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20132013年全国国际货运代理从业人员岗位专业证书考试国际货代英语试卷I【A卷】 (考试时间:14:0015:00)注 意 事 项一、国际货代英语由试卷I和试卷两部分组成。试卷I为客观题,包括单项选择题、判断题、多项选择题、完型填空题。试卷为主观题,包括英译汉、汉译英、英文单证操作题。二、答题说明1、请将自己的姓名、准考证号写在“答题卡”上方相应的位置上,并将每位准考证号码下相对应的数字框用2B铅笔涂黑。涂卡方法见答题卡左上侧的说明。2、姓名、准考证号不写以及准考证号不涂或涂写不规范者,该答题卡作废。3、请将试卷I的答案涂在“答题卡上。涂卡方法见答题卡左上侧的说明,使用其他符号答题无效。写在试卷上的答案一律作废。4、请务必使用2B铅笔涂写答题卡,使用其他类型的笔涂卡,读卡器不能识别,答题卡记零分。一单项选择题(每题1分,共15分,单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1. The international trade transactions should start with ( )A. market distributionB. market researchC. market locationD. market risk2. The consignee in international carriage of goods by sea normally refers to ( )A. importerB. exporterC. forwarderD. carrier3. According to INCOTERMS 2000, the ( )term requires the seller to procure insurance And pays the insurance premium.A. FCAB. FOBC. CIFD. CFR4. The term “middle” of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as ( ) according to UCP600.A. the 1st to 10thB. the 11th to the 20thC. the 21st to the 30thD. the 15th to the 25th5. The ( ) refer to the bank that is responsible for payment of the proceeds under a letter of credit if the terms and conditions of the credit are complied with.A. advising bankB. negotiating bankC. issuing bankD. commerce bank6. Currently, different types of multimodal transport operations involving different combinations are taking place. ( ) transport dose not refer to multimodal transport.A. Sea/airB. sea /roadC. sea/railD.sea/sea7. The ( ) is issued by the shipper to the carrier requesting allocation of shipping space.A. booking noteB. mates receiptC. bill of ladingD. delivery order8. The all Risks of PICC Ocean Marine Clauses does not cover ( )A. shortage risksB. leakage riskC. hook damage riskD. war risks9. As a consolidator, the freight forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issue a house bill of lading. To the individual consignor, the consolidator is the ( ), while in his relationship with the actual carrier, he is the consignor.A. agentB. carrierC. consignorD. war risks10. There are more standard forms of voyage charter parties than any other forms of contract of carriage. ( ) is the most popular and widely used general purpose voyage charter party on a global basis for numerous types of cargoes.A.BALTIMEB.BOXTIMEC.GENCOND.BARECON11. According to the CMR, the carrier shall be liable for the total or partial loss of goods and for damage thereto occurring between the time when he takes over the goods and the time of delivery, as well as for any delay in delivery. however ,the carrier is not liable if the loss ,damage or delay is due to ( )A. neglect of carriers agentB. neglect of carriers servantsC. neglect of consignorD. neglect of carrier himself12. The character of settlement by letter of credit do not include that ( )A. L/C is a self-sufficient instrumentB. L/C is a document transactionC. the issuing banks liabilities for paymentD. L/C is a cargo transaction13. In designing a logistical system, a delicate balance must be maintained between transportation cost and ( )A. managementB. information flowC. service qualityD. service quantity14. In international air cargo transportation, ( ) are pitched at an extremely high level.A. General Cargo RateB. Class RateC. Specific Commodity RatesD. Bulk Unitization Rates15. The bill of lading serves as an evidence of the contract of carriage of goods by sea between the ( )A. carrier and consigneeB. carrier and shipperC. shipper and consigneeD. shipper and receiver 二、判断题(每题1分,共15分。答案为“是”的,请在答题卡上涂“A”,答案为否的,请在答题卡上涂“B”.两个都涂的不得分)( )16. One basic function of the World Trade Organization is act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations. ( )17. The Forwarders Certificate of transport is issued by the carrier or his agent to the forwarder for taking delivery of the goods. ( )18. According to INCOTERMS 2000, CIF and CIP can be both used irrespective of the mode of transport including multimodal transport. ( )19. According to UCP 600, for the examination of documents the banks now have a maximum of seven banking days following the day of presentation. ( )20. The time of shipment should be stipulated in a clear and flexible way in the letter of credit. ( )21. A delivery order is issued by the carrier or his agent which enables the shipper to load the cargo on board the ship. ( )22. The port charge are payable by the charterer during the voyage chartering. ( )23. In most supply chains, customers requirements are transmitted in the form of order. ( )24. Usually, the straight bill of lading is non-negotiable, that