


1、可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有!精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式第一章 整式的乘除第一节 同底数幂的乘法【学习目标】1理解同底数幂的乘法法则2运用同底数幂的乘法法则解决一些实际问题3在进一步体会幂的意义时,发展推理能力和有条理的表达能力4通过“同底数幂的乘法法则”的推导和应用,使学生初步理解特殊到一般,一般到特殊的认知规律【学习方法】自主探究与合作交流【学习重点】正确理解同底数幂的乘法法则【学习难点】正。

2、111【复习案】 Filling the blanks with the words and phrases we have learned in unit 1_________________(这是我第一次)that I have come to Baiyun middle school. I can well remember that ______________ (曾经有一段时间)I wondered if I could __________ (进展顺利)my studies.At the beginning, I felt very u_____ and couldnt c_____ myself d_____. Because I was not good at communicating with strangers, I found it hard to make friends. I s________ from loneliness. What I really missed was ___________ 。

3、111学习目标:Learn to express plans for traveling properly(旅游计划),including farewell and good wishes to others who are going traveling. 学习重难点:find useful words and expressions预习词汇:journal__________ schedule____________joueney____________交通___________ 喜欢_______________流动_____________优点____________ 缺点_____________ 费用_____________请使用以上单词填空: People _____different forms of _________to go traveling ,such as by bus, by car.Different forms of transport have _____。

4、111Lear 学习目标:Tangshan Earthquake and understand the text, including basic knowledge about natural disasters. 学习重难点: Train the students reading ability预习案1. List some natural disasters: __________ ,__________,__________,__________.2. Damage an earthquake may cause: _______________________________________,______________________________,______________________________________.课堂探究Fast reading - Main idea of the passage。

5、111____ _______ middle school, Wang wei and Wang kun _______ about taking a bike trip. Wang wei _______ Wang kun to buy an expensive mountain bike. After _________ from college, they got the chance to c _________ along the Mekong River. Wang wei planned the s______ for the trip.Wang Kun is _______ ________ her sister , even if Wang Wei has a serious _________. She is really ________. She will not ________ her mind , once she _____ _____her mind. She i__________ that she o______ the j。

6、111学习目标:学习并掌握现在进行时表将来时 学习重难点:回顾be doing 其他用法。将来时几种常用的结构,如will do,be going to do, be about to do预习案:同桌对话练Suppose(假设) you are going traveling. A Ive heard that you are traveling to . When are you leaving B:I am leaving ____A:How are you going there? B: _________________________________A:When are you arriving in/at? B: __________________________________A:Where are you staying? B_____________________________________A:How long are you staying in。

7、111Miss Wang received a letter from Xiao Dong. Read the letter carefully and help Miss Wang answer the letter.Dear Miss Wang,Now I am studying in Hangzhou. However, I have a problem. Im not good at communicating with people. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them. So I feel quite lonely sometimes. I do want to change this situation, but I dont know how. I would be grateful if you would give me some advice。

8、111预习题:根据含义确定单词__________: fine soft hair forms the coats of animals like goat and sheep.___________: be good in quality and can be trusted.____________: what can be seen in a place._____________: something were used for supporting the head in bed._____________: the middle of the night.______________: red or yellow burning gas seen when something is on fire._____________: below or directly under.课堂探究:Fast reading: 1. Who would take part in this cycling travel later?______。

9、111学习目标:Understand the definition of The Attributive ClauseFind out the 先行词and 关系代词 in an Attributive Clause correctlyMaster the usage of the relative pronouns (which, who, that, whose)学习重点:use the relative pronouns correctly in an attributive clause学习难点:make sentences by using the relative pronouns correctly目标揭示1. 理解和掌握定语从句的概念及结构2. 正确找出定语从句中的先行词和关系代词3. 能在定语从句中正确使用关系代词 自主学习1。

10、111【预习案】 1. 定义:直接引语:________________________________________间接引语:________________________________________ She said, I am very happy to help you. (____________引语)She said that she was very happy to help me. (____________引语)【探究案】:在直接引语转变成间接引语时有哪些变化?一:如何变化人称 口诀:一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新1. “一随主”。若直接引语中有第一人称,变间接引语时应与主句中主语的人称相一致。She said,” I like tennis.”She said _________________________________。

