牛津深圳版七上英语Module 4 Fun time unit 7 school clubs单元测试C卷

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牛津深圳版七上英语Module 4 Fun time unit 7 school clubs单元测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)I dont like that filmBuy many people think it A . expensiveB . hardC . fantasticD . cold2. (2分)She blue eyes and blonde hair; she of medium height. A . is; isB . has; hasC . is; hasD . has; is3. (2分)How long does it_ you to walk to the cinema?Twenty minutes.A . spendB . costC . takeD . pay4. (2分)- You look so _, what happened? - Ive got a birthday present. A . sadB . happyC . tired5. (2分)We plan to stay at the hotel for the night and tomorrow.A . set outB . put outC . give outD . break out6. (2分)Joe Brown is drawing a picture of a_ . Hes a police artist. A . criminalB . crimeC . tigerD . mountain7. (2分)Though the wind began to , it still rained heavily A . lie downB . fall downC . close downD . die down8. (2分) Where is Guangzhou? Lets _ the map of China.A . have a lookB . have a look atC . lookD . look after二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)We dont have to go far if we want _ with our work.A . to helpB . helpsC . helpingD . help10. (2分)Either I or my sister the shoes for my parents on weekends A . brushB . askC . brushesD . asks11. (2分)The girl just moved to a new place. She has few friends to play with.She must feel _.A . happyB . lonelyC . nervous12. (2分)There is something wrong with my _. I cant see you.A . eyesB . armsC . earsD . feet13. (2分) What about this jacket? Oh, it _ very nice. A . seesB . looksC . soundsD . Says14. (2分) Li Qiang is better at swimming than any other student in our school.一 Yes. So I am certain that hell get the first prize in the swimming competition.A . sureB . worriedC . sorry15. (2分)How was your trip last week?_.A . It was excellentB . Have funC . Sounds greatD . Thats for sure三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) The weather is something no one can control. Maybe that is 1there are so many expressions about the weather, especially about 2.Sometimes, when you need rain, you do not get any. Other times, you get rain when you dont need it. 3a baseball game for example, a sudden rainstorm can stop an exciting game. If the game cannot continue, people who bought the tickets are given “rain checks”. These are 4tickets that will let them see a 5game for free.“Rain Check” now means a second chance at something. Shops may offer “rain checks” when they sell out all of a product(产品) a television set, for example, at a special low price. 6all the TV sets have been sold out, the shop gives rain checks to those who wanted to buy 7. The rain check allows a person to buy the TV set later at the same low price after the shop receives some 8TV sets from the factory.“Rain Check” is also used in social situations. Its a way of 9an invitation, but for a later time.You may ask for a “Rain Check” if you are invited to a friends house for dinner, but cant be there right now. You say, “I would love to go, but Im busy. Could I have a rain check?”10you are asking if you could have dinner with your friend at another time. It seems that your friend will probably ask you to dinner very soon next time.(1)A . what B . where C . why D . when (2)A . weather B . cloud C . sky D . rain (3)A . Bring B . Take C . Give D . Carry (4)A . beautiful B . special C . expensive D . cheap (5)A . better B . larger C . later D . earlier (6)A . But B . Before C . Where D . After (7)A . it B . one C . this D . that (8)A . much B . better C . more D . less (9)A . refusing B . printing C . sending D . accepting (10)A . In fact B . Of course C . By the way D . At least 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共75分)17. (10分)阅读理解I have a little dog. Its name is Jim. Every morning Jim goes to the shop in the village. The girl in the shop gives him two things: a sweet(糖) and a newspaper. Jim eats the sweet and takes the newspaper in his mouth. Then he runs home.I like reading my newspaper in bed before I get up. Jim knows that and he brings the newspaper to my bedroom. When I am eating my breakfast he brings all the letters to me. After that he goes outside to wait for the bus. When he sees the bus coming down the road, he makes a noise(噪音). I run out, and the bus stops for me. Jim never lets me miss the bus.(1)Where does Jim go early in the morning? A . He goes to the shop.B . He goes home.C . He goes to bed.D . He goes to the street.(2)What does Jim bring from the village? A . He brings a sweet in his mouth.B . He brings the letter.C . He brings my newspaper.D . He brings my breakfast.(3)Why does Jim come to my bedroom? A . To play with me.B . To give the newspaper to me.C . To bring me a sweet.D . To wait for a bus.(4)What does Jim do when he sees the bus? A . He runs home with the newspaper.B . He comes to my bedroom.C . He makes a noise.D . He runs away.