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MODULE 4 Sandstorms in AsiaAgreement and Disagreement (同意与不同意)【日常用语】1. How to agree strongly with an opinion(非常赞同) I couldnt agree more! 我非常同意! Thats absolutely true! 绝对没错! I take your point. 我同意你说的。 Im with you on that. 我同意这点。 Thats just how I see it! 我也这么想! Thats exactly my opinion. 正是我所设想的。2. How to half agree with an opinion (比较赞同) Yes, perhaps. 可能吧。 Yes, I agree up to a point. 我算同意一点点了。 Well, youve got a point there. 你说的还算有点道理。 I guess you could be right. 我想可能是吧。 Thats worth thinking about. 你的观点值得考虑一下。 Possibly.可能吧。3. How to disagree politely with an opinion(委婉表示不赞同) Im not so sure really. 我不是很同意。 Im not so certain. 我不确定。 Im inclined to disagree with that. 我不太同意你说的。 No, I dont think so really. 不,我不这样认为。 Well, Im not sure about that. 恩, 对你说的我不敢苟同。4. How do disagree strongly with an opinion(意见分歧) I really cant agree. 我完全不同意。 Im afraid I dont think so. 恐怕我不这么认为。 I disagree with you entirely. 我绝对不同意你的观点。 I wouldnt go along with you there. 我想我们不能这点上达成共识。 You cant be serious. 你不是认真的吧。【情景会话】ATom: Children are too spoiled these days. 汤姆:现在的孩子太娇惯了。Marry: Yes, I believe so.玛丽:是啊。我也这样认为。Tom: I think its time we took some strict measures. As the old saying goes, “Spare the stick, spoil the child.”汤姆:我认为该采取严格的措施了。常言道:“省下了棍子,惯坏了孩子。”Marry: I agree. But in some families, the parents are too hard on their children.玛丽:我同意,但是有些家庭中的父母对孩子又太苛刻了。Tom: Yeah, I agree. But some children are really naughty.汤姆:是啊,可有的孩子也太调皮了。Marry: Maybe youre right. But I dont think they should have physical punishment anyway.玛丽:也许是吧,但是我认为对他们还是不应该体罚.Tom: I couldnt agree more. 汤姆:我完全同意。 BMolly: I am learning a new song by Justin Bieber.莫莉:我在学贾斯汀比伯的一首新歌。Gordon: Dont bite off more than you can chew.戈登:不要去咬你嚼不动的东西。Molly: Are you blind? Learning songs is easy.莫莉:你瞎了吗?学唱歌很容易的。Gordon: I see your point, but leaning English songs is extremely difficult.戈登:我明白你的意思,不过学唱英文歌特别难。Molly: Of course not. I think it is very easy.莫莉:当然不是。我认为非常容易。【典例剖析】Summer is the best season. . Spring is far better than summer.A. Totally agree B. I really cant agreeC. Possibly D. I believe so剖析:由后句句意“春天比夏天好太多了”可知第二个说话的人不同意前一个人的话,故选B项,意为“我完全不同意”,其余三项都表示赞同别人的看法或者意见,故排除。答案:B


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