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2013年高考英语试卷分类汇编之动词时态语态类单选1. 2013年高考英语【安徽卷】24. Im calling about the apartment you _ the other day. Could you tell me more about it?A. advertisedB. had advertisedC. are advertisingD. will advertise2. 2013年高考英语【北京卷】23. Shakespeares play Hamlet _ into at least ten different films over the past years. A. had been made .B. was madeC. has been madeD. would be made3. 2013年高考英语【北京卷】25. - Do you think Mom and Dad _ late?- No, Swiss Air is usually on time.A. wereB. will beC. would beD. have been4. 2013年高考英语【北京卷】28. Hurry up! Mark and Carl _ us.A. expectB. are expectingC. have expectedD. will expect5. 2013年高考英语【北京卷】32. - So what is the procedure?- All the applicants _ before a final decision is made by the authority. A. interviewB. are interviewingC. are interviewedD. are being interviewed6. 2013年高考英语【福建卷】23.The famous musician, as well as his students, _ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.A. were invitedB. was invited C. have been invitedD. has been invited7. 2013年高考英语【福建卷】26.The girl has a great interest in sport and _ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.A. tookB. is takingC. takesD. has been taking26. D。本题考查动词时态。A是一般过去时,B是现在进行时,C是一般现在时,D是现在完成进行时over the last three years.常用于完成时,所以选D。8. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】22“What do you want to be?” asked Mrs. Crawford. “Oh,I_ president,” said the boy, with a smile.Ahave been Bam Cwas Dwill be9. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】24Around two oclock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat _ us.Abothers Bhad botheredCwould bother Dbothered10. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】26If nothing _, the oceans will turn into fish deserts.Adoes Bhad been doneCwill do Dis done11. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】27Have you heard about the recent election?Sure, it _the only thing on the news for the last three days.Awould be BisChas been Dwill be12. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】34I dont understand why you didnt go to the lecture yesterday aftermoon.Im so sorry, But I _ my homework.Ahad done Bwas doingCwould do Dam doing13. 2013年高考英语【江苏卷】21. Generally, students inner motivation with high expectations from others _ essential to their development.A. isB. areC. wasD. were14. 2013年高考英语【江苏卷】25. Could I use your car tomorrow morning?Sure. I _ a report at home.A. will be writingB. will have writtenC. have writtenD. have been writing15. 2013年高考英语【江苏卷】27. “Never for a second,” the boy says, “_ that my father would come to my rescue.”A. I doubtedB. do I doubtC. I have doubted D. did I doubt16. 2013年高考英语【江苏卷】234. What about your self-drive trip yesterday?Tiring! The road is being widened, and we _ a rough ride.A. hadB. haveC. would haveD. have had17. 2013年高考英语【江西卷】35.I _ to visit you later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.A. comeB. cameC. am comingD. was coming18. 2013年高考英语【辽宁卷】22. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he _ it for a very long time.A. has hadB. had hadC. hasD. had19. 2013年高考英语【辽宁卷】26. At no time _ the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.A. they actually brokeB. do they actually breakC. did they actually breakD. they had actually broken20. 