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2019-2020学年人教PEP版六年级上册第一次月考英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . He _ English, maths and science _Mondays. ( )Ahas; onBhas; inChave; at2 . This is a naughty boy. ( )But he is also _.AsmartBseriousCinterested3 . _ do you have PE lessons? ( )AWhatsBShallCWhen选出每组单词中不同类的一项。4 . AamazingBstudyCcook5 . AAustraliaBChinaCpuzzles6 . AdrawBteachesCsleep7 . AdanceBliveChiking8 . AswimmingBclimbingCmountains9 . Tom is doing his homework, _ the phone rings. ( )AbutBsoCor10 . is not in the UK. Its in Australia.The view there is very beautiful. ( )ANiagara FallsBThe Summer PalaceCThe Great Barrier ReefDThe Great Wall11 . Can I go to school by bus?-.AYou can walk thereBYes, you areCSure12 . We can _ the school bus to Shanghai Zoo. ( )AbyBhaveCtake13 . How will you go to the zoo? ( )I will go there _.Atake a busBtake busCby bus14 . Excuse me._ ( )Its over there.AWhats on the desk?BWhere is my bag?CWhats it?二、填空题15 . Read and choose根据内容,选词填空。1.How are you?Im _I have a new bike. (angry/happy)2.There is a big table _my classroom. (in/on)3.Look! Polly _a yellow dress. (have/has)4.Where is yourbrother?Look over there. _shirt is blue. (His/Her)5.I like this robot. Its cute. It has _black socks. (a/a pair of)6.The tall man is my _. He is a doctor. (uncle/aunt)16 . 仿照例句, 根据表格的内容写句子。例句:Mike is eating lunch at school(1)Wu Yifan_(2) Chen Jie_(3)Oliver_(4)John_三、单词拼写17 . 将单词按正确的顺序排列。1.mtoorbkei_ 2. jpee_ 3.acohc_4.usb _ 5.atxi_ 6.rac_四、任务型阅读根据短文,补全句子。The weather report says its rainy in Hangzhou. Its cold in Harbin. Its snowy in Beijing. Its sunny in Changsha. Its cool in Chongqing. Its cloudy in Wuhan.18 . Its _ in Beijing.19 . Its _ in Hangzhou.20 . Its _ in Changsha.21 . Its _ in Chongqing.22 . Its _ in Harbin.阅读对话,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。Amy: Mum, look at the monkeys. They are eating bananas.Mum: Yes. Theyre hungry. Look at the bears. Amy: Are they sleeping?Mum: No, they are fighting. Do you see the baby elephant?Amy: No. What is it doing?Mum: Its drinking water with its trunk(象鼻).Amy: How cute it is!23 . The monkeys are eating apples. (_)24 . The bears are fighting. (_)25 . Amy sees the baby elephant. (_)26 . The baby elephant is drinking water. (_)27 . The elephant drinks water with its trunk. (_)五、判断题28 . Look, read and write(T) or (F):She is swimming. (_)六、句型转换29 . 根据要求改写句子1.She can play the flute (否定句)She _ play the flute.2.The boys can dance. (给出一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_ the boys dance ? No, _.3.This man is strong. (变同义句)_ is a _ man.4.Sam can play football. (根据划线部分提问)_ can Sam _ ?七、匹配题30 . 匹配句子。(_) 1. What are you doing?AMy name is Peter. (_) 2. Whats your name?BI like drawing. (_) 3. Whats your hobby? CFine, thank you.(_) 4. How are you?DAt 7:00.(_) 5. What time do you go to school? EIm swimming.八、看图题看图,写单词31 . _32 . _33 . _34 . _九、书面表达35 . Writing.(小作文。)请你采访3位同学, 了解一下他们的周末计划, 并用几句话把你们的计划写下来和大家分享。不少于50词。第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、2、三、单词拼写1、四、任务型阅读1、2、五、判断题1、六、句型转换1、七、匹配题1、八、看图题1、九、书面表达1、


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