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新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 01 Active Reading 1 1 钻了出来 1 climb out 2 刚刚够 2 barely big enough for 3 早茶会 3 coffee morning 4 肩膀厚实 4 round shoulders 5 打定主意逗人开心 5 be determined to be pleasant 6 晃动脑袋 6 moves his head from side to side 7 撒到 里 7 spill into 8 排进了长队 8 join a long queue 9 自助餐 9 self service meal 10 穿好衣服 10 get dressed 11 急匆匆地赶到 11 rush over to 12 睡眼惺忪 12 looks half asleep 13 空档年 13 gap year 14 新生集会 14 Freshers Fair 15 加入俱乐部 15 join a club 16 报名参加 16 sign up for 17 人工智能协会 17 Artificial Intelligence Society 18 极限运动俱乐部 18 Extreme Sports Club 19 业余剧社 19 Amateur Dramatics 20 莫扎特合唱团 20 Mozart choir 21 一下子就哭了 21 burst into tears 22 能验明身份的证件 22 ID card 23 违反规定 23 break a rule 24 没有 了 24 run out of Active Reading 2 1 全职工作 1 work full time 2 选修课程 2 take a course 3 招生办公室 3 the admission office 4 乐得飘飘然 4 in heaven 5 不停地记笔记 5 scribble away in a notebook 6 盯着看 6 stare at 7 观念并不是从天而降的现成品 7 Ideas don t drop fully formed from the skies 8 从长远来看 8 in the long run 9 宗教改革运动的产物 9 children of the Reformation 10 世界观 10 the world view 11 期中考试 11 a mid term exam 12 期末考试 12 a final exam 13 学校的自助餐厅 13 the university cafeteria 14 咖啡馆 14 coffee shop 15 使孩子吓破胆 15 to frighten the life out of their children 16 爱上某人 16 fall in love with somebody 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 02 Active Reading 1 1 放进某人的嘴里 1 slide it into one s mouth 2 知道 2 work out 3 坦白地说 3 to be frank 4 海滨旅游胜地 4 seaside resort 5 份量极大的海鲜 5 an enormous portion of seafood 6 成年 6 come of age 7 男生式的挑战 7 schoolboy challenge 8 咸肉三明治 8 bacon sandwich 9 想家 9 homesick 10 妥协的意味 10 a note of compromise 11 清晰的感觉 11 The clear perception 12 剔出 12 scrape out 13 每吃一口就停一下 13 pause every mouthful 14 眼泪 顺着某人的脸颊淌下来 14 slide down one s cheek 15 之前或以后 15 before or since 16 似笑非笑 16 half smiling Active Reading 2 1 提神醒脑的滋补饮料 1 stimulating and nourishing drink 2 宗教仪式 2 religious ceremony 3 昂贵的奢侈品 3 expensive luxury 4 掰成块 4 snap into pieces 5 最畅销的巧克力 5 best selling chocolate 6 出奇地畅销 6 amazing popularity 7 承认 7 confess to 8 强烈地感觉 8 have a very strong feeling of 9 爱吃零食 9 sweet tooth 10 从 遗传 10 inherit from 11 基因特征 11 genetic trait 12 大量的 12 large amounts of 13 幸福感 13 a sense of well being 14 有同样的作用 14 have the same effect on 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 03 Active Reading 1 1 激进的行为 1 a radical act 2 在大多数生活圈子里 2 in most circles 3 对 持怀疑的态度 3 regarded with suspicion 4 故意压制 4 thwart on purpose 5 机构愿景陈述 5 the organizational vision statement 6 在模型环境中逐渐发展自我 6 develop ourselves into a model environment 7 决不是毫无保留的鼓励 7 not unmitigated encouragement 8 让 有了浅略的认识 8 give sb a glimpse of 9 被污蔑为 9 be maligned by sb as 10 少男少女 10 the pubescent people 11 握着铅笔的手出汗了 11 the hand gathering sweat around the pencil 12 探出身子偷看某人 12 peer over the shoulder of 13 胡乱 飞快写下一个数字 13 scribble scratch a figure 14 手里碾着粉笔 14 rub the chalk between fingers 15 朝前 后靠 15 lean forward backward 16 低着头 16 keep my head down 17 一想到这位老师就害怕 17 be scared to think very well in her presence 18 记住了教诲 18 take a message with me 19 审视和珍视 19 examine and value sth 20 用羞辱某人的办法教会某人干某事 20 humiliate sb into doing sth 21 肯定某人的聪明才智 21 affirm one s intelligence 22 激起对某人的恐惧 22 fan one s fear of sb 23 将某一概念引入某人的生活 23 