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介词中考专题一之介词一、考纲解读熟悉掌握常用介词的基本用法(表示时间、地点、方式等),以及一些常见的固定搭配。由于每个介词都可以表达不同的含义,且无规律可循,因此在备考时考生应该注意收集介词和各类词搭配构成的短语。2、 考点一 时间介词分类基本用法例子时间介词at 多用于表示具体的时刻前,也可用于固定搭配中,表示的时间大多比较短暂。还有at+年龄=at the age ofat seven 在七点;at a quarter to one 在12点45分at noon 在正午;at night 在晚上,深夜,入睡时刻at midnight在午夜in用于月、四季,年,年代,世纪或泛指一天的上午、下午、晚上等。其后还可以加时间段,用于表示“从现在起,多长时间以后或多久以后”,此时常用于一般将来时。in the _ century 在21世纪in 1990; in August; in the evening 在晚上 in autumn 在秋天;in the morning 在早上; in the 1990s 在20世纪九十年代They will finish the work in an hour.on 主要用于日期、星期、节日等具体的某一天前;具体某一天的早上、中午、晚上前;morning, afternoon, evening, night等前有修饰词时也用on。on Mid-Autumn Day; on June 1st;on Monday; on September 3rd, 1990;On a cold winter morning in 1996.since 指从某时一直延续至今,后接表示过去的时间点;主句用现在完成时He has studied English since 2000.from 说明开始的时间,谓语可用过去、现在、将来的某种时态From now on, I will learn English in the mornings.for 指动作延续贯穿整个过程,后接时间段。I have studied English for 6 years.after: (1)后加时间段,表示在以过去为起点的某一段时间之后,用于过去时; (2)与时间点连用可用于一般现在/过去/将来时They finished the work after two years.他们在两年之后完成了这项工作。I will ring you up after two oclock.两点之后,我将会打电话给你。until用于否定句中,意为“直到才”,其前的谓语动词多用瞬间动词;用在肯定句中,意为“直到为止”,其前的谓语动词需要延续性动词。I didnt go to bed until my mother came home.I waited for my mother until she came home.我等我妈妈直到她回家为止。by +时间点,表示“到为止”,如果by 后加“将来的时间点”应用一般将来时;如果by 后面跟一个过去的时间点用过去完成时We had learned 1,000 English words by the end of last term.到上个学期末为止,我们已经学了1,000个英语单词。“during+时间段”与延续性动词连用表示某期间的动作He lives with us during these years.before表示时间。单独用时(adv)常用于完成时态;后接从句时(连词)从句常用一般现在时表将来(主将从现);后面从句如果是一般过去时,则主句用过去完成时;后接时间点(介词),意为“在之前”I have never been to Beijing before!I will finish my homework before the TV play begins.The train had left before I arrived the station.Please bring your homework before ten oclock.1、 at the end of-,“在-的底/末”,“在-的尽头”,(后可加时间或地点)。常用一般将来时或一般过去时。句中的动词一般无延续性。 in the end, “最后”“终于”=at last =finally(只用来表示时间)by the end of-“到-底/末”,(只用来表示时间),常用于过去完成时或一般将来时。句中的动词一般有延续性。2、 in+时间段 “-以后”, 用于一般将来时;。after+时间段 “-以后”,常用于一般过去时 另外,in后不能加时间点。after后能加时间点,常用于一般将来时,也可用于其他时态。3、in the past, “在过去”,与过去时连用;in the past/last+时间段,“在过去的中”, 常与现在完成时连用,(表示从现在算起的过去的一段时间,包括此时此刻在内)。In the past few years, great changes have taken place in our school. 在过去的几年里,我们学校发生了巨大的变化。3、in time 及时 on time按时3、 考点二 地点介词分类基本用法例子地点介词at 多用于较小的地点前(时间at 用于较短时间;arrive at 加小地点)at the bus stop; at homearrive at the airport 到达机场in 用在较大的地方前,arrive in 加大地点arrive in China; in the world 在世界上on 表示“在上面”,强调表示接触Look at the book on the desk.over(反义词under)表示“在正上方”,表示垂直在上(不接触)There is a bridge over the river.河上面有一座桥。above(反义词below) 表示“在上面”,泛指上方(不接触)Raise your arms above your head.把你的胳膊举到头上。in front of 表示“在前面”(范围外)There are some trees in front of the classroom.(大树在教室外面)in the front of 表示“在的前部”(范围内)Our teacher usually sits in the front of the classroom.(教室里面的前面)before所表示的位置关系和in front of 通用,表示“在前面”He sits in front of/before me.behind“在后面”,是in front of 的反义词Dont hide behind the tree.at the back of 表示“在后部”,是in the front of 的反义短语There is a blackboard at the back of our classroom.