is, the goods must be sent to the consignee named in the bill of lading by the carrier. ( )25. A bill of lading specifies the name of the ship, the port of lading and discharge, the time cargo loaded on board and also the time for discharge. ( )26. Insurance policy is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the carrier to the insurer for cargo transport. ( )27. Multimodal transport can reduce the burden of documentation and formalities. ( )28. In international air cargo transportation, Specific commodities Rate is a further supplement to the General Cargo Rate tariff, and are applied by most airline. ( )29. Consolidation can also benefit the carrier, since the carrier does not have to handle individual consignments and this result in considerable saving in paperwork and time. ( )30. The CMR convention is the convention on contract for international carrier of goods by rail and which generally governs international carriage of goods by rail. 三、多项选择题(每题2分,共20 分。多项选择题的答案多选、少选、错选均不得分)31. When the freight forwarder provides services on behalf of the consignee basis on the CFR trade term ,he would perform the tasks of ( )A. taking delivery of the goods from the carrierB. arranging import customs clearanceC. taking delivery of the goods to the carrierD. arranging export customs clearance32. According to INCOTERMS2000, ( ) can be used only for sea and inland waterway transport.A. CFRB. CIFC. FOBD. FCA33. FPA as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the PICC cover loss of or damage to the cargo caused by ( ) during cargo transportation by sea.A. fire or explosionB. general averageC. collision of the vesselD. salvage charges34. Multimodal transport has the advantages such as ( )A. reducing the burden of formalitiesB. providing faster transit of goodsC. reducing cargo damageD. providing faster transit of ship35. In marine time chartering, the following ( ) terms are normally appeared in the time charter party.A. freight paymentB. payment of hireC. trading limitsD. demurrage36. There are some risks in multilateral trade .They mainly include economic risks and political risks. The economic risks include ( )A. risk of insolvency of the buyerB. risk of exchange rateC. risk of failure of payment by buyerD. risk of non-acceptance37. When the wording :“Shipped in apparent good order and condition” printed on the bill of lading ,it bears an indication that this bill of lading is ( )A. unclean bill of ladingB. shipped bill of ladingC. clean bill of ladingD. foul bill of lading38. If the L/C simply stipulates that shipment date is on or about July 20, 2012, the goods can be shipped from ( ) according to UCP600.A. July 15 to July 25B. July 15 to July 20C. July 20 to July 25D. July 15 to July 3139. In international air cargo transportation, ( ) are usually supplemented to the General Cargo Rates.A. Specific Commodity RatesB. General Cargo RatesC. Minimum ChargesD. Class Rates40. A sound inventory strategy is based on a combination of five aspects of selective deployment: ( ), the time-based performance, and competitive performance.A. core customer segmentationB. product profitabilityC. transportation integrationD. warehouse integration四.完型填空 (每题1分,共10分. 每题答案只能选择一个, 多选不得分)Cargo insurance is one of the most important parts in international trade. ( 41 ) is an evidence of insurance contract issued by ( 42 ) to the assured .It stipulates each partys rights and responsibility. The format of insurance policy from varies from insurer to insurer. Insurance policy, ( 43 ), and insurance endorsement are the main ones used in daily marine cargo insurance business .The policy must be issued and signed by an insurance company or its agent .If more than one original is so indicated in the ( 44 ) , all the originals must be presented to the ( 45 ), unless otherwise authorized in the letter of credit.41.A. Bill of ladingB. Insurance policyC. Letter of indemnityD. Warehouse receipt42.A. the insurer B. the carrierC. the importerD. the exporter43.A. booking noteB. manifestC. insurance certificateD. mates receipt44.A. policyB. bill of ladingC. sea waybillD. delivery order45.A. beneficiaryB. shipping companyC. insurance companyD. bank In international trade, different kinds of letter of credit would be used to meet various requirements of trading payment. Under the ( 46 ), the issuing bank makes the payment against the documentary draft or only the document .The ( 47 ) refer to the kind of L/C that requires the bank make the payment by the presentation of the draft without documents . The ( 48 ) is very commonly used in the international trade