人教版2020届英语七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas单元测试

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人教版2020届英语七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _do you go skating?Every day.AHow oftenBHow manyCHow longDHow much2 . Fish, potatoes, oranges Hmm, what _ do you want me to buy for you? Nothing. Thanks, Mum.AelseBotherCelse thingsDother thing3 . The weather is very cold, but everyone_having a good time.AbeBisCare4 . I dont like the awful picturesNeither do IThe awful pictures make me_AhappyBhappilyCsadDsadly5 . (题文)Excuse me.Where can I buy some _?I want to post a letter.Theres a post office on the second floor.AbooksBfoodCfruitDstamps6 . We look forward to _ from you soon.AhearBlistenChearingDlistening7 . Lucy, could you help me _ the map on the blackboard? We wont need it. With pleasure.Aput outBput upCput onDput away8 . There is _ “u” and _ “s” in _ word “useful”.Aan; a; theBa; an; aCa; an; theDan; an; the9 . How can I read faster? _ .ABy reading word groupsBReading word groupsCTo read word groups10 . -Thank you for lending me the storybook. I will give it back to you .-Just take it easy. I have finished reading it.Ain my spare timeBin a secondCas soon as possible二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Bill. What are your favorite animals?B: Koalas, Julie. A: Really? 11 . B: Because they are really cute. A: 12 . B: They are from Australia. Do you like koalas?A: No, I dont.B: 13 . A: Because they sleep all day. I think they are very lazy.B: Haha, I dont think so. 14 . A: I like dogs. They are very smart. B: 15 . I like dogs, too.A. Where do koalas live?B. Why do you like them?C. Youre right.D. Where are koalas from?E. Lets go to see them.F. Why dont you like them?G. What animals do you like?A. Where do koalas live?B. Why do you like them?C. Youre right.D. Where are koalas from?E. Lets go to see them.F. Why dont you like them?G. What animals do you like?三、完型填空Juan worked hard for hours. He put all of the coconuts(椰子) into large baskets. He then fastened(系) the baskets to the back of his horse.All he had to do was to take the coconuts to the home of the owner to get his pay. Just _ Juan started on the road to the owners house, he saw a young boy. “_ will it take to get to the owners house? asked Juan. “If you go slowly,” said the boy, “you will be there very soon. But if you go very fast, you will get there_.” “What a foolish boy!” thought Juan. As he pulled the horse along fast, coconuts began to _ out of the baskets. Juan had to stop to pick up coconuts. “Now I have to hurry to make up for(弥补) lost _,” Juan thought. More coconuts fell off the top of the full baskets and rolled down the hill. The more Juan tried to hurry, the _ coconuts fell and rolled away. Each time, Juan found it more tiring. He had to _ the fallen coconuts and pick them up. The sun began to set, and Juan _ the owners house at the top of the hill. He began to hurry once more. His hurrying made the horse _ fall. Some coconuts again flew out of the baskets and onto the ground. This time, the sun set. Poor Juan. He could not see the coconuts in the _ and could not send them until the next day. The boys advice was not so unreasonable after all.16 . AasBbecauseCifDalthough17 . AHow oftenBHow longCHow farDHow much18 . Aat noonBat nightCtodayDtomorrow19 . AactBstayCfallDcover20 . AmoneyBtimeCcoconutsDbaskets21 . AmoreBfewerCheavierDcloser22 . Alook atBprepare forCgo afterDtake up23 . AhopedBmetCcaredDsaw24 . AhardlyBalmostCcertainlyDnormally25 . AbasketBlightCdarkDmistake四、阅读单选Sam is a middle school student. He cant see. So he has a special(特殊的)friend a dog. Its name is Blackie. Blackie takes Sam to school every day. They get to school at 7:15. They are never late for school.After school, Blackie takes Sam to the bus stop. Sometimes they stop first for an ice-cream. Blackie likes it, too. Then they take the bus home. Blackie also helps Sam in the sports class. Blackie is funny and everyone likes him. But in the music class, Blackie cant sing.In the evening, Blackie is tired(疲倦)but he is happy. He relaxes under Sams chair. Then Sam and Blackie go to bed at the same time.26 . Who is Blackie?AA boy.BA girl.CA student.DA dog.27 . Why does Blackie take Sam to school?ABecause Sam is too small.BBecause Sam cant walk.CBecause Sam cant see.DBecause Sam cant speak.28 . How do they go home?ABy bike.BBy