我们教室后部有块黑板。by 表示“在旁边”,与beside 同义We live by the river. 我们住在河边。beside“在旁边”,强调靠近;besides 连词,“除了-,还有-”“而且”Whos that girl beside the boy?在男孩旁边的那个女孩是谁?near“在附近”,距离比by 和next to 远Is there a hospital near here?next to “紧邻,在旁边”,相当于close toThe boy next to her is my classmate.between “在之间”,强调两者之间或众多事物的“两两之间”You must choose one between her and me.among“在之间”,表示“三者或三者以上之间”He is the tallest among all the children.around“在周围”,强调环境Lets show you around the city. 让我们带你在城里转转。into表示有特定的运动方向,常用动词连用,意为“进入”The hare ran into the forest. 野兔跑进了森林。The students are going into the school bus in order/one by one.out of“从里面出来”,与into意思相反The hare came out of its cave. 野兔从它的洞里出来了。The students are coming out of the school bus one by one.through表示从空间“穿过”The little dog can go through the hole in the door.那只小狗能从门洞里钻出来。across表示从平面“穿过”river, Go across the bridge and then turn left. 过桥然后左转。to (toward, towards)表示方向,意为“到某地”或“朝,向”My father will go to Beijing next week.The windows open towards the south. 这个窗户向南开。along 表示 “顺着,沿着”Go along this street.(1) across, through, over, past 的区别易混词用法例句 across表示“穿过,越过”,含有“从.表面穿过”之意,或指从一边到另一边而进行的动作,表示游渡、乘船过海或过河时用acrossHe can swim across the river.他可以游过这条河。through都表示“穿过,越过”,含有“从.内部”穿过之意She had to push her way through the crowd to get to her son. 她必须拨开人群到达她儿子身边。over多指在空间范围上“越过”The plane flew over a line of mountains in the southeast.飞机从东南部的群山上飞过。past指“经过”指从旁边经过。They walked past a tall tree.他们路过一颗高高的树。(二)表示方位的介词in,on,to的区别易混词用法例句in 表示在某一范围之内(内含)Guangzhou is in the south of Chinaon表示与某地是毗邻关系(相切)Vietnam(越南) is on the south of Chinato表示在某一范围之外(外离)Japan lies to the east of China四、考点三 方式介词(1) in, with 和by表示“用”时的区别易混词用法例句in主要表示用语言、声音、原材料等。还可以用于一些词组中,如:in silence, in surprise, in a loud voice等Can you sing this song in English?You can write in black ink.你可以用黑色墨水写。withwith 表示使用的工具或手段,一般接具体的手段或工具(具体有形的东西)I write my homework with a pen.byby表示一种方式或方法,后面的名词不加冠词,也无复数形式。还可以表示用.手段或方式,后常接动名词They go to school by bike.The girl made money by selling flowers.(2) with 和without 的区别易混词用法例句with有“和-; 附带,带有”之意。有时候还可以表示“伴随”,如:I like sleeping with the light onwith the help of 在.的帮助下play with和谁一起玩a desk with three legswithout有“没有”之意without help 没有帮助without breakfast 没吃早餐(三)by, in 和on表示旅行方式的区别 by+交通工具的单数 =on/in+修饰词(冠词、物主代词、指示代词等)+交通工具五、考点四 常用介词的用法及辨析:(一)in和on的区别易混词用法例句on the tree表示枝、叶、果实等长“在树上”There are some apples on the trees.树上有些苹果。in the tree表示人或其他东西“在树上”There are some monkeys in the tree.树上有些猴子。on the wall表示东西粘贴或挂“在墙上”There is a picture on the wall.墙上有一幅画。in the wall表示门、窗等嵌“在墙上”There is a hole in the wall. 墙上有个洞。(二)after与behind区别 两个词都有“在后”之意,behind只表示位置方面的“在之后”,不能表示时间,而after则表示时间方面的“在之后”。 For examples: behind the school 在学校后面;after 5 oclock 5点之后;after the house 在房子后面(三)、at 和to 表行为对象时的区别易混词用法例句at与某些动词连用,表攻击的目标,含有某种程度的恶意。shout at 对大喊; laugh at 嘲笑Dont laugh at others. It is impolite.to只表示方向,没有恶意She came to me and shook my hand warmly.她向我走来并且热情地跟我握手。(四)、of 和in 用于最高级结构中的区别易混词用法例句of后接数词或可数名词复数Tom is the tallest of the four. 