because its great security. Once the letter of credit is issued it cannot be cancelled or amended before the expiry date without the agreement of the beneficial. As soon as the ( 49 ) has delivered the goods and produced the documents in accordance with the terms in the letter of credit ,he can get the payment .Under the ( 50 ),the issuing bank make the payment immediately upon receipt of the drafts and/or shipping document as stipulated in the letter of credit by the beneficiary.46.A. sight L/CB. irrevocable L/CC. documentary L/CD. clean L/C47.A. sight L/CB. irrevocable L/CC. documentary L/CD. clean L/C48.A. sight L/CB. irrevocable L/CC. documentary L/CD. clean L/C49.A. importB. beneficiaryC. carrierD. insurer50.A. sight L/CB. irrevocable L/CC. documentary L/CD. clean L/C 2013年全国国际货运代理从业人员岗位专业证书考试国际货代英语试卷(考试时间:15:0516:05)题 号一二三四总 分阅卷组长得 分注 意 事 项一、国际货代英语由试卷I和试卷两部分组成。试卷I为客观题,包括单项选择题、判断题、多项选择题、完型填空题。试卷II为主观题,包括英译汉、汉译英、英文单证操作题。二、请将自己的姓名、准考证号、身份证号、工作单位写在试卷纸上的密封线以内。凡写在密封线以外的,试卷作废,并视为违规。三、试卷答案直接写在试卷上。得 分一英译汉(每题1分,共10分) 评卷人1.Multilateral trade2.Freight forwarder3.Commercial invoice4.Time of shipment5.Constructive total loss6.Delay in delivery7.Multimodal transport8.Ocean freight9.Unclean bill of lading10.Payment of hire得 分二、汉译英(每题1分,共10分) 评卷人1.出口许可证2.运输方式3.保兑信用证4.提货单5.国际公约6.指示提单7.供应链管理8.陆桥运输9.被保险货物10.指定目的地得 分三、英文单证操作题(共20分) 评卷人信用证条款的主要内容:IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDITNUMBER: LC888-2012012568DATE OF ISSUE: MARCH 1, 2012APPLICABLE RULES: UCP LATEST VERSIONDATE AND PLACE OF EXPIRY: APRIL 16, 2012 QINGDAO, CHINAADVISING BANK: BANK OF CHINA, QINGDAO BRANCHBENEFICIARY: QINGDAO BBB TRADING CORP.APPLICANT: KOREA CCC TRADING CORP.SHIPMENT FROM QINGDAO TO INCHONLATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT: MARCH 30, 2012PARTIAL SHIPMENTS: NOT ALLOWEEDTRANSSHIPMENT: ALLOWEDDESCRIPTION OF GOODS: 100% COTTON SHIRT AS PER S/C NO: CH2012601DATED ON FEBRUARY10, 2012GOODS MARKS&NOS: CT INCHON NO.1-150TOTAL AMOUNT: USD 300000 (SAY US DOLLARS THREE HUNDRED THOUSANDS ONLY)TOTAL QUANTITY: 150 CARTONS TOTAL GROSS WEIGHT: 21000KGSTOTAL MEASUREMENT: 28CBMPRICE TERM: CIF INCHON USD2000 EACH CARTONFOLLOWING DOCUMENTS REQUIRED:+ SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN TRIPLICATE+ PACKING LIST IN TRIPLICATE+ FULL SET OF THREE ORIGINAL CLEAN ON BOARD OCEAN BILLS OF LADING MADE OUT TO ORDER OF QINGDAO BBB TRADING CORP. MARKED “FREIGHT PREPAID”AND NOTIFY APPLICANT.+ INSURANCE POLICY IN DUPLICATE TO BE EFFECTED BY THE SELLER FOR 110 PCT CIF VALUE AGAINST ALL RISKS AS PER OCEAN MARING CARGO CLAUSES OF THE PICC DATED 01/01/1981 ISSUED BY THE PICC BLANK ENDORSED AND STATING CLAIMS PAYABLE IN INCHON IN THE CURRENCY OF THE CREDIT.+ ONE CERTIFICATED OF ORIGIN ISSUED BY CHINA CHAMER OF COMMERCE.作为国际货运代理人,请根据上述信用证条款的主要内容,用英语(注意:中文填写无效)填写出集装箱货物托运单和货物保险单中的主要事项。1. Shipper: 2. Consignee: 3. Notify party: 4. Port of lading : 5. Port of discharge: 6. Insured: 7. Insurer: 8. Amount insured: 9. Number of original policy: 10. Number of original bill of lading : 11. Payment of freight: 12. Partial shipments: 13. Transshipment: 14. Time of shipment: 15. Date of expiry: 16. Description of goods: 17. Goods marks and Nos: 18. Gross weight of goods: 19. Measurement of goods: 20. Number of goods packages: 2013年国际货代英语答案一 单项选择题123456789101112131415BACBCDADBCCDCAB二 判断题161718192021222324252627282930ABBBABBAABBABAB三 多项选择题31.AB32.ABC33.ABCD34.ABC35.BC36.ABCD37.BC38.ABC39.CD40.ABC四 完形填空题41424344454647484950BACADCDBBA卷二一英译汉二汉译英1多边贸易Export license2货运代理人Mode(s)/method(s) of transport(ation)3商业发票Confirmed credits / confirmed letters of credit4装运时间Delivery order5推定全损International convention6延迟交付Order bills of lading7多式联运Supply chain management8海运费Land bridge9不清洁提单Insured cargo/goods10租金Named/nominated destination三英文单证操作题1. Shipper: QINGDAO BBB TRADING CORP. 2. Consignee: TO ORDER OF QINGDAO BBB TRADING CORP. 3. Notify party: KOREA CCC TRADING CORP. 4. Port of lading : QINGDAO 5. Port of discharge: INCHON 6. Insured: QINGDAO BBB TRADING CORP. 7. Insurer: PICC 8. Amount insured: USD330000 9. Number of original policy: TWO 10. Number of original bill of lading : THREE 11. Payment of freight: FREIGHT PREPAID 12. Partial shipments: NOT ALLOWED 13. Transshipment: ALLOWED 14. Time of shipment: NO LATER THAN/ ON OR BEFORE MARCH 30, 2012 15. Date of expiry: APRIL 16, 2012 16. Description of goods: 100% COTTON SHIRT AS PER S/C NO: CH2012601 17. Goods marks and Nos: CT INCHON NO.1-150 18. Gross weight of goods: 21000KGS 19. Measurement of goods: 28CBM 20. Number of goods packages: 150 CARTONS 9 / 92013


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