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人教版九年级中招模拟考试(二)(不含听力材料)英语试题一、听句子选答语1 . A40 years old.BQuiet.CTired.2 . AA teacher.BA pilot.CA bank clerk.DA doctor.3 . AThats all right.BHave a good time.CHelp yourself.4 . AIts hot today.BThats OK.CThank you.5 . AIm fine, thanks.BHow are you?CNice to meet you, too.二、听长对话回答问题6 . The fire happened in _.AGuangzhouBDongguanCShenzhen7 . The fire was put out at about _ .A3:00 p. mB11:00 a .mC3:00 a. m8 . _people were hurt in the accident.AManyBSomeCNo9 . They lost at least _million yuan.A50B500C500010 . _is reporting the news.AMr. ChangBMr. LiCXiao Chuan听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。11 . When is Bettys birthday party?ATomorrowBFour thirty this afternoonCFour thirty tomorrow afternoon12 . Can Bob come to Bettys birthday party?AYes, he can.BNo, he cant.CHe is not sure.三、听短文回答问题听独白,回答下列各小题。13 . Everyone can do something to make a difference to a _.AcommunityBhospitalCcountry14 . We should get together to collect the rubbish _ a year.AonceBtwiceCthree times15 . Some of the elder people need us to go shopping or _ for them.AsingBcleanCread16 . The reading club is a good place to welcome _.AcustomersBnewcomersCold friends17 . There are _ examples in the speech.AthreeBfourCfive四、单选题18 . Playing computer games for a long time is a _ of time.AkillBuseCcostDwaste19 . Its reported the medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo _ from 100% recycled material.Aare makingBhave madeCis madeDwill be made20 . There was a big fire in Tianjin _ the morning of August 12th.AinBatConD/21 . A lot of fish in the river _ recently, because there is lots of pollution.Ahas diedBhas been deadChave been deadDhave died22 . Dont take your car , you can come in _.AmyBmyselfCmeDmine23 . Jerry asked Mike _.Awhere did he come fromBwhere does he come fromCwhere he came from24 . Cars and buses _stop when the right light is on.AmustBneedCcanDmay25 . -I think you can join an English club to improve your English.-_.AYoure welcome.BIt doesnt matter.CGood idea.DThats all right.26 . How terrible the wind ! Im afraid the plane wont arrive on time.Ais soundingBis blowingCblowsDsounds27 . The math problem is a little difficult.Can you _ me _ it?Yes,I can.Acall;backBhelp;withCask;forDtell;about28 . Kittys sister likes art and wants to beart teacher.AaBanCthe29 . One of _ shows hitting mainstream media in China is Junior Edison少年爱迪生.Amuch more popularBmore popularCthe most popularDmost popular30 . My father doesnt let my brother _compute games.AplayBplaysCto play31 . Could you take me to the cinema? I want to see the movie named Pacific Rim (环太平洋)._ your homework first, and then well talk about it.AFinishBFinishedCTo finishDFinishing32 . -How was your journey to Canada?-It was wonderful. _ meaningful experience it was!AHowBWhat aCHow aDWhat五、补全对话7选5补全对话请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从方框中选择恰当的句子填入空白处,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。(Sandra and Luke plan their trip to Cape Town. S=Sandra L=Luke)S:OK,that s the flight(航班).Lets look for a hotel now.33 . L: Three nights-Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Are there any hotels near the airport?S: Yes, there are. But they are expensive. Just a minute no, there arent any cheap hotels near the airport. They are all expensive. 34 . L: Wow! Well, what about a youth hostel(青年旅社)? Is there a youth hostel near the airport?S: OK, lets see. I dont think so no, there isnt. I dont like youth hostels. 35 . L: OK. Lets look in the city centre. Are there any cheap hotels there?S: Yes, of course there areL: Well, thats good. And is there a bus to the city centre?S: A bus from the airport? Yes, there is. 36 . There isnt a train, but thats OK.L: And there are taxis, too.S: 37 . OK, so lets look at these hotels.AI think the bus is fine.BWe need a room for two.CDo you like a youth hostel?DIs it for two nights or three?E. They arent very comfortable.F. Theres a bus every twenty minutes.G. This one is four hundred dollars a night.