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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Thanks for lending me money. _, I couldnt afford this trip to Bangkok.AAlsoBSoCBecauseDOtherwise2 . It_ me twenty minutes to ride to school every day.AspendsBusesCcostsDtakes3 . “_ you angry then?” “they _ too much noise.”Aare, were makingBwere, were makingCare, madeDwere, made4 . is the cat?Under the desk.AWhatBHowCWhoDWhere5 . Mr Smith says learning languagesaction, or we will get nothing at all.AreducesBrequiresCrefusesDrealizes6 . If you want to succeed, you have to have _ in front of difficulties.Yes. Nothing is impossible if we put our heart into it.AknowledgeBcourageCspirits7 . 一Mom, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it?一Im not sure. It be a present from your uncle.AneedBmustCmayDwill8 . -What do you think of my answer to the question?-Sorry, Whats that? I _ about something else.Aam thinkingBwas thinkingChad thoughtDthought9 . Why not buy a radio and learn English on the radio?_ASounds like a good idea!BIt doesnt matter.CThanks for your help.DSorry to hear that.10 . I like _ of these clothes because they are all out of fashion and dont look beautiful.AneitherBbothCallDnone11 . The little boy saved every coin_ he could buy his mother a present on Mothers Day.AbecauseBso thatCthoughDif12 . “They have a lot to eat and drink.” It is a structure of _.AS+V+PBS+V+IO+DOCS+V+DO+OCDS+V+DO13 . The banana is too big.You can _ first, and then give a half to me.Acut it in halfBcut them upCcut it halfDcut up it14 . Lets try our best_make it_Ato;successfullyBto;successfulC/;successD/;successful15 . Mr Wang was mad _ me because I was late against today.AofBonCwithDto二、完型填空完形填空,阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Rose didnt see her school IC card at lunch time. She asked her _and looked for it everywhere. But she couldnt _it. Later, one girl said that she saw Kate take a card from Roses desk. So Rose got very _.When she met Kate in the afternoon, Rose _, “You have stolen(偷) my card!” Hearing this, Kate began to cry, “No, no, I didnt steal it! I only took it by _.” But Rose didnt think so and they began to fight.Just then a teacher came up and _what had happened. Kate told the whole story. She said her pen pal came to see her in the morning. She was so _that she took the card carelessly. Then they went for lunch happily. “I used the card, but I had thought it was _. I didnt know it was Roses _ she asked. I was too _to explain it to her. So I decided to put the_back with some money secretly. I am sorry, Rose.” Kate said in a low _.Its just a misunderstanding(误会)! said the teacher. Tears came into Roses eyes. Then she said, “I was_sorry, Kate! I hope we are still good friends. ”After that, the two girls get on_with each other. They often help each other _the homework and they often play and chat with each other. They are good friends as before.16 . AparentsBstudentsCclassmatesDteachers17 . AfindBbuyCputDlook18 . AhappyBangryCafraidDglad19 . AsangBshoutedCreadDtalked20 . AcardBwordsCmistakeDherself21 . AaskedBunderstoodCallowedDknew22 . AsadBexcitedCinterestedDafraid23 . AmineByoursChisDhers24 . AuntilBafterCifDwhen25 . AdifficultBafraidCnervous(紧张的)Dexcited26 . ApenBbookCcardDpencil27 . AvoiceBsoundCnoiseDnoisy28 . AnotBalsoCneverDeither29 . AgoodBwellCbetterDbest30 . AatBinCofDwith三、阅读单选Dear neighbors,Next Saturday is the Volunteer Day of our community (社区). Here is the plan.7:30 a.m.: Meet at the Community Center for breakfast.8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m.: Decide which of the following organizations youd like to work for. You can begin thinking about what you may want to do now.Happy Homes: It provides (提供) home repairs for people in need.Elder Care: It sends volunteers to old peoples home. Volunteers can play games with the old people there, or talk with them.City Parks Association: It needs volunteers to help plant flowers and pick up trash (垃圾) in city parks. These are outdoor activities, so remember to bring some drinking water!Love and Learning: It helps children with learning disabilities. Read books out loudly to groups of children and help them with their homework.8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m.: Get on the bus for your chosen activity, and ride with the other volunteers to your activity site (地点).9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.: Work as a volunteer.12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.: Share lunch with your volunteer group.1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m.: Go on with your volunteer work.3:30 p.m.: Get on the