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外研版(一起)六年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷(3)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ books are these? ( ) They are Jays.AWhoseBWhoCWhere2 . I dont like grapes. _ sour. ( )Athey areBItsCTheyre3 . My sister is her keys in the bag. ( )Alooking forBlooking atClook forDlook at4 . ShenzhouVtookthenationalflagof _intospace. ( )AtheUKBtheUSCChina5 . I can _ Miss Wang. ( )AtalkBtalk toCtalking二、阅读选择阅读材料Ada: Mike, is Beijing far from here?Mike: Yes. Its three hours by plane.Ada: What is the weather like in spring?Mike: Its usually warm and windy in spring. Ada: Are we going to see different places?Mike: Yes, we are. Beijing is the capital of China. There is also a lot of good food in Beijing.Ada: I cant wait. Im going to buy a Beijing duck.Mike: Were leaving now.Ada: Can you help me with the backpack please? My backpack is bigger and heavier than yours.Mike: Of course!能力测试选择正确的答案填在括号里。6 . How far is here from Beijing? ( )AIts three hours by plane.BIts three hours by ship.CIts three hours by bus.7 . Whats the weather like in spring? ( )AWarm and windy.BRainy and windy.CWarm and Rainy.8 . Beijing is the _ of China. ( )AcityBcapitalCwest9 . What is Ada going to buy? ( )AShoesBBeijing duckCFolk clothes10 . Whose backpack is heavier? ( )AMikesBAdasCI dont know三、单词拼写11 . 根据提示写单词。1. 漂亮的_(提示:teprty)2. 英俊的_(提示:ehsomdan)12 . Fill the blanks with words. (根据首字母填空)-How m_ apples are there?-T_.-Lets share!-O_! One for Joy, one for Andy ,and one for me.13 . 根据句意和首字母提示填写单词:Amy is going to f_ Sunday.14 . 根据首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子。【小题1】S_ up.【小题2】S_ down.【小题3】Good m _.【小题4】How are y_?【小题5】Im f _ .15 . 将单词按正确的顺序排列。1. oyt_ 2. wihch_ 3. kile_4. wtan_ 5. plean_ 6. hlep_16 . 补全单词1. mi_take2. b_ought3. mo_e4. _aseball5. und_r四、任务型阅读17 . 阅读理解。All the students in China are learning English, but how can they learn English well? Some students can know a lot about English, they can do some exercises, but perhaps they cant speak English loudly.If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.So, you see, you can learn English by using (使用) it. You must listen to your teacher in class. You must speak English to your classmates everyday and also you must watch some English cartoons, sing some English songs, write some English diaries. Then one day you may find you can speak very good English.阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表。( )(1)All the people in the world are learning English.( )(2)Knowing a lot about English is different from speaking English.( )(3)You can swim without (没有)water.( )(4)You should listen to your teacher in class.( )(5)You can learn English by listening, speaking, reading and writing.五、汉译英18 . 翻译句子。1. 你喜欢什么?_2. 请喝些果汁。_3. 谢谢。_4. 我喜欢葡萄汁。_5.我喜欢牛奶。_19 . 这只老虎一天睡十六个小时。This _ sleeps for _ hours a day.20 . 翻译下列句子:一个多好的主意啊!21 . 汉译英:我可以进来吗?_根据中文,完成句子。22 . 这是什么?这是一个玩具汽车。Whats _? It _ a toy _.23 . 新年快乐!这个黑帽子送给你的妹妹。_ New _! _ black _ is for your _.24 . 我的鸡蛋是橙色和白色的。My _ is_.六、选内容补全对话25 . Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,)(going, thinner, friend, do, swimming, Sunday, go, shorter, friends, were, went, younger, did)Mike and John are good 【小题1】. Mike is 164cm. He is 4cm 【小题2】 than John, and【小题3】. John is 14.Mike is only 12.Mike is 【小题4】. Usually they 【小题5】 homework together on Sundays. Last 【小题6】, they 【小题7】 hiking and 【小题8】. They 【小题9】 happy. Next weekend, theyre 【小题10】 to the zoo.七、改错下列句子中各有一处错误,请找出并改在后面横线上。26 . Thatthekitchen.(_)_A B C27 . Thereare two sofa.(_)_A B C28 . Thereisan new fridge. (_)_A B C29 . I go to sleepon the bedroom.(_)_A B C30 . There area new desk. (_)_A B C31 . 选出错误的一项并改正。( )1.Annehavebreakfast at six last week._A BC( )2.Ride a bike is exercise._ _ABC( )3.Howmanyplayer are there?_A BC( )4.I amteaching her to dancing._A BC( )5.I wantanybread for lunch._A B C改错。32 . Whatsyouname? (_)_A B C33 . Ihavea eraser. (_)_A B C34 . Nice to meet you, to. (_)_A B C35 . ThisareMiss White. (_)_A B C36 . Colourthe bag an orange. (_)_A B C37 . 改错:Wereyouin home then. (_)改为_A B C38 . 改错。(_) 1. Whats your parentsdoing? _A B C(_) 2. My brother watering the flowersin the garden. _A B C(_) 3. Mother likecookingvery much. _A B C(_) 4. I has a busyfamily. _A B C(_) 5. That room isin the third floor. _A B C八、书面表达39 . Henry是你的朋友,请你根据提供的信息,写一段不少于5句话的短文,介绍Henry。你可以使用以下句型:His/Her name is. He/ She is. years old. He/ She is from. He/ She likes.His/ Her favourite .is.I have a good friend._第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读选择1、三、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、6、四、任务型阅读1、五、汉译英1、2、3、4、5、六、选内容补全对话1、七、改错1、2、3、4、5、八、书面表达1、


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