浙江省临海市白云高级中学高一英语必修一导学案:Unit3 《Travel journal》(3)

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浙江省临海市白云高级中学高一英语必修一导学案:Unit3 《Travel journal》(3)_第1页
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浙江省临海市白云高级中学高一英语必修一导学案:Unit3 《Travel journal》(3)_第2页
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111学习目标:Learn to express plans for traveling properly(旅游计划),including farewell and good wishes to others who are going traveling. 学习重难点:find useful words and expressions预习词汇:journal_ schedule_joueney_ 交通_ 喜欢_流动_ 优点_ 缺点_ 费用_请使用以上单词填空: People _different forms of _to go traveling ,such as by bus, by car.Different forms of transport have _ and _. For example, if you take a bike trip, it will take you more time, but the _ is low and you can enjoy the view along the j_.Wang Kun and Wang Wei planned their _ for the journey down the Mekong River by bike. The Mekong River _through 6 countries. They are _,_,_,_,_,_(参看课文18页地图)课堂探究:Fast reading: Where are Wangkun and Wangwei traveling?_ How are they traveling? _Read the text and choose the main idea of each paragraph。Para.1 My sister is really stubborn and determined. Para.2 My sister and I found a lot of detailed information about Mekong in the library.Para.3 My sister and I decided to take a bike trip along the Mekong after graduation.Careful reading: Para.1 Filling the table according to time and see how the great bike trip came into being(形成).Time Content_ _ middle schoolMy sister and I have_ about _. _agoMy sister bought an expensive_ and then she _ me to buy one._ year My sister visited _ at their_ in Kunming.They are_ and _ near Lancang River, which is called Mekong in other countries. Wang wei gor our cousins _ in _,too.After _We finally got the _ to take a biks trip. Wangwei first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from _ to_.Para. 2 Read Para.2 and answer the following questions:1. Why did Wangkun think of his sister as a subborn person?_2. What difficulties did Wangkun find about their journey?_3. Who planned the trip to Mekong? Where is the source of Mekong?_4. What kind of person is Wang Wei?_Para.3 Read para.3 When you travel along the Mekong River, you can see g _, r_, w_, v_, p_.当堂检测:Tor F 1. Wang Wei insisted that they begin the journey in Qinghai. 2. Wang Wei thought that her way was the proper way. 3. Wang Wei was a stubborn and careful girl. 4. The journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, where it is hard to breathe and very cold. 5. Wang Kun thought that it would be easy to start in Qinghai.111


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