
which is a big barrier to a harmonious society.。Module 5 The Great Sports Personality。


1、 1 adj.攻击的;挑斗的;挑衅的 2 n协议;交易 3 vt.包括 4 vi.张开 5 vi.凝视;盯着看 6 v恐慌;惊慌 7 n请求;要求 8 n恩惠;善意的行为 9 adj.现场的aggressivedealinvolvespre。

2、Section Listening and Vocabulary, Function, Pronunciation, Speaking and Everyday English & Cultural Corner 速效提能演练 Unit 1 重点难点探究 Section 重点难点探究 词汇精研 1.If you stare at someone you look at them fo。

3、Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Introduction victory Ok stop Good Whats the meaning of the body langu。

4、Module 4 Carnival,漫画欣赏,画面描述,The saleslady on the left is examining the banknote carefully while the customer on the right is checking the goods on sale.Both of them are wondering whether they are cheated by the other.,寓意理解,One of the common social problems is that people dont trust each other.They hold a doubtful attitude toward everything,which is a big barrier to a harmonious society.,你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,重 点 单 词,1pretend vt.& vi.假装;装扮;谎称 The b。

5、,Module 5 The Great Sports Personality,重 点 单 词,1perform v扮演(角色),执行,表现 perform the role of 扮演的角色 perform a task执行一项任务 perform well in 在中表现很好, Our school team_very well in the game yesterday and won the first place. Ainformed Bperformed Creformed Duniformed,2guarantee vt.保证,担保,guarantee to do / that保证. guarantee sb sth=guarantee sb to sb 向某人保证某事 guarantee sb/sth from保证不受/免遭 under guarantee 在 保修期内,eg: This win_them a place in the final. A. is s。

6、Book4 Module4 Great Scientists,Type: Review Lesson Aims: 1. To consolidate basic points; 2. To improve the ability of using language points in communication Methods: Combining checking and Practice,Contents:,Words Phrases and Expressions Sentences Consolidation,biochemistry,botany,genetics,staple,figure,nickname,breeding,species,yield,original,sterile,breakthrough,support,production,convert,export,export,hybrid,replace,agricultural,quantity,quality,cosmology,diagnose,victim,brilliant,c。

7、 2019 2020年外研版必修3 Module4复习学案 reading and vocabulary Step 1 Pre reading a Look at the photo and answer the following questions 1 Get Ss to e up with as many words as possible while looking a。

8、,. 句式填空 1. 动词不定式作主语 “ To have been caught in a sandstorm (遭遇沙尘暴) was a terrible experience, ”he said. 2. make+宾语+宾语补足语(it作形式宾语) The storms sometimes continue all day。

9、Module 4 必修3 高考话题对接 自然与环境之 二 自然灾害 话题下的语素积累 对知识面的拓展要 广 话题下的教材复习 对知识点的掌握要 牢 话题下的高考研究 对高考的把握要 准 单元检测高考提能 话题下的语素积累 对知。

10、Sandstorms in Asia,Book 3 Module 4,话题晨背 积累写作素材,自主排查 夯实基础知识,边讲边练 突破核心考点,在高考语境中提升解题技能,话题词汇,话题晨背 积累写作素材,1.earthquake n.地震 2.tsunami n.海啸 3.famine n.饥荒 4.shelter n.避难所 5.victim n.受灾者 6.natural disaster。

11、Section Other Parts of the Module,课前自主预习,major urgent complain concerned evidence protection absolutely environment,have a bad effect on take in give out care about in a nutshell do ones best look th。

12、Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,漫画欣赏,画面描述,A man is trying to get to the final destination directly by a ladder instead of following the long way to it.,寓意理解,In our society,whatever we do,we should be creative and find out a most effective way of settling problems instead of the common practices,which may waste time and effort.,重 点 单 词,你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,1account n叙述;描写;报告;账单;账户;v.解释,说明 He has an account with the Ba。

13、Section Other Parts of the Module 课前自主预习 possibilityterrifyingluckingwarning take placeset fire tocatch fireput outin al。

14、1,Period 1 Module 4 Carnival Introduction Reading and Vocabulary,2,Introduction-1. Can you guess what kind of Chinese festivals it is?,3,It is _. It is celebrated on_. What do you do during it?,The Spring Festival,lunar January 1,岁岁平安,年年如意,4,It is _. It is celebrated on_.,The Lantern Festival,Lunar January 15,rice glue ball,5,It is _. It is celebrated on _.,Dragon Boat Festival,Lunar May 5,rice dumpling,6,It is _. 。

15、Module4SandstormsinAsia LearningGoals 1 Learnsomewordsandtheirusagesinthismodule 2 Learntowriteashortpassageaboutenvironment 一 学情调查 情境导入 1 n 主修科目v 主修a 主修的 主要的2 因此 结果3 保护v n 。

16、 . 句式填空 1. 动词不定式作主语 “ To have been caught in a sandstorm (遭遇沙尘暴 ) was a terrible experience, ”he said. 2. make+宾语 +宾语补足语 (it作形式宾语 ) The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly。

17、Module4SandstormsinAsiaGrammar TheInfinitive 学习目标 学习和掌握本模块语法 动词不定式的用法 完成有关练习 学习重点 掌握不定式的句法功能 并能加以运用 学习难点 不定式作主语 状语学法指导 通过观察文章出现。

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