汤姆是这四个孩子中个子最高的。in后一般接表示地理区域的可数名词的单数形式Tom is the tallest boy in the class. 汤姆是班里个子最高的男孩。(五)、to的两种用法的区别易混词用法例句to介词+名词,代词或动名词。pay attention to 注意;make a contribution to 贡献;get used to 习惯于;preferto更喜欢;look forward to期待动词不定式+动词原形want to do sth.decide to do sth.(六)、for, to 和towards的区别易混词用法例句for常用在leave, start 后,表示运动的方向或目的。They will leave for Beijing to attend the meeting next month.下个月他们将去北京参加会议。to接在go, come, return, move等词后,表示目的地When did you return to Dongguan after the holiday?假期后,你什么时候返回东莞?towards意为“朝,向”,只说明运动的方向,没有“到达”的意思She walked slowly towards me.她慢慢地向我走来。(七)、but, besides 和except的区别易混词用法例句but表示“除之外”,常与含有否定意义的词连用,当but前有动词do 时,but后接动名词原形。We can do nothing but wait.除了等待我们什么也做不了。except表示“除之外(不再有)”,指从整体中排除except所带的人或物,前面常有all, every, any, no 等词。All the students go to the zoo except Jim.除了吉姆,所有的学生都去了动物园。besides表示“除之外(还有)”,它的意思是在原来的基础上加上besides所带的人或物,其前常有other, another, any other, a few等词。I have a few friends besides you.除了你之外,我还有几个好朋友。(八)、of sb. 与for sb. 的区别1、of sb. “对于(某人)”用于 It is +adj. +of sb. to do sth.句型中,形容词为clever, kind, nice 等描述人物性格特征的词,of 后的人物与形容词有主表关系。 It is very kind of you help the old man./2、for sb. “对于(某人)”,用于It is +adj. +for sb. to do sth. 句型中,形容词为easy, important等不描述人物性格特征的词,for 后中的人物与形容词没有主表关系。 It is important for us to study hard.六、考点五 介词短语介词在实际运用中常常和名词、动词、形容词等词类构成固定搭配,这些固定搭配在句子中表现十分活跃1、介词与名词的固定搭配8in a word=in short=in brief总而言之 in ones life在某人一生中 in time及时 on time准时,按时at sea在海上 on foot步行in surprise惊奇地 in a hurry匆忙,急忙 in silence 静静地 in a low voice小声地in public当众 in person 亲自in pairs 成对地 in groups 成组地 in the distance在远处in the middle(center) of在中间(中心)in trouble处于困境 in need在危难中 in danger 在危险中 of course当然(可以)in fact事实上 in total 总共in+语言 用-in the street在街上 on the road 在马路上 by the way顺便说 in this way 用这种方式 in the way 挡道,碍事 in a way 在某种程度上on the way to- 在去-路上on one s way to在某人去的路上at the meeting在会上 in space在太空by spaceship乘坐宇宙飞船in order妥当,适宜,正常on display/show陈列,展览in the daytime在白天in the night 在夜间 at night 在夜里 at the foot of在脚下 in line成一直线 in a row 成一排 at the table在桌子旁 at table 在就餐day by day日复一日year by year 年复一年one by one 一个接一个little by little 一点一点step by step 一步一步at school在上学out of breath上气不接下气at the same time同时 by hand手工out of sight消失,看不见 out of work失业on duty值日 on top of在顶上on the+ 电器 通过- on the left/right在左边/右边 on the other side of 在-的另一边 on the other hand 另外一方面by the time 到-时候on the other hand 另外一方面to ones surprise/joy 使某人吃惊、高兴的是2介词与形容词的固定搭配(前面一般有be动词)careful about小心 sure about/of肯定certain about/of对有把握good at擅长 good for对有好处good with 善于应付- good to 对-友好 thankful to 对-感激 kind to对-友好 friendly to 对-友好surprised/amazed at对吃惊famous/known for因而出名 famous/known as作为而出名ready for为做好了准备sorry for对过意不去 late for迟到different from与不同similar to 和-相似 the same as 和-一模一样be successful in=succeed in在-方面成功disappointed in对-失望interested in对,感兴趣=take/show interest in 对-感兴趣proud of=take pride in为而骄傲tired of厌倦 afraid of害怕 short of短缺 full of=filled with充满familiar to为所熟悉satisfied with对满意busy with忙于friendly/kind