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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空People who have special needs for children understand that even small success means a lot. Weve learned to respect people who work very hard to do _ things, like learning to tie shoes.My eight-year-old son, Brian, wanted to win an award(奖,奖金) by learning to tie his own shoes. He was given ten days to prepare for the goal. Because Brian has Down syndrome(唐氏综合症), our whole family_ him. Days passed and he could not do it and he cried. We cried with him. The day came for the meeting. We were worried about our lack of ability to teach such a simple task and spoke _ about not taking him to the meeting that night. We didnt want to make him sad.I nearly opened my _ to tell him that it wasnt important for him to learn to tie his shoes. But before I did that, his older sister _ a new idea.Brian, she softly asked, why dont you try closing your eyes? See if you can tie your shoes in your imagination. That way, if you get up to go someplace early before the sun comes up, you can tie your shoes in the_ .Brian sat, with eyes closed, and tied his shoes perfectly. We looked at each other excitedly. And then we _ to his meeting.Brian went first. He, with eyes closed, _ an award that might weight more than an Olympic Gold Medal. Tears of joy fell.Brian turned something difficult into something ordinary, small and simple. When he found a new _ to solve the problem, it became an important event because it was really difficult for him. We all cheered for him. Brian still ties his shoes as his big sister suggested so many years ago.Since then, I believe that when things get difficult and I cant find a solution to a problem, I just close my eyes and find a _ way.1 . AstrangeBsimpleCcreativeDdifficult2 . AstoppedBfedCfoundDtaught3 . AquietlyBexcitedlyChappilyDloudly4 . AmouthBeyesCbookDdoor5 . AforgotBneededChadDcancelled6 . AdaytimeBflatCspaceDdark7 . AwalkedBfliedChurriedDdropped8 . AlostBgotCboughtDsent9 . AbridgeBbusinessCwayDlab10 . AdifferentBusefulCwonderfulDformal二、阅读单选In America, just as in Europe, men usually open doors for women, and women always walk ahead of men into a room or a restaurant, unless the men have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table, to open the door of a car or do some other things like the above. On the street, men almost always walk or cross the street on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic. But if a man walks with two ladies, he should walk between them. Then if the host (男主人) or hostess (女主人) or both of them come in a car to get their guest for dinner, the guest should sit at the front seat and leave the back seat though there is no people sitting on it.11 . In America, men usually _Awalk ahead of womenBeat in a restaurantCwalk behind womenDeat out12 . The men have to be _ of the ladies to choose the table, to open the door of a car or do some other things like the above.AaheadBbehindCmiddleDunder13 . In the street men _.Across the street ahead of the ladiesBwalk on the right side of the ladiesCwalk on the closer side of the ladies to the trafficDwalk on the left side of the road14 . If a man walks with two ladies, he should _.Awalk between themBrun before themCfollow themDwalk after them15 . If Mrs. Green wants you to her house in a car, you should _Asit beside a guestBsit at the front seatCsit at the back seatDdrive the carCars for TomorrowA kind of little cars may take the place of(代替)todays big ones. The car is as small as a bike but can carry two people in it. If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution(污染)in the air. There will also be more space in cities,and the streets will have more space for people to walk.The little cars will be cheap. These little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour,so driving will be safer, too. The cars will be fine for getting around the city,but they will not be useful for a long trip. This kind of cars can save a lot of gasoline(汽油).They will go 450 kilometers before needing to stop for more gasoline.If big cars are still used along with the small ones,two kinds of roads will be needed in the future. One will be needed for the big, fast cars and the other will be needed for the smaller, slower ones.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。16 . There is much pollution in the air today because.Apeople drive big carsBpeople drive little carsCpeople take a bus to workDthe usual size of cars today is too small17 . There will be more space in the streets because.Athere will be fewer carsBthere will be fewer people in the streetsCno people will drive carsDfuture cars will be much smaller18 . Can the little cars of the future save a lot of gasoline?AYes, they can.BNo, they dont.CNo, they cant.DYes, they are.19 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThere will be too many cars in the futureBMore and more people will live aroundCBig cars run faster and small cars run slowerDIt looks more beautiful to have two kinds of roadsWhat do you often do when you are free? Many people like running these days. They run for their health. Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much and not having enough exercise. Doctors tell us, Eat less, don smoke and exercise more. Running is good exercise, because it helps most people lose weight(减肥). One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week. She runs to lose weight. I love to eat, she says. So I have to run every week to lose weight. And it helps a lot.Running is good for our health in other ways, too. Many runners say running makes colds and other small health problems go away. Thats because it helps to have a healthy body. Running is my doctor, says one man.Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages like running.20 . The third paragraph shows_Arunning helps people to relaxBrunning makes people have more health problemsCrunning helps people to lose weightDrunning makes people hays fewer health problems21 . The writer mainly tells us_Ahow to run.Brunning is goodChow to lose weightDrunning is better than doctors22 . What is the structure of the article?ABCDPosted on 25 March by SelinaI used to shower with soap every day,but my skin(皮肤)always felt dry and itchy(发痒的). Then two months ago, I heard of the no-soap movement. Since then, Ive given up using soap in the shower. I still shower every day. I just dont use soap because its filled with chemicals.So, whats so bad about using soap? Well, the chemicals in soaps can be harmful to our health. So, if we use soap, our skin will take in the chemicals, which will then end up in our bodies. According to the scientists, some of the chemicals used in a soap are quite dangerous. During my research, I also learnt that soap removes moisture(水分)from the body. This is actually why my skin was so dry and itchy.Getting used to washing my body without soap was a huge change. For the first week, I felt a bit dirty and I didnt smell great, either. However, during the second week, my skin felt clean without strange smell. Best of all, my skin problems disappeared, and now I have softer and healthier skin.On the whole, going soap-free has not only saved me time and money, but has also improved my skin. Whats more, this experience has made me take a look at some of the other products I use in the shower, such as shampoo. More about that in my next blog!23 . What do people do when they join the no-soap movement?AHave a shower only a week.BNever use soap when having a shower.CThrow away all the soap they have.DMake soap on their own instead of buying it.24 . Why does Selinas skin always feel dry and itchy according to the reading?ABecause she takes showers too often.BBecause she often showers at a high heat.CBecause the soap she uses smells terribleDBecause soap takes away her moisture.25 . What happened to Selina during the second week?AShe smelt bad but felt clean.BShe felt dirty but smelt great.CShe smelt normal and felt clean.DShe felt dry and smelt strange.26 . What might Selina write in her next blog?AWhen and how the shampoo was invented.BWhere and when her shampoo was brought.CHow she enjoys the shower with shampoo.DWhat she thinks of shampoo in the shower.Forget your exam and tests!1The summer holidays have begun.2Put away your books and notes.3Lets just relax and have fun.4Play computer games? Watch TV?5To do only these is boring!6Ive decided to learn something new.7 Like swimming or boat rowing.8The beach is my favourite spot.9To sunbathe, cycle, dive and play.10If only the sun would never go down.11 And would keep me company night and day.12Last summer I flew to Japan and Korea.13This year I am off to Singapore. 14And if my parents can afford it. 15 Perhaps to a few countries more.16Oh the holidays are just too short! 17How can I finish all I plan to do?18I wish they were ten times longer.19Dont you, my friends, think so too?2027 . Read lines 1-4. The writer feels _.AsickBhappyCsadDweak28 . Read lines 5-8. The writer doesnt know how to _.ABCD29 . Read lines 13-16. The writer will go to _ this year.AJapanBSingaporeCKoreaDthe USA30 . Read lines 17-20. The writer _ all his holiday activities.Adoesnt likeBwill play ten times forCdoes not have enough time forDwants his friends to join in31 . Which of the following rhyme with each other?ANotes and funBBoring and newCSpot and playDPlay and day三、完成句子翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)32 . 昨晚学生们太兴奋了,以至于没有睡好。The students were _ excited _ they didnt sleep well last night.33 . 我太忙,今天没时间去买东西了。_ I have no time to go shopping today.34 . 老师解释得很清楚,因此我们都听懂了。The teacher explained very clearly _ we all understood.35 . 玛丽发现鞋子不合脚后,立即脱掉了。Mary found the shoes didnt fit her and _ them _ quickly.36 . 他拿起那块手表,然后快速地离开了房间。(词数不限)He _ the watch and then left the room quickly.37 . 像往常一样,美国航空公司的1549航班从纽约的一个机场起飞。US Airway Flight 1549 _ as usual from an airport in New York.38 . 其他的(孩子)练习运动以便他们能(参与)竞争并取得胜利。_ are practicing sports _they can compete and win.39 . 李明的妈妈从邮局取了这些礼物。Li Mings mother _ the presents from the post office.40 . 我爸爸想给我买一辆自行车以便我能够快一点到学校。My father wants to buy me a bicycle _I can get to school faster.41 . 当观众们看到林书豪时,他们激动得大喊大叫。When the audience saw Jeremy Lin, they got _ excited _ they cried out.四、回答问题根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Linda and Mary are good friends. Linda is thirteen. She comes from the U.S.A. Mary is twelve. Shes from London(伦敦). They study in the same school, but in different classes. Lindas father teaches English in a middle school. Her mother drives a car. Marys mother works in an office. Her father is a doctor. Linda can speak English, French(法语) and a little Chinese. Lindas mother likes cooking. She likes eating rice. But Linda s father doesnt. He likes drinking milk and eating bread. Marys mother doesnt like cooking. But she likes doing some shopping. She can make nice skirts and dresses. Marys father likes doing housework(家务).42 . Where does Mary come from?43 . What does Lindas father do?44 . Where does Marys father work?45 . What can Linda speak?46 . What does Marys mother do?五、英汉互译:整句第一节语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。This is the story of the Disney movie Dumbo (丹波). 1. 丹波是一头小象。He was born in a circus (马戏团). 2. But he is different from other elephants. His ears (耳朵) are very big. Other elephants often make fun of him for this. 3.他们不想和他交朋友因为他的耳朵太大了。He feels bad about himself. However, one day, some children in the circus find that Dumbo can fly(飞). 4. He can fly like a bird. Dumbo works with an aerial artist (高空杂技艺术家) to perform. 5. People like their shows. Soon, Dumbo becomes a big star!It tells us that we should celebrate our differences, even if (即使) others think they are strange.Do you know? Dumbo is based on (改编自) the book of the same name. US writers Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl wrote the book. In 1941, Disney made it into a movie. It became a classic (经典). Thats why Disney decided to remake it. Dumbo will open in Chinese mainland theaters on March 29.47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _51 . _六、话题作文52 . 书面表达以“My good friend-Amy”为题,写一篇60词左右的短文。要点提示:1. Amy 12岁,留着又长又黑的头发,来自北京,现在和父母一起住在宜兴;2. Amy又高又苗条,看上去讨人喜欢,不戴眼镜;3. Amy擅长画画,喜爱舞蹈;4. Amy喜欢所有功课;5. Amy在学校有许多好朋友,他们都对她很好。My good friend-Amy第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、三、完成句子1、四、回答问题1、五、英汉互译:整句1、六、话题作文1、


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