11、111Milk was one of the main foods of people long before history was written. It will probably keep on as long as there are animals that give milk. Even the word “milk” is very old. It comes from Sanskrit (梵文 ), one of the oldest languages known to man. A very old picture of milking has been found. It was drawn more than five thousand years ago.years long ago, people got their milk from their own animals. But later new inventions made the milk industry a big business. In 1851 G。

12、111学习目标:掌握邀请信的要点及重点单词的用法,了解演讲稿的要求, 并能根据方框里的句型造句;写作方面能阅读并理解新闻报道,找出新 闻报道的标题,学会用写作提纲来写新闻报道。学习重难点:重点单词的掌握及新闻报道的写作1 扫清阅读障碍单词1. congratulation (n. )_______ Vt. _______________ I congratulate you on your success. I offered my congratulations to him on his success.因某事祝贺某人 _______________________________________因某事向某人祝贺_______________________________________2. Judge ___________(。

13、______________________________________________________________________________________________________________2015-2016高一物理必修一导学案同步测试含答案 第一章 运动的描述1.1 质点、参考系和坐标系【课前预习】1机械运动 物体相对于其他物体的 变化,也就是物体的 随时间的变化,是自然界中最 、最 的运动形态,称为机械运动。 是绝对的, 是相对的。2质点 我们在研究物体的运动时,在某些特定情况下,可以不考虑物体的 和 ,把它简化为一个 ,称为质点,质点是一个 的物理模型。3参考系 在描述物体的运动时,要选定某个其他。

14、1111. upset adj.& vt.__________ 2.ignore vt. _______ n ._____________3.calm vt&vi. ________ adj. ______ 平静下来____________________ 4.concern vt.________ n.________ 关心,挂念_________________5.outdoors adv.___________ 6. 一系列,一套___________________ 7.合计_________ 8.记下;放下_________ 9.面对面__________________10.故意__________ 11.经历;经受__________ 12.在黄昏_____________13.为了.___________ 14.遭受___________ 15.不再._________________16.吸引人;入迷____ ______ 17.处于.的控制之中。

15、111Step I 写作重点词汇。固执________记者 ____________梦想做-________ 不得不_________ 只要_________说服________ 关心________ 坚持让某人做某事__________ 下定决心___________ 改变主意___________做出让步_________迫不及待_____________写作题目:翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子连成一篇短文。1 Andrew是一个勇敢而固执的记者。 ______________________________________________________________2 现在,他梦想着到钓鱼岛. 他认为只要坚持想法, 问题就容易解决。 __________________________________________________________3他。

16、111Lear 学习目标:Tangshan Earthquake and understand the text, including basic knowledge about natural disasters. 学习重难点: Train the students reading ability预习案1. List some natural disasters: __________ ,__________,__________,__________.2. Damage an earthquake may cause: _______________________________________, ______________________________,______________________________________.课堂探究Fast reading - Main idea of the passag。

17、______________________________________________________________________________________________________________第一章第一节 化学实验基本方法 1【学习目标】 1 了解实验安全的重要性 了解一些常见安全事故的处理方法。2 树立安全意识 能识别化学品安全使用标识 初步形成良好的实验工作习惯。 【学习重点】实验安全常识、常见安全事故的处理方法 【预备知识】一、你记得这些仪器在使用时的注意事项吗1 酒精灯a.绝对禁止用燃着的酒精灯 另一盏酒精灯。 b.绝对禁止向燃着的酒精灯里 酒精。 c.用完酒精灯 必须用 盖熄 不能用嘴吹灭。d.。

18、必修一 第一单元导学及练习案现代诗歌第一课时预习沁园春长沙(兼及浪淘沙北戴河七律长征采桑子重阳)【教学目标】1、初步掌握格律诗的一些基本规则:压韵、对仗、平仄、粘对等等。2、了解“沁园春”“浪淘沙”“采桑子”三种词牌的固定格律。3、识记重点字词及典故的读音和解释,学会品味诗歌语言的意象。4、深情顶礼一代伟人的博大情怀,感悟主席心忧天下的豪情壮志。【重点难点】1、重点字词典故和格律;2、难点意象把握、情怀解读。【教学内容】一、课前检测1、请一位同学写出下面加点字的注音,然后带全班同学读两遍百舸争流;怅寥廓。

19、语文园地一 课 题 语文园地一 课型 新授课 执 教 课时 2课时 教学目标 1、引导学生探索与发现中学会识字,体验发现的快乐。 2、在认、读、说中学会识字、交际、体现才艺 教学重点、难点 引导学生探索与发现中学会。

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