introduce the concept into one s life 24 初稿 24 the first draft 25 弄清题目的确切含义 25 work out the exact meaning of 26 包含的内在假设 26 built in assumptions 27 引诱某人同意 27 invite sb to agree with 28 以批判的态度对待 28 treat sth critically 29 论证充分 推理严密 29 well supported with evidence and logical reasoning Active Reading 2 1 共同拥有 1 have the fair share of 2 熟悉新环境 2 get to know a new environment 3 与他人相处 3 form relationships with sb 4 靠有限的经济来源维持生活 4 survive on limited financial resources 5 刚刚获得的自由 5 a new found freedom 6 上课 6 attend lectures 7 安排好时间 7 organize the time 8 没经过脑子 8 without passing through the mind 9 将 变得活灵活现 9 make come alive 10 分发材料 10 distribute handouts 11 一个忠告 11 a word of warning 12 维持平衡 12 strike a balance between and 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 13 与 相关 13 be relevant to 14 提出新思想和做实验 14 generate ideas and try things out 15 深思熟虑后做出判断 15 make a considered judgment 16 将新信息消化吸收后制定合理的计划 16 assimilate new information into a rational scheme 17 主观意见和创造性思维 17 subjective opinion or creative thinking 18 在实际环境中解决问题 18 test ideas in a practical setting 19 开放式的讨论 19 open ended discussion 20 把整个过程分成几个阶段 20 break up the process into stages 21 阅读文章寻找事实性的背景资料 21 review articles for factual background 22 调整阅读的速度和方式 22 vary the rate and style 23 查阅参考书 23 consult a reference book 24 论证的要点 24 the main thrust of the argument 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 04 Active Reading 1 1 改变人们日常行为方式的最主要因素 1 the biggest factor of change in everyday behavior 2 手机用户 2 mobile phone subscriber 3 著名的旅游景点 3 famous tourist sights 4 在可获得的范围之外 4 go be beyond the reach of 5 开机 关机 5 switch on off the mobile phone 6 短信 发短信 6 text message or send text messages 7 打我的座机和我取得联系 7 reach me on my landline 8 紧急地打我的手机 8 call me urgently on my mobile 9 最后感到非常愤怒 9 end up quite angry 10 使 慢下来 使 缓行 10 slow down 11 不到最后一分钟不做打算 11 don t make plans until the last minute 12 从有利方面看 12 on the plus side 13 凭一时冲动 13 on an impulse 14 电脑坏了 14 computer isn t working 15 安排社交生活 15 make arrangements for my social life 16 必需品 16 essential 17 奢侈品 17 luxury 18 大惊小怪 18 make a fuss 19 心灵治疗 19 therapy for the soul 20 干扰我的日常生活 20 interfere with my daily routine Active Reading 2 1 激起了我的兴趣 1 arouse my interest 2 整个地区 到处 2 the length and breadth of 3 得出结论 3 come to a conclusion 4 往后退 4 walk backwards 5 靠前一步 5 step forward 6 继续下去 6 carry on 7 文化碰撞 7 cultural bump 8 给谁带来麻烦 8 get sb into trouble 9 表示完全同意 9 show strong agreement 10 别客气 10 Don t mention it 11 不用谢 11 You are welcome 12 看上去若有所思 12 look thoughtful 13 好胃口 13 good appetite 14 听起来太美国化了 14 sound very American 15 具有或保持权利 15 reserve right 16 厌烦做什么 16 get tired of doing sth 17 收集信息 17 collect information 18 表现出对文化差异的理解 18 show cross cultural understanding 19 结束 19 come to an end 20 上咖啡 20 serve coffee 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 05 Active Reading 1 1 嘴里哼着一首歌 1 hum a song 2 既困惑又焦虑 2 disturbed and anxious 3 一声无语的叹息 3 a deep breath that escaped in a sigh 4 不光彩的行为 4 one s shameful conduct 5 让你满意还真不容易 5 you re hard to please 6 做过稀奇古怪的梦 6 dream queer dreams 7 改变了我心灵的颜色 7 alter the colour of my mind 8 那足以解释我的秘密 8 That will do to explain my secret 9 比我更像我自己 9 more myself than I am Active Reading 2 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 06 Active