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外语教学与研究出版社新标准英语第八册(供三年级起始用)Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller教学设计1、 教学内容外研社新标准英语第八册 Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller2、 教学目标1、 语言知识技能目标-The new words: born、child 、as、 later、 draw drew、 letter 、herself 、all over 、world 、model -The new sentences:She was blind. So she couldnt see. She was deaf. So she couldnt hear. But she could learn. She couldcouldnt.2、 能力目标能够通过所学习的内容描述或者是询问某人过去的能力3、 情感态度目标通过学习Helen Keller的故事,让学生感受她身残志坚不断学习不断向上的积极人生态度,让学生学有所得,学有所悟,教育学生向Helen Keller学习,不管在生活还是学习中遇到什么困难和挫折都要永不退缩迎难而上,相信自己作为一个健全的人一定能有所作为。3、 教学重难点重点:学生能够用 could couldnt 来描述过去自己或者他人拥有或者不具备的能力难点:学生能够用正确的时态流利的表达过去的能力,能够顺利的复述Helen Keller的故事4、 教学准备多媒体课件,单词卡片,小贴画奖品5、 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1、 GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss:Good morning.T: My name is Liu Weixiao. You can call me Ms Liu,OK?Ss:T: Im very happy to be your teacher today. How do you feel? Are you happy?提问一名同学 T:Are you happy? S:- T:Whats your name? S- T:How old are you? S- T: You were born in 20001999. Right?再提问一名同学,问题同上,板书单词born2、 Lets say a chant.Number one, touch your eyes.Number two, touch your ears.Number three, touch your nose.Number four, touch your legs.Number five, touch your arms. Step2、Lead-inT:We have eyes,so we could see. We have ears, so we could hear.But if we dont have eyes and ears.What could we do?T: Now lets play a game.Close your eyes and touch your friends eyes nose and ears. (请闭上眼睛摸一摸朋友的眼睛鼻子和耳朵,找一组学生到前面给大家示范,感受盲人的世界)Step 3 New Teaching1、 T:Now lets look at these pictures. She couldnt see and she couldnt hear. But she became a famous woman in the world. Who is she? Do you know?(多媒体出示海伦凯勒的各种图片)2、 T: Now lets see the video. And find out the answers.Who is she? Where is she from?When was she born?(学生看录像,并回答以上问题)3、 Listen and find out these two sentences.She couldnt see and she couldnt hear.She could also write. Could couldnt seedance hear swim read ride a horsewriteplay football T: I could see. I couldnt dance. And I could hear,but I couldnt swim.What about you? Please talk about it with your partner.(学生两人一组练习I could. I couldnt.) 找两到三组学生展示4、完成下列填空题,练习could couldnt用法 1.She is deaf, so she ( )hear. 2.She became blind, so she( )see. 3.Lingling learned English, so she ( )speak English.5、Read the text quickly. Underline the new words.(速读课文,把新单词用线划出来)6、 Read after the video.Then answer the following questions.(精读课文,回答问题帮助理解)1、Where was she born?( )A、England B、America C、Canada2、When was she born?( )A、1980 B、1890 C、18803、How did Helen learn to speak?( )A、The teacher drew letters in her hand.B、 The teacher drew letters on her back.C、Her mother taught her to speak.4、She lived to be ( ).A、87 B、86 C、885、Did she write a book about herself?( )A、Yes, she did. B、No, she didnt. C、Yes, she didntStep4 PracticeRead the text in your group.Then we will retell the story.(小组内读课文,试着复述课文。)Step 5 Summary1、 出示邰丽华舞蹈视频和阿炳的图片以及二泉映月的音乐,让学生进一步感受残疾人的才华和骄傲。2、 They are disabled person(残疾人). But they work hard. We are healthy person. So we should try harder.Step 6 Homework1.听录音,熟读课文。2.把海伦凯勒的故事讲给自己的朋友和家人


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