bus that will take you back to the Community Center. You can talk with other volunteers and share your experiences.To know more information, please call 718-384-782. We are looking forward to your joining.Central Community根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31 . What do volunteers for Happy Homes do?AThey repair homes.BThey clean up homes.CThey visit old peoples homes.DThey care for children at home alone.32 . If one chooses to work for City Parks Association, he needs to bring _.ABCD33 . How will volunteers go to their activity sites?ABy bike.BBy car.CBy bus.DBy subway.34 . Volunteers will finish their work at _A1:00 p.m.B1:30 p.m.C3:00 p.m.D3:30 p.m.35 . The writer writes this passage to _.Aask people to do Volunteer Day activitiesBshow the importance of volunteeringCdescribe a volunteering experienceDtell people how to be a volunteerThe Good SonOnce there was a jeweller, who was known as a good man. People always bought jewelries from him.One day, a rich man and his wife came to buy some diamonds (钻石) which would be put on a special dress for their mother. She would wear it for her eightieth-birthday party.The couple told the jeweller what they wanted, and offered him an honest price. He replied that he could not let them see the jewels at that moment, and asked them to come back later. However, they wanted the diamonds without delay (耽搁). They also thought that the jeweller might be trying to get more money for the diamonds. So they offered him double, then three times, what the diamonds were worth. But he still refused to give them the diamonds. They went away, very angry.Some hours after, the jeweller went to them and gave them the diamonds. They offered him the last price for the diamonds, which was three times what the diamonds were worth. But the jeweller said, “I will only accept the first price that you offered this morning.”“Why, then, did you not sell us the diamonds right away?” they asked in surprise. He replied, “My father had the key to the box where the diamonds were kept. He was asleep, and I did not want to wake him. He is old and every hour of sleep does him good. For all the gold in the world, I would not disrespect my father or cause him discomfort.” The couple were deeply moved by the mans words, so the husband said to him,“You are so kind! Thanks for the lesson you taught us honour your father and your mother. One day your own children will give you the same respect and love that you have shown.”36 . The rich couple came to the jeweller to .Aget a special dressBmake some jewelriesCbuy some diamondsDvisit the jewellers dad37 . When the jeweller refused to give the diamonds, .Athe couple agreed with himBhis father was still sleepingCthe couples mum was angryDhe wanted to raise the price up38 . The couple was deeply moved because the jeweller .Abrought them the diamonds at onceBgave love and care to his fatherCsold the best diamonds to themDshowed great respect to themI did something wrong today.While at the beach this afternoon. I met a boy called Bob We talked a lot. He said that it was fun playing on the cliffs (悬崖). I told him that I was not allowed to go near that place( Mum and Dad had always told me it was dangerous to play there). He called me a coward. I wanted to prove to him that I was just as brave, so I agreed to go with himWe wanted to make our way down to explore (探索)the area. so Bob started to climb down and I followed him. Unluckily. some rocks came down after us. One of them nearly hit my head. We could not get back up. We shouted and shouted for help. but for a long time no help came. I was really scared. I wanted to cry. Then, we heard some sounds. Someone had heard us. A woman tied (系 )a rope around herself while a man at the cliff top held the rope. She made her way down to save us.My parents were relieved (宽慰的)that I was unhurt, but they were angry that I had done such a risky thing. I apologized and promised that I would not do anything like that again39 . Where did the writer meet Bob?AAt schoolBIn the parkCAt the beachDOn the cliffs40 . In Paragraph 2. “a coward” means_Aa person who is not braveBa person who is not cleverCa person who is not strongDa person who is not polite41 . What had the writer s parents always warned him about?AThe wind was very strongBThe beach was too far awayCThe cliffs were not a safe placeDBob was difficult to get on with42 . Put the sentences in the right order according to the passagea. Some rocks came downb. The writer followed Bobc. The writer wanted to cryd. A man and a woman saved theme. The writer and Bob heard some soundsAa-b-c-d-eBb-a-c-e-dCa-c-b-e-dDb-c-a-e-d43 . How did the writer feel about what he had done?ASurprisedBExcitedCGladDSorry四、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。