Reading 1 1 乐得合不拢嘴 1 smile broadly 2 无比兴奋 2 get a real buzz 3 购物疗法 3 retail therapy 4 购物痴迷症 4 shopholism 5 三者兼而有之 5 a combination of all three 6 电视居家购物 6 home shopping on the television 7 商品目录邮购 7 mail order catalogues 8 足球明星的太太和女友们 8 WAGs 9 缓解压力 9 reduce stress 10 看中物质财富 10 value material goods Active Reading 2 1 物超所值的东西 1 sth of incredibly good value 2 时间的限制 2 time limits 3 特定的目标 3 specific objectives 4 男人可没有这样的感觉 4 Men don t get this 5 对忍耐力的考验 5 an endurance test 6 抓住一个动物聊以果腹 6 grab an animal for a quick snack 7 一屁股坐在火堆前 7 collapse in front of the fire 8 十足的信心 8 total conviction 9 无聊地用脚蹭着地毯 9 chew the carpet 10 用啤酒和电视球赛慰劳他 10 reward him with beer and the footie on the telly 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 07 Active Reading 1 1 自打我记事起 1 As far back as I can remember 2 把衣兜倒空 2 empty one s pockets 3 欢快的叮当声 3 a merry jingle 4 沉闷的嘭嘭声 4 a dull thud 5 太阳透过卧室的窗户照进来 5 the sun poured through the bedroom window 6 像海盗的珍宝一样闪闪发光 6 glint like a pirate s treasure 7 被整整齐齐地堆在 7 be stacked neatly 8 骄傲地咧着嘴笑 8 grin proudly 9 冷饮店 9 the ice cream parlor 10 完成自己的使命 10 serve one s purpose 11 一阵哽咽 11 A lump rose in my throat 14 扮演了重要的角色 14 play a significant part in 12 一个沉默寡言的人 12 a man of few words 13 华丽的辞藻 13 the most flowery of words 15 被解雇 16 make a way out for 16 帮助某人找到出路 17 a strange mist in one s eyes 17 眼睛令人奇怪地有些潮湿 18 a fistful of coins 18 一把硬币 15 get laid off 19 百感交集 19 a gamut of emotions 20 四目相对 20 eyes locked Active Reading 2 1 单 双打冠军 1 singles doubles titles 2 大满贯 2 the Grand Slam 3 一遍又一遍地 3 over and over again 4 对 起了决定性的作用 4 play a pivotal role in 5 生在富贵人家 5 be born with silver spoons in our mouths 6 冒险 6 take risks 7 把事情藏在心里 7 store things up inside 8 网坛传奇人物 8 tennis legends 9 幽默感 9 a sense of humor 10 笑破肚皮 10 laugh one s head off 11 保护 11 be protective of 12 倾吐某事 12 get things off her chest 13 对 最早的记忆是 13 My earliest memory of is 14 说实话 14 to be honest 15 当姐姐的情结 15 older sister syndrome 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 08 Active Reading 1 1 简直不能忍受 1 feel overwhelmed by 2 熟悉得不能再熟悉的老太太 2 an over familiar elderly lady 3 简朴的生活 3 modest lifestyle 4 经济状况 4 financial circumstances 5 生来愤世嫉俗 悲观厌世 5 cynical and pessimistic nature 6 天涯海角 6 the farthest reaches of the world 7 增添了令人难以想象的魅力 7 create a vision of unimaginable glamour 8 抑制强烈的好奇心 8 contain one s curiosity 9 无尽遐思 色彩缤纷 令人终生难忘的旅行 9 a journey so rich in ideas colours and impressions 10 绰绰有余的时间 10 have time to spare 13 吸收了大量阳光 色彩鲜艳的水果和蔬菜 13 fruit and vegetables coloured with the sun 11 令 感到惊奇的是 11 Such was astonishment that 12 轻而易举地 12 with such little effort 14 看到的实景和想象的不一样 14 One s vision is not matched by the reality 15 突然意识到 15 be suddenly struck by the realization that 16 体验到想象中的融融暖意和缤纷色彩 16 experience the warmth and colours of one s mind 17 是件麻烦事 17 It is a nuisance to do sth Active Reading 2 1 把 戏称为 1 amusingly refer sth as 2 外交护照 2 diplomatic passport 3 疾速 3 at top speed 4 一阵尖利的刹车声 4 a scream of brakes 5 车门砰地一声使劲关上了 5 Car doors were slammed 6 乒乒乓乓一阵敲门声 6 a banging on the door 7 每隔两分钟 7 at two minute intervals 8 在大会的开幕式上 8 at the opening of the conference 9 教育部 9 the Ministry of Education 10 致开幕词 10 give an opening speech 11 问题是 11 The problem was that 14 死对头 14 deadly enemies 12 扯着嗓门与 论理的喧闹声 12 a loud