to对友好angry with生-的气strict with sb,对某人要求严格strict in sth,对某事要求严格hard on sb 对-苛刻3介词与动词的固定搭配laugh at嘲笑 take part in参加think of想出 think about考虑,思考go on with-继续-worry about=be worried about为担心 look after=take care of照看,照料look like看起来像 look for寻找-look at 看着 look through 浏览Look out of 向-外看look out 小心、当心look up 查阅come/get/run out of 从-出来listen to听- -hear from收到来信=get/receive/have a letter from- arrive in到达(大地方)arrive at到达(小地方) get to到达 wait for等候agree with同意,赞同 think about考虑 think of 认为;想出;come up with想出 catch up with赶上,追上keep up with跟上,紧跟 come from=be from来自pay for支付 shout at对叫嚷talk about sth谈论某事 talk to/with sb 和某人谈话speak to sb对某人说 knock at/ on the door敲门play with玩耍 point at指向 point to指向,表明shout at对-叫嚷 shout to 大喊某人hear of听说 look forward to盼望get on with sb.与某人相处do well in=be good at在学/做得好fall behind落后turn.into.=change into把变成 translate -into 把-翻译-help-.with.帮助做take/ catch hold of抓住 decide on决定hand in上交 hand out分发hand in hand 手拉手have nothing to do with与无关have something to do with与有关base on以面为根据keep- out of不让进入keep-( away) from-使-远离-leave -for-离开(去另一个地方)go in for从事,致力于deal with(how)处置,对待do with (what) 处理,处置fill -with-充满,装满depend on依靠,依赖,取决于tie.to.把系在上pass on传递 smile at对微笑believe in信任 belong to属于look around向四周看 write to给写信show-around 带领某人参观某地regard .as.把看作treat-as-把-当做-对待prefer- to-比起-更喜欢-真题操练1、 _ March 8, 2014, the flight of Malaysia Airlines MH370 got lost with 239 passengers _ it.A.On; in B. To; on C. At; in D. At; on2、 The foreigners arrived _ Shanghai_ night.A.at; at B. in; at C. in; in D. at; in3、 Connie arrived _ the village _ a snowy night.A.at; on B. at; in C. in; at D. in; on 4、 They usually go shopping _ their lunch break.A. against B. among C. between D. during5、What will you do _ the summer holiday? I think I shall watch London Olympic Games. It will _ in August. A.during; be held B. at; holdC. during; hold D. at; be hold6、Do you often go swimming _ Sunday morning? Yes. Why not _ with me this Sunday?A.on; go B. in; to go C. on; going D. in; going7、 I was born_ a Friday morning.A.in B. on C. at D. for8、Wow!Ten students in our class will celebrate their fourteenth birthdays _ October. A. in B. on C. at D. to9、 My friend, Henry, was born _ June 10th, 1997.A.in B. on C. at D. for10、Welcome to our hotel ! I hope youll have a good time_ your stay here.A. after B. during C. with D. since11、Both of my parents were born_ 1970.A. in B. on C. at D. to12、When was you born? I was born_ a cold winter morning in 1996.A. in B. on C. at 13、I hear our teacher will be back_ three weeks time.A. at B. in C. for D. after14、The sweet smell of the flowers in the garden comes in _ the open windows making us feel in a good mood.