六、完型填空It was a cold afternoon. Ginny and I were walking home after work when suddenly a young man asked us, Do you want a hug(拥抱)?”He carried a sign in his hand which read Free Hugo. I looked_and noticed there were other young people with him. They all lifted their handmade signs high. The message was the same on all of them - Free Hugs!Sure! Ginny smiled and hugged him with all the_she had in her heart,WOW! he shouted. That is the best hug Ive had all day!Then the young man looked at me and asked, How about a hug?You got it! I walked into his_arms. We held a hug briefly(简短地)and parted at once.Ginny and I stepped back and watched the free huggers hug those who_them. All of the young people offered hugs to them.Not all the people accepted their offers, but the fact was that those who opened their arms in return, walked away with_on their faces.I felt warmth in my heart. So warm that it seemed as if it were not a cold winter day. At that time, Ginny and I were going through_times. We had little money and were heavily in debt(负债). We were stressed and_, but that afternoon, for a short moment, we_all our problems because of a hug with love.It took a simple hug to make everyone smile and make everything better.38 . A. out B. down C. round39 . A. strength B. feelings C. love40 . A. open B. warm C. strong41 . A. accepted B. attracted C. admired42 . A. kindness B. shyness C. smiles43 . A. busy B. lonely C. difficult44 . A. bored B. worried C. surprised45 . A. forgot B. solved C. met七、阅读单选KIDS is a charity group.It is to help disabled children to live a better life . Is was set up in 1970 by John Mulcahy , a teacher who cared for a disabled child in one of his classes.John wanted to improve communication with this child and asked for help from the childs mother. This, in turn,set up the KIDS idea:working together with parents to help disabled kids to develop their skills and to achieve their hopes and dreams.KIDS works to find out disabled childrens interests and what they are really good at,and then helps them to live as normal people and make their dreams come true . Over the past 42 years , KIDS has helped many children. Now it is the UKs largest charity group that helps disabled children.Today KTDS has more experts(专家) to provide services for over 6,000 disabled children and their families through its projects(工程).Education for under -fivesKTDS has many teaching materials(材料) , and helps parents to be the most important teachers of their children.Play Disabled children may find it is difficult to join healthy kids clubs clubs. KIDS provides different kinds of play and sports activities for disabled children from 5 to 19 years old.Information KIDS gives parents of disabled kids advice and information, helping them to get on well with their children.46 . KIDS is a charity group that helps disabled children to _.Aget better gradesBimprove their livesClearn more thingsDget along well with others47 . What did John Mulcahy do in order to improve communication with a disabled child in his class?AHe set up a charity group .BHe offered much money to the childCHe asked the childs mother for help.DHe worked with a charity organization.48 . The underlined word “normal means_in Chinese.A正常的B健康的C特殊的D聪明的49 . According to the passage, it may be difficult for disabled kids to_Ahelp parents in troubleBjoin healthy kids clubsCwork with their parentsDget on well with others50 . Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?AJohn was a teacher who taught disabled kids.BMany students in Johns classes were disabled.CKIDS also teaches disabled kids how to do sports.DKIDS is now the largest charity group in the UK helping disabled kids.51 . Who is fit for reading the passage?AAn adult.BA primary student.CA Junior school student.52 . When did the passage come out?AMay 6.BMay 9, 2016.CMay 10, 2016.53 . How many kinds of things are mentioned in the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.阅读理解Sun LibraryOpening time:9:00 am.5:00 pm. Sunday to Friday Science books Section AEnglish books Section BStorybooks Section CHistory books Section DHere are some rules for the readers:Dont take your bag into the library.Dont talk or listen to music in the library.No food in the library.Keep the library clean and quiet. 