satisfaction, several, strong, feeling, joy44 . Dont try to go back to work before you are physically _ enough.45 . It is a good _ to be arriving home again.46 . Jenny was happy to see me. She jumped for _.47 . We must do the work to the _ of clients (客户).48 . There are _ books on the desk. Which one do you want?五、单词填空根据对话内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将完整单词填在答题卡对应题号后的横线上。Eric:What are you doing, Diana? Diana:Im reading a book about a49 . facts about animals and man.Eric:Really? What does it say?Diana:Do you know how much f50 . a man has?Eric:Thats an easy question. Usually, it makes up about 15% to 20% of a mans body.Diana:Thats true. And how m51 . bones does a man have?Eric:206. Everybody knows it.Diana:Thats not always true. A young child has m52 . bones than an adult. A baby may have as many as 305 bones at b53 . .Eric:Thats really interesting. And does the book say a54 . about the giraffe?Diana:Yes, its the tallest animal on the e55 . . It is almost three t56 . as tall as the tallest man.Eric:Elephants are also tall and big in s57 . . These animals must have strong legs.Diana:But elephants dont have any bones in the b58 . of their feet.六、语法填空请阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不超过三词)。Mr. White is a lawyer. He usually works in his office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad 59 . his eyes and he is nearly-sighted, but he never wears60 . (glass). He is this kind of person 61 . cares about his appearance a lot. And as62 . result, he is often in trouble.One winter morning he went to a village school on business. He got off a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. He fell over some times 63 . the road to the village wasnt smooth. At last, he got to the village. It got much64 . (cold) as the wind suddenly blew harder. While he65 . (look) for the school, his hat was blown off. He began to run after it, but he couldnt get the hat at all. The hat ran into a house as if it had legs. “66 . strange it is!” he said. And he ran into the house, too.A woman stopped him and shouted 67 . (angry), “Dont run after my chicken, please leave my house immediately.” When he 68 . (hear) it, he ran away quickly.七、回答问题阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。How do you get to school every day? By bike, bus or car? In Chongqing, there will be 3, 000 new school buses on the street by the end of this year. These school buses look just like American school buses: yellow with a big nose.In February 2010, the Chinese government announced the first standards(标准)for school bus safety. Since then, more yellow school buses can be seen on the street.In China, besides the bus driver, there should be an adult on the school bus to watch the students. If there are more than 40 students, two adults are needed. The students usually rest or read books on the school bus.In America, yellow school buses are very popular. There are about 480, 000 school buses in the country. The older kids sit in the back of the bus. The younger kids sit in the front. They usually listen to music, talk on their phones or just sleep. The only adult on the bus is the driver.The school bus is important in students everyday lives. It can keep children safe. Usually a child is much safer going to school by school bus than any other way. It can also help the environment. A school bus saves a lot of gas(汽油)because it can carry a lot of people.69 . What color are the new school buses in Chongqing?_70 . When did the Chinese government announce the first standards for school bus safety?_71 . How many adults are needed on a Chinese school bus if 45 kids are on it besides the driver?_72 . What do American kids usually do on their school buses?_73 . Why is the school bus important in students everyday lives? _八、将所给单词连成句子Section A Make up sentences with the words and phrases given. (连词成句,标点符号已给)74 . have, make, how, learn, sick, to, I, people, to, better75 . always, he, much, Tom, sweet, toothache, too, eats, because, food, has76 . would, dumplings, beans, rice, some, you, without, like77 . long, it, does, drive, the school, how, from, take, to, your home九、材料作文78 . 第二节书面表达假如你叫Gin, 你是一名中学生,Jenny是你的好朋友。请根据以下表格的信息介绍一下Jenny。 要求字数不少于50词,可适当发挥。(注意:文中不可出现真实的人名和班级名称)NameJenny BrownPhone234-7869QQ4754899FamilymemberFather(teacher)/Mother(doctor医生)Two brothers (students in a middle school)第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、语法填空1、七、回答问题1、八、将所给单词连成句子1、九、材料作文1、


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