(心情) A.on; B. with C. through 15、The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he always swims _ the Pearl River after supper. A. over B. through C. to D. across16、Why are you standing, Alice? I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall toys are sitting _ me.A behind; B. next to C. between D. in front of 17、Wushu is becoming more and more popular_ westerners.A. among B. between C. in D. within18、Is this your father home? No, hes working late_the office.A. on B. at C. of D. to19、I couldnt do it _ your great help. Thanks a lot.A. with B. without C. for D. to20、Kelly, whos the girl _ glasses in the photo? Its me. I used to wear glasses and have long hair.A. by B. of C. on D. With21、Its time _ the weather report. Turn on the radio, please.A. to B. in C. at D. for 22、Students are encouraged to share their learning experience _ their classmates.A. to B. in C. at D. with 23、You can improve your English _ practicing more.A. by B. with C. of D. in24、_ 7, Bruce won second prize in the piano competition.A. In; B. At; C. On D. for 25、I like going to school _ my bike.A. in B. on C. by D. at26、After the final exam, Changchang, _ her mother, is going to travel to Canada instead of staying at home all the time.A. and B. with C. as well 27、Bill has made great progress _ the help of his teachers.A. for B. with C. under 28、Who did you go to the movies _?Nobody. I went alone.A with B. about C. for D. from29、Most people are_ building a paper factory near here. They are worried the river will get polluted.A for B. with C. against D. beyond30、The boy looks nice_ white while the red sweater looks good _ the girl.A.with; on B. in; on C. on; in D. in; with31、The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated _ different ways _ the same time in different places every year.A on; in B. in; at C. on; at D. on; at32、My aunt Jane tried her best to reduce her weight _ 6kg.A about B. at C. to D. by 33、Your bag looks the same_ mine. Oh, really? Its a gift_ my father.Awith; to B. with; from C. as; on D. as; from 34、. This problems is far_ me; I am afraid I cant work it out. Dont worry, we will help you.A. beyond B. beside C. behind D. between35、She had to sell the house even though it was _ her own wishes.A. for B. above C. against D. on36、Can I join Oxfam Trail-walker?Only if you are _ eighteen.A. over B. under C. blow D. on37.She always wants to do the job which she has been trained _.A. for B. by C. on D. off38. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital? Walk along this street _ the end and youll find it on your left.A. in B. by C. to D. at39、 What did you get _ your birthday, Tony? An iPad3, from my aunt.A. to B. at C. with D. for40.All the workers went home yesterday _ Mr. White. Why? Because he was on duty.A except B. besides C. except for D. beside41. Who else do you know at the party _ Jim and Tom? Lucy and Lily.A. except B. besides C. except for D. beside42.City air is very dirty, so it would be wise _ you to wash your hair often. I know, but it is not easy_ me to do that every day. A. for; of B. of; of C. of; for D. for; for1-5ABADA 6-10ABABB 11-15ABBCD 16-20DABBD 21- 25DDABB 26-30BBACB 31-35BDDAC 36-40AACDA 41-42BC


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