2013年高考英语【辽宁卷】30. We are confident that the environment _ by our further efforts to reduce pollution.A. had been improvedB. will be improvedC. is improvedD. was improved21. 2013年高考英语【山东卷】24. I didnt think Id like the movie, but actually it _ pretty good. A. has been B. was C. had been D. would 22. 2013年高考英语【山东卷】27. - Oh no! Were too late. The train _. -Thats OK. Well catch the next train to London. A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. has been leaving23. 2013年高考英语【陕西卷】11. On Monday mornings it usually _ me an hours to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles. A. takes B. is taking C. took D. will take【句意】每周一早上我通常花费一个小时开车去上班,尽管实际距离只有20英里。24. 2013年高考英语【陕西卷】17. Jim _ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank. A. watched B. had watched C. was watching D. would be watching25. 2013年高考英语【上海卷】27. Bob called to tell his mother that he couldnt enter the house, for he _ his key at school.A. had leftB. would leaveC. was leavingD. has left26. 2013年高考英语【上海卷】29. The school board is made up of parents who _ to make decisions about school affairs.A. had been electedB. had electedC. have been electedD. have elected27. 2013年高考英语【四川卷】3. Hurry up, kids! The school bus _ for us!A. waits B. was waiting C. waited D. is waiting 28. 2013年高考英语【天津卷】13. The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers _ one of themain pipes.A. had repaired B. have repaired C. repairedD. are repairing29. 2013年高考英语【新课标II卷】7. We _ very early so we packed the night before.A. leaveB. had leftC. were leavingD. have left30. 2013年高考英语【新课标I卷】24. If we _ now to protect the environment, well live to regret it. A. hadnt acted B. havent acted C. dont act D. wont act31. 2013年高考英语【新课标I卷】27. When I first met Bryan I didnt like him, but I _ my mind. A. have changed B. change C. had changed D. would change 32. 2013年高考英语【浙江卷】10. During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs _ sharply.A was increasingB. has increasedC. had increasedD. will be increasing33. 2013年高考英语【重庆卷】21. I felt very tired when I got home, and I _ straight to bed.A. goB. wentC. had goneD. have gone32. 2013年高考英语【重庆卷】33. A Midsummer Nights Dream at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland. A. open B. is openedC. will openD. will be opened2013年高考英语试卷分类汇编之动词时态语态类单选1. 2013年高考英语【安徽卷】24. Im calling about the apartment you _ the other day. Could you tell me more about it?A. advertisedB. had advertisedC. are advertisingD. will advertise24. A。本题考查动词时态。此题的解题关键是句中的时间状语the other day,这个时间状语跟一般过去时态连用,没有例外。【句意】我在电话咨询你前几天登广告的公寓。可以再告诉我一些信息吗?【小窍门】做动词时态题,很重要的一个方法就是找出句中的时间状语。2. 2013年高考英语【北京卷】23. Shakespeares play Hamlet _ into at least ten different films over the past years. A. had been made .B. was madeC. has been madeD. would be made23. C。本题考查动词的时态。本题的解题关键是后面的时间状语over the past years,这种时间状态,通常都是跟现在完成时态连用的,因此锁定答案。【拓展】现在完成时态有两种用法,其中一种是表示一个动作从过去的某个时候发生,一直延续到现在,此时,经常使用的时间状语有:so far,up to/till now,for years,since,over/in/during the past years,等等。【句意】在过去的几年中,莎士比亚的哈姆雷特已经被制作成至少十部不同的电影。3. 2013年高考英语【北京卷】25. - Do you think Mom and Dad _ late?- No, Swiss Air is usually on time.A. wereB. will beC. would beD. have been25. B。本题考查动词的时态。从句意看,是对将来情况的一种推测,故应该用一般将来时态。【句意】 你认为爸妈会晚到吗? 不,瑞士航班总是准点。4. 