and violent sounding exchange with 13 告别晚会 13 a farewell party 15 觉得活不下去了 16 twice as long as had been intended 16 比预期的时间长一倍 17 bend double 17 弯下身子 18 a dead end 18 死胡同 15 lose the will to live 19 vigorous high step dancing 19 强劲有力的舞蹈 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 09 Active Reading 1 1 无法实现的目标 1 unattainable goals 2 生理和心理健康的 2 physically and mentally health 3 开国元勋 3 the Founding Fathers 4 被灌输 4 be bombarded with 5 永不言败的精神 5 never say die spirit 6 个人成功和个人幸福紧密相关 6 personal success is closely linked to well being 7 成功无望 7 success is extremely unlikely 8 相对轻微的疾病 8 relatively minor ailments 9 失败情绪的影响 9 emotional consequences of failure 10 真是受够了 10 enough is enough 11 轻度抑郁症 11 mild depression 12 从积极方面来说 12 on the positive side 13 从进化论的角度说 13 in evolutionary terms 14 设定自己的目标 14 set oneself goals 15 确立个人身份 15 create individual identity 16 因长大而放弃梦想 16 grow out of dreams 17 听从身心的指引 17 Listen to your body and your mind 18 那是人类赖以生存的地方 18 That s where the survival of the species lies Active Reading 2 1 运动器材 1 sports gear 2 保持身体健康 2 stay healthy 3 增强大脑活力 3 improve brainpower 4 人生来就是要步行的 4 Humans are designed to walk 5 认知能力下降 5 cognitive decline 6 增强骨密度 6 bulid up bone density 7 提高智力 7 enhance brainpower 8 抵御患老年痴呆病的风险 8 challenge the risk of Alzheimer s disease 9 减轻压力 9 relieve stress 10 增强自信 10 improve self esteem 11 免疫系统 11 the immune system 12 锻炼身体的欲望时强时弱 12 the desire for exercise comes and goes 13 保持热情 13 maintain enthusiasm 14 终生锻炼身体的习惯 14 a life long commitment to exercise 15 能不断翻新花样 15 have variety 16 融入你的生活 16 fit into your life 17 挺起胸膛 17 stand tall 18 窝起手掌 18 cup one s hands 19 刺激按摩穴位 19 stimulate the acupressure points 20 降低血压 20 reduce blood pressure 21 特效药 21 the magic bullet 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 Unit 10 Active Reading 1 1 环保意识 1 environmental awareness 2 太阳能电池板 2 solar panel 3 短程航班 3 catch a short haul flight 4 同情疲劳 4 compassion fatigue 5 环保的 5 environmentally friendly 6 可持续人工树林 6 sustainable plantation 7 投资绿色能源 7 invest in green energy 8 抵消碳排放 8 offset carbon emissions 9 集体行动 9 collective action 10 引起巨大效应 10 make a big difference 11 节能灯泡 11 energy efficient light bulb 12 给当地社区增加财富 12 contribute to the wealth of the local community 13 快速万全的解决办法 13 quick one size fits all solutions 14 志同道合的同伴 14 like minded people 15 濒危物种 15 endangered species 1 绿领工人 1 green collar worker 2 绿色信贷 2 Green Credit 3 碳税 3 carbon tax 4 碳减排 4 carbon emission reduction 5 京都议定书 5 Kyoto Protocol 6 大功率电器 6 high power electrical appliance 7 一次性筷子 7 disposable chopstick 8 污水治理 8 sewage treatment 9 可再生能源 9 renewable energy 10 再生水 10 recycled water 11 绿色 生物燃料 11 biofuel 12 馏出燃料 12 Distillate fuel 13 地热 13 ground source heat 14 液化天然气 14 liquefied natural gas 15 可燃冰 15 flammable ice 16 碳排放与交易 16 Cap and trade 17 自然保护区 17 nature reserve 18 生态旅游 18 ecotourism 19 全面禁烟 19 carpet smoking ban Active Reading 2 1 环保旅游胜地 1 environmental attraction 2 气候带 2 climate zone 3 室内生物群 3 indoor biome 4 可持续农业 4 sustainable farming 新标准大学英语综合教程 第 1 册 各单元课文短语 5 集约型耕种 5 intensive crop production 6 受到 启发 6 draw inspiration from 7 粘土矿 7 china clay district 8 真实范例 8 a genuine example 9 主题公园 9 a theme park 10 不开车的游客 10 non motorist visitors


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