car.CBy bus.DBy subway.29 . In what class can Blackie help Sam?AThe sports class.BThe math class.CThe English class.DThe music class.30 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThey get to school at 7:15.BBlackie relaxes under Sams chair.CBlackie can sing.DBlackie likes eating ice-cream.Something very special happened to Tamara. She never knew she had a twin (双胞胎) sister until she started university!Tamara was born (出生) in Mexico. Her parents could not look after her so she went to live with a family in Manhattan, New York, USA.When Tamara was twenty years old, she started university in Long Island. She enjoyed her university life. But one day she was walking home from class, and a student smiled at her.“Hello, Adriana!”said the student.“Im not Adriana,”said Tamara.This happened to Tamara again and again. Tamara didnt know why people kept calling her Adriana. One day, when a woman called her Adriana, Tamara asked,“Why do you keep calling me Adriana?”The woman said, “You look like my friend Adriana. You have the same face and the same hair. Is Adriana your sister?”Tamara said that she did not have any sisters. But she was interested in the girl named Adriana. At last she asked someone for Adrianas e-mail address (地址).When Tamara wrote to Adriana, she found out that they both had the same birthday, they looked the same and both of them were from Mexico. When Tamara went to live with the family in Manhattan, Adriana moved to Long Island to live with a family there. It had to be true! Adriana and Tamara were twin sisters!31 . When did Tamara know that she had a sister?ABefore she started school.BAfter she visited a woman.CAfter she went to university.32 . How might Tamara feel when a student called her Adriana?ASorry.BScared.CSurprised.33 . What did Tamara decide to do after she talked with the woman?AHave a talk with Adrianas parents.BFind something about Adriana.CGive Adriana a telephone call.34 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ATamara had two sisters all together.BAdriana wrote an e-mail to Tamara first.CTamara and Adriana were both in Long Island when they were 20.五、句型转换六.改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。35 . Jenny is cleaning the house now. (改为否定句)Jenny_the house now.36 . She can wash her clothes after dinner.(改为一般疑问句)_she_ her clothes after dinner?37 . Its about 400 kilometers from Jinan to Beijing.(对划线部分提问)_ is it from Jinan to Beijing?38 . She takes the bus to get to school . (改写句子,句意不变)She gets to school _.39 . You cant kill elephants for their ivory. (改为祈使句)_ elephants for their ivory.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空(题文)40 . (小题1)Look, that s our_(外国的)teacher,Mr.Green.41 . (小题2)What are you going to do when you are in America? I am going to try my best to i_ my English.42 . (小题3)If you p_ something to others, you must try your best to keep it.43 . (小题4)Do you need to_(讨论)the problem in groups?44 . (小题5)Whats the_(意思) of the word?Sorry, I dont know.45 . My grandfather cant play sports, but he likes to w_ them on TV.46 . I dont like the soap opera. Its very b_.47 . I have no brother or sister, b_ I have many friends.48 . Is it an_(令人感兴趣的)job?49 . My_(同班同学)and I play sports after school.七、回答问题Hello, Im Bill. Im from America but now Im in Wanzhou. My parents come to China for work. So I come with them.I have many friends here. Julia is 12 years old. She is from Canada. Li Lei is 13 years old. He is from China. We are good friends but we are in different classes. Julia is in Class One, Grade Seven. Li Lei is in Class Two, Grade Seven. We have lunch at school at noon together (一起). And we often go home together, too.Julia likes Chinese very much, but she cant speak (说) Chinese well. She has many Chinese books. She often reads them. So she knows a lot about China. Li Lei likes English and he can speak it very well. We are good friends. On Sundays, we often do our homework together.50 . Is Bill in Wanzhou with his parents?_51 . What Grade (年级) are Julia and Li Lei in?_52 . What does Julia have?_53 . Are Bill, Julia and Li Lei good friends? What can good friends do together?_八、材料作文54 . 书面表达请根据下面的提示,写一篇英语短文介绍图片中的两只动物,内容可以适当发挥,不少于60词。Pingping, Beijing Zoo, plants, leaves, bamboo, fruit, cuteJack, Asia, eat other animals, swim, strong第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、


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