2013年高考英语【北京卷】28. Hurry up! Mark and Carl _ us.A. expectB. are expectingC. have expectedD. will expect28. B。本题考查动词的时态。既然是让人家快点,那别人就一定是正在等,因此锁定正确答案。【句意】快点!Mark和Carol正在等我们呢。5. 2013年高考英语【北京卷】32. - So what is the procedure?- All the applicants _ before a final decision is made by the authority. A. interviewB. are interviewingC. are interviewedD. are being interviewed32. C。本题考查动词的时态语态。从语态看,申请者是被面试,排除选项A,B;从时态看,既然是程序,那就应该用一般现在时来表达,排除选项D。【句意】程序如何? 权威部门做出最终决定之前,所有的申请者都要接受面试。6. 2013年高考英语【福建卷】23.The famous musician, as well as his students, _ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.A. were invitedB. was invited C. have been invitedD. has been invited23. B。本题考查时态及主谓一致。主语是单数,尽管后面跟有介词或介词词组作附属修饰语,谓语动词仍用单数形式。排除A和C;2012 Taipei Flower Expo是一个过去的时间,动作已经发生,和现在没有关系,没必要用现在完成时,排除D。【句意】这个著名的音乐家和他的学生被邀请在2012年的台北花展上演出。7. 2013年高考英语【福建卷】26.The girl has a great interest in sport and _ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.A. tookB. is takingC. takesD. has been taking26. D。本题考查动词时态。A是一般过去时,B是现在进行时,C是一般现在时,D是现在完成进行时over the last three years.常用于完成时,所以选D。【句意】这个女孩很喜欢运动,在过去的三年时间一直坚持每周上两次羽毛球兴趣班。8. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】22“What do you want to be?” asked Mrs. Crawford. “Oh,I_ president,” said the boy, with a smile.Ahave been Bam Cwas Dwill be22. D。考查动词时态。从题干want可判断出本题考查一般将来时。解题技巧:要善于在语境明确时态,如;want, intend, plan, mean, expect等表示计划打算的动词,隐含着将来意义。【句意】“你长大了想干什么?”Crawford先生问道,男孩笑着说:“我想当总统。”9. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】24Around two oclock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat _ us.Abothers Bhad botheredCwould bother Dbothered24. A。考查动词时态。解题思路:从状语around two oclock every night可判断出,本句要用一般现在时,will start表示现在的趋势而非将来时,故选择A。【句意】每晚两点左右,他总是开始说梦话,多少总会打搅我们。10. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】26If nothing _, the oceans will turn into fish deserts.Adoes Bhad been doneCwill do Dis done26. D。考查动词时态语态一般现在时的被动语态。解题思路:根据”主将从现”原则, if引导的条件状语从句中用一般现在时表将来,排除B、C;nothing做主语,和do构成动宾关系,排除A,选择D。【句意】如果不采取措施,海洋将成为鱼类的沙漠(海洋鱼类资源面临枯竭)。11. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】27Have you heard about the recent election?Sure, it _the only thing on the news for the last three days.Awould be BisChas been Dwill be27. C。考查动词时态现在完成时。从上文have you heard判断是现在范畴的时态,for the last three days是现在完成时的标志词,故选择C。12. 2013年高考英语【湖南卷】34I dont understand why you didnt go to the lecture yesterday aftermoon.Im so sorry, But I _ my homework.Ahad done Bwas doingCwould do Dam doing34. B。考查动词时态过去进行时。解题思路:从didnt you和yesterday afternoon都说明过去时态,故排除C、D,过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的动作,说明昨天下午正在做什么。13. 2013年高考英语【江苏卷】21. Generally, students inner motivation with high expectations from others _ essential to their development.A. isB. areC. wasD. were21. A。本题考查时态及主谓一致用法。分析句子结构,主语为students inner motivation with high expectations from others,中心词为inner motivation,显然为第三人称单数。再根据generally(一般说来),可见讲通常情况,所以用一般现在时。故选择A。【句意】一般说来,他人对其期望值高的学生的内在动机对自身的发展是至关重要的。14. 2013年高考英语【江苏卷】25. Could I use your car tomorrow morning?Sure. I _ a report at home.A. will be writingB. will have writtenC. have writtenD. have been writing25. A。本题考查动词时态。解题关键:对话双方谈论同一话题,自然时间一致,时态也相互关联。本题中关键时间状语为tomorrow morning,所以回答时用将来进行时,表示“明天上午我将在家写报告”,用将来进行时。所以选A。【句意】明天上午我可以用你的汽车吗? 当然可以。那时候,我将在家写报告呢。15. 