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高一英语单词拼写测试题1. We should teach the children to learn to _ (分享), not to enjoy by themselves.2. All the children listened to his _ (冒险) with eager attention.3. The president made a _ (演讲) to the college students when he was on a visit to China.4. He lit the m_ and the whole room became bright.5. Poke is very h_. He told the truth of the accident.6. Its always difficult being in a foreign country, e_ when you know little about the language.7In what _ (情形) do you use these words?8. The _ (大多数)of the students did it right.9. A red light is a _ (信号) of danger.10. The excited _ (表情)on his face showed everything.11.Please r_ what you said. I didnt hear clearly.12. You can use English to c_ with people from different places through the Internet.13. Do you have d_ pronouncing the word?14.Teachers can improve the teaching effect with the help of modern e_.15.I dont like driving. I do it s_ because I have to get to work every day.16.If you go with me, you will enjoy a day of unforgettable e_ the outdoors.17.We can make our life better by m_ of working hard.18.Write to us as soon as you get to the d_ 19.That was a very a_ experience.20.These animals were returned to n_ 21.No one goes to school during the v_ 22.Gases from cars are p_ the air of our cities.23.The party was h_ by Mrs. Smith.24.The dogs s_ the thief away.25.He went there for f_ , not on business.26.An earthquakes is a natural d_.27.We have kept in t_ by letter for many years.28.March is the d_ for the novel, that is, you must finish the novel by March.29.This is an u_holiday.30.The old man s_ to his feet and got home at last.31.Im glad to have the o_ of studying English in such a good school.32.The wild storm d_ lots of building and trees when it hit this area.33.The s_ are changed during the interval (剧间休息).34.In the b_ he did many small jobs to make a living, and later he became a millionair.35.The police havent got enough i_ to catch the murderer.36.The actress started her _ (生涯) in Hollywood when she was only six.37.It was _ (残忍) of his step-mother to leave him outside the whole night.38.We are always _ (鼓励) to have our own opinion.39.Is it necessary to have a dialogue between _ (成年人) and teenagers.40.It is bad m_ to speak with your mouth full.41.Traffic in the city was i_ by a snowstorm.42. It is important to follow the c_ of the country which you are visiting.43.His speech made a strong i_ on us.44. He has u_ all his secrets to me .45. The farmer r_ ten chickens and two pigs.46. They found the table was too large and covered it with two c_.47. R_ your hand in class means that you want to answer a question.48.I _ (原谅) him for all he had done to me and went to see him.49.We should try our best to help the _ (残疾人) 50.The city attracts thousands of tourists because of its rich c_ relics.51.It is reported that nine people were killed in the fire, two children i_.52.After the earthquake many old buildings were in r_ 53.The river f_ form north to south.54.They are trying their best to p_ the plants from the cold.55.The chosen player knows that he r_ his country at the Olympic Games 56.We all _ (衷心的) hope your father will be well again soon.57.I was impressed by the _ (美丽) of the scenery and the warmth of the people when I was there.58.The whole nation was making rapid progress, with all its people _ (团结) around the leader.59.Health _ (官员) in Huston said that some plants there caused the illnesses.60.Beijing will h_ the 2008 Olympic Games.61.He sent his warm c_ to the winner on her success.62.They did not reach a d_ at the meeting.63.You can get championship only if you beat the other _ (竞争者).64.We need these computers _ (非常).65.I have nothing f_ to say. Dont you think the meeting should be over now.66.When we got home, my mother was busy _ (准备) dinner.67.Did you see the peoples _ (面部的) expressions?68.Itll take two of us to get it out of the car, which _ (重) as much as a ton!69.Janet Jackson, Becks and Yao Ming are all _ (超级明星) in many young students eyes.70.Can you d_ to me how the accident happened.71.You should only use this door in an e_.72.The song _ (受欢迎)with the young people is about the good time in the old days.73.It is bad for his health to play computer games _ the night.(整夜)74.People want to buy the l_ newspaper; nobody wants to bur yesterdays.75.As soon as they found their car stolen, they d_ 110.76.Ive had enough n_ advice it only tells me what not to do.77.The army was well-trained and well-armed , and hand little difficulty _ (战胜)their enemy.78.It is _(绝对地) the best museum I have ever seen in the country.79.They want to make sure whether or not that person is worth _ (面试).80.The polluted air in the city is badly _(危及)the health of the residents.81.We all think that it is i_ to interrupt others when they are talking.82.The band play many songs, i_ some of my favorities.83.Everything is on sale Childrens shoes are now _ (降价)to 50yuan a pair.84.Our school o_ trips to different places of interest every summer.85.They are taking some m_ to prevent water from being polluted.86.We should make it next Monday to talk about the e_ protecting problems.87.Your suggestion sounds very _ (吸引人的)88.A lot of s_ (建议)were given at the meeting.89.Some a_(建议)on how to learn English was given