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人教版2020年英语中考二模试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)We should do our best to help _. A . richB . poorC . the richD . the poor2. (2分)That _ fun. A . soundB . is soundC . soundsD . does sound3. (2分)I this book for two weeks. I have to return it now. A . borrowedB . have borrowedC . keptD . have kept4. (2分) Do you have any problems if you this job? Well, Im thinking about the working day.A . offerB . will offerC . are offeredD . will be offered5. (2分)Do you like fast food? No, I dont. I _ go to McDonald.A . alwaysB . usuallyC . neverD . often6. (2分)That was in the early _. A . fiftyB . fiftysC . fiftiesD . fifth7. (2分)Is _ ready for the picnic?No, _ is wrong with my bike. I cant go bike riding with you.A . something; somethingB . anything; somethingC . everything; somethingD . anything; everything8. (2分)“right” and write sound the same, they do not mean the same thing.A . butB . ifC . soD . or9. (2分) Wheres Mary? Shes not in. She with her mother _ at the supermarket.A . shopsB . is shoppingC . shopD . are shopping10. (2分)_ great fun we had_ snowmen!A . What; makingB . What a; to makeC . What; to makeD . What a; making11. (2分)Which would you like, tea _ milk? A . andB . orC . butD . though12. (2分)Kitty, do you know _?Sure, about forty minutes.A . when did their class meeting beginB . where their class meeting was heldC . how often their class meeting is heldD . how long their class meeting will last13. (2分)The music so sweet that the girl lost in it. A . sounds; herB . sounds; herselfC . sounded; herselfD . sounded; her14. (2分)Jim is a nice boy _ likes helping others.A . whichB . whoC . whoseD . when15. (2分)Nice to meet you, Mike. ? Everything is OK. Thanks.A . What did you doB . How are youC . How is it goingD . What happened二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 I was 16 when one morning my father told me I could drive him into a village, about 18 miles away, on the condition that I take the car in to be serviced(保养)at a nearby garage(汽车修理厂). Having just learned to drive and hardly ever having the 1to use the car, I happily accepted. I drove Dad into the village and promised to 2at 4 pm, and then drove to a nearby garage. Because I had a few free hours, I 3to catch a couple of movies at a theater near the garage. When the last movie had finished, it was six oclock. I was 4hours late!I knew Dad would be 5if he found out Id been watching movies. I decided to tell him that the car had needed some repairs and that 6had taken longer than expected, I drove up to the place where we had planned to meet and saw Dad waiting patiently. I said 7and told him that Id come as quickly as I could, but the car had needed some major repairs.Im disappointed that you feel you have to 8to me, Jason.What do you mean? Im telling the truth.Dad looked at me again. When you did not show up, I called the 9.They told me that you had not yet picked up the car. So you see, I know there were no problems with the car. I had to confess (交代) to my trip to the movie theatre. Dad listened as a 10passed through him.Im angry, not with you but with myself. I have failed 11I have brought up a son who cannot even tell the truth to his own father. Im going to walk home now and consider 12I have gone wrong all these years.But Dad, its 18 miles to home. Its dark. You cant walk home. My words were 13. Dad began walking along the dusty roads, silently, thoughtfully and 14. For 18 miles I drove behind him.This was the saddest experience that I have ever had. It was also the most successful lesson. I 15lied to my father after that.(1)A . chance B . wish C . choice D . interest (2)A . call him up B . cheer him up C . pick him up D . wake her up (3)A . needed B . promised C . regretted D . decided (4)A . two B . three C . four D . six (5)A . nervous B . happy C . relaxed D . angry (6)A . I B . he C . we D . they (7)A . OK B . sorry C . thanks D . goodbye (8)A . lie B . listen C . talk D . shout (9)A . theater B . village C . garage D . school (10)A . sickness B . kindness C . sadness D . happiness (11)A . unless B . until C . though D . because (12)A . how B . when C . where D . what (13)A . helpful B . useless C . strange D . important (14)A . painfully B . joyfully C . shyly D . proudly (15)A . always B . never C . usually D . sometimes 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)17. (10分)根据短文理解选择答案。ABob is six years old. He is old enough to go to school. On the first day, his teacher teaches him three words, “I, you, he”. Then the teacher says, “I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate.” When school is over, Bob goes home. His mother asks him, “What does your teacher teach you today?” Bob says with a smile, “Listen, Mum and Dad, I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate. His mother says, “No, dear. Youre wrong.” Then she says, I am your mother. Youre my son. Hes your father. ” The next day, Bobs teacher asks Bob to make sentences with(用造句)“I, you and he”.Bob stands up and says, “Im your mother. Youre my son. He is your father.” All the students in Bobs class laugh (笑).(1)Who teaches Bob new words?A . Bobs friends.B . Bobs teacher.C . Bobs father.D . Bobs mother.(2)How many words does he teach?A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(3)Does Bob understand what his teacher teaches?A . Yes, he does.B . No, he doesnt.C . I dont know.D . No, but he understands what his mother says(4)What do you think of the boy?A . He is kindB . He is helpful.C . He is quick.D . He is foolish (笨).(5)Who laughs?A . His mother.B . His teacher.C . His classmates.D . His father.18. (10分)阅读理解BHi,Im CarrieI wanted a guinea pig(豚鼠)so muchI read every guinea pig book in the library and I wanted my parents to buy me a guinea pigThe day before my birthday last year,my dad took me to a pet store and said I could buy oneI was so happyI bought a black guinea pig and took him homeHe is very cuteI named him PepperI give him food and drinks and play with him every dayI always tell him my stories and he is always there for meI let Pepper run around my room in his exercise ballWhen it is sunny outsideI take him out and let him run in the grass(草地)Pepper loves it !Pepper is good at runningWhen I put him down,he runs to his cage(笼子)quicklyOne day, my brothers and I wanted to see how fast Pepper could run into his cageWe put him 1m in front of the cageIt only took him 2.5 seconds(秒)to run into it! We all got a surprise.