2013年高考英语【江苏卷】27. “Never for a second,” the boy says, “_ that my father would come to my rescue.”A. I doubtedB. do I doubtC. I have doubted D. did I doubt27. D。本题考查动词时态和倒装。当否定词或具有否定含义的短语置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。本题中,Never for a second置于句首,所以句子倒装,故先排除A,C。再根据已知时态would come to,可知在讲发生过的事情,用过去时,故选D。【句意】“没有一秒,”男孩说,“我怀疑过我爸爸会来救我。”16. 2013年高考英语【江苏卷】234. What about your self-drive trip yesterday?Tiring! The road is being widened, and we _ a rough ride.A. hadB. haveC. would haveD. have had34. A。本题考查动词时态。A是一般过去时;B是一般现在时;C是过去将来时;D是现在完成时。本题关键时间点就是yesterday,所以讲昨天的事情,故用一般过去时,选A。【拓展】时态题关键是找准句子的时间的基点,例如本题就是抓住yesterday。【句意】昨天的自驾游如何? 太累人了!道路正在拓宽,开起来真不容易!17. 2013年高考英语【江西卷】35.I _ to visit you later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.A. comeB. cameC. am comingD. was coming35.D考查动词时态。本题的题眼是that day和but.由that day可断定应该用过去的某种时态。A.一般现在时;B.一般过去时;C.现在进行时;D.过去进行时。排除A与C。根据but可知,“我打算来,但不得不打电话取消”,对于come、go、arrive等位置转移的动词可以用进行时表达将来意义。因此,答案是D.【句意】尽管那天我打算来呢,我还是打电话取消了。18. 2013年高考英语【辽宁卷】22. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he _ it for a very long time.A. has hadB. had hadC. hasD. had22. B。本题考查动词时态。A是现在完成时,B是过去完成时,C是一般现在时,D是一般过去时。根据本题中已知时态was和sold可知,讲的是发生在过去的事情,所以排除A,C。再根据时间状语for a very long time,可知要用完成时。而买吉他是在最终卖掉吉他之前,很明显是“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时。故选B。【句意】他卖掉吉他的时候是很不开心的。毕竟,他已经拥有这把吉他很久了。19. 2013年高考英语【辽宁卷】26. At no time _ the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.A. they actually brokeB. do they actually breakC. did they actually breakD. they had actually broken26. C。本题考查动词时态和部分倒装用法。当否定词或具有否定含义的短语置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。at no time意为“绝不,在任何时候都不”,置于句首用部分倒装,故排除A,D。再根据已知时态was,可知讲的是过去的情况,所以选择C。【句意】事实上他们绝对没有违反游戏规则。惩罚他们是不公平的。20. 2013年高考英语【辽宁卷】30. We are confident that the environment _ by our further efforts to reduce pollution.A. had been improvedB. will be improvedC. is improvedD. was improved30. B。本题考查动词时态。A. 是过去完成时 B. 是一般将来时 C. 是一般现在时 D.是一般过去时。根据已知时态we are confident,可以先排除A,D。再根据our further efforts,可确知讲将来的事情。所以用将来时。故选B。【句意】我们非常有信心,在我们进一步减少污染的努力之下,环境将得到改善。21. 2013年高考英语【山东卷】24. I didnt think Id like the movie, but actually it _ pretty good. A. has been B. was C. had been D. would 24.B本题考查动词的时态用法。由语境中I didnt think Id like the movie一般过去时可知,我原以为我不会喜欢电影,后半句中but表转折可知:这个电影已经看过,还是不错的。故选B。A项has been为现在完成时,强调对现在造成的影响和结果;B项was为一般过去时,就是指上句提到的那部电影是不错的,符合句意;C项had been为过去完成时,它强调的是“过去的过去”,不符合本句的语言环境;D项would be为过去将来时,指的是过去的将来所要发生的事情,本题评价的是已经看完的电影的好坏。【句意】我想我不喜欢这部电影,但事实上它是一部好电影。22. 2013年高考英语【山东卷】27. - Oh no! Were too late. The train _. -Thats OK. Well catch the next train to London. A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. has been leaving27. C。本题考查时态的运用。A项was leaving为过去进行时,指的是过去的某一时刻正在发生或进行的事;B项had left为过去完成时,强调的是“过去的过去”;C项has left为现在完成时,强调对现在造成的影响和结果,指的是火车已经开走了,赶不上这趟车了;而D项has been leaving为现在完成进行时,强调的动作的延续,说火车还在离开着,显然不合乎常理,而且leave也是一个非延续性动词,可排除D项。【句意】噢,不!我们来得太晚了。火车已经离开了。好吧。我们坐下一班火车去伦敦。23. 2013年高考英语【陕西卷】11. On Monday mornings it usually _ me an hours to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles. A. takes B. is taking C. took D. will take11. A。本题考查动词时态。本题的关键词是usually以及让步状语从句中的谓语动词is,据此可以判断句子用一般现在时态。【句意】每周一早上我通常花费一个小时开车去上班,尽管实际距离只有20英里。24. 