by the profession.90.He is in high _(情绪) 91.He is from Europe, so he is a E_.92.What is the t_ population of China?93.My heart broke when I saw her in _ (流泪).94.I guess that this bottle can _ (容纳) at least 2 kilos of water.95.In the early nineteenth country, millions of Africans were sold in America to work as _ (奴隶).96.The government did all they could to stop that unknown disease from _ (传播) to other places.97.Most of the old people in China prefer _ (传统的) Chinese medicine to the Western medicine.98.He took an _(冒险的)voyage to the North Pole.99.Knowledge is _ (力量)100.Some of the childrens paintings are on _ (展出)at school.101.He often had to spend the night in a _ (废弃的)temple.102.Every year many natural d_ , such as fires, floods, happen in the world.103.How do you like the new employee?_His loyalty to the company has made a good i_ on me.104.My son i_ me while I was talking with the guests, although I had told him to keep silent.105.you should s_ this opportunity. It may never come again.106.In the afternoon all the students went to an e_ of modern art. 107.In our l_ lessons we study Shakespares plays and stories by Dickens.108.Do you know that a worker ant has two _(胃)?109.Young people always have more e_ than the old.110.Dont give me meat any more. I am on a d_.111.If you are s_, you had better go to bed.112.The car doesnt f_ well; I think youd better have it repaired.113.Chemicals can be harmful to human beings or the _(环境).114.If you are thirsty, I have some _(矿) spring water for you.115.This drink is a m_ of three different sorts.116.Doctor, I think I have got a headache. Can you _(检查) me?117.We must do what we can do to keep the _(平衡) of nature.118.People often consider The Red Cross the s_ of the medicine.119.No fighting or _(冲突) are allowed on Peace Day.120.In my o_, the boy will probably come to do the job because he likes it so much.121.On the Double Ninth Festival, we Chinese often h_ our ancestor.122.Is there a _(代) gap between you and your parents?123.Oh, I never thought you would bring me so many birthday g_. Thanks!124.Students should r_ their teachers and their parents.125.Have you got an _(请柬) to her wedding party?126.The football fans held a _(庆祝会) to show their pleasure.127.He went to town with the p_(目的) of buying a new television.128.Wedontunderstandthemeaningofthesentences.Somyteacherhase_themtousagainandagain.129. Doyouknowthea_of“Hamlet”? Yes,itswrittenbyShakespeare.130. Shelooksmuchp_withredcoatsthanblueones.131.Motherboughtmeabeautiful_(钻石)necklaceasmybirthdaypresent.132.Haveyour_theman?Yes.Wewereinthesameclassonlythreeyearsago.133. Whohadtakenthebook?Itwasam_(谜).134. Thekingislivinginthe_(宫殿)whichlooksverybeautiful.135. Itise_fouroclock,notoneminutemorenoroneminuteless.136.HowcanyouconsiderthatIcantpayoffthed_?IamquiteabletopaybackwhatIhaveborrowedfromyou.137.Thisnewmodelisofhighq_butitisnotexpensive.138. Ifyouarefeelingcold,youneednttakeoffyourg_toprotectyourhands.139. Peoplenowusepaperinsteadofah_tocleantheirfaces.140.Einsteinstheory_(证明)tobetrueatlast.141.Dontworryaboutanything!Everythingisunderc_!142.Thereisnod_thatmenarestrongerthanwomen.143.Aftermanyexperiments,Galileodrewac_thatlightthingsdropontothegroundatthesametimeasheavythingsifnoairholdsthemback.144. Theplanecouldntflybecausethereweresomethingwrongwithtwoofits_(发动机).145. Ifyoudriveacar,youmustf_yoursafetybelt.146.Thebosshasc_100dollarsforthisbeautifulcoat.147. Thegirlwassoangrythatshe_(撕)theletterintopieces.148. The man _(钦佩) Napoleon so much that he wanted to join his army.149.After her g_ from college, she found a job in a kindergarten, where she can teach the children much.150.I was i_(激励) to work harder than ever before.Answers:1-5. share adventure speech match honest 6-10. especially situation majority signal expression 11-15. repeat communicate difficulty equipment simply 16-20. experience means destination adventurous nature21-25. vacation polluting hosted scared fun 26-30. disaster touch deadline unforgettable struggled 31-35.opportunity destroyed scenes beginning information 36-40.career cruel encouraged adults manners 41-45.interrupted customs impression unfolded raises 46-50.cloths Raising forgave disabled cultural 51-55.included ruins flows protect represents 56-60.sincerely beauty united officals host.61-65.congratulation decision competors greatly /badly futher 66-70.preparing facial weighs superstars describe 71-75.emergency popular throughout latest dialed76-80.negative defeating absolutely interviewing endgenering81-85.impolite including reduced organizes measures 86-90.environmental attractive suggestions advice spirits 91-95.European total tears contain slaves 96-100.spreading traditional adventurous power exhibition/show101-105.deserted diseasters impression interrupted seize 106-110.exhibition literature stomachs energy diet 111-115.sleepy function environment mineral mixture 116-120.examine balance symbol conflicts opinion; 121-125.honour generation gifts respect invitation 126-130.celebration purpose explained author prettier131-135.diamond recognized mystery palace exactly136-140.debts quality gloves handkerchief proved141-145.control doubt conclusion engines fasten146-150.chargedtore admired graduation inspired


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