Module 4《Great Scientists》Culture Corner课件3(26张PPT)(外研版必修4)

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Module 4《Great Scientists》Culture Corner课件3(26张PPT)(外研版必修4)_第3页
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Book4 Module4 Great Scientists,Type: Review Lesson Aims: 1. To consolidate basic points; 2. To improve the ability of using language points in communication Methods: Combining checking and Practice,Contents:,Words Phrases and Expressions Sentences Consolidation,biochemistry,botany,genetics,staple,figure,nickname,breeding,species,yield,original,sterile,breakthrough,support,production,convert,export,export,hybrid,replace,agricultural,quantity,quality,cosmology,diagnose,victim,brilliant,career,career,brief,physical,graduate,personal,relativity,millennium,explosion,arrow,clear,According to English definitions, write the proper words:,1. someone who makes things or grows food _ 2. a type of plant or animal _ 3. The science of farming _ 4. To produce new plants or animals _ 5. A plant which comes from two different plants _ 6. To get free; get away _,producer,species,agriculture,breed,hybrid,escape,7. Lasting only a short time; using a few words _ 8. Of or belonging to a particular person rather than a group or an organization _ 9. A person, animal, or thing that suffers pain, death or harm _ 10. A book that sell in very large numbers _,brief,personal,victim,best-seller,Fill in the blanks using proper words to complete the following sentences:,Have you seen the film Titanic, whose l_ actor is world-famous? Lu Xun was one of the greatest f_ in the history of China. Some s_ of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to the changing environment. I live here now, but I wonder who lived here o_.,eading,igures,pecies,riginally,5. Cars should be checked as they come off the p_ line. 6. The new model is of high q_ and is not expensive either. 7. His condition was d_ as some sort of blood disorder. 8. The children are the helpless v_ of the fighting. 9. They all consider him to be a _ (才华横溢的) writer. 10. Bombs are _( 爆炸)all round the city, but so far nobody has been injured.,roduction,uality,iagnosed,ictims,brilliant,exploding,1.培养;养育 _ 2. 由于他的发现 _ 3.对不同品种的稻谷做实验 _ 4.通过卖花谋生 _ 5.掌权 _ 6.在宇宙生成学领域 _ 7.和作战 _,bring up,as a result of his discovery,experiment with different types of rice,earn ones living by selling flowers,come into to power,be at war with,in the area field of cosmology,at peace,8.解决人们吃饭问题的关键_ 9.把稻田改来种植蔬菜和经济作物 _,the key to feeding people,convert rice fields to growing vegetables and cash crops,earn a living谋生,维持生活: Tom could hardly earn a living. 汤姆难于维持生计。 He earned a living by teaching. 他以教书为生。 earn a living也可作earn ones living, 类似短语还有gain a living / get a living / make a living / earn ones keep/ earn ones bread. 意思相同。,as a result of 与 as a result: eg. The plate moved toward the west. As a result, earthquake broke out. As a result of the movement of the plate, earthquake broke out.,比较 kind, sort, species, type “种类”: Kind指同种类的东西。Kind用来指具有共同特征而放在一起的一群人或物或说话人对某事物在某方面有相像之处的一种看法。 Sort指大体相似的东西,有时用于贬义判断。 Species指相同种类的生物。 Type表示某一类事物分出的不同类型,表示“型类型 样式”。 What _ of bicycle do you want? This is the book of a different _. Hes the _ of person I really dislike.,type,kind,sort,come into to power: 开始掌权,上台 take power: 取得政权 in power: 当权的;掌权的 (状态) beyond ones power: 某人所不能及 have hold power over sth: 对有控制权 Eg. The present government has been in power for two years. Its beyondoutsidenot within my power to help you with your English.,quality: n.质量, 品质, 性质 quantity:n.量, 数量 eg. Without _ there can be no _.,quantity,quality,注: a large quanty of large quantities of 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。 “a large quantity of +名词” 做主语时,谓语动词用单数; “large quantities of + 名词”做主语时, 谓语动词用复数;,the key to sth. doing sth. the answer to the entrance to the solution to. the note to,In the rice-growing world, the Chines scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure.,1.在水稻种植界,中国科学家 袁隆平是一位重要人士。,rice-growing:复合adj. 种植水稻的,n. +现在分词 与所描述的人或事物 之间是逻辑上的主动关系 eg. an English-speaking country; a gold-mining group; a paper-making factory; peace-loving peoples,2.他想,养活世人的关键是更多 更快地生产水稻。,He thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.,05上海:The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, _ it more difficult. A. not making B. not make D.not to make D.nor to make,3.Paraphrase: As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s.,In the 1990s, Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent because of Yuan Longpings discoveries.,by: “以.幅度上升下降” eg. As a result of the dam, the water level of the lake was going to rise by 63 meters.,4.管子绑在长木棍上帮助火箭沿直线方向移动。,The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction.,1.-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? -_ is to meet the demand made by the customers. 2. The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1,200. This meant _ 20 percent. 3.After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her _ opinion. A.personal B.private C.single D.individual,The key to solving the problem,it has risen by,A,4.They really have a great time, too,designing everything, drawing the blue prints, _ the angles and so on. A.looking out B.taking out C.finding out D.figuring out 5. What do you think we can _ to make the advertisement more attractive and interesting? A. bring up B.bring in C. bring down D. bring with,D,B,Homework: Translation,1.There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved. 2.电子邮件在社会交往中所起的作用越来越大。 3.一般说来,大城市的街道清洁工是按小时计酬. 4.检查你的作文确保它易于阅读,结构完整,文字简练。 5.他获得作家的名气靠得是作品的数量而非质量. 6.他总是心不在焉的。难怪老是犯错误。,1.关于私家车普及所产生的新问题是,公 路状况需要改善。 2.E-mails are playing a more and more important part in social communication. 3.Generally speaking, street cleaners in big cities usually get paid by the hour. 4.Check your compositon to make sure that it is easy to read, well-organizedand bridf. 5.His reputation as a writer depends more on quantity than quality. 6.He is always absent-minded. No wonder he heeps making mistakes.,Thank you !,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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