54 . Mikes mother works in Sun Library.She works for _ hours a day.AfiveBsixCsevenDeight55 . If you want to read books in Sun Library,you cant go on _.AMondayBWednesdayCSaturdayDSunday56 . If you want to read some storybooks,you can go to _.ASection ABSection BCSection CDSection D57 . What does the underlined word “readers” mean in Chinese?A作家B读者C病人D游客58 . Which of the following is TRUE?AYou can read some history books in Section B.BYou can eat in the library.BYou can listen to music in the library.CYou must be quiet in the library.八、听句子或对话填写表格59 . _60 . _61 . _九、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。62 . We all hope you can _(接受) our invitation and join us in the picnic.63 . Recently, there are about 12 _(千) pet hospitals in China, and many people choose small animal treatment as a career.64 . Last Monday was a _(特殊的) day for me because I gave a talk on Flag Raising Ceremony.65 . Dont give Eddie anything to eat. I _(喂,喂养) him just now.66 . The twin brothers are not only of the same _(重量), but also the height.十、用单词的正确形式完成句子fix problem anyone lucky visitors wait forfix problem anyone lucky visitors wait for67 . I was_ enough to catch the last bus before it left.68 . Many _ go to Beijing and have a good time every year.69 . -Can you help me _ my radio? It doesnt work.-Sorry, I cant. But we can ask my dad for help.70 . In Beijing, the heavy traffic is a big_.71 . -Is there_ in the classroom?-No, all the students are in the playground. Its time for after-school activities.十一、多任务混合问题72 . Mr. Brown was on his way home from the railway station. It was very late, and he was alone on the dark road. Suddenly he heard someone behind him. He began to walk faster. The man behind him walked faster, too. He walked more slowly, and the man moved more slowly, too. He began to run, and the man was following him and he was really scared.There was a wall on one side of the road, and he quickly climbed up on it and jumped down on the other side. “If he passes and doesnt stop,” Mr. Brown thought, “everything will be all right.” But the man didnt pass. He climbed up on the wall and jumped down, too. Mr. Browns only thought was, “Im in great danger!” He stood up and shouted, “What do you want? Why are you following me?” The man was so tired that at first it was difficult for him to speak. “I didnt know that you were a very good runner,” he said at last, “I have to go to Mr. Whites house, but I dont know the way. A man at the station told me that you lived next to Mr. Whites and he told me to follow you. Im too tired to go any farther (更远).”【小题1】Mr. Brown came home from _.Athe police stationBthe railway stationCthe hospitalDMr. Whites house【小题2】Mr. Brown was really _.Ain great dangerBa policemanCafraid of the manDtoo tired to move【小题3】The man followed Mr. Brown because _.Ahe wanted to scare Mr. BrownBhe wanted to get some money from Mr. BrownCMr. Brown lived next to Mr. WhiteDMr. Brown was one of his good friends【小题4】The man was _.Aa thiefBa good runnerCtoo tired to speakDvery angry with Mr. Brown【小题5】Which is wrong?AThere were few people on the road.BThe man didnt know where Mr. White lived.CMr. Brown thought he was in great danger.DMr. Brown didnt know where Mr. White lived.十二、书信作文73 . 母亲节即将来临,请你借此机会给你的母亲写封信,和她谈谈心里话。请以此为题,根据以下提示,写一篇60-80词的短文,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要求:(1)How does your mother help you in your life and study?(2)What will you do to show your love?注意:短文内容应包括所提示的要点,可适当发挥,书写规范清晰。不得出现真实人名、地名、校名。Dear Mum,Mothers Day is coming. I want to thank you for what you do for me._十三、其他单词辨音74 . AstateBtranslateChat75 . AabilityBcopy Cdry76 . AretellBreplyCmen77 . AmethodBtoothbrushCalthough78 . AwheneverBwhoseCwhom第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、二、听长对话回答问题1、2、三、听短文回答问题1、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、补全对话7选51、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、八、听句子或对话填写表格1、九、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、十一、多任务混合问题1、十二、书信作文1、十三、其他1、


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