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Unit 3 Part 单词拼写1The young man went on working hard and f_ he succeeded. 2What shall we do after we g_ from college? 3She is a s_ girl who wont obey her mother. 4A v_ is an area of land lying between two lines of mountains. 5I didnt have enough money for the bus f_. 6A bus t_ us from the airport to the city.7I p_ to stay at home rather than go shopping in such a hot day. 8Dont let yourself be p_ into buying things you dont really want. 9If you want to speak at the meeting, you should o_ your thoughts well beforehand. 10She b_ forward to pick up the pencil lying on the ground. 短语填空 ever since, dream about, persuade sb. to do, be fond of, care about, change ones mind, give in,make up ones mind 1Some middle school students have always been studying hard because they are _ going to key universities. 2I have _ not to change my plan. 3She never _ what other people say and always does what she likes. 4Some parents should remember they should never _ to their children if they dont want the children to be spoiled(惯坏)5He has been weak _ he was ill. 6I tried to _ my father _ give up smoking but in vain(徒劳)7Which subject _ you _,maths or physics? 8He promised to go to the party with me but at the last moment he _. 单项填空1I prefer studying English at home _ the match. Ato watching Bto watch Crather than watch Drather than watching 2What is the _ by plane from London to New York? Afare Bfee Cmoney Dcharge 3Tom _ his parents ever since he _ home. Adidnt see; has left Bhadnt seen; left Cdidnt see; left Dhasnt seen; left 4They are the _ who _ Wuhan University and now are playing an important part in our factory. Agraduate; graduated Bgraduates; graduated Cgraduates; graduated from Dgraduate; graduated from 5He insisted that_,which made the boss very angry. Ahe do nothing wrong Bhe did nothing wrong Cthe boss do nothing wrong Dthe boss did nothing wrong 6It is always the husband who _ first when a quarrel breaks out between the young couple. Agives away Bgives out Cgives in Dgives off 7In order to change attitudes _ employing women,the government is bringing in new laws. Aabout Bof Ctowards Don 8Once we _,we should work hard until we succeed.Amake up our mind Bmake our mind Cmake up our minds Dmake our minds 9After I stayed in bed for two days, Mother _ me into going to see the doctor at once. Apersuaded Bagreed Csuggested Dmade 10Wed like to go to the party, but we dont have any _. Atraffic Btransport Ctraffic way Dtransmission 11He is so _ that no one can persuade him to change his mind. Asimple Bhardworking Cfortunate Dstubborn 12He thinks only of himself; he doesnt _ other people. Acare about Btake care Ccare of Dcare for 13Johns success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work _ has made him what he is today. Awhy Bwhen Cwhich Dthat 14Nothing could change _,so the meeting ended to everyones disappointment. Aher mind Bmind Cher minds Dminds 阅读理解 People travel for a variety of reasons. It may be for pleasure or it may be for business. It may be to visit family or it may be to pay respects to their deceased ancestors. But most often we think of travel as something exciting, something that we like doing, for it is really a good way to see a new place, learn about a new culture, and experience many new things. Traveling has a long history; ever since nomads(游牧民) realized that living under certain climatic conditions meant they would have a better means to feed their families. In such cases, they thought there was a need to move to those better conditions areas. Until now, nomadic lifestyles exist as they did centuries ago. Today people still move from poorer regions of their countries to more developed parts. They hope to find better jobs and live a better life. In a word, people travel to improve the conditions of their lives. Besides that, people travel for enjoyment purposes. They want to get away from their busy lifestyles. So they travel to quiet environments or distant places to enjoy the comfort that allows them to relax. There is also an emotional(情感的) reason to travel. For example, people travel to reunite(团聚) with family or friends from distant places, or to meet their lovers. 1Which would be the best title for the passage? AHistory of Traveling BAdvertising of Traveling CReasons for Traveling DAdvantages of Traveling 2The underlined word “deceased” in the first paragraph probably means “_”.Aclose Bdead Csick Dpoor 3With the example referring to nomads, the author wants to tell us that _. Atraveling began a long time ago Bnomads are good at traveling Cnomads are the leaders of traveling Dtraveling is the main lifestyle of nomads 4Which of the following is NOT a reason mentioned in the passage for traveling? AGoing to another city to attend a meeting. BGetting together with old friends. CCollecting money for a poor region. DGoing to a quiet place for a holiday. 5 What can we learn from the passage? APeople usually think traveling is fun. BMany people like the nomadic lifestyle. CTraveling can develop independence. DMost people travel to feed their families.


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