人教版八年级上册英语unit9 第2课时 练习

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人教版八年级上册英语unit9 第2课时 练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、阅读单选Christmas is the most important festival in Western countries. Every year, on 25th December, people from many parts of the world celebrate this special festival.They get ready for Christmas. Many families go shopping for food and presents. They get lots of food ready, and sometimes put up a beautiful Christmas tree at home.Children usually love Christmas because they get presents from Father Christmas on Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve, this fat old man with a long white beard and a red suit visits children at night, and puts presents next to the Christmas tree.There are many other traditions during the holiday. Some families go to the church in the morning. Along the streets, the shops play Christmas music. When it gets dark, Christmas lights shine everywhere. People say “Merry Christmas” to each other, open presents and sing Christmas songs together.Red, green and white have long been used for Christmas. Red means blood, love and kindness. Green is the symbol of nature and the hope of life. White stands for(象征)light, purity(纯洁)and joy.1 . Whats the heading (标题) of Paragraph 2?AColours of ChristmasBThings of Getting Ready for ChristmasCTraditions of ChristmasDPresents for Christmas2 . What dont people do during Christmas?AGo to the church.BSing Christmas songs.CSay “thank you” to each other.DOpen presents.3 . What colour stands for light and joy?ARed.BGreen.CWhite.DBlue.4 . Which of the following is the right description(描述)about Christmas?AChristmas Day is on different days every year.BChristmas is the most important festival in the world.CPeople go shopping to get ready for Christmas.DFather Christmas is a young man with a long white beard and a red suit.二、用所给单词的正确形式填空5 . This tall building looks very _ (beauty). It is our library building. It was built last spring. We like reading in it after school every afternoon.6 . This film is bad. That one is even _ (bad).7 . Which do you think is _ (exciting), skiing, skating or swimming?Skiing, of course.8 . They say Sandy is _ (careful) in our class.9 . I am sixteen. Mike is two years _ (young). Hes fourteen.10 . If you are careful, none of the outdoor activities are _ (danger).11 . It was much _ (hot) yesterday than it is today.12 . The girl in red is _ (lovely) student in Class One, Grade Eight.三、完成句子根据汉语意思,翻译下列句子。13 . 此时,伦敦的人们正在睡梦中。At _, people in London are _.14 . 周末,公园里有很多人。There are _ people in the park on _.15 . 孩子们不是在看电视,他们是在玩游戏。The children _ TV; they _ computer games.16 . 我正在享受阳光。I _.17 . 人们没在穿衣打扮。People arent _.第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、阅读单选1、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、三、完成句子1、


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