(5)When do I read the newspaper? A . When I am eating my breakfast.B . When the bus comes.C . When Jim comes home.D . When I am in bed.18. (25分)根据短文,判断正(A)误(B)。One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood (木头) near a river. Suddenly his old axe (斧子) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy (仙女) came out and asked the man what was the matter.“I have lost my axe. he said, “It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is that yours?”No.said the man.The fairy then showed him a silver axe and asked again, Is this yours?No. again answered the man.Then she showed him the old axe.“Yes, that is mine.” called out the happy man.“I know it well enough.” said the fairy, “I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, and now Ill give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one.”(1)The man was poor, he had nothing but an old axe.(2)The old axe fell into the river when the man was cutting the wood.(3)The fairy asked the man if he lost a gold axe, then the man said “No”.(4)When he saw his own axe, the man was very happy.(5)At last, the man had two axes.19. (10分)阅读理解。根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。(1)From the chart we know that the latest metro station is in _. A . ShanghaiB . BeijingC . Harbin(2)According to the information above we know that _. A . the number of Shanghai metros will increase about 31.2% in 2050B . there are about 4.3 million passengers per day in ShanghaiC . the price of the Shanghai ticket is 3 yuan in Shanghai metro(3)From the information in the chart we know that the metro station _ has the most passengers per day. A . in NanjingB . in ShanghaiC . in Beijing(4)From the chart we know that_. A . It is very convenient and comfortable to go from the south to the north in Beijing.B . the price of ticket in Nanjing is the cheapest of all the metro stations mentioned above.C . Beijing has the largest number of metro trains.(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the information? A . From the chart we know that we can take metro every two minutes in all the cities.B . The passengers in Shanghai can take metros to go everywhere.C . The price of the ticket in Harbin is the same as that in Shanghai.20. (10分)阅读理解 Once upon a time, the colors in the world started to argue. All thought they were the most important and useful.Green said, Im the symbol of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Look around and you will see me everywhere.Blue followed, You only consider the earth, but look at the sky and the sea.Yellow smiled, I bring hope and warmth into the world. Look at the color of the sun and the moon.Orange continued, Im the color of joy. My beauty is so fantastic that no one can think of you at sunrise or sunset.Red shouted out, Im the ruler of you. Im the color of life and live. So nobody can take my place. Purple stood up, Im the color of power. People never question me! They just listen and follow.Finally, indigo(靛青色) spoke slowly. I stand for thought and reflection(反省).Yet all of you just need them.Suddenly, the sky became dark and rain started to pour down. The colors all gathered(聚集) in fear. Rain began to speak, Join hands and come to me.The colors did as they were told. Rain added, Dont you know you each are made for a certain purpose? When it rains, appear together to show that you can all live in peace. The rainbow(彩虹) is the color of your friendship.(1)The color green thought it was the most important because . A . It made the world full of joyB . it was the symbol of life and loveC . people could see it here and thereD . it was the color of grass and flowers(2) gives the world hope and warmth. A . RedB . BlueC . YellowD . Purple(3)Each color is made for a purpose. A . similarB . certainC . funnyD . personal(4)According to the passage, we can know . A . orange stands for powerful and lifeB . all the colors were happy to greet rainC . Blue is the color of the sea and the skyD . The sky became dark and began to snow(5)The best title for the passage can be . A . The color of friendshipB . The performance of colorsC . The colors in the worldD . The courage of the rainbow21. (20分)阅读理解。