2020年春牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 8 Pets 测试题(I)卷

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2020年春牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 8 Pets 测试题(I)卷_第1页
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2020年春牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 8 Pets 测试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The _ are planting some _ in the school garden now.Awoman teachers; apple treesBwomen teachers; apple treesCwoman teacher; apple treeDwomen teachers; apples trees2 . The young man felt very _when he heard the bad news.AunhappyBhappilyChappyDunhappily3 . My daughter wants a new bicycle, but I have no time to buy for her.Athis oneBoneCthe oneDthat4 . Whats your_? Its 555-6298.Aphone numberBtelephoneCnameDnumber5 . Its a lovely dress,but its too dear.I cant it.AspendBpayCaffordDcost6 . Philip lives in , but he cant speak .AFrench; FranceBFrance; FrenchCFrance; FranceDFrench; French7 . _ town it is !Yes .Great changes have taken place here since we began to build a civilized(文明的)city .AHow beautifulBHow a beautifulCWhat beautifulDWhat a beautiful8 . Lady Gaga is famous _ her beautiful voice.AasBwithCforDin9 . Lets ask Michael. I think he can _ a good idea about how to deal with this problem.Abegin withBagree withCcome up withDget along with10 . I have finished reading these books,so I will _ them to the library this afternoon.AborrowBlendCreturnDkeep11 . Life is a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom you can _ any problem you face.Ahand outBwork outCfind out12 . Can you tell me the best way _ the problem?Ato solveBsolvingCsolveDsolved13 . Jacks parents are too strict with him.He thinks its very difficult for him to them.AfindBteachCbelieveDsatisfy14 . How much did you _ for your new dictionary?35 dollars. Thats all I have.ApayBtakeCcostDspend15 . Its quite cold in the room. Id like _ to drink. I dont want to get a cold.Asome hot thingBhot somethingCsomething coldDsomething hot二、完型填空Trees in the Amazon rainforest are showing scientists the past in order to help them predict the future. Have you heard about tree rings ? Some trees create rings every year _they grow. These rings can be _in the tree trunks when the trees are cut down .Counting tree_can tell us how old the tree is , but UK scientists have _a way of learning about the climate of the rainforest in the past from the tree rings . Growing in the Amazon rainforest, some trees only have short roots. This means that the trees depend on rain water, _ the water that naturally occurs deeper underground . Therefore, the rings of tree trunks(树干) can _the rainfall in the forest in the past.The rings can help us understand the rainfall, _the climate of the Amazon forest over the last 100 years .What scientist want to know, however, is how the rainforest will be affected by the worlds rising temperatures. Will it _wetter or drier? The Amazon rainforest is known as the “lung(肺) of the earth ” for the amount of CO2 _the trees take in from the air every day. A warming world could have a very bad effect on this important forest, but with more information about the _ , scientists hope to know what one of the most important rainforests in the world will be like in the future .16 . AasBsinceCalthoughDafter17 . AheardBdrawnCproducedDseen18 . AringsBleavesCfruitsDroots19 . AchangedBforgottenCdiscoveredDimagined20 . Arather thanBas forCbecause ofDthanks to21 . AinfluenceBcauseCincreaseDshow22 . AyetBeverCeven Dstill23 . AtasteBsmellCsoundDbecome24 . AwhenBthatCwhereDwhy25 . AhumansBanimalsCpastDfuture三、阅读单选Once there was a rich man who had two sons. The elder brother Nolbu was greedy(贪婪的)and lazy. But his younger brother Hungbu was hard-working and kind-hearted. When their father died, Nolbu got their fathers house and land, but Hungbu received nothing.One day when Hungbu was working in the fields, he found a bird which had broken its leg. He took the bird home and looked after it carefully. Day after day, the bird became stronger. When winter came, it flew away to a warmer place. The next spring the bird flew back and gave Hungbu a seed(种子). Hungbu put the seed in the ground and it soon grew into a plant which produced many gourds(葫芦). When Hungbu opened one of the gourds he was very surprised to see that it was full of treasure. The next day he bought a big house and moved there with his family.When Nolbu heard about his brothers good luck, he decided to do the same thing as his brother. He also found a bird, but he broke its leg and looked after it until it became strong. The bird also gave him a seed, which produced several gourds. However, when Nolbu opened one of the gourds, goblins(小妖精)came out of it and stole all his money. After that Nolbu felt ashamed(羞愧的)so he went to his brother for help. Hungbu was so sorry for his brother and invited him to share his house. Both the brothers and their families lived happily ever after.26 . When Hungbus father died, Hungbu got _ from him.Aa houseBlandCtreasureDnothing27 . When Hungbu found a bird, _.Ahe broke its legBhe looked after it carefullyChe sold it at a good priceDhe gave it to Nolbu as a gift28 . In which season did Hungbu get a seed from the bird?ASpring.BSummer.CAutumn.DWinter.29 . Nolbus money was stolen by _.Ahis birdBgoblinsCHungbuDHungbus bird30 . Although Nolbu did something wrong, Hungbu was still _ his brother.Acruel toBhard onCkind toDangry with四、根据首字母、中文提示填空31 . She didnt _(不在乎) anything people there might say.32 . Your hair is too long. You should have _(理发).33 . When the teacher came, all the students _(停止了交谈).34 . Our teacher is _(对要求严格)us.35 . Do you know _(重要性) of studying hard?五、完成句子36 . Please t _these oranges to your grandparents.37 . J _is the first month of the year.38 . My father and mother are my p _.39 . -Do you n _a bag for school?-No, I dont. I have one already.40 . Here are some photos o _my family. Do you want to see them?41 . -My parents will take me to Beijing this Saturday.-H _a good time!42 . Does anyone k_the right answer to this question?43 . Lets play s _. Its my favorite sport.44 . Monkeys like eating b _.45 . We have breakfast at 7:00, lunch at 12:30 and d _at 6:30.46 . Jack wants to play games with his friends, b _his parents would not let him go out.47 . The red bag is not m _. Its Alans.48 . Please have a l _at this map, and you can find our school in it.49 . This morning Cindy l _her schoolbag and cant find it anywhere.50 . Good eating h _are important to our health.六、单词填空阅读下面短文,根据所给提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,使其内容通顺、意思完整。Hello, boys and girls. Im a panda, and 51 . (I)name is Mengmeng. I come from Guangzhou. Im two 52 . (year)old. My birthday is on July 29th. I have two 53 . (brother), Shuaishuai and Kuku. 54 . (they)birthdays are on July 29th, too. Here is a photo 55 . our second birthday party. Do you know which one is me? Im the one with a carrot in my hand. Aha! I 56 . (喜欢)carrots.Every year many people come to our birthday party. They 57 . (say) “Happy birthday” to us. And they want us to be 58 . (health)and happy. Do you want to come to our 59 . (three)birthday party? Take a trip 60 . Guangzhou and see us.七、话题作文61 . 书面表达假如你养了一只宠物狗,名叫Charley。请根据下面的要点提示,以“My Favourite Pet”为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。要点:1一条黑白相间的狗,耳朵大大的,腿短短的,很可爱;2对人友善,从不咬人,聪明,有人按门铃时,他会叫;3喜欢追逐猫和鸟,喜欢吃肉和骨头,饭量大,喜欢睡在空盒子里;4每天带他去公园散步一次,经常和他玩,他是我最好的朋友。第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、话题作文1、


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