2013年高考英语【陕西卷】17. Jim _ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank. A. watched B. had watched C. was watching D. would be watching17. C。本题考查动词的时态。“某个动作正在进行,就在此时,另一个动作发生了”这种情况下,前一个动作用过去进行时,后一个动作用一般过去时。【句意】深夜Jim正在家里看一个电影,就在一个恐怖镜头的当中,电视突然一片空白。25. 2013年高考英语【上海卷】27. Bob called to tell his mother that he couldnt enter the house, for he _ his key at school.A. had leftB. would leaveC. was leavingD. has left27. 答案:A解析:题干意思是:鲍伯打电话给他的妈妈说他不能进房子,因为他把钥匙忘在学校了。本句中的called标明动作发生在过去,而在电话之前忘记拿钥匙,所以应用had left表示过去的过去的动作。26. 2013年高考英语【上海卷】29. The school board is made up of parents who _ to make decisions about school affairs.A. had been electedB. had electedC. have been electedD. have elected29. 答案:C解析:题干的意思是:“这个学校董事会是由已经当选,并为学校事务做决定的父母组成的”。父母是被选上,用被动语态,排除选项B,D。再根据关键信息is made up of用的是现在时,可知选举一事对现在有影响,所以用现在完成时。27. 2013年高考英语【四川卷】3. Hurry up, kids! The school bus _ for us!A. waits B. was waiting C. waited D. is waiting 3. D。本题考查动词的时态。既然让孩子们快点,那校车就一定是正在等,而不可能是过去在等,排除选项B和C;一般现在时表示经常发生的动作,显然不合适,排除选项A。【句意】孩子们快点!校车在等我们!28. 2013年高考英语【天津卷】13. The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers _ one of themain pipes.A. had repaired B. have repaired C. repairedD. are repairing13.D。本题考查动词的时态运用。had repaired为过去完成时,强调的是“过去的过去”;have repaired为现在完成时,强调对现在造成的结果或影响;repaired为一般过去时,强调过去的某一时间发生的动作;are repairing为现在进行时,强调现在正在发生或进行的动作,符合句意,正在维修一条主管道成为了临时停水的原因。【句意】水资源供应被临时切断是因为工人们正在维修一条主管道。29. 2013年高考英语【新课标II卷】7. We _ very early so we packed the night before.A. leaveB. had leftC. were leavingD. have left7. C。本题考查动词的时态。were leaving 是用进行时态表示将要发生的动作,头天晚上就打包的原因就是第二天要早早出发,打包发生在过去,而出发是发生在将来。整个句子描述的是一个发生在过去的事情,排除选项A和D;如果用B,那就是打包之前已经出发了,语意不通,排除。【句意】我们很早就要出发,所以头天晚上我们就打包了。30. 2013年高考英语【新课标I卷】24. If we _ now to protect the environment, well live to regret it. A. hadnt acted B. havent acted C. dont act D. wont act 24. C 本题考查时态。A是过去完成时;B是现在完成时;C是一般现在时;D是一般将来时。if在句中作“如果”解,引导一个条件状语从句,但有可能是一个虚拟条件句,也可能是一个真实条件句。如果是虚拟条件句的话,题干中的now提示,这有可能是一个表示与现在事实相反的假设,这时if从句中的谓语动词用过去式acted,而选项中没有该形式,由此判断if引导一个真实条件句。在真实条件句中,谓语动词涉及到将来动作时,要用一般现在时代替一般将来时,用现在完成时代替将来完成时,这样答案锁定B和C。题干中的now说明,保护环境这个动作发生在现在,所以用一般现在时,故最佳答案是C。【句意】如果我们现在不采取行动保护环境,我们会遗憾一辈子。31. 2013年高考英语【新课标I卷】27. When I first met Bryan I didnt like him, but I _ my mind. A. have changed B. change C. had changed D. would change 27. A 本题考查时态。A是现在完成时;B是一般现在时;C是过去完成时;D是过去将来时。题干中的but提示,“我”第一次见布莱恩的时候不喜欢他,但现在喜欢他。显然说话人“改变主意”这一过去的动作对现在造成的影响是,“我”现在喜欢他,故用现在完成时,正确答案是A。一般现在时表示永久性的客观存在;过去完成时表示动作或状态发生在过去某一动作或时刻之前;过去将来时表示相对于过去某时而言还未发生的将来动作。【句意】当我第一次见布莱恩的时候我不喜欢他,但我改变想法了。32. 2013年高考英语【浙江卷】10. During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs _ sharply.A was increasingB. has increasedC. had increasedD. will be increasing10.B。考查动词时态。根据句首的during the last three decades这个时间状语,可以判断出后面句子应该用 现在完成时态。【句意】过去三十年来,参加体育锻炼的人数增长了。33. 2013年高考英语【重庆卷】21. I felt very tired when I got home, and I _ straight to bed.A. goB. wentC. had goneD. have gone21. B。本题考查动词的时态。整个句子描述的都是过去发生的事情,排除选项A,D;上床睡觉是在到家这个动作之后发生的,不能用过去完成时,排除选项C。【句意】到家的时候我觉得很累,直接就上床睡觉了。32. 2013年高考英语【重庆卷】33. A Midsummer Nights Dream at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland.A. opensB. is openedC. will openD. will be opened33. B。本题考查动词的时态语态。表示按照计划或时间表要发生的动作,用一般现在时表将来,排除选项C,D;open做公开演出讲时,是不及物动词,没有被动语态,排除选项B。【句意】仲夏夜之梦将于六月十九号在皇家剧院公演,然后在苏格兰各地巡回演出。


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