CGetting electricity has always been a problem for the 173 people living in Nuevo Saposoa, a small village in Peru, South America. However, things went from bad to worse in March 2015 after heavy rains damaged the only power cables in the area. The villagers were forced to use oil lamps, which are not only expensive but also dangerous because of the harmful gases they produce.Luckily, researchers at the University of Technology (UT) in Lima, Peru heard about their problem and found a wonderful solution. They made a lamp that can be powered by plants and soil, both of which can be easily found in the Amazonian rainforest where the village lies. The lamp takes energy from a plant growing in a wooden box and uses it to light up an LED light bulb.While that may sound amazing and even impossible, the science behind the ides is quite simple. As plants create their food (using the suns energy, water and chemicals from the soil), they also produce waste which they return to the soil. Tiny animals in the soil eat this waste and they produce electrons the building blocks of electrical energy. The UT team put special sticks inside the soil to capture the energy and keep it in the lamps batteries for later use. The researchers say a single charge can power a 50-watt Led light for two hours - enough time for local villagers to get their evening work done.The university gave ten Plant Lamps to the villagers of Nuevo Saposoa in October 2015. So far, they have been a huge success! Elmer Ramirez, the UT professor who invented the lamp, believes the Plant Lamp could help improve the lives of many people, especially small rainforest communities, 42% of whom have no electricity.(1)What are the problems of oil lamps according to Paragraph 1?A . They are difficult to use and create pollutionB . They are expensive to buy and easily damagedC . They are difficult to repair and produce little lightD . They are expensive to use and can be bad for health(2)What are the problems of oil lamps according to Paragraph 1?A . They are difficult to use and create pollutionB . They are expensive to buy and easily damagedC . They are difficult to repair and produce little lightD . They are expensive to use and can be bad for health(3)The electricity made by the Plant Lamp comes from_.A . plant foodB . plant wasteC . the soils heatD . the suns energy(4)The electricity made by the Plant Lamp comes from_.A . plant foodB . plant wasteC . the soils heatD . the suns energy(5)What is true about the Plant Lamp?A . It can be made by local peopleB . It is much easier to use than oil lampsC . It can produce all the electricity the village needD . The things it needs to make electricity are easy to find(6)The Plant Lamps inventor believes it could be most helpful for _.A . rainforest communitiesB . carsC . poor people in citiesD . farmers(7)What is true about the Plant Lamp?A . It can be made by local peopleB . It is much easier to use than oil lampsC . It can produce all the electricity the village needD . The things it needs to make electricity are easy to find(8)What is the purpose of the passage?A . To report on a new inventionB . To explain a new scientific theoryC . To describe how electricity is madeD . To discuss the problems of poor villages(9)The Plant Lamps inventor believes it could be most helpful for _.A . rainforest communitiesB . carsC . poor people in citiesD . farmers(10)What is the purpose of the passage?A . To report on a new inventionB . To explain a new scientific theoryC . To describe how electricity is madeD . To discuss the problems of poor villages五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Recently, a foreign student in China gave a very touching answer to the question: What should China be proud of? It was_(wide) spread online.Emma is from Canada. She came to China four years ago. Now she is_university student in Ningbo. The following is China in her eyes._(find) a job in China can be really simple. There are more job_(chance) here than in any other country in the world.Its public security(安全)is great. I_(travel) to many countries so far, and I think China is really safe.About 400 million Chinese are studying English. China will become the country_has the greatest number of English speakers in non-English speaking countries. The speed of Chinese trains is high. On my_(three) visit to my friend in Beijing, I took a train there. From Ningbo_Beijing, the train runs 1,365 kilometres for only seven hours.There_(be) many more things China should be proud of. I believe China must be much_(good) than other countries.六、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假设你班上周就 Is it OK to tell white lies?开展了一场讨论,请你根据下表所提示的信息用英语写一篇短文, 简单介绍讨论的情况,并谈谈你自己的观点。陈述方主要观点赞成者1.善意的谎言是出于好意, 说了不为过;2.善意的谎言可以帮助人们友好相处;3.善意的谎言有时候能使人增强自信。反对者1.善意的谎言也是谎;2.谎言会伤害友情;3.谎言终究不能持久。你的观点. ( 至少两点)注意:1.短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;2.词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计总词数;3.文中不得提及考生所在的学校及自己的姓名;4.参考词汇: 善意的谎言 a white lieIs it OK to tell white lies?Last week our class had a discussion on whether it is OK to tell white lies . The students have different opinions._第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共75分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、18-6、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、21-6、21-7、21-8、21-9、21-10、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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