摘 要
关键词 指向精度;非线性因素;行星轮系;ADAMS软件
Effect of Space Manipulator Joint Nonlinear Factors on Pointing Accuracy
With the rapid development of aerospace industry and the wide application of space manipulator, the requirement of pointing accuracy to the antenna is gradually increasing, and the space manipulator has the important influence on the pointing behavior of the antenna mechanism as the core component of the antenna system. Therefore, based on the investigation of a large number of literature and the status research at home and abroad, this paper makes further research on the influence of nonlinear factors in the joints of the manipulator. In this paper, the planetary gear train is used as the space arm joint as the main research object, focusing on the analysis of the nonlinear factors of the planetary gear train on the precision of the impact.
In this paper, the 2K-H planetary gear train is selected as the planetary gear train. Based on the existing dynamic modeling method of planetary gear train, the equivalent spring damping model is introduced to establish, the coupled model of planetary gear system is established, and then the nonlinear factors in planetary gear train are analyzed. In order to studying the influence of the antenna pointing behavior, the antenna dynamics model of the planetary gear train is established according to the dynamic model of the planetary gear train, and the influence of the nonlinear factors on the pointing accuracy of the antenna is clarified. Based on the influence of different nonlinear factors on the pointing behavior of the antenna, the non-linear factors of the joint are simulated by ADAMS, and the result of the accuracy of the nonlinear factors of the planetary gear train is obtained. And then we draws the fluctuation curve of the antenna offset, intuitively reflects the influence of the antenna pointing precision, and puts forward the regular conclusion. This has important guiding significance for improving the antenna accuracy and reducing the manufacturing cost of the manipulator.
Keywords Pointing accuracy, nonlinear factor, planetary gear train, ADAMS
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 空间机械臂减速器综述及国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 行星轮系减速器国外研究现状 1
1.2.2 行星轮系减速器国内研究现状 2
1.3 天线指向精度的影响因素 3
1.3.1 影响行星轮系减速器的非线性因素 4
1.3.2 行星轮系减速器作为关节的影响 4
第2章 行星轮系动力学模型 6
2.1 动力学模型的确立与假设 6
2.2 齿轮侧隙的计算 8
2.3 啮合误差的计算 9
2.4 摩擦力的计算 10
2.5 耦合误差的计算 11
2.6 本章小节 12
第3章 含行星轮系的天线动力学模型 13
3.1 含行星轮系的天线动力学模型 13
3.1.1 星载天线结构模型简图及其假设 13
3.1.2 星载天线动力学建模 14
3.2 本章小节 14
第4章 ADAMS的数值仿真与结果比较 15
4.1 单个行星轮系对天线动力学影响的研究 16
4.1.1 齿侧间隙对天线动力学的影响分析 16
4.1.2 啮合误差对天线动力学的影响分析 17
4.1.3 摩擦因素对天线动力学的影响分析 18
4.1.4 耦合误差对天线动力学的影响分析 19
4.1.5 本节小结 22
4.2 两个行星轮系对天线动力学的耦合研究 22
4.2.1 侧隙对天线动力学的影响分析 22
4.2.2 啮合误差对天线动力学的影响分析 23
4.2.3 摩擦因素对天线动力学的影响分析 27
4.2.4 耦合误差对天线动力学影响分析 29
4.2.5 本节小结 34
结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37