why do so many young people enjoy the kind of Farm game? I think maybe some of them are afraid of facing the real world, and they have to look for fun from the Internet. Some feel lonely and want to make friends during growing vegetables on the Internet. Some have great fun_others vegetables because they neednt work on their farm.Most parents and teachers are worried about these young people and students. Students spend too much time playing the game. Its bad for their health and study.14 . Whats the name of this kind of game?AHappy Farm.BVegetables and Fruits.CWorking on a Farm.DComputer Came.15 . Where do the young people plant vegetables?AOn a real farm.BIn their homes garden.COn a farm of the Internet.DNear their houses.16 . Why do some people enjoy the game?ASome people feel lonely and want to make friends.BThey can get some money for living.CThey dont need to buy vegetable for lunch.DThey can learn English from the game.17 . Whats the meaning of the underlined word “stealing”?A送给B搬运C吃D偷18 . Why are parents and teachers worried about these young people and students?ABecause students spend too much time on the game.BBecause students use the game to improve their English.CBecause it costs students much money.DBecause some students dont go to school.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空六、根据句意及所给的汉语提示写出单词19 . The_(首都)of China is Beijing.20 . -How to read0in English?-_(零).21 . There are about three_(百)students on the playground.22 . There are two_(浴室)in my house.23 . There is something wrong with the_(机器).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空24 . My teacher is strict with us to get us into the habit of _(make)notes in class.25 . The doctor suggests my brother _(relax)for a while after reading for one hour.26 . My parents are considering _(buy)a big house.27 . The old man agreed _(give)the boy a chance to correct his mistakes.28 . You must stop _(talk)and listen to me carefully.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。29 . 我们的英语老师中等身材。Our English teacher is of _30 . 你能尽快给我写信吗?Can you _ me soon?31 . 实际上,我不知道他住在哪儿。_,I dont know where he lives.32 . 桌上有两碗水饺。There are two _ of _ on the table.33 . 听!谁在教室里讲笑话?Listen!Who is _ in the classroom?七、填写适当的单词补全对话根据所给的首字母提示,完成下列对话Mr Green: Hello?Jacky: Hello. May I s34 . to Andy, please?Mr Green: S35 . . He is not in now. Who is that s36 . ?Jacky: T37 . is Jacky, his classmate.Mr Green: Hello, Jacky. Would you like me to take a m38 . for you?Jacky: Please ask him to call me b39 . .Mr Green: OK. Does he have your telephone n40 . ?Jacky: I am afraid not. It is 5822608.Mr Green: Is that five, eight, d41 . two, six, O, eight?Jacky: Yes it is. Many t42 . .Mr Green: Youre welcome. I will tell him to c43 . you when he is back.八、单词填空词汇运用根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Miss Zhang is busy every day.She is an English teacher.She 44 . (工作)very long hours every day.She gets up 45 . (早地)in the morning.She 46 . (锻炼)at 6:15.She thinks it can make her healthy.She reads books about history and art at 6:40 in the morning.She often says people should 47 . (从不)stop(停止)learning.Breakfast starts at 7:00.After that,she goes to work by bike.She 48 . (通常地)has three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. 49 . (她的)students love her.They say she is 50 . (总是)strict with them and teaches them very well.Miss Zhang has lunch at school and gets home at around a 51 . (一刻钟)to seven.She often watches TV or listens to 52 . (音乐)in the evening.After taking a 53 . (淋浴)at 10:30,she goes to bed.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、补全对话6选51、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、填写适当的单词补全对话1、八、单词填空1、


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