根据材料内容选择最佳答案 (1)When did Carrie get the guinea pig?A . Last weekendB . Before her last birthdayC . On last New Years DayD . On her first day of school(2)What color is Pepper?A . BrownB . WhiteC . BlackD . Yellow(3)The underlined worditin Paragraph 2 refers to A . playing in the sunB . listening to storiesC . running in the grassD . running around the room(4)What does the last paragraph mainly tell us? A . Pepper is smartB . Pepper can run fastC . Carrie is good at runningD . Carries brothers like Pepper(5)what can we know from the last passage? A . Carries dad gave Pepper the nameB . It took Pepper 2.5 seconds to run 1mC . Pepper often runs in his exercise ball in his cageD . Carrie watched a lot of movies about guinea pigs19. (10分) Charles Dickens, one of the greatest English writers, was born in 1812 in a small town of England. When he was nine years old, the family moved to London. There were several younger children in the family. Their life was hard. So Dickens could not go to school. When Charles went to school, he was already twelve years old. But he didnt finish school Two years later he began to work. The future Writer often went to the library to read books. He read a lot. Then Dickens wrote a lot of novels and stories all his life. Dickens died over a hundred years ago, but people are still reading his books with great interest.判断正误:(Y 或N)(1)Charles Dickens was a great British writer.(2)Dickens began to go to school when he was very young.(3)At the age of fourteen Charles began to work.(4)The future writer bought lots of books to read.(5)Today, people still like the books written by Dickens.20. (8分)阅读理解This is Cara and Ben. They are twins(双胞胎). They are twelve. This is their bedroom. Its a nice room. There are two beds in the room. The yellow bed is Caras and that green one is Bens. The twins have one desk and two chairs. The chairs look the same(相同的). Caras jacket is on his bed. Bens coat is on his chair. Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs.(1)Cara and Ben are _. A . brother and sisterB . brothersC . sistersD . friends(2)Cara and Ben have _. A . two chairs and one deskB . two desks and one chaiC . two chairs and two desksD . one desk and one chair(3)Caras _ is yellow and Bens _ is green. A . chair; bedB . sweater; sweaterC . bed; chairD . bed; bed(4)Which is right? A . Their class is very nice.B . Their two beds look the same.C . Their school bags are under the chairs.D . They live in the same room.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。Doctor: Good morning. Whats your trouble?Woman: I dont feel very well.D:_W: Yes, I did. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say AhW: Aahh.D:_W: Ever since last night.D: Did you sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: OH, I see_W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked. Youd better stay at home for two or three days.W:_D: No. I dont think it is serious. Bu you really need good rest and take this medicine.W:_D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)keep out /expensive / lead /compare /take out /cheapRose took us out to dinner at an _restaurant, but the food was not good at all .I need a new coat .This one doesnt _the coldWorking hard at Science can _to a good job.Wait before you buy that computer, Lets _prices at another store.Her shoes were really _They only cost seven dollars.六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)23. (1分)Dont _(忘记) to say Hello to your grandfather.七、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)根据所给单词和句意,用适当的词填空,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。(1)Usually before exams, the students _ (give) two minutes to write down their names.(2)The teacher warned the boy_(not talk) in class.(3)Its necessary for everyone _ (obey) traffic rules.(4)If you make a serious mistake, you will _ (punish).(5)If you have any trouble_(read) these words, you can ask for help.八、 翻译 (共1题;共50分)25. (50分)阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。Beijing is the capital of China. It is an excellent city to visit. There are many places of interest,such as the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. (1) 你曾经去过长城吗?It is one of the greatest wonders (奇迹) in the world. Also, the food in Beijing is delicious, especially Beijing Duck.Most large cities have zoos. But Beijing has a zoo where you can go at night. (2) It seems strange to go to a zoo when it is dark. However, if you go to see lions, tigers or foxes during the daytime, theyll probably be asleep. (3) A lot of animals only wake up at night. So this is the best time to watch the animals.One great thing about Beijing is that there are many people coming from different countries. They speak different languages. (4) 你能学到很多。I like Beijing very much. (5) It is my dream to go there one day.(1)你曾经去过长城吗?(2)你曾经去过长城吗?(3)It seems strange to go to a zoo when it is dark. (4)It seems strange to go to a zoo when it is dark. (5)A lot of animals only wake up at night. (6)A lot of animals only wake up at night. (7)你能学到很多。(8)你能学到很多。(9)It is my dream to go there one day.(10)It is my dream to go there one day.九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)国家现在放开了二胎政策,很多人认为有-个兄弟姐妹很好,你认为呢?根据提示写一篇短文。1).父母要花费更多时间和金钱,两个孩子会生气打闹;2).有玩伴,不孤独,学会照顾别人,学会分享等;3).注意:1).词数:80词左右;2).请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;3).文中不出现真实姓名、校名和地名; 4.短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。I am the only child in my family. I get everything I want. If I have a sister or brother,第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)21-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)22-1、六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)23-1、七、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、八、 翻译 (共1题;共50分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、25-6、25-7、25-8、25-9、25-10、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、


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